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[Music] hey what's up you guys welcome back to my channel guys I'm back and I'm with ke what's going on guys and guys I have a very special guest in the back I got Jill hey what's going on guys guys he has not been on my channel in quite some time and honestly dude where the hell have you been bro I don't even know where I've been you just found me like I was actually at the dumpster right over there and you literally picked me up dumpster what is what are you talking about I don't know guys I was just inside of my city and I just came here to film a video for you guys that's right you guys we have Jay Hills because he like you guys heard the crazy news about PNE now guys you obviously clicked on this video for a specific reason you can see by the title and thumbnail and honestly a couple of my other recent videos that pomy got pregnant and today I think is the day where it's time to finally deliver the baby and see what the baby looks like cuz honestly I'm kind of curious to see what it would look like because bro like I've never seen like a pomy baby like I didn't even know it could exist you know to be honest I'm kind of happy that it's a pomy baby and not pomy acting like a baby like last time oh yeah yeah guys that was an absolutely insane video I'll link that down below in the description if you guys have not yet seen it it was honestly a pretty weird video I'm not going to lie but guys let's just get started in today's video make sure you hit that like button smash that subscribe button check out Keanu and Jay Hills both Linked In the description and let's get to this freaking hospital because yes you guys for once it's somewhat of a normal video like I know it's pomy delivering a baby and you guys might think it's us but if you guys have been keeping up with me you guys know that in a lot of my other videos it usually starts off pretty weird but for once I think it's somewhat normal you know yeah and I'm kind of Happy cuz the amount of issues we've had to deal with all these people recently have been quite a lot but bro like do you know if the baby's a boy or a girl like do you know anything about that no I actually don't yet like there's a lot to actually uncover in today's video which is honestly a really good point dude like they never actually disclosed that information yet yeah bro I'm not going to even going to lie to you I'm team boy like I don't no you can't be team boy bro it has to be team girl nah bro we're boys all the way let us know down in the comments yeah guys let me know in the chat if you're team boy or team girl keu you got to tell me bro team boy or team girl honestly I'm hoping for some twins man like one boy and girl bro yo he's just lame bro he just wants to go for both sides yeah bro yo you're an L dude guys comment down L for keu you got to pick a side dude I'm not going to lie okay fine fine I'll be team boy bro you're such an L okay yo never mind all this yo let's just get the hell to this Hospital guys I'll pick it up when we get there all right you guys we just got to the hospital as you can see we're in the emergency room but it says Hospital Zone quiet please so we got to like watch our tone okay yeah I don't see any doctors around though where are they yeah I don't literally see anybody he's literally so quiet yeah I don't it's very creepy actually but I feel like it makes sense because you know like things are happening inside these rooms you're right bro there's got to be a lot of people having a lot of problems yeah that's what I'm saying but honestly does feel like it's really really quiet I don't like it but I'm pretty sure pommy's over there on the right so let's just go check up on her and see what the hell she's doing cuz I'm honestly kind of really curious to see if she's actually going to deliver a baby let's hope she's okay yeah oh yo yo dude she's right there yo what the hell bro this is so weird yeah why is Kane delivering the baby I mean it's because Kane is like the allseeing you know what I'm saying like he he he does everything why does it hurt so much I don't know you got some problems buddy but it's going to be all right okay problem yo Kane is not helping at all yeah he's not even a licensed doctor yeah I don't even know if he knows how to deliver a baby he's supposed to be a game master only I don't know about this doctor stuff that baby's definitely going to have problems that's what I'm saying guys what the hell are you doing bro I think Kane is honestly very confused right now bro maybe we should go in and help Kane yeah you know what we should probably go in and check on her because I feel like she's going to have like problems if Kane delivers his baby definitely yeah um hey hey what's up what we're doing something I I could tell yo pomy congratulations on the baby no don't congratulate me I didn't want this wait what do you mean you didn't want you pretty much wanted it don't say that you didn't want it no I didn't think it would hurt like this I thought there was no pain in the digital Circ guys well buy I don't know it's my first time going through this I've never experienced something like this so you don't know what to do oh no no of course I know what to do guys we're screwed like I have no idea what I'm doing like I don't know what this thing is I don't know house she got this no we're fine what the yo why don't you try to get an actual doctor like you can just snap everything into the existence so why not yeah snap a doctor it doesn't work what do you mean he's the allseeing eye y looks like P's hurting Kane right now okay yo yo yo listen listen oh my God she's really strong yo okay yo yo calm yo just come here come here come here we have we got talk om we we'll be right back just uh stay put yo let's go outside for a second yeah let's let's go oh my God I don't know if I could ever snap again it's it's like broken well get you a nurse or something dudee what the hell is going on what is wrong with you buddy I have no idea oh my gosh this hurts really bad K is it a boy or girl though I don't know it's not even out yet wait wait you don't know yet do we even know who the father is that's another question I don't know who it is but you're the allseeing eye you're the one that says that you know everything so you must know who the father is oh well buddy I'm not watching whatever she did with whoever okay listen yo this is going way too out of hand bro come here out of hand is an understatement BR but dude listen why are you even the one delivering the baby and where the hell is everyone else because buddy first of all I don't really know what I mean like I do know but I'm not going to say where they are and just going to deliver this baby huh well I don't know are there no doctors here like why are you in a real Hospital there are no real doctors like don't tell me this is one of your weird games I mean I wish it was because that in there that's awful that's an awful thing to go through buddy absolutely terrible all right yeah I know but at the same time you're the one who kind of caused all this and I honestly feel really bad because she's literally by herself right now what I caused this I didn't do that to P me in there what is wrong with you you know what forget it forget it I'm just going to call it a nurse okay wait so you have a nurse bro why is he lying to us this entire time you could have just sped up the process it's not like a nurse but it's some sort of help let me just call her what is he doing is he is he crazy bro I don't even know why is he snapping his fingers like something's going to happen I don't know P py broke his hand it doesn't have anything to do with anything dude what are you doing okay y just come inside let's just try to go help her okay you'll be nice to me all right I'm stressed out too but I don't even understand why dude like you're literally supposed to be the doctor and the game master there you are wait what Bub's a nurse wait wait bubble is not a nurse what the hell is going on Bubble is a nurse all right and she's like a jack of all Trad she's like a bubble of all trades more like Anyway bubble take a closer look what's going on all right I need oh my God bubble come on Yo wait what is happening this is not like the proper procedure to deliver a baby yeah this is very sus you guys what the heck is going on oh so if it's not the proper procedure why don't you do it buddy huh no no no no we've done way too many of these videos but we do not want to try and deliver another baby I swear okay okay buddy that's what they all say pomy how are you doing in there I'm telling her to find the exit what find the exit buddy exit I don't think these people have ever delivered a baby bro how are you telling her that how's bubble going to deliver a baby with no head oh yeah that's bring that up that's an insecurity of hers wait what the what do you mean an insecurity dude she's just a bubble hey don't make for the bubble listen J she's not competent for the job okay okay Len that's too stressful for the baby okay yeah we I think we got to tone it down a little bit because she's probably getting annoy yeah no no I mean yeah we can't annoy pom she's literally trying to deliver a baby but listen we can help you if you really want I just don't know what the hell to do I'm going to need your help Andy Dre all right you grab this leg grab it no I I feel like very uncomfortable doing this B me's leg okay all right and you no yes no you do it no no no listen I'm not doing you know what you didn't even introduce me to him yet but I don't care come here grab your leg you know so weird guys what is going on hey welcome to the digital circus buddy now grab a leg oh my God wait wait wait wait what are you doing yo y no no this is weird what what the hell is going on we got to make sure she's in good health all right you guys are grabbing knes whatever that's why you wanted us to grab her legs yes because she's going to kick me if not bro you you have no idea how to deliver a baby do you oh well of course not buddy I'm not a doctor I'm then why are you here why are we in the hospital why are you here huh why are any of us here because I heard that there was good news no I'm not doing this right now he yo keu honestly just bring him outside bro bring we have to deal with this right now is so crazy I this this happening Shing like what the hell yo oh my God you need help you need help y help him help him okay yo pomy just relax okay breathe guys I have no idea what the hell this video even is but it looks like Kane has lost his mind is he okay who cares of K okay I'm about to give birth no I know I know and speaking of which do you know yet or what I mean I always pictured her being a girl but who knows and an even better question is where's the father I I don't know okay well you know what bubble you got this right yeah of course okay good yo Kane is acting absolutely crazy outside bro yeah like what the hell is going on with him I have no clue but I think we're going to have to sedate him or something yeah bro we literally trapped him outside inside of the hallways wait he's outside right now trapped he didn't trap any he's what the heck you guys yo he's insane okay listen pomy I think I have to keep you away from Kane even though he's the one that supposed to be knowing what the hell's going on is everything fine no I just want to leave and I want this baby out of here I don't like this at all okay I'm going to try to go find some help maybe someone that can actually do something about this and I'll be right back okay how are you going to find someone when we're stuck in a freaking circus but we're in the hospital right now wait this is a hospital right I don't know well bubble just take care of her right now I'm going to go check on Keanu and Jay and I'll be right back okay holy crap guys wait what the hell hi wait who are you yo yo Keanu yo J yo yo come here what's wrong what's wrong what the hell is that who is that I don't know wait what's your name why is he crying I I don't know oh hello y buddy what in the world is going on are you the father yeah are you the it could be is that why he's crying may he's cry Joy yeah I don't I don't know can you tell us your name or something I'm a girl what well what the oh my my bad oh I see it now I see it now yeah yeah it's in the eyes yeah always wait so what's your name my name is Gango oh it's it's from oh it makes sense oh honestly I'm kind of a big fan wait wait why why uh no no reason okay well anyways can you just help us right now because we we're in a little bit of a predicament what do you need help with uh ju just come through I honestly don't think that she's the best person to do this but it is what it is right yeah bro we need help right now yeah but she looks kind of a little shy K shut up wait what the hell wait what bro what did you do to him what do you mean we had to do something bro hey Le just close the door lock this up lock this up oh my God can't holy crap you guys yo this guy's losing it he's out of control yeah okay yo okay listen we just need your help right now pomy is trying to deliver her baby and we have no idea what to do maybe you can help us right cuz you've been inside the digital circus for a really long time correct yeah okay just come with us come with us come with us PNE we found another one of your friends we've never seen her on the channel so like maybe she can help us right just get over there you little sad weirdo what is she there for emotional support yeah bro like what is this bro look at her you're supposed to be helping not holding her hand deliver this baby yeah do something oh my god get him out go holy crap what the hell oh my gosh okay okay you got to really help us right now we're trying to keep Kane away from you as much as possible but he's very resistant I'm not going to lie how am I supposed to help you I don't know okay wait wait where's Jax I don't know I'm going to go find him right now I'll be right back hey hurry up yo guys yo yo just push him in there push him in there yo yo this guy is so weird no we got to lock him in yeah yeah just lock him in lock him in quick quick quick quick oh my God bro what the heck he's a lot to deal with bro dude like what is going on with him honestly I don't know but I think this guy's losing control or something yo we got to figure something out right now I know he's lit going crazy wait is that kinger ker yo uh it's another character dude uh just hello hello how is everyone um good uh maybe not great actually P need's delivering a baby yeah y wait you could probably help us cuz he's been inside the digital Circus the longest so he definitely knows a thing or two about this right he might be the person we need exactly dude can you help us well I know a lot but I also know a lot about nothing so I don't know he's a little bit also crazy a little more like a lot yeah um okay ker can you just uh come with us right now okay I think Kane may have the answer no I don't think Kane has the answer at all right now um he's kind of like lost it he's actually acting exactly like you dude but we are normal um why is itone so crazy bro I don't know I don't know what the hell's been going on but I feel like this hasn't happened before at all you know what I'm saying like I don't think I've ever seen anyone deliver a baby especially not in the digital circus they're trapped in a VR world how are you supposed to deliver babies in a VR World yo that's what I'm saying yeah bro and like why does he keep on moving bro he's really irritating me yeah yo Cal down yeah relax dude okay maybe we can just show him and like he could tell us what to do I don't know yeah because honestly man you're our only and Last Hope okay well let's try my best okay okay let's go let's go let's go just uh come through dude just hopefully this works guys I genuinely don't know what else to do in this very moment but um wait uh pomy did you find Jack yet uh no I haven't found Jack but I found ker he's he's right here hell I don't know he's been here the longest I feel like he has some tips or tricks right have you ever been pregnant ker no but I got the hands hey don't panic he's literally been holding your hand for the last 10 minutes and nothing has happened so this is better than nothing I I do think it might be a oh coming out soon wait bubble what's your diagnosis what what should we do right now ready to go wait ready to go ker do something yeah yo please guys come on do something you guys are like a part of this you should know what to do what the heck I don't know I don't know you need someone to say push I could have just done it yeah like he's not doing anything oh my God you're not a real doctor you guys have to go wait wait what do you mean w w stop pushing us wa you don't even have a real doctor how you going to no no this isn't a good thing bubble chill chill bubble oh my God she wants us to leave that bath yeah holy CRA get out of here yeah oh my God you guys yo I don't know what the hell is going on in there but we definitely have to do something because I can't leave pomy in there by herself what's going on in there is not good at all why do you call a real doctor like right now pull out your phone and call a real doctor okay you know what I don't I don't know if this is going to work but I'll try I don't know do they even know how to handle pomy cuz these are not even human that's what I'm saying dude you know what just here take my phone try to calling someone is there anyone else that we could probably reach out to honestly she kept saying that she wanted Jax wait I know but Jax isn't going to do any he can't he doesn't know how to do anything he's just a rabbit wait wait what if Jax is a father wait wait wait there's no way you think I mean think about it she kept panicking and she kept calling for Jax which means that he's the right guy to like calm her down which probably means he's the father yeah she's going to feel way comfortable around Jax okay well we have to go find Jax but we also have to find a freaking Doctor okay okay fine let me call the doctor yo do it now do it now oh wait B what are you doing the out of here wait no this can't be good no no no no wait wait wait where where's she going omy come back yo what the hell is going on come back someone do something guys this video is absolute chaos what the hell is wrong with you GLE B come back so useless man wait wait wait wait wait wait this is not good yo is anyone picking up hello doctor we we need a doctor here immediately we have someone delivering a baby yes pom hello wait the second I said pomy they hung up wait guys PNE I think they left the building bro what the hell yo we got to go freaking find what is going on Y what the hell hey don't go don't go yo pomy pomy M me I have no idea guys we've been literally looking for this girl for the past 20 minutes and we have no idea where the hell she went bro this is not good she she's not getting doctor's attention which means that the baby could be delivered bad you know what if something bad happened to the baby yeah that's what I'm saying we need to find a doctor and palm the ASAP yeah dude you're totally right but I have no idea where else to look like we've literally searched everywhere like wait what the hell yo who is That Yo Jax is in there Jax y we've been looking for him yeah wait okay let's just open the door dude he might have just went the wrong way guys what the hell dude what the heck yo Jack yo what are you doing in here uh I think I'm in the wrong room yeah I know dude you are okay and you could have honestly saved our butt 10 minutes ago where the hell have you been uh I was just here okay well listen pomy is in a lot of trouble and you know what we actually might need this for the baby uh come here come with us come just come through dude listen pom's missing right now she totally freaked out as she usually does and the worst part is she's literally about to give birth about to give birth yes dude yes dude you're very late and we need to find out where the hell she is before it's too late if you know what I'm saying well why do you need me because she wants you I don't know dude like she finds comfort in you bro she has literally been calling for your name oh wow okay uh let's go yeah okay yeah let's go bro like why in the world have you just been here anyways like what the hell is wrong with you I thought there was carrots in here carrots carrots yo this guy's so weird guys yo this doesn't make any sense to me at all but okay we found Jack all we got to do now is find pomy and I honestly just don't know how to do that yeah and bro hospitals are humongous bro there's so many places to look for pomy like where could she be yo I have no idea but let's just check here cuz I hear some typing what the hell who is this wait what the the hell even is that um hello hello bro who is that I don't know guys comment down below if you know who this is because I have no idea what the hell that is Zub wait what Zub what what's a zubo like Google Zub what is this why is she here why are you here because pomy is literally pregnant about to deliver a baby and she just went missing so we're trying to find her oh everyone's on and on about pomy who cares oh wait is she the receptionist for the hospital yes yes she is oh my god look listen we need a doctor in room 503 okay we're having a girl she's delivering a baby it's pomy I know you're annoy yeah yeah yeah yeah we need a doctor please okay pleas wait no no I'm not Escape what the hell where the baby CH oh my go what's going on y dude what the hell is going on with you Kane oh hello Zub how are you I'm fine I love zub's energy always so happy so what's the problem I heard there's a doctor needed no listen listen you know what we should probably just ask ask him because he might know where she is Hy's missing right now okay P's missing yes she's missing we need to find her and you have allseeing eyes so can you just show us where she is if you actually do have allseeing eyes okay let me take a look hold on uh let me think what is going on what the hell is going on is that the way you think what is that yeah yeah yeah it is that's that's the way I think Buddy okay yo never mind that yo did you find her or what no I wasn't able to find her with my eyes I know what I'll use Andy Drake y all knew making lucky watch get it now for only $1 1999 what is going what the hell are you talking about I just need you to do me a favor all right wait what's the favor never mind no time for that look she's entering the void she's on my wacky watch GPS we need to go find her now wait okay wait so you know where she is yes I do everybody move rabit let's go come on guys let's go wait what the hell is going on okay okay Z I'm going to stay here you have a great time gosh darn it I hate Zumo bro never mind that let's go find pomy if you know where she is bro what the hell where's pomy how does he even know where pom I don't know but apparently it's on that stupid walk okay what the hell are you guys y are you telling me that this guy's allseeing eyes is just a GPS tractor on his wrist I don't know but I think it detects when someone tries to get into the void you know what I'm saying oh yeah I guess I know how about my drift out wacky watch okay 1999 get it now let's go Z guys holy crap go go go go go go go hurry up hurry up what the hell is going on okay yeah we're going dude but where are we even going I feel like this is a trap of some sort yeah like where's he taking us bro yeah guys like we're in the middle of nowhere right now wait wait re what are you doing here well I heard that Nelle P me so obviously I had to come but then I heard that she you know tried to run away so yeah she's still kind of on the loose right now we have no idea where she is but just come follow us okay no time to waste let's go okay okay okay let's go dude I don't even know where you're taking us right now like we literally have everyone guys this is crazy okay we're going we're going oh my go yo where the hell are you taking us Kane hello H are you wait oh wait is that wait that's kmo guys hello wait what the heck yo wait but where where's pomy you watched out that she was here right yes yes like 2 minutes ago when it was beeping and said she was here but I don't see her anywhere yo guys just check the whole room I don't know I'm storting I have a feeling K is stalling wait dude like have you seen her at all because you're here and she's not have I seen who PNE she was literally right here I mean that's what the watch said right yes it said that she was here when it first beat yeah and she's pregnant right now dude like she's about to give birth oh a no no no I don't know where she is wait dude what the hell is going on I'm so confused this guy's absolutely lunatic coming from me yeah dude so you're sure that you don't know what the hell's going on what is going on no me no no I know nothing dude he so weird we have been dealing with a bunch of people who don't know what to do we need to find someone who who knows what to do that's what I'm saying bro like this is ridiculous did none of you know how to find pomy like what is going on he's absolutely wasting our time man oh my watch is beeping again what's it saying what the hell do we have to do right now follow me again wait where are we going D think this guy's wasting time you know what okay yo just C come with us honestly the more the better because then we have more more ground to cover let's try to find pomy 20 minutes later okay yo no now I'm just convinced that we're literally just going in circles bro why are we back here this thing isn't working properly or something it's keep saying the wrong spot I don't know bro what are you talking about no dude we were just in here man like guys look there is literally nothing here pom's still missing I'm starting to think this is one of your stupid games no this is not good guys I can't find pom and this this thing isn't working and I can't see I know what we have to do Andy's right what are we going to do right now what what just talk to me man it's time to round up the circus are you ready bro it's not that dramatic just get everybody here right now everybody come on out oh my God maybe it's a little of a dramatic oh let's go come on have they been here this entire time I have no idea wait she was just up I I'm very confused right now ker is tweaking guys we really need to find pom this is bad you still haven't found her yet no we haven't found her what do you want I'm just looking for an insect plant what the heck thises that even me I don't know but they're getting loopier and loopier as we go man I know it must be an imbalance because pom's missing wait a minute somebody else isn't here guys wait who the other clown kfmo wait oh yeah wait where is kfo wait didn't we tell him to come with us yeah we did but he never came through wait what the hell you don't think that he's actually behind this do you usually I'm the one playing tricks and games but maybe he's doing it to us why that doesn't make sense unless he's still like abstracted or something oh my gosh Andy Dre I think you're right I think cough was still going through an abstraction process wait there's a whole abstraction process what is this guy talking about bro I have no idea what he's even saying speak English Kane I'm speaking English you're just under pressure okay guys listen anyway we need to focus up all right little team huddle okay come on come on zo don't stand here watch the watch man take it easy all right guys okay listen listen listen we all need to split up and find pomy okay this is no joke why do we have to because py is one of our friends at the amazing sorry about that there's no talking stop doing that everybody just split up right now okay go go go go find freaking pomy she's about to deliver a baby for God's sake I know this is really bad at that stupid clown cough everyone just get a door go go go go go yo let's just go inside here go let's go check wait what's going on what the hell is going on go go what the hell is he doing yo guys yo we' literally been looking everywhere for him yeah but he looks very very suspicious dud wait what is he doing what is he up to dude he's opening one of the freaking doors wait that's a is that py wait you see that right yo so he was the one behind this yeah wait what is he trying to do guys I don't understand this at all bro all py wanted to do was just deliver a baby and she just got scared but this is a whole other level of weirdness yeah but you remember when she was saying child she didn't expect the Baby Bro maybe it was him who did it wait what are you talking about bro this doesn't make any sense sense look at her this is crazy all right yo we're going to have to slowly try to get to that door and tell everybody to come here so we can expose him careful we can't blow our cover be white holy crap okay go go go go go hurry up hurry up guys holy crap holy crap go go go go what the hell this is crazy oh yo yo go go go yo yo he caught us yo go go go get everybody yo guys guys yo everybody come here come here look look yo it's cough though he has bomy he has bomy he has bom yeah yeah yeah get him get him holy crap yo yo get him get him knock him out yo take him out take him out get him yo get him get him get him get him take him out take him out she's in there she's in there go get her get her get her go go go yo she's in there she's in there bro I told you it's so weird I don't know what he was trying to do with her but she's right there Jack look wake her up okay maybe I wouldn't do that to the belly but yeah you got to chill dude but yo how about we just try to wake her up and I don't know help her deliver this stupid baby P me wake up what is going on okay listen listen listen let's just get her inside that hospital room because it looks like we have everybody from the digital circus and I feel like everybody can help somehow right yes you're right let's go P let's go let's get her up let's get her up just bring her back come on P wait oh wait yo he he went back to like his weird abstracted form dude cough mod is not good yet no no he's not okay you guys can pop me in the room I'll try and deal with this okay okay yeah wait what the hell you guys bro this is crazy come on cough if I can even call you that yo this is insane this is definitely a story for another time guys but yeah let's just go inside here I mean we have literally all of the friends Hy I think you're going to be in good hands cuz look everyone's here to help you okay so cold in that Mar no I I I know I know I I feel really bad and why are you still crying there's nothing to cry about yeah everything's safe like we we got everything down yeah like just chill out oh I think it's happening oh God it's happening oh my God it's happening right now yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay guys I'm going to drop the camera I'll pick it right back up I think she's about to deliver this crazy baby holy crap guys we've been waiting for a bit and I think she finally delivered the baby right yeah she did but you know it's a surprise okay okay yo let's go check it Jack are you hyped I mean we don't know who the father is but I'm not going to lie dude I think it's you me really dude I don't know but yo let's just uh check up on her right yeah everyone go come through come through dude what a beautiful baby this is crazy yo she's so cute yo I think it looks like a boy wait I think it's a girl dude it's a girl man I love her more than anything El her CL bro hold that that this is actually crazy guys we have literally everybody from the digital circus including bubble oh I'm so glad that's done yep me too I mean like you were pregnant and I was more stressed than you were yeah I know you were literally a looney bin but guys I guess I'm just going to end off this video right here if you like that video make sure you hit that like button and smash that subscribe button and comment down W for baby pom me oh yeah baby p dub big dubs in the chat and I'll see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: Andreas Eskander
Views: 2,270,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pomni, jax x pomni, pomni animation, pomni cartoon, pomni sad story, pomni origin story, digital circus pomni, pomni pregnant, giving birth in hospital room, pomni minecraft, pomni love story, pomni digital circus, pomni is pregnant, pomni kiss with jax, pregnant pomni, pomni and jax kiss, pomni full sad story, the amazing digital circus pomni, amazing digital circus pomni, pomni giving birth, pomni but baby, pomni baby, baby pomni, pomni caught, pomni ragatha, baby jax
Id: VTq08_PbOeQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 20sec (1640 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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