i built a tiny village inside this players chest..

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so as you guys all know in minecraft there is this thing called a chest like right here and with a chest in minecraft you can actually put stuff inside of it and hide it from people i mean not really hide but you know what i mean earlier today donnie and i actually created our own version of this chest and it looks perfect it literally looks exactly like the original i mean i hope it does we literally went pixel by pixel and made this thing today donnie and i are going to get smaller in minecraft and we're going to try to build a village inside of a chest in minecraft and quiff has absolutely no clip but as always if you guys haven't already make sure you guys drop a like make sure you guys subscribe to the channel try to aim for 10 000 likes in 24 hours just look at the like button right now all right just look at it now that you're looking at it you're already looking at just draw blank okay just click the button it's good it's free and while you're down there don't forget to subscribe we're on the road to 10 million subscribers we're getting we're actually getting pretty close you guys are killing it lately again it's all so much for six million subscribers let's try to aim for 10 million and i want you guys to try to comment octopus i know a lot of you guys won't spell it right i think this is an octopus there's really no other reason why you should other than that i will hurt some people who do that danny what's up look at this come to the edge come to the edge i'm gonna die dude look how look how far it is let's explain the rules okay because griffin is online right now he's mining so we goo so okay how does this work like you fall in how this works you said your base get this on your face you said we were good he was mining on the street i saw it okay he's gone he's gone he's gone he's gotta be ready okay leave me and grab the table come on give me a crafting table that's so funny wow i can't deal with the place come come look oh oh you're like you're like guarded by the bed too and like kind of protects it i know i don't know okay so how the pond works is you build your house or village inside here okay okay okay and then every three minutes we swap houses and we look at each other's houses okay okay let's call me but no touch it i swear if you break one block i'm actually gonna muddy i would never i would never okay so we have this beautiful little area inside this chest this chest was crafted handcrafted by me and donnie because apparently you can't build inside actual chest so we took one of his chests and we made our own so here we are i think that we're going to start off by trying to create a waterfall now last time i created one of these videos i had a chiseled bit water thingy and i don't actually know if it actually works does it does it does it move no it just sits there okay cool well first things first i think that i want to create different levels to this place um we want to really just blow donnie away so let's get some stone i'm going to create literally like a like a curved little staircase does this even whoa what's he doing in here hey hey get get the heck out of here who's this guy this guy's donnie's already cheating okay so we got to create a separate floor for this i want to have multiple did i just break that wait wait did i break that no we're good hopefully quiff doesn't find us too quick he's literally just chilling like he's literally just vibing and mining so he shouldn't i don't know why he came back last time but you know it is what it is i'm really worried about donnie because after three minutes then he's gonna have to come in here and try to like apparently just look he says just look but i don't trust this guy i don't trust this guy a lot look i know donnie bobes and he never just looks at something if he says hey after three minutes let's look at each other's builds oh come on now he's definitely trying to like sabotage or something like that okay so we have our half spiral staircase it's gotta come up like this and then i think it's like that maybe i did it one too far is this a styro styro what someone opened a chest it was cool cliff's here but he's just walking around outside what is he doing okay i hear breaking outside the house this is not good oh my god it is quiff what is he doing he's creating an end portal oh this is about to be so loud he's going to the did i say n portal i meant to say nether portal did i say end portal i actually don't know okay i think we have our spiral staircase let's see what it looks like from afar it actually doesn't look that bad it doesn't look horrible but it doesn't look amazing that's okay we come up here and uh we have this upper ground area now what i want to do is create a nice little like watered i better say water park but it's definitely not a water park grass looks so scuffed that's so funny uh i want to create like a little farming area even though it won't actually work it'll still look nice as if it does work and donnie will be like wow linux is actually really good at what he does and i'll be like yeah yeah even though i don't know what i'm actually doing right now okay and there we go we have half of this actually looks like a farm partially um let's make a little house out of it too we need a house that we can have all of the materials to build our little farm out of so that will be right here you could probably even have it as a part of the walls are like a part of the chest so let's do all the way to the top so that these things are separate and we'll have a separate house i'm really curious as to what donnie's doing right now and if it's gonna turn out well i i think so far ours is turning out pretty good okay it actually looks kind of scuffed i'm gonna make this a little bit smaller i think someone's in my house is donnie here oh my gosh he left it open so i can see inside oh he has trees oh that's actually a really good idea should i copy him just so he thinks just so whenever he walks it and sees that he's gonna be really annoyed yeah yeah let's do let's do okay so one two three and then it's gotta look like this he's gonna be so annoyed we'll build another one just like that there we go also just you guys know this piece right here is like that because if he looks this way then uh there's just obviously a little hole in the wall but if i move then he'll just see the yellow behind it so that's the thought process oh donnie's right there donnie's right there let's cover that up just so he doesn't see the trees and that we stole the idea but whenever we see him we're gonna pretend like i thought of the idea and that it's just straight from my mind because obviously it was you know like obviously i made it i really want to go sneak in on donny and see what he's doing i just want to take a little peek i just want to peek i'm going to stand right here for a second just to see what he's doing hey so he has a tree he has grass on the floor a little staircase oh he sees me he sees me oh that's not the right color we're gonna go back we're just gonna pretend like nothing ever happened okay i actually like the format of his house so i'm gonna do that let's get rid of this tree i don't like this tree it's good to have one but two that make sure that there's no peeping donnie's anywhere in the middle of the house okay we're fine donnie said time to swap oh no mine's not ready you ready the first three minutes is up bro you don't have to go to mine let's just take a look at yours you know this is actually really good wow oh shut up what did he do wow it looks so good oh yeah i couldn't even see you you can't see me wait really wait for real peru did you see me watching you earlier no oh wait you're in this you freaking cheated wait no no no no i'm not in this but um okay cool just i assume you're around here somewhere okay so you already think so far you think very nice right i got the you got a little fanning over here that does the sprinkle sprinkle you know you've got the tree that in here that gives you the oxygen so you can yeah and then you've got the house inside here so you you you you know i noticed that you only have one floor though oh one floor in this huge area what is this it's all good we don't have to like we don't have to go check it out what is this monstrosity it literally looks like you're literally everywhere it looks so good are you crazy you see the top area i even have a farming area i don't care and thanks for the idea what you didn't even use you didn't even use real water for your fountain so there's points off of that i couldn't even find the room no thanks idiot for showing me the room cringe oh go away i like the video when you're silent bye i wasn't even finished with all the stuff that i was doing and he had to come over and check it out okay apparently i was building out of crafting tables on this bit so let's break that and we'll get some more wood to finish up this build real quick like i said this is where you actually sleep in minecraft this little uh this place right here donnie has one as well so it's not as good as mine obviously i just heard someone fall i don't know if it's quiff or someone else yep it is most definitely quiff my game is glitching out but he's right there let's take a look what is he doing right now he's making another mine oh my god i think he's making a mine inside of his house that's not good oh he's looking this way he's looking this way let's let's move a little bit no no he's not looking okay i'm gonna cover that up and then leave that hole right there because apparently the ground is glitched i'm gonna get rid of this tree and i just have this amazing idea to actually create a water fountain i feel like it would look really really nice in this whole area is this how he made it how did he make the water fountain i'm so confused and apparently our game is glitched so i can't get through okay i'm gonna steal his water fountain idea is and this is our water fountain what do you guys think what do you guys think drop a like drop a comment alright subscribe to the channel you guys already know what's going on i know you guys all love it let's finish this up as well so i think what i was doing here was i was getting rid of the top and then i was gonna make the uh the roof of this like that so it's not as big and looks as like clunky yeah there we go oh wait no no it's not this side oh it has to be the side wow okay well it looks kind of scuffed but i think it works so we have our farming area at the top we have our farming shed that i don't know what i'm going to do with yet we have our awesome spiral staircase we have a beautiful uh water fountain thingy and then we also have our house donnie also had a tree i just broke the tree but now that i think about it it actually might be kind of good to have like one tree here which would look kind of nice so maybe we just leave the one tree there and then yeah and i actually really like donnie's idea for um having the floor being like a specific color you know like uh how it like you're supposed to like follow the color like you know like the pathway that would be super sick yeah just like that we'll have like a little red thing that you can follow and then we'll also have it go to the staircase so that you can follow the staircase as well this looks sick and then what if we change the staircase to red so that it matched the theme and then we'll get extra points for matching the theme i think we might win this i'm not gonna lie who do you guys think won i want you guys to comment down below who you guys think won this so far obviously i know most of you guys are probably going to see me that's totally fine it's okay to be biased sometimes yeah what's up donnie it's time to go look my friend okay i'm coming okay are you good yep i'm inside of yours oh wow this uh this staircase looks uh looks very very um i just got the idea but uh if you see if you just come up here this is called the onyx the helter skelter oh you go up here cobblestone generator nice nice dude look you like it you like it it's minecrafter guy let's taste the trash what is this oh my god okay so where's this water thing that you got here if this is a fountain i swear to god you know i just randomly got this burst of like creativity i don't even care that's fine what this is so good it's way better than your joke of a fountain come on okay look at this and you've got another trash house i've won this game easy no way no way is this the last time are we muting up to finish up and then we'll do our final little this last one you literally get one minute okay i'm shaking in my boots but we're not going to tell donnie that quiff is right outside of this base and he could come ruin this at any moment but i'm thinking we steal his idea of having a bed and we're gonna put it inside this house down here i think it's an amazing idea so he built it like built it like this nice that actually looks so sick especially with the red uh concrete leading to it it looks really nice what else did he have that i could still i only have a minute i don't know what to build maybe another tree let's build another tree hurry hurry i need to get the wood here we go we're going to build it right uh where's another space that we could build it maybe up here maybe up here yeah there's a little bit of space right here that's fine we could just build another tree that's fine yeah we got that what why is there water okay we got this in the bag there we go that looks like a little shrub but that's okay i just broke my entire base i just i just broke it again i just broke my entire base johnny you need more time didn't you donny do not go in my base oh my what happened give me 30 seconds all right give me 30 seconds and then we'll switch right first of all i win this challenge i want to hear you say it you break your entire house i don't even have anything to show for it so i would hope you'd win dude let me let me build something then we'll switch you can't build anything could this i can alright
Channel: Lynix
Views: 545,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft village, minecraft mod, tiny village, tiny minecraft, i built, minecraft build, funny, comedy, pg, family friendly, lynixity, lynix
Id: gMcpqwGenho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2020
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