Creating an Ultimate Second Brain in Notion - Full Step-by-Step Tutorial

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welcome to today's video tutorial on creating second brain using notion and the Thiago 4-day para method in this video I will guide you through the process of setting up your second brain template organizing your information effectively and optimizing your workflow let's get started first let's understand what a second brain is and how the power method can help us manage our knowledge and information more efficiently a second brain is a digital system designed to capture organize and retrieve information effectively the para method developed by Thiago Forte stands for projects areas resources and archive it's a framework that helps us categorize and structure our information to make it easily accessible when needed before we proceed let's create database page this page will contain all of the database that we want to create later on now let's dive into creating the necessary databases for our second brain and explore how they relate to each other we'll start by setting up the area's database where it will categorize our information based on different domains or areas of Interest delete this property because we don't need it let's add the first row with personal area we can create default template for the new area that we want to add if we create this default template every time we add new area the icon and format will be the same next we can add a Select Property this will allow us to select what type of area it is whether it is personal business or school add media property so we can upload the cover image for each areas we can add checkbox property to Archive areas when it is not relevant anymore let's upload cover image for this personal area continue to add other relevant areas as you want for now let's leave this database as it is and we will revisit this again later on to add relations and functionality next let's create projects database projects represent a collection of purposeful tasks each with a specific deadline serving as the means to effectively attain your goals to make it clear areas are at the top of this system followed by project and tasks projects consist a series of tasks delete this property because we don't need it let's add some projects here as usual create default template for new project now a date property for the start and due date of the project let's add status property to determine the status of the project whether it is Inbox planned in progress or completed we can add more projects if you want leave this project database as it is we will come back to this database later to add more functionality to enhance our productivity we'll create a tasks database to manage our to-do lists and track our progress on specific projects let's set a sample task and create default template for the new task add date property for the due date of the task next add checkbox property to tick when the task is completed add the text property to our description to our specific task if needed we can also add URL property if some tasks need to refer to some website links for now leave this task database as it is next we'll create the resources database this is where we'll store articles books links and other reference materials that are relevant to our areas and projects resources can be associated with specific projects or areas making it easier to find information when we need it now let's set a sample resource as usual create default template to make it easier when we add new resource next let's add other properties such as status resource type URL media and description add checkbox property to differentiate between resources which are favorite or not add another checkbox property to set whether the resource is still relevant or not if the resource is not relevant anymore we will move it into archive again let's leave this database as it is next we'll set up a notes database to capture and store our detailed notes and thoughts we can link notes to relevant projects areas or topics creating a network of interconnected knowledge add status property to determine the status of the note whether it is still in box draft or final next at a created time and last edited time property add checkbox property for favorite and archived notes let's continue to create notebook database this notebook will contain series of relevant notes lastly we'll also create a topics database to organize our notes and resources based on specific subjects or topics this will enable us to easily locate and retrieve notes related to specific areas or projects next to make our database become functional let's set up relation between database add relation property and choose projects database to create relation between tasks and its respective project assign the tasks to its related project next add relation for resource and notes now go to the project database and let's add some relations first let's create relation between projects and its related areas next let's create progress bar to show the completion progress of each project add roll up property then select task it will show the percentage progress of each project in this case the progress is still zero percent because none of the tasks is complete or checked the progress column of learned Spanish and python project is blank because we haven't assigned tasks to them next let's add other relation for notes and resources now on the areas database in relation for notes and resources next we move on the resource database let's add relation with topic database this will enable to categorize the resource with related topics let's go to the notes database and did relation with notebooks this will allow the relevant series of notes to be collected in The Notebook next let's continue with other remaining database for notebooks and topics now that we have our databases set up let's create a dashboard and navigation menu to provide easy access to our second brains various sections the dashboard will serve as our Central hub for managing and navigating our information effectively first let's make our dashboard page becomes to column on the left side we will put our navigation menu and on the right side we will customize our second brain section next we can add Cal out block to make a bounding box effect to our navigation menu create new pages for our inbox tasks projects areas resources notes and archive later we will customize each page to add more detail and functionality next let's create inbox section this section is used to effortlessly capture any thoughts or ideas that come to to mind related with resource task project and notes we will add linked view of resource task project and note database to add linked view just type slash and linked choose properties that we want to show in this inbox section we only want to show resource with the status inbox we also want to only show resource that is not archived so let's set filter next let's add link database View for the task now add filters to only show new tasks that has not been assigned for specific projects and date next let's create link database View for the projects in box now add filter to only show project status in box and project that is not archived lastly let's create linked View for the notes database add the same filter based on the status inbox before we finish in this section let's add Cal out block to add bounding box effect for our inbox section next let's create section for our life areas adlink database view for our areas change the database view to gallery view select the card preview to cover property that we have created before this will show the cover image for each area next let's create section for our projects change the database view to board view this will make it easier to change the status of the project just by drag and drop next we need to create tasks section in this section we will see a list of the active tasks for today this week and all tasks add filter to the date property to only show tasks that the deadline is today now duplicate this view to another view of tasks that the deadline is this week duplicate again to another view for all active tasks let's continue to add calendar view of our tasks this will show our task and calendar format by weekly and monthly to make it easier duplicate the weekly View and change it for monthly calendar next let's create section for our resources in this section we will have resources that's still in real you completed review and favorite resource choose properties that we want to show in list View now we need to add filter to only show the resource that is still in review status duplicate this View and change the filter for the completed review resources and favorite resources now if we tick the check box the resources will be moved to the favorite resource View next let's create last section for the notes change the database view to gallery choose the property that you want to show on the notes View we need to add filter to only show the notes that still in draft status duplicate The View and adjust it for the final notes and favorite notes the process is pretty similar with previous section on the left side panel let's create sections for the topics and notebooks next let's add section for the notebook this notebook will contain the collection of relevant notes now let's set up the content inside our page in our area section if you see here inside the areas page there is nothing to show so we want to add the linked database view of the projects and show the project only in this the relevant area add filter to only show the project related with this area now let's open area page and add the template that we have made you will see only related project with with this personal area will be shown let's go back to the template and show progress properties of the project apply the template for all other pages next let's set up our page on the project database inside the project page we want to show only the related tasks let's create our template for the project page apply the template for the project page that we have made previously we only need to apply this to the existing project page we don't need to do this when we create new project next let's also set up our page in the topics and notebook section the process is pretty much similar do the same process for the notebook page let's set up each page on the left navigation menu since it is still blank create two columns to separate the navigation menu and the content copy and paste the navigation menu link to make it easier just copy the database view on our dashboard and paste it on the inbox page create a home link by copying the link of our dashboard page and paste it on the home text on navigation menu now we can easily go back to the dashboard Page by clicking the home link on the navigation menu next we can do the same process for our tasks page copy this task section and paste it on the navigation page you can customize this tasks page and add more detail than the dashboard if you want next let's set up our projects page on the navigation menu in this project page we want to add three sections the first section is grouping our project based on the status or kanban View the second section is categorizing our project based on its area and the last section is showing the relevant task for each project next by following the same process let's set up our area page on the navigation menu now we also need to set up our Resource page use the same process let's continue with our notes page do the same process the last part is setting up our archive page in this archive page all irrelevant and obsolete data will be stored here whenever we need this in the future we can go to this archive page and find the data that we want to recall now we've created our second brain template based on the Thiago Forte para method it's time to put it to the test in this segment we'll explore how to use our template to effectively organize information and boost productivity let's start by adding a new area to our template for this test we'll create an investing area to manage all our investment related activities excellent now that we have an investing area let's create a new project within it our project will be stock diversification to optimize our Investment Portfolio and minimize risk now let's create tasks related to our projects since this is a new topic don't forget to create investing topic you can also add notebook about investing next let's add some resource related with our project on this example I put YouTube video about investing let's also create notes about investment guide congratulations you've successfully tested our second brain template adding the investing area and the stock diversification project you've experienced how it can help you organize investment related information increase productivity and track progress effectively remember this template is highly customizable so feel free to adapt it to your specific needs and preferences thank you for watching today's tutorial if you found this video helpful please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel for more productivity and organization tips if you have any questions or suggestions please leave them in the comments below happy organizing
Channel: Rosidssoy
Views: 312,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: second brain, notion second brain, notion app
Id: YG82YzEypU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 41sec (3821 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2023
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