I Built a Shortcut That is Impossible to Find!

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today in zapcast I built a forest rally track where we drive on dirt and skim our way through the entire map dodging trees the entire time but what my friends don't know is this track actually has a huge secret the entire thing has one checkpoint at the very end but the checkpoint is actually a fake giant scaled up checkpoint so if we sneak through the trees just like this and get to just the right spot which is right over here we can actually go through a perfectly invisible completely hidden wall get underneath here to this little secret booster go through the giant checkpoint underneath the entire map meet back up and set a really quick time just like that so no one will be able to find this I'm going to turn off photo mode there's no way you could find this without photo mode it is the most hidden secret I've ever put in a map so let's jump into a Lobby and see if I can finally get a first place all right are you guys ready for my track maybe have you practiced your dirt driving skills I dude I never do anything I wanted to I really wanted to make a rally track and I really wanted to make one of those like Forest rally tracks that really feels like you know you're like whistling like whipping whizzing whizzing yeah no no you're not taking a leak in the fourth but you're like whipping through the forest you know dodging trees bro you're just jealous that Subaru hit me up okay because right that's just it yeah so this is just a rally track but like it's all on dirt you know and there's a lot of trees so it's really cool it just really feels crowds that are trying to kill themselves oh yeah I didn't put any crowds but I also I'm using like fog for the first time ever every time I make a track it's always like nighttime or daytime so I figure you know nice foggy rally track guys there's a cheese on this track 100 there's a checkpoint bro yeah there's one checkpoint and there's a ton of trees and there's actually like a person actually no no so in that speech thing you do when you've got to cheese on your track I know you broke I know so so his speech thing so the thing with this track which is like kind of crazy is I literally placed 3 000 trees and I made walls of trees so if you go into the forest you'll eventually come across walls of trees that don't let you don't let that distract you from the fact that there's a cheese I'll let that distract you from photo mode being off so well you know it's true actually okay so there's there's a there's a reason so photo mode is off whole track is built in a giant box and if you drive if you look like if you drive behind the start you'll see the whole thing is built in a giant box to get the right lighting effect from like the the block out the Sun so everything's kind of shaded yeah that's weird yeah otherwise it wouldn't work hmm I was just blocking out the sun don't worry about it oh yeah you just didn't want people to see the sun yeah I got it right right oh man guys it's a rally track calm down I like it but yeah I haven't built any tracks where you're like high speed on dirt and I got I gotta you know what shut up I'm gonna shut up I gotta Focus up I gotta actually set a time yeah man you got to be able to hit that cheese right at the end you know I gotta be able to set a time knew something was up smelt it as soon as I spawned in I don't know what it is but I will figure it out I don't know that wall of trees is probably also like not a very well maintained rally track I'm just saying what the trees on the track yeah yeah so originally the way I did this it's kind of cool to place all the trees I started by like laying out the track obviously and figuring out the route and all that and then I placed all like the terrain to make like bills and stuff and then I started using the lightning bolt tool to like place all the trees on the borders of the track but I found it wasn't like random enough you know it looked like just lines of trees yeah that's what I find my brain is not like randomized enough yeah so then I went down the whole track with a little like seed tool you know the little um like the little sweet sprayer and I sprayed all along the track and then I deleted trees like that were in the way nice to kind of get the the rugged I literally everywhere I drive there's people just turning into trees like just driving inside like just driving into the trees guys like you could just you know I don't know maybe appreciate the aesthetic and drive the track I like this track it's very nice it could use some Spectators though yeah I forgot that there were the little spectator guys I should have put them all along the borders that would have been cool a wall of Spectators yeah like real rally style I'm screwing up the same corner I always screw up in this stupid track it's it's driving me nuts there's a corner right after the checkpoint where you have to like hook it left and I always screw that corner up for some reason and I'm doing it again and I need to just focus on finish there we go just tap the brake a little bit this guy with Sparks coming out of his car is very distracting not unique that's me oh that's you that's me the only one with the Sparks yes all right I think I'm gonna set the fastest time here maybe 45 46 gonna be close no I'm not gonna be there close 483 second fastest dang man just Mackie holy I built this track and I was like you know people obviously like I'm sure all the hardcore zip because players have a ton of practice on dirt it's very different because you gotta like go slow you know and you gotta really like boy you gotta go fast well you gotta but like your steering has to be really slow like your steering inputs have to be super gradual to keep like the traction on dirt if you try and steer too aggressively you just slide out and then you lose all your speed bro I just handbrake and drift true but then you lose a lot of speed yeah I know it's not very effective where's the secret finish what secret finish the one behind the wall trees well you clearly have to get around the checkpoint so you gotta at least get to the checkpoint first before you get to the secret finish you know what I mean do you or is there a line that goes straight to it oh you can't go around the checkpoint because there's trees around it yeah I found the wall of trees but then there's a missing tree it's just like a little weight a missing tree in the wall of trees there's not supposed to be a missing tree in the wall of trees if there is a missing tree what I would say guys the reason the wall of trees exists is because the map is a u and I didn't want people going for the stupid any percent oh maybe 80 finish it's an us you know it's a letter oh it's a letter yeah I'm going to slaughter you because I must I must determine what the Dilly you know yeah do a heck and determine you can definitely get like close to the 45s in this I've definitely put down a 45 when I was practicing but like when I was building the track but it's like you have to be so precise you have to just like Nick the corner of trees especially right after the checkpoint right and you gotta like just like perfectly start your corner so you snipe the inside of the tree it's really hard to do okay hole in the tree is interesting oh my God guys I literally use the random tool to spray them if there's a hole you guys are like looking for like the number three there's no way you use the random tool to spray a line well not the line I know the line was made with like the the lights stop running your distraction tactics and let me explore the hole in the wall you know oh my God I just want to see the hole in the wall triggers the checkpoint because I'm pretty sure it does the wall is pretty thick I went through the hole there was no there there was okay he went through the hole what did you see I went through the hole I didn't trigger I triggered a checkpoint going through the freaking hole man come on oh no you did you I did I'm telling you right now I did I literally just went through the hole in the wall and they triggered the checkpoint how do you get to the hole in the wall I want to see the hole in the wall uh you gotta go basically straight I like that big opening you see on the first right turn on the left you go through there and just go straight spicy and there's a hole in the wall spicy that triggers a checkpoint man who put that there yeah I just triggered a checkpoint and now we're just and and it's minus six seconds oh I think it's really hole in the wall no you were joking I'm why would I just trigger I'm trying to finish this track I'm so confused I'm trying to finish this track why would I be not a lot quicker because now I'm just back on the track and I'm slow yeah but there's something else right there's got to be like a tree you gotta smoke right after cheese I eat tree a Yee tree Khan does like his Yeet trees I didn't I didn't make another eat tree I should have made another eat tree I did not how did you make the heat treat I never was able to figure out uh super powered fans at a very short distance right below it oh interesting cool I see yeah and they're so powerful that the game freaks out and actually makes your car go into that like stasis field where like your car can't move you know what I mean oh yeah and then but as soon as you hit the tree the physics updates for some reason which is what causes the Yeet I just reset right before I hit the Finish because I'm an idiot but yeah that's how that worked so it's kind of cool because it's like your car goes on to the fans and then this physics is like I don't know how to calculate this so you're like okay whatever and then all of a sudden it just Heats everyone's just going through the hole now I don't understand what's what's happening because because there's I'm gonna I'm gonna follow you guys I don't know what hole you're talking about let me see what hole this is everyone goes straight here okay and then what you turn left left here and there's like down the hill and there's a hole there's a hole how do you get back on the track though why are you acting surprised it's clearly intentional I promise it's clear it's a freaking checkpoint right when you get out of the hole come on man it's clearly not the hole there's another hole you mean well no there's another hole it has more holes there's more in one hole there's more holes where this came from yep holes on holes I don't know what you're talking about I didn't put any holes in the wall uh-huh that's why I'm getting a six second better time going through that hole than if I were to go through the checkpoint right I'm gonna find this hole I'm gonna patch it up and then you already found the hole you already got a 28. I see you got a hole that is very unfortunate oh it's like a Double Tree somewhere right but where the frick is it no no there's no Double Tree that will eat you way across the map there's no I can't believe I'm gonna have to boot unique from blobby's because it's just I can't the only person you can't cheese is the dev unbelievable oh no well I'm not finding the tree remember the good old days oh man oh no no fair unique no fair here guys okay I'm trying to get wins and uh yeah I need a need a band unique from the lobbies because he's got that photo mode but anyway I am going to upload the track and completely remove what uh allowed me to get that freaking second place but make sure you check out the other guy's tracks Link in the description like subscribe and we'll see you all next time my my
Channel: kAN Gaming
Views: 223,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kan gaming, zeepkist, trackmania, games like trackmania, soapbox racing game, new games 2022, new games, new game, new racing game, new soapbox game, custom track builder, custom track, custom race, troll my friends, trolling friends, zeepkist multiplayer
Id: wQfY7d3isDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 16 2023
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