I CHEATED in a DINOSAUR Minecraft Mob Battle

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in today's video I'm going to be doing a dinosaur mob battle with my best friend Nick what does it know is that I'm secretly going to be cheating using this one-way glass so I can see whatever mop he places down and perfectly counter it for example if he places down a sheep I can place down a wolf to perfectly counter it and this is going to be awesome make sure you subscribe all right Nick are you ready for round one of the dinosaur mob battle yes Cam I am ready and to be honest I think that I'm gonna win this time because I've watched Jurassic Park like a thousand times I know everything about dinosaurs well I know all the strongest dinosaurs so I think I'm gonna win and anyway let's start round one all right and we are now on our side and we can see whatever Nick is doing because we have this one-way glass and this looks awesome all we gotta do now is wait for Nick to place down his mob for round one so he can perfectly counter it and oh my gosh what in the world what is that that looks so weird I don't even think that's a dinosaur but I think I know what mob I am going to place down to perfectly counter whatever mob just placed down we are going to go into our creative inventory and we are going to search up for a ceratosaurus I think his name is I don't know but this thing looks awesome and it's got a blue horn and an orange horn so it matches me and Nick perfectly and this looks awesome I just need to place down a few of these so Nick does not stand a chance I don't even think his mob is a dinosaur I just think it's like I don't know it looks like some sort of like scaly creature it looks super weird and it's glowing that's so weird it also looks like Nick is building something so I think we should go troll him the first step for trolling Nick is we need to go into our creative inventory and search up invisibility potion grab on one of these potions and drink it and there we go we are completely invisible now all we need to do is fly over to Nick's side make sure he doesn't see us and what in the world are these mobs like look at these they look so weird and they've got some sort of spiral and like oh their scales are moving up and down the super duper scary but I think my mobs definitely are gonna win this but let's see whatever Nick is doing over here all right I am almost done building my cave for my awesome cave Sentinels and are gonna beat whatever mob that cam has on his side I just I just gotta keep building this cave and hopefully that'll make them happy look they're already going inside oh my gosh this round is gonna be mine for sure these things are called cave Sentinels I didn't even know these things look super duper freaky I don't even know what damage they do or if they even deal damage so what we need to do next is troll Nick by getting rid of this cave I guess I wouldn't even call this a cave this is more I don't know it's just like weird and oh my gosh is that spiders in the cave that looks super duper freaky we definitely need to destroy this if we go into a creative inventory and we search up TNT we are going to start things off lightly and we are going to play so just one TNT and then we also need to get a flint and steel so we can light it then we place down the TNT and then we light it and then we got a hurry and fly away wait what we'll just blew up my cave something full from the sky what happened was it you did you blow out my cave oh my gosh he thinks his mobs are turning against him and blowing up his caves I definitely need to get rid of these spiders so I think one more TNT should do it and I will place it here and then light it and hurry go away what keeps blowing up my cave I'm working so hard on this it was definitely you you know what get out of here you're not a part of the army anymore oh my gosh he thinks his mobs are turning against him which that is perfect for me because that means he's gonna kill most of his army and I think the time is almost up for round one so I think I have to get in a call with Nick to see if he is ready or not but before I do that I need to grab milk out of the creative inventory and drink it just so Nick doesn't get suspicious and there we go let's clear out our inventory and we are visible once again all right Nick the time is up for round one and are you ready yeah I'm ready but I think my mobs like turned on me or something because they were blowing up the cave that I was building for them that sounds super dangerous and I don't know any other mob that could blow itself up besides a creeper so I think your mom is a creeper can't we're doing a dinosaur battle creepers aren't dinosaurs oh wait you're right I'm sorry anyway I'm gonna drop the wall in three two one I have cave Sentinels I have down dinosaurs well it looks like my cave signals are going after your dinosaurs well it looks like my dinosaurs are killing your cave Sentinels look they're turning against each other they're fighting each other this one's on my side no wait what are they doing oh I killed one of your dinosaurs wait what are you doing I think your army is turning against you Nick that's not supposed to happen well it looks like my cave Sentinels are enjoying the cave I built for them well yeah they may be enjoying the cave but they're the only few left because my dinosaurs have destroyed whatever cave Sentinels and look they're battling right here well I think that mine won I don't know why that one turned on its Army I don't either that's super freaky but all they need to do now is get seen by my dinosaurs and they will kill them so quickly oh look this dinosaur sees them and he's going into the cave and look at the the cave sandals coming out of his cave and my dinosaurs are super close and they're looking at it oh my God I can't say analysis going back in the cave Oh look The Cave Sentinels are coming out yeah and the dinosaurs are coming after them let's go okay you only have like 10 more to go well yeah but if they all come at the same time then I'm definitely gonna win this oh look at my cave signals going after your dinosaur think of my dinosaur wins this one-on-one all the time yes I don't think your dinosaur could do anything against two of them here comes the alerts two of you one I'm definitely winning this oh my gosh they oh they get destroyed come on you definitely can win this let's go all right Kim your army was a little bit stronger this time but I'm definitely winning the next round all right let's clean up the arena and head on to round two all right round two has started and all we have to do now is wait for Nick to place down his mom so we can perfectly counter it and oh my gosh I think those are called grungles and they are super funny to look at and they make a really funny noise I can't really impersonate it but we'll go over there later in the round just to show you what noise they make but I know what mob I am going to place down to perfectly counter these we are going to place down a Stegosaurus and this thing is huge look at this it's got big spikes and a huge tail with spikes on on it and these things would easily destroy those grumbles over there and I think I only need a few of these so I'm going to place down a little bit of these and that should be enough all I got to do now is wait for Nick to finish building because we still have a little bit of time left and then we'll go troll them all right we only have a little bit of time left so I'm going to go invisible and go troll Nick and I think he's building a statue for his grongals but that looks like the T-Rex from Toy Story if I'm gonna be honest all we gotta do now is grab our potion of invisibility and then we drink it and there we go we're invisible one more time and then we gotta fly over here and these are the grongles and they look awesome and I'm pretty sure they don't deal any damage and they make a really funny noise but I guess they're just shy right now because they're not speaking oh wait there they are they make a really funny noise and to be honest they sound like a villager and I don't know what Nick is building this looks super funny and I think I know what we're going to do to trollem we are going to kill some of his grongles because there is a lot here so all we gotta do is grab a sword from the creative inventory I think a diamond sword should be plenty then we grab this sword and we just started killing him just one more and one more there we go all right let's get just a few more all right let's kill this one and then this one and then we are done hurry we gotta hurry fly away but why is there leather on the floor oh my God what happened to my Army all of my grunkles are gone I can't believe every single one of my moms are turning on me oh my gosh he thinks his mobs are turning on him we need to hurry and get back on our side because we don't have much time left and all we need to do now is come out of invisibility we gotta grab our milk and then we gotta drink our milk and then let's clear up our inventory and I think time is up now so let's get in a call with Nick and see if he is ready all right Nick round two is over and are you ready yeah I'm ready but some of my moms kept killing each other I didn't even know grungles could deal damage yeah it's like the cave Sentinels they just turned on each other oh my gosh I accidentally gave away that I know what mob he has hopefully he doesn't realize that anyway the time is up Nick and are you ready yeah my Army is ready all right I'm dropping the wall in three two one my stegosauruses are definitely gonna kill your grunkles oh my gosh they're so overpowered okay grow girls go do damage what are you doing it seems to me like they're just standing there they can't even deal damage Nick so they're not no damage I don't know they look super cute I don't think they can deal damage oh my gosh are you serious right now I'm down to my last grungle oh my gosh my stegosauruses are completely destroying your grungles look they're hiding under my statue that I built what is this why is it got like black teeth it's supposed to be a dinosaur but I didn't have enough time for details this looks more like a Pokemon choose your imagination okay oh my gosh your grunkles are trying to run away and my stegosauruses are oh my gosh your grundles are trying to run away and my stegosauruses are already demolishing that side of the battlefield run away run away run away and they are closing in on your grumbles oh my gosh Nick look they're finally on this side and they're killing your grunkles run away come on you guys definitely got this and you are down to the last three grand Nick there's no way they're surviving oh it looks like my goggles are running away yeah but they're running towards my stegosaurus Army and look they're circling these grunkles there's no way they're surviving oh look you're down to the last one run away run away no oh my gosh he just got demolished how do you always have stronger mobs than I do well I chose a mob that could actually deal damage Nick yeah well I thought grongos could do damage cam well anyway let's clean up the arena and head on to round number three all right all right round number three has started and all we gotta do now is wait for Nick to place down his mom so he can perfectly counter it and oh my gosh what mob is that that looks super duper scary it's got like pincers and everything that looks so scary I think I know what mob I'm going to place down though to perfectly counter these mobs if we go into our creative inventory and we search Kamar all right here is called a camarosaurus I think that's how it's called I think it's called a camarosaurus I don't know but these things are huge and all you need to do is place down a few of these and these should easily stomp on whatever moppy has there we go and these mobs look crazy good look at them and they are making a weird sound I don't know what sound that is but look at their face they look super duper strong and they've got like a beak of sorts I don't know but they look super huge and I'm pretty sure you could ride these things if you wanted look they are look they are literally the size of four of me this is crazy oh my gosh Nick are you done what are you even playing how do you know that I'm done how do you know I'm playing something oh I took a guess well you're you're right I am done my Army is ready but it's weird that you were able to guess that I'm playing something well anyway round three is over and are you ready yeah me and my Army is ready and I don't think you're winning this round well I know my Army is ready and I am definitely winning this round all we gotta do is remove the wall and slash slash set air and my mobs are going for whatever you want to gosh they're so giant why they just got one shot oh my gosh they're literally just stopping on them this is amazing and oh my gosh look this one is invading your side of the come on let's do something no oh my gosh she just invaded your side of the arena and destroyed all of your army that is crazy you were down to the last three and this one's almost sold your entire Army all right this one this one's gonna kill that one here we go here we go please no oh my gosh he just got demolished oh my gosh you want to go please at least get rid of this one no oh my gosh this one just sold entire Army I didn't even need my Army I just needed this one dinosaur I'm getting rid of it no get out of my side you're cheating that mob was way too strong you put like special enchantments and potions on it my mom said no damage to it no I could look I'll spawn one in right now and you could place down one of your mobs and it will destroy it all right go look it's running away oh wait no it's trying to Target it and it just got demolished you're cheating you have to be cheating there's no how could I be cheating you just witnessed me place it in out of creative just reset the arena and get ready for the new round alright I'm definitely gonna win the next round and then we are on to the final round all right we are on round number four and all I have to do is we're in two more rounds and then I will win this dinosaur mob battle and this is going to be awesome all we gotta do now is wait for Nick to place on his mom so we could perfectly counter it one more time and oh my gosh what is that is that some sort of turtle what is that those look super small and I don't even I don't even know if they could deal damage so I think I'm going to just blow Nick out of the water and I'm going to go straight for the Triceratops All I'm gonna do is place a few of these down and these things look awesome look at them they all got different designs on their horns and they look insane there is no possible way Nick is going to win this I am definitely winning right now because look at how huge these things are you could ride these as well I'm pretty sure you can only fit around three of me on here but that's still a lot and it looks like Nick is building some sort of turtle so I think we should go over to his side and troll him a little bit if we go into a creative inventory and grab invisibility one more time we will drink it and go over to his side and blow up his tiny little turtle statue before I blow this up I'm going to see what Nick is saying just so we could show him that little bit more alright and I think my turtle statue is about done hopefully my turtle like it I think it looks really cute to be honest oh my gosh this does look pretty good but I know exactly what we were going to do to blow this up if we search TNT integrative inventory we have a bunch of TNTs and we are just going to kick this off with a TNT times five and we also need a flint steel to light this so all we got to do now is wait for Nick to look away and he is all you have to do now is wait for Nick to look away and then we could place down this TNT and light it and hurry and walk away what happened to my turtle no it's completely destroyed I worked so hard on that oh my gosh I just destroyed his turtle with one TNT there is no way a TNT should be that strong but time is almost up so we have to run back to our side before Nick finds us out and also to start battling all we got to do now is get milk out of the creative inventory drink it so we can come out of invisibility and then I think what we need to do is place down a few more Triceratops just so we could win this just a little bit easier here there we go and we'll Place one more right here at the front just to get rid of those ones all the way in the back there and Nick is your turtle Army ready for round number four wait how do you know that I have Turtles I mean I took a guess I'm I don't know well you're getting really good with your guesses today because I do have eternal Army and we are ready all right my Army is ready and all we gotta do now is do slash let's set air and here comes my Army of Triceratops all right go turtles be like the Ninja Turtles I don't think they are Ninja Turtles and look here comes my Triceratops no he just wanted that Turtle oh my God oh my gosh look Nick my Triceratops are trying to destroy your turtles I thought this would be like the Ninja Turtles what are you guys doing they are demolishing them they are getting one shot every time there is no way you are going to win this and look you are already down to your last few come on please do something against these Triceratops please I believe in you this one right here this is the one no oh my gosh I think you are down to your last two and they are right here and look the Triceratops are going for this one oh my gosh fair oh my gosh here's the last one yes my Triceratops just demolished your turtles and how does that make you feel Nick this is not fair you keep having like super strong mobs well I mean I was looking through the mobs and I thought these mobs were cool I thought you knew everything about dinosaurs I do know everything about dinosaurs then why did you place down a turtle I'm pretty sure those aren't even dinosaurs uh yet they are turtles are almost older than dinosaurs well anyway they were not as strong as dinosaurs clearly by my Triceratops beating them so let's clean up the arena and move on to to the final round all right we are on round number five the final round and all we gotta do now is wait for Nick to place down his mobs so he could perfectly counter it and it looks some I don't even know what mob that is what mom is that that looks like a tiny elephant that honestly looks super duper funny and I know exactly what mob we were going to place down to finish this video out if we go into a creative inventory and we search Up Tyrannosaurus right here is the Tyrannosaurus Rex spawn egg and this thing is huge and it sounds super scary and these things are pretty big they're like two of me but they are super duper strong it may not look like it because of their tiny arms but they are super duper strong and they could easily demolish whatever those are and I'm pretty sure these animals can't even deal damage they do have a beak but I'm pretty sure they are a friendly mob and they do not deal any damage but it'd be super funny to watch my tyrannosaur first completely demolished sneak's Army and it looks like Nick is building something for them I don't know exactly what he's building so I think we should go over there and look before we go over there we have to grab invisibility just so we are not seen and then we gotta drink it just like that and we are completely invisible now all we gotta do is fly over to Nick's side and see what in the world He is building all right Dino Army I'm just building a statue of your face and hopefully you guys like it I don't even know how to pronounce your name to be honest it's super long and complicated but I think I'm building it right gotta do that and then your eyes are on the side they're right here so we just put a big eye right there and then a big eye right there I think that's pretty accurate oh my gosh Nick is building a replica of whatever these things are called face right here and these things do look pretty dangerous they're big looks super duper strong and oh my gosh Nick was right beside us there that was super duper scary all we gotta do now is make sure Nick does not complete this and all we got to do now is we'll all make us building this we are going to get rid of some of his army just to make my Tyrannosaurus Army go through this faster and make sure he's not looking and for him to turn around and then we will destroy some of his army and right here now's our chance go go we gotta kill some of these and there we go I think that's enough I think we just need one more and there we go I think that is enough and we'll we'll make sure to leave whatever that is on the ground Zone Nick can see it and we gotta see whatever he has to say all right I'm almost done with my statue hopefully you guys like wait what happened wait there's just a bunch of drops of leather and and meat what happened are you guys turning on me again I cannot believe you go away oh my gosh Nick thinks his army is turning against him and we don't have much time left so we are going to go back on our side and then we are going to drink some milk to get rid of the invisibility and there we go we can now be seen once more and all we got to do now is make sure Nick is ready because I'm pretty sure the time is up for the final round all right Nick round five is over and all we gotta do now is Battle and are you ready yes me and my Army is ready but I think that they're turning on each other again just like what happened in round one and two oh my gosh I cannot believe your army is turning against yours and look my T-Rexes are trying to destroy his army look oh my gosh our T-Rexes are killing my monster the wall hurry up and drop it all right I'm going to set it to air and let's go my T-Rex's are going to demolish yours I don't even know what mob that is Nick what mob is this I don't even know how to pronounce it oh look they're trying to Target the Tyrannosaurus Rex but they are getting demolished okay go kill the T-Rexes oh my gosh look they have numbers but my T-Rexes are just stronger oh my gosh this is not fair you only have two mobs left in the final round I'm definitely winning let's go oh my gosh look the T-Rexes are chasing after it and this one's trying to save it oh my gosh here's the last one there was nothing there was something please no and I didn't even lose a single mom Nick I think yes you did you lost a bunch of mobs look right here your entire Army is gone well my Army is still alive and your army is destroyed so I think that means I win round five and I win the video so let's clear in those Clint so let's clean up the arena and do the outro all right Nick whenever you are ready come over to my side and we'll do the outro all right if you guys enjoyed this video make sure you subscribe because this was really fun and the dinosaurs were super duper strong and comment down below what your favorite dinosaur is and we will see you all in the next one bye Kim why is your side glass oh um I don't know you probably shouldn't worry about it bye everybody knew you were cheating this is one-way glass
Channel: CamTV
Views: 489,101
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft troll, minecraft trolling, minecraft, minecraft trolls, carty and smirky, minecraft mob battle, minecraft mod, mob battle, i cheated in a mob battle, i cheated mob battle, cheated mob battle, op bosses, family friendly, Nick, Cam, Nick and Cam, dinosaurs, dinosaur mob battle, I CHEATED in a DINOSAUR Minecraft Mob Battle, dinosaurs for kids, dinosaur videos
Id: 2gMtPPLVynY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 15sec (1335 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 24 2023
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