I Built 7 Seasons of Clone Wars in LEGO...

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Star Wars the Clone Wars is a TV show with seven seasons that are just full of awesome battles and encounters so in this video I'm going to be taking one scene from each season and building it in Lego the first scene I want to build comes from season 1 episode 21. Liberty on ryloth in this episode Mace Windu is leading an attack on ryloth against the separatists he has a huge Convoy of attes and they come under attack as they get closer to the city Mace Windu jumps on an atrt and runs up this hill to attack some droids and armored assault tanks I thought this scene where he was charging towards the droids would be fun to build so I started by laying down three 16 by 16 plates I didn't want to make builds that are too big for this challenge because I wanted to be able to finish this video in a reasonable amount of time lately I've been used to making bigger and bigger builds so giving myself some space constraints is going to be a good way to keep me on track after making a few levels for my train and adding some slopes in I started adding plates and tiles in both tan and dark tan for some color variation I still had an atrt for my christophsis build so I got that makes window positioned above an explosion I built added a couple droids in and here's the final result this build is probably the weakest one of this video because it's pretty basic but I think it communicates what's happening in the scene so mission accomplished there I guess if I had to redo this I would definitely pick a different color combination because the droids blend in with the terrain more than I would like moving on for season two I decided to do a scene from episode 4 which is called landing at Point rain this episode has some epic battle scenes and we get to return to Geonosis again which is awesome Obi-Wan Anakin and Chiari Mundi returned to the planet to stop Pogo the Lesser from rebuilding the droid army but they crash land on their way in and split up for my build I wanted to focus on this moment when Chiari Mundi exits the caves with some of his clones that are using flamethrowers on the geonosian Warriors the problem here is that I don't have the Clones I need to make this scene I decided to head over to Clone Army Customs to solve this issue I grabbed the Clones I was missing headed back home and I was ready to build for this build I used two 16 by 16 plates and created a classic black tile border around edges since they're on a cliff in this scene I wanted to make sure I elevated the terrain right from the start I filled everything in for a nice thick base to the build with slopes on the front to represent the Cliff face I chose a dark orange and medium nougat color scheme for this build which is pretty classic for Geonosis builds in Lego after creating a few rock formations I got everything tiled and plated off placed my figures and this is how things turned out even though this build might be somewhat simple I think it looks pretty good kiadi Mundi is deflecting a shot from a geonosian warrior Commander jet is about to take out the flying Warrior on the right and I'm happy with how the fire looks coming out of the flamethrower from the cone on the left up next we have season three I chose to build a scene from Citadel rescue which is episode 20. toward the end of the episode there's a part where PLO comes swooping in with his gunship to save everybody from the small island in the middle of a bunch of yellow lava there are tons of crab droids swarming the island and Anakin is the last one still fighting them before he jumps onto the gunship to escape I had some custom crab droids from my droid army that I built earlier this year and this seemed like the perfect opportunity to use them again I went for a 32 by 16 build with a black tile border I started adding a bunch of trans yellow bricks in for the lava before moving over to the right side of the build to fill everything in with some dark bluish gray I had some really long gray wedge pieces that I used to represent the rock spikes coming off of the island and I attached them using Mixel joints so I could get some interesting angles I took the legs off of the back of one of my crab joists to position it so it looked like it was climbing out of the lava and I set the other one up to attack Anakin let's take a look at the final build I think this build represents the scene perfectly I like how the colors come together and I love the design of these crab droids I'll throw a link in the description if you want to build them for yourself they're pretty easy to pose and I think they really sell this scene in Lego form let's move on to season four for this season as a surprise to probably nobody I chose the Battle of ambara I specifically chose to build a scene representing the battle between the 501st and 212th the evil Jedi General pong Krell tricked these two Legions into fighting a against each other after he told them that the environs had stolen their clone Brothers armor and were trying to infiltrate their ranks the Clones ended up fighting against each other only to realize that they had been lied to which was unfortunately after the damage was already done I chose to go for a 32 by 16 build with black tile border again I had a bunch of these black slopes so I used them to create a few different points of elevation and then I tiled off the rest of the build to give it a shiny smooth look next I added figures onto the build so I could figure out where I wanted all of my foliage to go ambara is a super dark planet with a bunch of brightly colored plants so I decided to use pink and purple plants to brighten things up a little bit I mixed in a ton of black Vine and tentacle looking pieces and here's the final result I think this build looks super clean you can instantly tell that it's invara it was also fun to finally use all my new clone specialists in the build even though this all represents events leading up to one of the most depressing scenes in the entire TV show for season 5 I knew instantly that I wanted to build Gregor's Final Stand from episode 12 missing in action Gregor looks awesome in his clone Commando attire and I picked up his custom figure from Clone Army Customs just a few months ago in this scene he goes up against a bunch of droids all by himself and he takes out a ton of them before using some explosives to take care of the rest of them I used one 16 by 16 plate making this the smallest build of the video I added a black border around the edges created a grid with tiles and grates and started building a few crates Greger gets attacked by a bunch of droids in this episode but right toward the end of the battle he's hiding behind a few crates and he's taking out tons of enemies this build is simple but it looks very similar to The Source material and I like how it focuses on a small part of a much larger battle I love how this Droid looks as it's being blown away and I think anyone who's a fan of Gregor would recognize this scene right away for season 6 I had a harder time choosing a build there are only 13 episodes in season 6 unlike the Five Seasons that come before it that had 20 episodes each also so many of the episodes in this season use characters that are abstract and weird or just don't have their own Minifigures I settled on episode 10 which is called lost ones there's a pretty cool lightsaber battle that takes place between Anakin Obi-Wan and Dooku they fight near this massive Legend there are some cool colors on the platform that I thought would be fun to include I wanted to try something a little bit different for this build just to show how high up this fight was taking place I thought it would be fun to have the entire build held up by two pillars similar to the ones we see in the scene I decided to go for a slightly different color scheme and ended up using blue for the lit up portion since I didn't have anywhere near enough of the right green color to achieve the look that I was going for once I had the pillar started I built out the entire platform got my main elements placed and finished building up the pillars to get them to a good height I got everything tiled off placed the Minifigures and this is how it turned out I have Obi-Wan hanging off the edge of the platform using the force to grab his lightsaber just like he does in the fight Dooku and Anakin are fighting in the center of the build framed in pretty nicely by the pillars on either side of them I like how unique this build is compared to the other ones and love the rounded look to the maybe it's not the most recognizable scene ever but this was definitely a fun one to build moving on to season seven there are so many great options with iconic scenes even though I had tons of ideas I decided it was time to build a scene that I've been wanting to build for ages that scene is none other than Maul's venator Rampage from episode 11 where he goes up against a bunch of Clone Troopers using nothing but the force he takes out everyone opposing him by throwing them around smashing them with panels and even decapitates these two guys I started out putting some plates down for the floor structure and began building the lights that we see on the walls of the hallway I added some modified 1x2 bricks for texture and tiled off the top to hold everything together after mocking up my figure placement I built a couple panels that Maul used in the scene to block oncoming fire from the clones and place them on top of some clear round bricks to make it look like they were floating I tiled off the floor got everything into place and this is what I ended up with this might just be my favorite build of this entire video I had the right figures to include in the scene I think the hallway looks great and I feel like I couldn't have really done this any better even if I tried which build was your favorite let me know in the comment section down below I have so many ideas for more Clone Wars builds to make in future videos so make sure you subscribe so you don't miss out on them otherwise thanks for watching and I hope you have a good one
Channel: Firebird Bricks
Views: 72,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lego star wars, lego clone wars, lego moc, mocs, legos, star wars, star wars the clone wars, maul, pong krell, anakin, obi wan kenobi, darth maul, ki-adi mundi, count dooku, geonosis, umbara, the citadel, 501st legion, 212th, clone commando, gregor, commando gregor, clone wars season
Id: ADF1u1WIB28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 17sec (497 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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