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this video is sponsored by tuxedo Labs care down now has a new creative mode where you can seamlessly build your own Creations right inside the game creations can be saved spawned moved and even duplicated for easy destruction check out the link in the description to play tear down yourself so using the new creative mode we are going to be building a bunker to survive a tornado so we're gonna go over here and we're gonna select box and I'm going to make my bunker out of metal this is going to be our floor for our bunker and now we just have to build the walls just like this something like that for now uh we have to have it high enough so my buddy Bob over there can fit inside the bunker with us and then we just need a front door so build this like that check it out I'm not the best builder but we have a uh base we have the base of our bunker uh Bob you standing here for reference please you're totally gonna surf survive this tornado with me right buddy totally boom there's the walls and now we just need the roof it has to be pretty thick as well so let's go like maybe right about there and check it out whoa we can actually go inside for the door though this might be a bad idea I'm gonna make it out of wood yep just just like this there we go just so we could see outside I think I'm gonna add some like little window holes just like this look we got some light Whoa We got some windows and I think it's time for me to go over here and save this so control s and we're gonna name it tornado oh that says ton Rado good enough and if we go into the spawn menu you could see we we just made ourselves to Creation yep it's uh it's spawnable I'm not the best builder but it's here oh yeah look at that perfect it's there get that out of here okay Bob are you ready here we go three two one oh no oh no why'd I spawn it right on top of us oh no is this working though hold on a second this might be working oh no it's getting destroyed um I think it's a good indicator once Bob starts flying around the room we're not safe we're not safe that is actually standing up pretty good against the tornado we're just gonna let it do its thing and see how much it damages it tornado please go away see you later thanks for destroying my bunker that I worked so hard on hey that's not too bad although Bob is gone so I think it was bad I'm sorry Bob I'll build I'll build us a new bunker so this design worked pretty good but the windows might have been our downfall and also the wood door so I'm going to remove this door and I'm going to replace it with more metals different color metal boom and now our bunker is just a metal cube for survival all right pop this bad boy down on the ground hey Bob how's it going maybe we should decorate this place no what was that what was that um I might have accidentally clicked the Nuclear Strike my bunker no oh that actually terrified me Bob no no okay I'm gonna do that again but I'm gonna put away the Nuclear Strike you'd like to see more creative mode don't forget to smack that like button and what should I build next look at this creator that gets rid of that test it doesn't survive a nuclear strike tornado bunker V2 let's place this bad boy back down and look at this beauty I made this in a whole couple minutes it's not the best looking thing it's nice and shiny that tells you how strong it is it's actually not that strong this time I'm not gonna Nuclear Strike our bunker look Place grab grab a nice chair so we can hang out in here a sofa well would you guys stay in this place I think it's pretty homey and boom we have a television in here um this is actually really nice Bob you staying here you stay in here so we know it can kind of survive a tornado not very much Bob exploded um and definitely Bob exploded when a nuclear strike hit this but can it survive dinosaurs so let's go in here let's get ourselves a Tyrannosaurus Rex look at that okay get inside get inside oh that's terrifying can I survive a T-Rex um hello wait a second wait a second I think we might be safe in here Bob he's not breaking in we can just sit up here and relax huh jerk you can't break into a metal bunker oh he's on top of it yeah oh he just tripped and that's what you get for stepping on my bunker get out of here you jerk oh oh there we go and the final test for our bunker here is a simple black hole okay we're gonna spawn that over there and there it is and just get inside and see if we could survive Bob oh no it's already damaging him oh this is gonna be great this is gonna be great but if it survives a black hole that tells you about the Integrity of my building skills uh-oh I think it's getting a bigger and stronger there it is it is it's starting to pull everything in here including me Bob no uh oh there goes Bob this ain't good this ain't good oh no oh we're gonna suck it I got eaten by a T-Rex inside the black hole that's what that noise was and look at that though the Bunker's not moving the black hole is just sucking up the ground and stuff it's a pretty strong bunker I think holy man another one over there is pretty good too but hey oh no I wonder if we can like attach stuff to an already existing creation like a car so Bob we're at my Grandma's place here uh grandma she's just staring at us right there that's creepy um here's her little tiny a Jeep I wonder if we can build on to this we want metal on the front so I'm just gonna do this boom and look at that it's attached to the Jeep we can make like an awesome plow or something on this to go through a bunch of zombies what so yeah I'm just gonna build like a plow here um we gotta build this straight down build like a nice base for it grab the line tool and we're gonna build this downwards this is actually coming along so good it's not gonna be totally totally straight but it doesn't have to be it's just for running over zombies it just looks like a jumbled mess but if it works and it drives how good is this gonna be I don't know watch out oh I ran over Bob oh wait hold on this thing might actually be pretty strong and if you look over there there's some zombies so let's run these guys over boom holy man it actually worked There's a Zombie stuck to me get this one take that oh oh missed him missed them um oh no oh no I broke the whole plow on my Jeep this is what you get oh no I think we need to fortify something up a little better than that maybe we'll grab like a bus or something that adds some armor to it speaking of bus here's one right here perfect so just grab this we'll move it over and we're just going to add like some sheet Armor All across it add some armor to the front but you're probably wondering how do we see well look at this we have a little window that totally works how are you supposed to see anything and for the wheel wells we'll also add some armor so they don't damage them and Bam there's our zombie boss um let's hop in and see if we can actually we can actually see out the little window this is perfect oh this creative mode changes everything you can build onto existing stuff take this new zombie jerk oh oh um okay maybe the metal isn't so great for zombies but it protected me didn't it Bob get on the bus there's zombies just a crawl through the hole I gotta repair that crawl through the crawl through the whole Bob get inside yep there we go he's inside kind of uh there's a zombie coming over here so just grab my planks we're just gonna do a little patch job like this okay and then we're getting out of here that is so cool look at this thing it's like a giant metal RV or a a box of death cause we're gonna die okay we gotta be careful because if there's zombies up here we might be in trouble I'm gonna take a big turn left drift uh it doesn't drift it's metal oh no oh I wrecked it even more are you serious okay just patch it up a little bit more like this it almost looks like a Mad Max vehicle and boom uh-oh there's a zombie horde coming this way oh man you know what okay grab my sniper rifle and just go hello zombies Bop did I get one I got that one but now they see me so get inside the bus and we're leaving Bob Buckle in okay here we go I'm gonna look through the window here and just drive straight through them oh oh it's where working though and still protecting us it's fine it's breaking apart oh my gosh and look over there there is a jump across the river for us to escape but um it's quite the jump so we have to add some thrusters to the back of our bus here vehicle Thruster just a lot of them like this oh yeah this is gonna make it so fast and I think that will do us some good and hop in and oh yeah get some speed and jump it oh my gosh I can't believe we actually made it and we're still flying and look at that we just survived a zombie apocalypse in a custom Bob Bob no no a bob didn't survive I did anyways that's it for this episode so thanks for watching And subscribe remember stay sweet bye I should probably save this bus but you know I'm just gonna throw it into a building whoa and it fell in the water
Channel: SpyCakes
Views: 1,780,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: i built, i built a tornado bunker, i built a bunker, tornado, tornado bunker, tornado survival, survival, tornado game, tornado destruction, destruction, destruction game, dinosaurs, black hole, black hole survival, dinosaur survival, teardown, teardown gameplay, teardown survival, teardown tornado, teardown tornado bunker, teardown bunker, teardown dinosaurs, teardown black hole, spycakes, spycakes teardown, spycakes tornado, spycakes survival, spycakes dinosaurs
Id: ITzEPran8mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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