Я могу есть этот суп все лето! Он настолько вкусный, что вы будете готовить его хоть раз в неделю

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for this truly delicious soup, I take two of these large boiled beets. I rub the beets on a fine or medium grater. Roasted beets are also great. I send the chopped beets to the pan, in which the whole soup will be prepared. we also need lemon juice. I add 2 tablespoons. and immediately mix with beets. then I will take 4 cucumbers. here 250 grams. rub the cucumbers on a coarse grater. You can finely chop them if you like. and can also be peeled if desired. cucumbers are also sent to the pan. chop three boiled eggs as well as cucumbers. three on a coarse grater or finely chopped. eggs go to the previous ingredients. And we definitely need greenery. take such a good big bunch of onions. and cut it so finely, finely. do not add the onion to the pan immediately, but apply such a culinary trick. Sprinkle the onion well with salt and mash. to give his juice. so the soup will be richer and tastier. the onion will not just float on top, but will mix well with other ingredients in the soup. the onion let the juice go and I put it in the pan. I will do the same with a bunch of dill. I have dill pre-chopped and frozen. Which is perfect for this soup. fragrant dill is sent to the previous ingredients. then take kefir or yogurt. the main thing is necessarily from the refrigerator, always cold. I poured 700 ml of kefir. you can pour in more or less depending on what consistency you want to get thinner or thicker. I will also add cold sparkling mineral water. about 200-300 ml. if desired, you can take one type of liquid. and you can replace mineral water with simply boiled drinking water. There is a lot of room for imagination here. I see I get such a thick soup and add more kefir. I also add mineral water. Now let's salt the soup to taste, remembering that we have already added salt to the greens. Also add a pinch of ground black pepper. and also add a tablespoon of gentle sweet American type mustard. and of course mix well. someone likes this soup more spicy, someone likes it more insipid and tender. so I call you the base amount of seasonings. and you are sure to increase or decrease some ingredient to your liking. maybe you need more sourness, salt or mustard. I highly recommend this soup! in the summer heat, he just can not help but like it. it would be ideal if you keep it in the refrigerator for an hour before serving. but if you don't have the patience, like I do, I'll show you how to cool it down quickly. I just add food ice to such a delicious soup. Serve with sour cream if desired. halved eggs are also traditionally added . usually eggs are laid. but I wanted to add quail eggs. cook with pleasure such a tasty and healthy soup. and also subscribe to the channel and press the bell. Like and write your opinion in the comments. and most importantly, I wish you health, peace and joy. see you as usual in the next delicious video!
Channel: Panna Lesia
Views: 6,202,608
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: кухня, рецепты, быстро, вкусно, экономно, панна леся, panna lesia, рецепт, суп, супи, вкусный суп, обед, ужин, картошка, лук, морковь, овощи, перец, recipe, recipes, rezept, soup, яйца, похудеть, быстрый рецепт, из яиц, 2 яйца, беру банку и готовлю, гениальный суп, диета, из простых продуктов, экономный рецепт, без мяса, yummy, на скорую руку, что приготовить, еда, рецепты салатов, простые рецепты, свекла, со свеклой, буряк, хлодник, холодник, борщ, холодный суп, окрошка, кулинарные хитрости, кухня сериал
Id: kNI9sgp69Wk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 28sec (328 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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