I Busted DRAGON BALL *MYTHS* in Fortnite

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there are tons of secrets with the new dragon ball mythics you probably didn't know about so today we're going to bust some myths and see what crazy things we can do with them this is five armored walls can the kamehameha break through all five i'm nervous here we go hopefully it's a lot one that's it only one well myth confirmed but sadly myth sadly confirmed let's try one more time oh wait that one got two oh because the first one was probably weaker okay so we could do like one and a half armored walls not bad so here's a really weird glitch that i heard about the myth is if somebody box themselves in armored walls if you use the cloud under them apparently you actually can get inside their box not sure if it works but we built an armored wall box and now underneath it i'm going to use the cloud and see if it works that didn't work at all i've been lied to let's try one more time this time i'm boxed in armored walls let's see if i can break through one here we go wait did i just destroy the entire box um so maybe this is more powerful than the kamehameha maybe that is kind of insane myth confirmed but also busted but also confirmed that is pretty overpowered i just destroyed 10 armored walls with one cloud what how do these items get into the game so the kamehameha can only go through one and a half armored walls but how many pieces of metal can it go through we have 10 pieces of metal let's see how it does here we go i'm nervous oh that's it a lot wait so there's four left so that went through six pieces of metal wow myth converts this is one of the most powerful mythic items we've ever seen it's now time for the ultimate duel what happens when two players use the kamehameha at the exact same time it's goku vs vegeta who will win we both have 100 health let's see what happens three two one go oh no well i destroyed him that's because i went early let's try that one more time go oh this is closer i still win let's try one more time three two one go uh oh this is gonna be close wait what oh they cancel each other out that is insane um okay that is super cool the beam just lands in the other beam and nothing happens crazy no damage myth busted i guess or confirmed i don't even know but that's super cool everybody's favorite boss is darth vader but can the kamehameha destroy vader in one shot that's the myth we'll be testing today this is going to be awesome so stay tuned if only i could ever find a mythic kamehameha i've been floating forever your time is up vader here we go he doesn't even know what's about to happen okay that was insane okay so it didn't kill him in one hit but it did an insane amount of damage i'm gonna pickaxe vader so sadly myth busted but it still did an insane amount of damage this is 20 pieces of wood a lot and now we're gonna find out how many pieces of wood one kamehameha brings one and a half armored walls six pieces of metal how many wood let's find out hopefully a lot that was almost all of them hold on how many are left is there literally just one piece of wood left there's one piece of wood left that means it went through 19 pieces of wood that's like an entire city you could just destroy tilted towers with one kamehameha that is insane myth confirmed so if you put the kamehameha into a tent you can actually get it on spawn island so gk i did this and now i'm gonna find out what happens when you use it on spawn island i'm actually nervous for these people oh wait wait what okay so it doesn't eliminate them it just does a bunch of damage and then you lose your hud like you can't see your health or your weapons and then you also take no fall damage what what a crazy glitch also if you use the cloud before the battle bus you take no fall damage the entire game that is crazy myth confirmed can you use a boogie bomb to stop somebody from using the kamehameha let's find out like let's say you're in a fight and this player is about to use this mythic weapon on you how can you stop them other than shooting them obviously but let's say you don't have a weapon but you have a boogie bomb here we go ah well i was too slow all right so i was definitely too late on that let me try that one more time i definitely saw vegeta dancing so it might have worked just kidding we're out of mythics so uh oh okay let's just say myth confirmed why not enjoy dancing sky or tree can the mythic lightsaber block the kamehameha the two mythic weapons clashing which one is better the kamehameha or the lightsaber well if it isn't oh who's that what what what what i'm gonna die i'm gonna die in my private game i thought that was vegeta who hired an npc [Music] i'm gonna die who is panther what just happened well there's no way i'm getting the lightsaber again so i'm just gonna react so here's gki and let's see what happens to him he got destroyed the lightsaber has no chance against the kamehameha that is insane myth busted and it's official that the kamehameha is one of the best mythic items we have ever seen how far does the kamehameha actually go this is the ultimate test i'm going to test it at different distances this is about 100 meters away from that piece of wood let's see if it reaches it it okay it does let's go even further let's try 150 because this is actually really far away this is like farther away than like a sniper rifle uh vader you're definitely gonna want to move this is about to get blue okay that also killed it all right well my path is about to end how far does this actually last 235 meters let's go to 250. 250 meters is a lot of meters it's like a good chunk of the fortnite map let's see if it hits it probably not we have found the answer well kind of it cannot do 250 meters all right 200 meters let's see nope vader said it was super close so let's try like 195. here we go yes it broke it so i think we found the ultimate distance 195 meters which is a lot you can basically snipe somebody from here to here it's crazy myth confirmed [Music] ow everybody knows the giant cuddle team leader roller coaster right it's right there i've heard a rumor that the kamehameha can actually break the coaster and normally that's indestructible let's see if it's true it is time for the ultimate test goodbye stupid teddy bear [Music] oh i've been lied to it does nothing well that's kind of sad myth busted i guess can you grapple onto an enemy who's using the kamehameha that's what we're about to find out so vegeta is going to jump in the air and i'm going to try to grapple onto them i'm kind of scared but i'm excited i hope this works no i can't that's sad i got the tree instead let's try one more except this time not in front of a bunch of stuff so i don't accidentally grapple onto random things i'm gonna wait for it to start blasting well that's sad i just do this i just punch sadly take this stupid vegeta can you grapple onto a junkrat wait where is it oh wait let me try that again i hate the grapple glove myth busted that'll do it for this video everybody i hope you've enjoyed if you did make sure to leave a like and subscribe i love doing myth videos so if you have ideas for myths that you want to see me test let me know down in the comments and i'll see you guys next time bye
Channel: Tomato - Fortnite
Views: 5,068,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnite dragon ball, fortnite dragon ball myths, i busted dragon ball myths in fortnite, tomato fortnite, funny fortnite
Id: azKFh1tEQEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 18 2022
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