I Busted *Season 2* Myths You Haven't Seen

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fortnite just released season two so you know what that means it's myth busting time let's see how broken season two really is there's a giant dragon up there it's like a robot dragon I don't know if it's alive or whatever I can't tell if this is true or not but I heard that if you shoot it a bunch it shoots fire let's see if it's true oh did you see that Vayner I thought it was clickbait it's true if you shoot the dragon wait do it again do it again Dragon I'm out of ammo here enjoy chug Splash I'm healing the dragon well I definitely saw fire but now it's not doing it if it's confirmed I guess that's actually kind of insane I love that fortnite added that will a shield bubble attach to a bike this actually worked last season I don't know if you guys remember but that was with a different bike I just Light It Up it does it works again now you can have your own personal personal now you can have your own personal moving Shield bubble it even works with super speed so I've just created the fastest Shield bubble on Earth myth confirmed that's good to know but the real question is what happens if you run into a player at full speed how much damage does it do is it an insta kill I feel like if I got hit with one of these bikes it would not go well the moment of truth I'm kind of scared super boost goodbye Vader wait how much damage did it do I didn't see 75 damage I can't tell if that's a lot more little oh sorry Vader 75 sounds like a lot but I was kind of expecting more I was kind of expecting an insta kill but still myth confirmed um has it ever rained in fortnite before since when did we get weather other than tornadoes uh myth confirmed question mark and the new cars drive on water wait it actually kind of can't wait usually they sync my now um did I just find out that we now have drivable boats okay so I'm going regular speed and I'm legitimately driving across the water no problem every other vehicle sinks um okay that's insane these cars get better and better myth confirmed thus jumping off of a rail protect you from Fall damage let's find out pretty sure we all know the answer to this already but just to make sure you do you do not get fall damage you're you're good like you could do that you're safe you could jump off the rail myth confirmed what happens if you crash into another player on a rail at maximum speed here we go ah oh we bounced off each other hey Raider turn around let me bump into you throw it like flips it like flips us around that's kind of funny actually well at least you don't get knocked off so good to know myth confirmed do we have incredible talents can I jump over Vader what quick shot can you Shield bubble the brand new car I don't want your Shields it works on the bike and it also works on the car looks like it's about to fall off but it doesn't what happens if you drift oh it kind of glitches look at it it like fell inside the car it's kind of glitchy but it stays on it's kind of funny myth confirms I love these new cars dude so everybody knows the insanely cool new mics but what happens when two bikes Collide at full maximum speed I'm actually extremely scared I feel like we're gonna explode or something we're gonna drive directly into each other here we go and we missed you guys didn't see that a time for attempt to number two here we go go and oh nothing nothing happens I was actually expecting like a huge explosion or some sort of Flip or something myth busted sadly I thought we were gonna explode did you know that you could shoot to get a blade I didn't I kind of hit it by accident but whatever oh wait can you dual wield a katata dude if I can have two that would be so sick oh you can only have one why let me have two on both sides that would be so sick myth mustard will this ring oh it actually does I was expecting that to be a joke [Music] it actually makes a noise what happens if you use a katana on it it destroys it myth confirmed so before I showed you guys that cars can actually drive on water something brand new in this season because usually they sink does the same happen with bikes usually the bike sinks at least last season but it looks good now oh just kidding so the bikes do sink that's so weird I almost feel like the car is supposed to be a glitch now so if you want to travel across water use a car not a bike myth confirms why is meows on this poster there it is the good old car boat apparently you glitch out if you use the blade to jump into a launch pad so if I do my Dash attack onto a launch pad it indeed kind of glitches me let me try that again so Dash into the launch wait wait wait wait Dash into the launch pad I can't actually tell what it does I feel like it works I heard that there was like a crazy glitch but it looks pretty normal to me let me try one last time take this launch pad I mean it's a little glitchy but not really enough to say that it's a myth but sadly I'm going to say myth busted take this lost badge wait why is there a key on the map let's check it out is this something new oh it's just Vader oh if you hold the key card you're visible on the map even to enemies wait that's insane that's actually super good to know so next time you guys get a fault key card everybody can actually see you so expect a lot of players to come fight you myth confirmed good to know also a really cool update that means I can see Vader wherever I want this is one piece of each material one wood one brick One Medal does the katana break all of them and if not how many swipes does it take to break it first let's start off with wood the weakness of the three and six two swipes but you only have to click once since you do two swipes anyway it does 75 damage each let's try bricks aha 75 damage each It Takes Two Shots to break bricks and finally metal takes so many shots four okay so this thing will not be breaking builds that easily at least with normal swipes but let's try the dash attack destroyed but we're about to dash attack against brick I should have waited for it to build oops here we go Dash attack destroyed Dash attack okay so the dash attack breaks through everything I don't know how much damage it does but it does a lot so if you want to break into some builds don't do the regular slash do a dash attack myth confirmed then also busted at the same time mythbust firms here's a myth are you using Code tomato that's not really a myth but myth confirms if you are not doing it do you should do that but myth busted that didn't make sense but what does make sense is you using Code tomato and also leaving a like and subscribing thanks bye [Music]
Channel: Tomato - Fortnite
Views: 913,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnite season 2, i busted season 2 myths you haven't seen, tomato fortnite, tomato fortnite myths, funny fortnite
Id: WTJVzI8aqiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2023
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