I Built the World's Largest Nether Portal

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this YouTuber built the world's largest nether portal made out of 2.3 million obsidian and three months later I'm going to beat that for Glory but because his friend mainfair thinks no one can make a larger portal so to prove him wrong I'm going to do it but there's one problem I want to beat Luigi's portal I'll need 3.2 million obsidian there's no way we're getting all of that storage alone would be nearly 60 double chests full just to store it all Welcome to My Vault oh that's fire that's fire we have to fill up every chest in this room they have zero out of how many we don't need to talk about that there's one out of 355. let's go oh well sorry to tell you about this entire time okay so the way we're gonna get all this we have a stone cutter bro what the way we're getting all the subsidians with the with the fun this one specifically produces 33 000 per hour but the setup is tedious to say the least okay I think it's ready as soon as the weather blows up it should start working are we the business it's not damaging him the way this Farm is meant to work is by the way they'll automatically breaking the obsidian whilst the end platform regenerate the way regenerates is with the snow golem shooting and damaging the Wither through the input which wasn't working are we going with this zombie method oh we're not doing the zombie it turns out the specific Farm uses a zombie to damage the Wither whereas ours is using a silverfish so after fixing the farm with the zombie it was time to try again there we go please yes no no no he's free he's free bro kill it kill it bro what happened wait it's working yes oh my God yes let's go okay I think I'm gonna let just AFK overnight and then we'll come back and see how much we have okay so I just woke up and I got this message which means I got disconnected from the server I'm going to rejoin and we're going to see how much obsidian I got oh oh my God bro I don't even I can't even guess how much this is 245 000 obsidian so we have more than enough for this if we stop right now I know 200 000 obsidian is only a small percentage of the amount we need however in the widgets video he actually made his nether portal Hollow meaning all the obsidian on the inside didn't count because he never placed it the portal that I'm making the beat here's is 35 bigger at around 192 000 obsidian meaning his would have been less than 125 000 so with all the obsidian I could ever need we started exporting it to the vault I've been playing way too much Minecraft this is gonna take forever bro bro it's manipulating me into helping him oh no oh I think we're finally done now that we had all the obsidian we could start building the portals what I would say if my portal wasn't a whole third bigger than Luigi's this thing has to go into the ground just to fit inside the height limit which means I'm gonna have to make a perimeter are we even close to finish here let's go to the ancient city I gotta repair my shovel all right are you gonna turn off you can uh oh right here oh yeah I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead should I yeah I'm alive I'm alive I'm alive I'm alive I'm alive I'm alive yo it's a gravity okay so for those of you that don't know our perimeter is a 16 by 16 chunk hold leading all the way down to deep slate this would give us the necessary room to build the nether portal but breaking every block by ham would take a literal years so this is an automatic TNT drooper used for creating huge creators for projects just like this okay if we break this redstone block it should start duping oh okay it's it's not working okay why'd that not work what turns out to be the case is that Minecraft servers automatically have TNT duping sets of faults so all I need to do is change the setting in console and it works yes oh my God yes bro I can't believe it's actually working wait why did it stop no I tried everything going through the server console trying different doopers and even rebuilding the entire machine yeah okay lovely oh and nothing happens we might actually never get this done shut up seem like no matter what I tried it would never work bro it's not even duping this time like what if it doesn't work this time I'm just actually done bro oh my God bro that took like five tries I'm gonna AFK this overnight it's five in the morning so let's hope nothing goes wrong something went horribly wrong when I woke up other people on the server had found my perimeter would they grief it were they going to kill me well no it turns out despicable guy was hosting a competition replacing hunt him down to win money well those didn't seem like a big deal it just let every player involved to my perimeter I don't know whether this was a bad thing or not since I was feeling into the server so I hadn't met many of the players luckily enough most of the players didn't stick around and I was able to finish the perimeter this is actually insane like what at this moment I really took in the gravity of this project and how much I had accomplished in only a few days the whole process from collecting the obsidian to creating this perimeter definitely came with its struggles but it felt like I was so close to being done I mean wow that is insane um wow the only thing standing in my way now is placing 200 000 obsidian to create the portal okay that was 3 minutes 48 seconds for one layer and we could do 307 of those 20 hours oh my God that's gonna take a literal years but luckily for me after completing the base of the portal help had arrived hey Falcon whoa whoa oh my God it's Salem Dragon you're gonna be like the most useless teammate bro I swear chill but he's trying to help bro I just saw him I were ever to be tortured I think they would just put young will in the same room but as quick as they came slowly but surely each and every one of them had left all right goodbye hi well she starts to yeah an obsidian oh God progression was the slowest it had ever been but this only gave us more determination as twerps one of the players helping me ask an important question what are we gonna do when we finish this portal um I don't know I want to try and show it to Luigi tone and like get his approval I think that'd be nice just to show him so with the goal of showing Luigi tone the current world record holder we kept going hours upon hours went by a straight building but we were so determined to finish nothing could stop us oh my wait wait wait wait wait wait wait well except that but as a summer setting our journey officially came to an end ready I'm so ready man this is the last block and then we made the world record bam let's go I haven't seen it yet honestly I want to see it I want to see it oh my God bro holy that's it that's actually crazy hello Mr Luigi tone yo what is it my dude I've got um something to show you that would take five minutes of your time I feel like you just broke a world record or something um kind of and then uh you gotta follow me it's a bit of a race all right okay so you want me to do a race not really um can you turn your chunks up to 16 and take off your elytra and uh just tell me when you see it oh God it is then foreign [Music] oh my god dude what do you think dude this is huge this is actually much bigger oh my God yo you built and stuck out the choke as well [Music] huge shout out to Luigi this video would not be possible without him so please go check out his channel in the description he is so close to 100K and it'd be insane if this video helped him get to it yes bro oh my God yeah I'll come back to spawn
Channel: yungwill
Views: 24,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smp, minecraft, minecraftsmp, strengthsmp, strength, pvp, building, pvper, clownpierce, lifesteal, lifestealsmp, parrot, rekrap, branzy, planetlord, glitch, strongestsmp, youtube, on this smp, rasplin, itzrealme, marlow, marloww, marlowww, crystalpvp, uhc, rekrap2, spoke, infusesmp, infamousjj, wembuu, tyrad, nemesis, nemesissmp, smptrap, sb737, server, minecraftserver, survival, awakensmp, towny, loka, Luigitoan, nether portal, world record, world record nether portal, luigitoan nether portal, manepear, pentar
Id: fJS2uGwwjIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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