I Built My Dream Notion Habit Tracker

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We are going to build this habit tracker in  Notion which is a free tool. After building this   habit tracker, all you need to do is fill two to  three fields for each habit and the rest will be   automatically updated. And all of the tools which  are going to use even the charts are free tools.   So, don't worry about this as well. So first of  all, I should create a page. So, I click on here:   "Add a page". And then I can name it, for example,  let's say, my habit tracker. And let's add an   icon. For example, I want to use this one. Then  here I should click on this: "Empty page". And   here I simply type slash and table. And you can  see it says database and table view. So, I click   on it. And I want to create a new database. So, I  should click on this. And as you can see this is   the title which I don't want that. So, I should  click on this. And I should go to layout. And   I don't want to show the database title. And  I close this. And as you can see the name of   this view is "table", but I want to change it.  So, I right-click on it and I press rename. And   for example, I want to choose "All". And that's  it. I pressed Enter. And I click away. That's it.   And you can see we have a view which is called  "All". I mean all of our habits are going to   be shown here. Then I want to add another view for  my reading habit, for example. So, I click on this   plus button. And here it says what kind of view do  you want. I want again a new table. So, I click on   it. And again, I don't want to show the title.  So, I click on this. And I close this. And let's   rename this once again. And I want to call it  reading, I mean reading habit. Let's press enter.   And click away. Okay! Now you can see that we  have a column called "name", and I want to rename   this column. So, I click on it and, for example, I  want to name it "index". I mean the number of day,   for example, day number one, day number two, day  number three, day number four, and so on. So, for   example, let's add a couple of data. For example,  this is day number one, day number two, and so on.   And also we don't need this "tags" column. So,  I want to delete this column. So, I right-click   on it. And I press "delete property". And I press  delete. Okay! Now let's make this column a little   bit smaller. And now let's add another column.  So, I click on this plus button. First of all,   I should define the type, so, this column is going  to be a date. So, I click on this. And the name   is going to be, for example, "date". That's it.  And I press "Enter" and I click away. And let's   fill this column with some dates. That's it. And  let's make this column a little bit smaller. But   now I want to create a column like this, I mean  this habit column, and the type of this column   is "Select". For example, if I click on it, you  can see I can select one of these options. You   can see the first option is reading and the other  one is exercising. And maybe you ask: "What is the   benefit of adding this column?" For example, if I  go to the "All" view, you can see that we have a   column which is called habit and it specifies  whether this habit, whether these entries,   whether these numbers, are for exercising habit  or for reading habit. So here, I click on this   plus icon. And I'm going to add a column. So, the  type of that column is going to be "Select". And   the name of that column is going to be "Habit".  And we can add some options. We want to have only   two habits: reading and exercising. So the first  option is going to be reading. I pressed "Enter"   and you can see this option has been added. Let's  add another option: exercising. And once again,   I press enter. And you can see we have added these  two options. And also I want to set the color of   all options to be gray. And you will see why in  the "calendar" view, which we are going to create   later. So, I click on this and I want to choose  gray. So you can see all of the options are gray.   So I close this and you can see we have a column  which is called Habit. So this is Reading. So I   should choose reading for all of these. But now I  want to create this "minutes" column in order to   see how many minutes I spent on each habit. So  here I click on this plus icon and the type of   this column is going to be number and the name  of this column is going to be minutes. And I   press enter and I click away. And let's make this  column a little bit smaller and let's fill this   column with some numbers. For tracking the habits  personally I use this system and for explaining it   let's take reading as an example. First of all,  we need some levels and also some alternatives   for our reading habit. And we need these levels  for future steps as well. I suggest defining five   levels for your reading habit. The show-up level,  the easy level, the medium level, the hard level,   and the Hero level. For example, reading one  sentence from the book or the reading app can be   a good choice for the show-up level. And reading  for 2 minutes, 10 minutes, 30 minutes, and 60   Minutes can be a good definition for easy, medium,  hard, and hero levels. And I suggest tracking your   habits using these notations and symbols. But  now I want to create this column which you can   see it determines whether I have done the show-up  version, whether I have done the easy version,   medium version, hard version, or the Hero version.  So now let's click on this plus icon. The type   of this column is going to be select and for  example let's choose a name for this column,   for example, level. And let's add some options.  So the first option is going to be a cross,   I mean the show-up version. So in order to add the  cross on Windows you should click on Windows and   the dot in order to see this emojis. To be honest  I don't know what you should do on Mac in order to   see these emojis but I will put these symbols in  the description so you can use them and you can   copy and paste those symbols in these fields. So  now I press enter. And let's add another option.   And once again I should press enter. But now  I want to change the order of these options so   I click on this and I drag it to the top. And I  want to change the colors. The first one I mean   the show up is going to be red. The next one is  going to be orange. The next one is going to be   yellow. The next one is going to be blue and the  last one is going to be green. That's it. You can   see we have our levels and you can see here's the  level column. And now based on our definitions for   each level we are going to fill this column. And  also for our reading habit, we want to add another   column for tracking how many pages we read on each  day. So I click on this plus icon. And the type of   this column is going to be number. And the name  is going to be pages. And I press enter, and I   click away. And let's fill this column with some  numbers. That's it. And if I go to "All" view,   you can see we have all of these data as well. You  can see we have all of these column. But now let's   add another view for our exercising habit. So here  I press on this plus icon in order to add another   column for exercising habit. So again it's going  to be a table View and the name is going to be   exercising. And I don't want the titles so I turn  this off and I press close. And as you can see,   in our "Exercising" habit, we have these data  which is related to reading habit. But don't   worry! We are going to fix it. And in order to  fix this, you should move your cursor here and   you can see the filter button. So you should click  on it. And for this view, we are going to filter   the habits which are exercising. That's it. And  let's click away. And now you can see we don't see   those data related to reading habit. And let's do  the same thing for reading habit as well. So here,   once again, I click on this filter button. And I'm  going to filter those habits which are reading.   That's it. And once again let's click away.  And let's go to exercising View and let's add   some data. For example, this is day number one,  this is the date. And I should click away. This   is exercising habit, and for example, here I want  to change the order and I want to put this column   before the level column. So in order to do so I  click on this three dots and I drag this above   the level and I click away. And you can see  we have this column before the level column.   And now based on our definition for each level  we should fill this column as well. So it's very   obvious that we are not going to fill this column  for our exercising habit. But let's add another   column and the type of this column is going to  be text and let's name this "details". And let's   close this. And now we can add some details for  each day in order to see what we have done for   our exercising habit. So that's it. And in order  to fix this display issue, let's click on this   three dots. And let's turn the full width option.  And also let's add a cover so I click on this and   it randomly chooses a cover for this page and we  can change it so if I click on this. For example,   let's choose another cover, for example, I want  this one, so I click on it. And that's it. So   now if I go to "All" view. And by the way, let's  make these columns a little bit smaller. And also   let's change the order because I want to put this  column at the end so I click on this three dots   and let's move minutes above the level. That's  it. So I close this. And now we can see we have   all of our habits in one place. But now let's  add another view, I mean the calendar view,   in order to see all of these stuff in a calendar.  So in order to do so I click on this plus button.   But the type of this view is going to be the  calendar view. And let's close this. By the way,   I don't want to show the title, so I turn this  off. And I close this. And I'm going to change   the data which are going to be shown in each cell.  So I click on this three dots. And first of all,   I want to show the Habit in each cell. So I click  on this. Also, I want to see the level and the   number of minutes. So now let's close this. And as  you can see in this calendar view we have a couple   of things the first one is basically the index  column, I mean day number one, day number two,   and so on. The second one is the Habit. The third  one is the level and the fourth one is the number   of minutes I've spent for that habit. So now we  want to add some charts but before that, I should   split the page into two parts. So I should click  here after the title of this page and I press   enter and here I simply type data. I mean this  part is the data part. And I click on this and   I want to turn this block to heading 1 and also  I want to change the color to gray. So this is   the first part I mean our data. But now here you  want to add another part for our dashboard I mean   for our charts. And I want to turn this block into  heading 1. And once again while my cursor is here   at the end of this line, I press enter. And my  dashboard is going to have three parts. The first   part is the overall in order to track our overall  progress. The second part is going to be reading.   The next one is going to be exercising. And  as you can see we are going to put reading and   exercising beside each other. So in order to do  so, I should drag this and I want to move here,   I mean beside reading. So you can see we have  two columns: reading and exercising. And let's   change this into header two so turn into header  two. And also let's change the color to Blue.   So that's it and now we need to add our charts.  So for doing so first of all you should go to   Google and search for Notion charts and you can  see here is a website notioncharts.io So I open   this website. So, first of all, I should sign  up so I click on this and I want to sign up   with email and after filling these fields I press  Create account and I should verify my email using   the code which they have emailed me and I press  confirm. So that's it. But now I should connect   this website to my Notion. So I click on this:  Connect Notion. So in this step notion asks us   to select some pages which we want to give access  to that website. So I click on this. And I should   specify those pages. In this example is my  habit tracker. So I click on it. And I should   press on allow access. So after seeing this, I  should refresh. And you can see the setup was   successful. So I want to create some charts. So  I click on this. So first of all we should choose   the database. So if I click on this you can see we  have only one database which is called untitled.   Because if you remember we didn't use any title  for our database. So I click on this. So for the   first chart, the x-axis is going to be "date" and  for date format, I personally use this one which   for example it is April 1, 2023. So I prefer this  one. So I choose this one. And for the y-axis we   want to have the minutes. And then we are going to  sort based on the date. So you can see the x-axis   is sorted by date. And let's change the title. So  this is going to be overall. And I should click on   this check mark. So you can see the title has been  changed. And here I simply copy the embed URL. And   now I should go to my Notion page. So now I put  my cursor here, at the end of this line and I   press enter. And here I simply type dash embed.  And I click on this. And here I paste that URL   and I click on this, embed link. We are still  waiting! And there it is. You can see we have   the overall chart. But now let's add the reading  and exercising chart which they are a little bit   different and we should add some filters. So let's  go to Notion charts. And here I simply click on   back to dashboard. And here we can see that we  have one chart and it says that you have four   charts left. It means that in the free version  you can have up to five charts which is enough   I think. So once again I click on this, create  chart. So the first step is doing the same thing   so I'm going to fast forward. But the second step  is to add some filters in order to tell Notion   charts that this chart should be only for reading  habit. So in order to do so, we should add some   filters. So I click on this: "data filters". And  here I should add a filter and the filter is this:   "the Habit", you can see "the Habit" should be  equal to reading. And I should click on this:   "save and apply filter" and I close it. And now  let's change the title to reading habit. And   I should press this check mark. And you can see  the title has been changed. So I should copy the   embed URL. And here in Notion I press enter and  here I simply type embed. Paste this and I embed   link. And you can see, we have the chart for our  reading habit. We are going to do the same thing   for our exercising habit. So I'm not going to  waste your time and I'm going to fast forward.   So you can see we have added the exercising habit  as well. But now let's add some charts like these,   I mean pie charts. So for doing so, first of  all, I should create a chart. I should choose a   database. And the x-axis is going to be levels.  The y-axis is going to be again levels. And we   should Group by by the count. And here we should  change the chart type to pie chart. And again this   chart is overall so if you want to have just the  reading habit, so you should add some filters.   And I want to add a title. And I copy the URL  and I simply add it to Notion. And we can do   the exact process for our exercising habits and  I'm not going to waste your time and I'm going   to fast forward. But we want to put these charts  beside each other. So it's very easy! I can drag   this chart and put it beside this one. So now you  can see we have built our dashboard as well. And   those charts are dynamic. I mean for example  if you change something in the data section   those charts are going to be updated. Please like  the video because it really helps the channel.
Channel: Daily Atomic Steps
Views: 20,278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: notion, Habit, habit tracker, habit tracker notion, notion habit tracker
Id: 8HatRkOTVl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Mon May 01 2023
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