I Built EVERY TALLEST BUILDING in the world in Minecraft!

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[Music] all [Music] n [Music] a [Music] a next we have the Empire State Building standing at 38 81 blocks tall this building would barely fit in a vanilla Minecraft [Music] world now I did hear that there is a 600 floor where you could reach Mount Olympus unfortunately I did not build that today maybe some other time up next we have the World Trade Center standing at 417 blocks tall now we're at builds that would not fit in a vanilla Minecraft world at 1:1 scale as you might have expected this wasn't the most challenging build especially because of the simple shape but I did spend some time getting the roof details correct finally we are no longer in New York City up next we have the Sears or Willis Tower in Chicago this building is interesting because the antennas on top of it don't actually contribute to the height which is the only reason why the next building on this list is actually considered taller than it even though its highest occupied floor is much [Music] lower [Music] following the Sears Tower we have the petronis towers which are the tallest Twin Towers in the world I do think it's quite an interesting building but they're barely taller than the Sears Tower and only so because of the spire as you can see here it's questionable if they are actually taller than the Sears Tower but technically they are [Music] taller our second and last building is taipe 101 I don't have a lot to say about this one except that it was a child out Hood favorite of mine and I do think it looks pretty [Music] interesting by the way if you want to support the channel or interested in these builds all of the downloads will be on my patreon in the description your support really does mean the world to me and I'm truly grateful for it finally we have the current tallest building in the world the bur Khalifa located in Dubai this building is 828 blocks tall making it 318 blocks taller than taipe 101 this means at the time of construction it beat out the previous tallest building in the world by nearly the Minecraft height [Music] limit this was by far the most challenging and complex building of the video so far unlike most other buildings in the video there wasn't a simple pattern that I could mirror or follow along I had to individually detail and build the three sides of the building when I was about 7 years old I had the opportunity to visit the Birch Khalifa and while I don't remember much from the trip I I do remember nearly burning my ear in a candle at a restaurant while looking up at the [Music] building now for one last look at all 12 buildings [Music] the you're the better [Music] you world'll [Music] call call me royalty me loyalty I'm taking the world you see they'll be call me call me they'll be call me [Music] royalty
Channel: ItsMeMx
Views: 107,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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