I Built a Vertical Wall Climbing Skyscraper Track!

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what's up guys my name is cod and we're back today with more zapkist and today we're doing another wicked track theme this time it is vertical tracks we've got fans we've got boosters we've got stuff to help keep you on the walls so we're going to make some crazy vertical tracks i don't really have an insane idea for this or anything but i'm just going to try and make the best vertical track i can and see what happens all right are you ready vertical tracks yes sir i'm excited for this ready i'm like super ready all right dapper's idea so if it sucks we can all blame him yeah for sure all right let's go three two one bill yeah i'm not okay go ahead jokes on you guys i've been building for like five minutes wow and you'll still be done last what a cheater [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] y'all ready for some verticality [Laughter] is that a word is that even a word yeah yeah yep so verticality means it's uh on a right angle to a horizontal surface oh it's going to be at a right angle don't worry about it okay i'm gonna put a level here okay i'm gonna go 10 minutes uh my track's pretty easy this week war cams most likely not yeah well my tracks easy this week it's not actually hard to do there's some cool lines i think that you could um you know get get good speed out of but anyway here we go vertical track do it let's do it oh yeah look at that new car dude i would drive that all right this is all first person by the way because going vertical in third person is absolutely ridiculous whoa you instant killed me when i went up there okay yeah don't don't don't hit the don't hit the the windows obviously left yeah you gotta go no no simple he says it is simple it's really easy i've literally dude i'm literally two for two okay go photo mode and you'll see how easy this is all you have to do is left and right stuff you don't have to break i haven't break once what is this the whole track haven't break still going you know cosmo all you have to do is go left and then you gotta go right and then you gotta go that's all you really gotta do right it's just some lines it's just some racing lines okay i made it i mean all right here we go i should get a a time here oh did you just go off the side yeah you just fall off at the end it's awesome here we go nice nice nice first time let's go okay now i like this now it like oh my god yeah i'm gonna actually photo mode because i want to see people going up and down the sides of the building that's great yeah spiderman spiderman yeah exactly fighterzeep spiderzeep all right all right here we go this is cool man do you go up and down each side yeah you go up down you go up across down and then curve and then up and then down and well you kind of fall down the last side you don't really do the thing but you gotta like make it what you gotta full set at the end if you don't you get sucked back into the building with the fans dapper made it nice dapper yeah people at the end weren't going fast enough and they got sucked back into the building which uh yeah that's not that's how you die but that is how you die my problem was that i did like a weird like break in the air thing and it didn't give me enough distance someone is going like yeah you don't ever want to break on this someone's going backwards and i don't know why hey man don't knock it till you try it like they're going the wrong way down the that could be the cheese to your track this track is full speed like it's never break and you'll be fine you just got to hit the right lines that's all do you touch anything in midair uh my hands no hands up i only hands up when you're coming on the off wall when you're coming off the one wall sideways you can hands up for that but you really don't have to okay i'm gonna try and put down a better time here what are you better time you're first yeah it's so good i like i just had a great run i'm gonna put down a better time oh i want to try and put down a better time don't do it don't do it yeah don't do it say no to better times i just thought i had a great run and just realized i was like 10 seconds behind you yeah i'm like he's passing me right now so i'm clearly not on a good run guys it's it's it's it's all just about hitting the hitting those lines you know what i'm saying oh i spun out those lines oh that's for sure you just gotta hit them lines nice and clean you know you go through the first checkpoint at a bit of an angle and then snipe the corner of the window you know like right right all right i got 10 seconds up that's 10 seconds building and people are just driving around your windows amazing i went from green to yellow that's wow like a 0.8 green to like a point one yellow is weird excuse me a good time come on fold faster right you don't fall faster that's not and it doesn't work that way wow [Music] oh and work hands with the 47 yeah that's what i'm saying there's faster times out there could do be that way sometimes i'm on a quick one here though if i can fall faster come on fall no it's not fast enough oh my goodness no i was catching up to dapper darn it it was a vertical track so i was like i wanted to make a building and copying and pasting all those windows was a terrible terrible time by the way but yeah yeah this is awesome it was like a skyscraper playground basically yeah yeah and then i was like you want to go down the building so i deleted the windows to make the path and you know put a lot of checkpoints so you didn't just have to fall you have to actually drive it and okay all right i'm a point seven degrees 0.7 yeah oh i don't screw that up point seven still okay okay still point seven okay okay let's go i can just go straight here and fall oh why did i break there and never break oh i'm gonna miss the finish am i gonna finish i'm gonna i'm gonna miss it no i'm not i'm not i'm not green i'm not gonna go let's go wow let's go dude i was right on par with you too i could have had that time probably if i had you know i almost missed the finish by like like the finish you have to go right through the middle to get the finish but it's completely open up there so there's no reference point oh i got sucked back into the building yeah you gotta go far enough away [Music] all right here we go i gotta i gotta win my track this this i was gonna say this week i gotta win my track today you know just gotta sleep at night yeah exactly uh all right green time here man i've yet to set a time oh inside track please don't slow me down point seven green gold skulls dang it yeah you gotta go a little middle for that oh i slid out i went over the top and slid that sucks please like clipping the window frames it's so cool yeah like like clipping ever so slightly i mean yeah if one tire hits it it doesn't seem to screw you up you can just kind of skim over the edge of the window as i hit a window and completely got wrecked yeah originally i made this as a blue cube and then i was like it doesn't look like a skyscraper as like a giant blue cube so i was like well what if i had window frames everywhere and then then that just sort of gave you the idea well i guess i just delete the windows to make the actual track yeah fair enough all right here we go i'm going to get a finish here boys dang i can't go faster than what i've done i don't know 48 3. oh you beat me gotta be you but what the heck the falling is the worst too because you're just like fall faster go go gravity like right now and i get sucked back in the building oh dang polar with a 47-3 oh man wow that is that is fast i don't know i don't know man i thought a 47-6 was fast but i just want a first place guys like come on please what is this just give it to me oh no just give me a first place just give it to him he says just quit can we just boot polars oh i'm host i can just boot them there you go easy dude time gets deleted done i wouldn't do that but i could i have the power just no lobby wins yeah great power comes great responsibility like that's like the olympics in a dictatorship i'm still like a point one yellow that's so bad that's gotta be fast free yellow point four yellow 0.41 yellow wow i know it's so bad oh that's so much faster if you take the inside like right at the beginning if you take the inside lip yeah but no full lord's not doing that so you're doing something wrong oh you mean like the inside lip of the track yes that's what i'm saying you sounded like you knew exactly what i was talking about but i'm at a point one three green point two green oh wow i just flew right off that's a cool track i definitely want to read the yellow better this one okay it flows flows nice yeah once you get it it flows nice yeah like that's like point two sec point do you think that lip is found okay i'll try it i'm gonna try it faster i'm telling you it's faster oh this is so much harder to do in first person then yeah it is too but it's fun 0.039 but then my next one's a 0.356 like i have less speed on the next checkpoint i don't know man i don't know maybe maybe i was just sucking more overall but like please don't suck me into the building please i gotta get this here got to get a time man i go over let's go what nice dab yup 47 fo 20. dude hi i don't i don't know how i'm going to beat that i don't know man am i even going to get podiums i got bumped off the podium war cans with a 46. bro i can't even do it i don't even have time left it's gg no i yeah i i got bumped off the podium on my own track are you kidding me dude really i'll take that for you dude how did he get a 46 8 like that is like like that's almost a full second faster than what i was doing maybe he's that's insane landing something maybe he figured out a way to land differently maybe he yeah he found out how to fall faster maybe but like i don't know your nose down point your nose down for less air resistance i don't i don't think the game works that way man i wish i keep going gg guys thanks for my track i thought i was doing so well uh getting a podium but i guess not so uh yeah vertical tracks if you have other themes for tracks let us know in the comments down below make sure of course you check out dapper and cosmos videos links in the description and uh like subscribe we'll see y'all next time bye [Music]
Channel: kAN Gaming
Views: 81,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kan gaming, zeepkist, trackmania, games like trackmania, soapbox racing game, new games 2022, new games, new game, new racing game, new soapbox game, custom track builder, custom track, custom race, zeepkist multiplayer
Id: IU-BzJrUvqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 28 2022
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