I Built My First PC! ($2500, Micro Center, Struggle)

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so we're on our way to micro sensor now I've never been to a micro sensor store but I know that February is like build your own months so a lot of the components and everything are like 100 $200 $300 off um and then if you sign up for like the in store credit card you also get another 10% off so I'm going to do it just because I don't have to worry about my credit taking a huge hit like obviously it might be a hard inquiry I I think it's a hard inquiry is it I don't know how many credit a store for like a store card I know that you for sure lose a couple points when you open a credit card I I just don't understand hard inquiries and things like that okay well I don't know if it's a hard inquiry if it is it doesn't really matter because I have zero at the moment but that'll save me like another $250 $300 which is going to be useful so um yeah with that being said we have about 51 minutes left to go we are already we were in New York because of a birthday party and it's basically on the other side of New York so we're just we're headed there we're like you know we're already on the road might as well ex might as well because I don't know if they're going to build the computer for me or not so if if I have to build it I have to build that tomorrow and then I also have to go to IKEA get a new tabletop get some legs for my table make everything pretty wire manage everything so I probably won't even use the computer until like tomorrow at 6 or 7 p.m. or Monday at a certain time so I'm not worried about it I would rather just go for the drive today buy everything today and then deal with it tomorrow so we'll see you in a 50 minutes when we get there guys we're here not only is his stuff in here there's a HomeGoods TJ Maxx and Marshalls now I'm glad I showed up oh yeah the drive wasn't bad but I'm not going to lie the highway that we were just on was really not it it was very curvy the entire time so honestly if you were driv yeah I know but if you were driving like 70 miles per hour you're probably going off the side of the cliff like no [ __ ] so yeah we're we're going to we'll 2 minutes we'll hop out the car we'll show you the little the little entrance I want to make sure that whoever I'm working with today is okay with being filmed so I'm going to ask them off rip like immediately we just pulled up baby we just pulled up you're hyp I'm stupid hyp I'm so hyped I'm just like I feel bad for him because I know nothing about computers so he's going to have to literally walk my he's going to have to walk me through the entire process it's happen okay they have a knowledge bar now over there andk oh my gosh this place is nuts it's just like it's just like a Tech head Heaven this just looks like something that I would like to just pull up to and just like walk around for a little bit but considering the fact that it's over an hour away I would never do that it's over an hour away for more re oh you're saying it was going to take an hour to build I'm like what it no it might I don't know how long it takes I mean we'll see the reason why I wouldn't fully recommend the 7950 x3d is most a lot of times people are having trouble with the temperatures of it but the 700 x3d is usually the top rated after okay after I see it I'll make sure that that's the one that we're going to run with I mean if you're saying that it's going to be the best option then I'm just I'm trying to Pro future proof it before you know what I mean I would say if you want we can start the build off with a bundle that that process yeah we could we could you could tell me what comes with the bundle and then come around okay all right sounds good A lot of people actually returning this bundle to get this bundle right here okay so so we could run that bundle then um these are the Rams up here yes sir that's the RAM sticks and the motherboard so in reality you're getting a three a three so because the ram what what's the the ram space on that or how much gigabytes is 32 of ddr5 okay yeah I'll start okay basically out of all of these cases right here yeah the build you're doing will basically be able to F into any one of these except this one right here okay I think I want to go I want to go with black just because you feel me mat the aesthe yeah I'm trying to I'm trying my best I'm trying my best it's the same exacte that's over there in white just in the Black Edition yeah I'll do this one like that one yeah I'll do that one let me cheor color to let you know you will be required to buy two fans for the bottom yeah we're getting this [ __ ] done sorry if the video is like a little like a little I don't know I'm moving around a little bit it's Focus it's like coming out of focus a little bit too but and the music is bling I don't care this this is like my first like real Vlog Style video because I've always felt weird about vlogging but like bro I came in store I drove an hour to get here like I'm going to record this [ __ ] so he recommended this one um I'm also looking at this one because this one's $120 this is $250 just for the display but they both the display is basically like this so it reads how hot your computer is running or how like straight it is type [ __ ] um I think I'm going to just grab both of them for now and then we'll see how much everything's coming out soon and then if we need to upgrade it we'll upgrade it but I were getting one you guys I would just get this keyboard I'm not going to lie like we got all the parts together and everything like that but um I'm having trouble on like a mouse and keyboard selection so I just called my boy to try try and get him to like send me the link to his [ __ ] I'm going to end up building it at home cuz the build cost is like 250 I'm already pushing like 2500 I'm not trying to you feel me you feel me so yeah we're going to we're going to do that at home I'm just having a difficult difficult time with the keyboard and mouse I'm not going to lie this is the case that I got with these fans so you see how the light going with those fans I think in the back and then like two of the fans are going to be off because they didn't have enough in stock but I don't care I'm thinking about getting this mouse because this like it's a little bit more pricey but you know I'm getting 10% off so I kind of like this keyboard too but how much is the keyboard I got nothing Corsair in my computer but I think that this is valid it also has this like if I need to reload just so I found the mouse this is 90 bucks but like I still I'm having trouble with the keyboard bro keyboard and a headset I'm having trouble with because I didn't really think about those parts too much I'm going to run with this Corsair keyboard I don't I don't even know what I'm doing anymore bro I'm just getting [ __ ] so this is basically how the cart looking at this point we have the motherboard over here power supply over here cooler fans more fans keyboard mouse some ethernet cables because I have to make sure that my PlayStation's connected we got the case down there so I don't know if I set it but I'm about to do like the the little 10% off like if you sign up for the store card I'm going just do it real quick so I could get 10% off because that's going to be like 300 bucks and that's going to help me buy like a new monitor and stuff like that so I'm sure as you could tell from the video like I didn't know what I was talking about when I went in there I went in there with a completely different spec list in mind but he was there to help me save a little bit of money make sure that it's like the best quality that it could be for the best dollar so I hats off to that guy because he really did help me Micro sensor people they know what they're talking about as of right now I haven't built the computer I haven't set it up but I do want to show you some the parts that I did end up getting and what the plan is for tomorrow so it's all going to be in one video obviously there will still will be a lot left to this video but let me just show you real quick I'll start off with the mouse first just because you know it's here I got a Corsair keyboard just for the simple fact that it was $60 um I was already pushing like 2500 so and I'm not going to lie I felt I liked how this one just felt like the it's not too loud but it's not too like silent either it's right in the middle and the buttons push down like Fair distance it's not like crazy so for my case I got the NZXT H6 flow I liked how had like that a lot of open space I ended up getting this processor um he said that this one was like more than capable and it also came with like a bundle of the 32 RAM and the motherboard so I got those three pieces in a bundle I got the 470 I got the 470 TI super I got fans Galore because I'm trying to keep it cool I got fans Galore because I'm trying to keep it as cool as possible so three fans here 11 one one this one's different from the other two but it's fine 4 terb it was not this expensive it was like 300 I believe which you know I think it was 300 I need to recheck the price I got Lan Lee for the cooler 850 W for the power supply and then I also got my Windows key right here so if I seem out of breath I am I don't know why I my chest just hurts a little bit right now it's cool though we ended up saving $454 I ended up paying 2,474 so it's fine that's a lot of stuff so my plan for tomorrow is I'm going to go to Target I have to get another one of these monitors I'm going to make this one for my Mac my Mac's going to go over there so I have to go get a tabletop from Ikea all these clothes in the corner I need to try and sell them off this is from my business broken clocks clothing if you want to help I'll leave the description and the link you could just it's everything's like 40% off right now 50% off so I'm going to put a table right here and I'm going to put the Mac with that and that I'm going to figure it out tomorrow all I know is this [ __ ] is being built tomorrow good morning it's the next day the first stop I'm making is to Target I'm going to pick up the new monitor that I need and then Best Buy is right across the way so I'm going to go pick up thermop paste because my [ __ ] fell through the cart yesterday some land cables because I didn't like how they were priced at micro sensor so I'm going to see if I could get them cheaper over here and then I have to go to IKEA to get the desk and then I have to actually build the computer I'm kind of scared to do that and I I had asked some people most people didn't get back to me um the one person who said that he was down actually doesn't know if he's going to be down anymore so might have to do it alone but I I've watched a lot of videos so I'm pretty sure that if I take my time I could do it so let's go get the monitor now and then we'll see we'll see what's happening after I bought the thermal paste I bought the two land cables that I needed I should have bought them at Micro Center that probably would have been the better thing to do I just didn't show it because I I'm like kind of in a rush because I have anxiety every time that I go out shopping like like further distances that somebody's going to buy the exact same thing that I'm trying to buy and then it's going to go out of stock as soon as like I get there so we're at the second target this [ __ ] is [ __ ] stupid we're here now we're going to grab the Monitor and then we got to drive to to New Haven for Ikea he has to go to the bag to get it so what I like to do every time that I come out to like a Target or any store that I'm at I usually I usually hit like the Funko section just to see if there's anything there that I don't have or that I'm interested in so that's what we're going to do while he doing that this one right here it's kind of fire I started a Sonic collection by accident so I don't know maybe I'll grab that they had the monitor that's secured and then I also got this just because it was there I had a Sonic collection already started and they're both flocked so might as well just take that that's the final piece to the puzzle it's long but like I think I'm taller than it so it should be able to fit in the car somehow like I'll figure it out perfect let's [ __ ] go baby just got home but I have to move some of this stuff around so that this could fit so I'm going to take care of that later like I said I just got two of these 25 ft some corsier thermop paste now I just have to wait for everybody to be ready and then I can finally start so I think I'm going to take a shower real quick because I've been sweating all morning running around so I decided I'm going to start off with the desk because obviously like we kind of need somewhere to work so I'm just going to start off with building the desk and then after I build the desk he should end up coming while I'm building it or like right after it's time to get started apologize if the lighting is pretty shitty but we finally got the dust together these legs are [ __ ] idiotic I would just rather have gotten those I thought I bought those but I bought some [ __ ] so we're about to start with the motherboard everything like that every time I was putting something in I was freaking the [ __ ] out yeah oh my God he so I would have been freaking out too like this [ __ ] is expensive that's it I don't even know what I'm [Music] doing [Music] why you bring this cuz when you're assembling py parts you usually want to you want to glove up buddy glove glove up just because like a the oil on your hands got that one yeah break your exam brother all right the ram is now in we're gloving up because my brother brought [ __ ] gloves so that's it baby that's it we're locked in woo good [ __ ] job boy 250 or 300 that's what I paid for my two my two terab one yeah bro 4 terabytes that's going to last me quite a bit you're never going to feel that 4 terabytes is a [ __ ] ton and it's so small I know but I'm recording on it and [ __ ] like that so it probably will end up being a fil up at some point but I dude I struggle to fill my too like I only play six games in like rotation so like I'll just stop playing them you know yeah but like off of steam do you have to download the games or is it just like a launcher no to download you have to download well then Call of Duty is already taken up a massive amount of space off rip there's no question about it yo you know it's another game you should be downloading no I'm not buying that everyone's telling me I don't know what it is I'm not buying it there's no way I I'll gift it to you it okay it doesn't look that good to [Music] me we could not for the life of us figure out the the radiator like well not the radiator but the actual pump so that took us way longer than it should have but it's coming along it's coming along we finally got all the fans off and put on and this process took an extremely long amount of time did something stupid I'll explain later but that's all done it's time for the GPU to go [Music] in all right everything is finally put together let's see if it actually [ __ ] comes on let's see no okay no test number two test number [Music] three this [ __ ] will not boot up it will not turn on for anything so my boy had to leave my brother's friend is on his way right now to help me try and figure it out because this this [ __ ] Alysa said I should have paid the 250 for the convenience but then again I didn't it was already like 6:30 when I checked out at micro sensor and I didn't feel like paying two 250 and then having to also wait like another two hours so nothing dude nope nothing dude no power hold up I'm not going to lie it's been 7 days since the last recording of this video video I think the last thing was the computer not turning on but we were able to get the computer to turn on um it was just it was some stupid [ __ ] the ram was in the wrong slots and then there was something unplugged in the back so all that got set up and then the computer turned on since then I've just been setting up my OBS downloading everything I had to everything like that it's completely done now so now I can finally show you how everything looks and how I'm feeling about it ignore all the wires just just try to ignore them before you say anything I know that these aren't plugged in like the back fans aren't plugged in they're pushing air but the lights aren't popping on which it's fine I I don't even care as long as the PC is running and then that's my pop my fiance got me for Valentine's Day I tried my best to get all the wires completely put away at least on the desk that's what I tried for the nice little keyboard I don't know why the lights aren't popping up on the mouse oh there they are yeah so this is how it's set up for my computer and then my Mac is now over here wires are still a mess under there but this is just for editing purposes making music everything like that so I think it looks perfectly fine how it is now I can talk about the actual building process and how I feel about everything and how much it costs so I'll start with just the build process I will never build a gaming computer ever again I feel like it was way too complicated um it was way more complicated than like the videos on YouTube show there was too many hiccups everybody's system's different so obviously there's going to be some differences but I just I don't know I did not I did not like it I was being very impatient once it hit hour eight that's when I was just like all right wrap it up I'm done I don't want to do this anymore so yeah that's how I feel about that I'm really enjoying it I've really enjoyed the PC after a week of use I really do enjoy it I find it very very very very very much worth how much it was I mean it was pretty expensive I would say altogether I probably spent around three grand on like a new desk for that computer um these new monitor mounts the mouse keyboard the computer like everything so I would say that it was worth it because now I'm able to stream and record and everything properly like I don't feel bad about doing this you know what I mean so sorry if it was weird quality or just not great recording honestly I'm still getting used to doing in real life recording I'm not used to it I'm still getting used to regular recording so I do apologize but if you like the video please leave a like comment subscribe I have I even watched any of the footage so it's going to be a first time for you and me so I'll talk to y'all later thank you for watching and go get a gaming computer it really it really is worth it see you I don't think you do one for me I don't think you see me when you [ __ ] up all in your dream I don't think you got
Channel: SupremeLos203
Views: 9,364
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 20min 21sec (1221 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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