I Built A QUADRUPLE Mob Farm in Minecraft Hardcore (#3)

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last time on hardcore minecraft i asked you guys what farm i should build between skeletons and cave spiders but looking at the comments there actually was no clear winner so uh get pranked i guess because in this video i turned not one not two not three but four spawners into one mega farm this video took a lot of time and planning to complete so if you enjoy it you should subscribe hey guys welcome on back to the hardcore series the first thing we're gonna do this episode is do some more village expansion [Music] so [Music] there we go this area is looking really cool but now that i am planning to expand the village every episode you guys got to leave me some comments for what you'd like to see because i am not that creative and for today's episode we are going to start a new project right here well actually [Music] right here because i was looking at the area and it turns out the skeleton spawner both spider spawners and this zombie spawner are all in range of each other so that's pretty cool but uh yeah the first thing i need to do is dig a really big hole so i've been digging and it's really slow and i kind of had this idea so like what if mojang added this item and it was like a beacon you know i know i know just hear me out but like what if when you use the beacon you can mine faster you know that's a good idea somebody should actually suggest that to the mojang team [Music] all right so this room is good in size but it's also not good because it needs to be like wider and taller still so yeah so i think now i'm going to clear out the area around the spawners now i need a 9x9 around each of these spawners the zombie spawner is already set up now this one i need to go a few more blocks this way still all righty there's the first cave spider spawner done and i will clear out the second spawner here just like that and now for the skeleton spawner okay so now i want to build an actual outline around these spawners so i can kind of visualize what the area is that we're going to be working with here okay so right away i'm realizing that these two spawners are definitely in each other's like spawning radius which is not good i think that this is gonna spawn cave spiders too never mind scratch that forget about it basically that means that we're gonna have either zombies spawning with the cave spiders or cave spiders spawning with the zombies and i think it's better to have zombies spawning in here because i can filter those out i have an idea what was he doing so i think this will work but now the zombie spawner is going to be this weird l shape which shouldn't be a big deal i guess that'll be a problem for future brock to deal with yeah that should be good oh no i made a mistake there we go all better now i think for this spawner we're gonna have to lower the floor a bit i think they're gonna get stuck if i leave it at this level [Music] my pickaxe is gonna break hang on and with these three all outlined it's time for the last one which is the skeleton spawner i guess i will just stick with the theme and use a different deep slate block [Music] oh okay that scared me man minecraft is a horror game i tell you what uh apparently it's snowing outside uh this is kind of weird not gonna lie to you man what is going on here okay so hmm all right we're gonna start with the double cave spiders because this is gonna be the hardest one to pull off because they are super annoying they climb everywhere and i honestly hate them so let's get this out of the way so i think i want to stand right here when i kill them six iron gives you one iron trap door that is preposterous dude i'm gonna throw an actual fit i'm getting scammed out here dude put a couple slabs in the back now that should prevent the cave spiders from coming through this gap and killing me theoretically of course all right i'm gonna go ahead and just fill this thing in while i'm here [Music] so if i fill in this floor and then add in a water here and a water here now if we remove the rest of this and then remove these blocks it should all start flowing out towards the center here yeah yeah this is good oh i need to lower it though don't i yeah okay all right so i'm a cave spider what am i gonna do no hands baby let's see what happens all right well there's a chance they can get stuck right here but honestly i think with all of them coming through here they're just gonna push each other on right on through i'm also going to need some fence gates up here can't reach nope with some water in there just like this because those spiders i tell you what there are some nasty little buggers and they're gonna try and climb these walls and if they do we gotta punch them yeah basically if they climb the walls they're just gonna drown so jokes on them get pranked bro with the first spawner complete it was now time to start working on the second cave spider spawner except this one had an extra challenge to work through except this one's a little bit different because the zombie spawner is so close that zombies can actually spawn in here with the cave spider so i need to filter them out somehow but luckily i've actually found a way that's pretty simple and foolproof if we dig out a hole right here and then we'll put in some fence gates just like this open the fence gates up and then destroy these blocks the water should flow nicely over top there we go so the cave spiders will still come through and they'll have a tendency to actually swim so they will swim up right on over and they will not fall through whereas the zombies they will sink and then we can filter them out and send them over to the kill chamber all right so now i have to connect this to this it can't be that hard right so i don't want to be too cocky but i think we actually have this thing in a spot where we can give it a test run [Music] all right i guess test number one is a go here we go here goes nothing they're falling in there okay and we actually have some spiders here okay they're coming from the right side that's good did i just nail this thing first try that's actually crazy i think i actually did yeah okay yep they still hurt they still hit me that's good to know now how are my zombies are doing i definitely hear them uh yeah okay they're hanging in there they're vibing out here go ahead and kill these guys holy death trap [Music] so if we're gonna kill the cave spiders right here i think it just makes sense to kill the skeletons and the zombies right here yeah something like this should work perfectly [Music] so i think the next reasonable thing is to go ahead and figure out this drop shoot so we have to go up 23 blocks to actually get the zombies and the skeletons down to one hit to kill okay there's a big cave here hold up uh yeah i i i guess we're just gonna have to explore this thing very quickly and yep there is monsters here okay so right here will be the level that they fall down from now we'll dig out a little bit this way towards the zombie spawner and then a little bit this way towards the skeleton spawner and now it's time to actually build up those farms individually starting with this bad boy the skeletons and i just realized i don't have my soul sand but rock don't you need to have gone to the nether to get soul sand and you're right you would be correct in thinking that but what i didn't tell you is that i actually did go to the nether in between episodes it all started when i mined this obsidian and thought to myself you know i should probably go to the nether soon and thus i had a plan i built the portal deep into this cave close to my base and if you're wondering why i put it here then you'll just have to wait and find out later after realizing that i forgot my gold helmet oh man i forgot my gold helmet i doubled back made the helmet and then saw myself into the door of hell and as far as hell is concerned this place was pretty cool i've had a lot worse spawns than another in the past i spent some time mining quartz killing gas and even took out this passive enemy that looked at me funny okay well maybe i looked at them funny but you get the idea from there i ventured into this crimson forest well on top of the crimson forest because i'm not a fool you see i kept towering over this thing killing hoglands in front of their children when i made my way into this warped forest and then i saw it the nether fortress i started digging and made my way into this structure it was a terrible fortress i ran around this labyrinth looting chests killing wither skeletons until i found this another wart room which is where i got the soul stand you were about to see me use i kept exploring until i found a blaze spawner where i spent the next long while collecting blaze rods before continuing home ooh look another cow bunny love you cow bunny bye cow bunny oh you're not a cow bunny you know i also don't have any kelp but i think this ice will come in handy [Music] so again let's go ahead and fill in these walls [Music] and we'll leave this one open we're going to funnel the skeletons through this hole here yo actually we'll just put ice here and then ice here that's kind of a move right because we break that and then that we have water oh yeah that's perfect now we'll dig this down a little bit and then break all of these bad boys oh heck yeah this is perfect so if we put a wall i think right and a soul soon and i think if we just cover these in with the ice blocks and then break them we should have a working elevator my hands are off of the keyboard let's see if i go in here all right no that didn't work there we go now it actually works i think yeah okay that works only took me like 17 different tries to get that to work okay moving on and then we'll go back up here and find the coordinates that match up with the hole i just dug which should be right here i hope i don't regret this one okay there we go yep it lines up perfectly now the good thing about using ice we can just fill this in like so and then once we break them all they should turn into water elevators hey there we go perfect there we go and with that the skeleton part of the farm is pretty much done now i gotta figure out this weird l-shaped thing i don't think it's gonna be too hard uh we'll start by going ahead and just filling in the walls [Music] so uh how are we gonna funnel these guys guess we'll put a water there and like a water here let's see where this goes uh [Music] actually this might work uh yeah i think this actually will work and then find the coordinates up here just like this and then dig down we should be lined up oh yeah oh yeah i messed up big time i was literally just digging straight down into what could have been lava i could have just lost the world right there talk about big brain so uh actually right here are the correct coordinates so now we can dig straight down and i shouldn't die this time hopefully not hey there we go [Music] there we go the zombie spawner is now set up i do have one more thing to do and that is to figure out how to connect up this underground tunnel thing to the rest of the skeletons and the zombies over here so when the zombies fall down they will get led into this long convoluted waterway thing into this elevator which should line up right here oh okay i made it in with that i think that all three of the intersections should lead right to the center here all right so we'll start with the skeleton let's turn this bad boy on and get shot in the process hey there we go it actually does work cool now we'll go ahead and do this one this is the combination of the cave spider and the zombie so we do have a zombie in the farm now that zombie should end up over here at the killing chamber hey it's sinking down nicely love to see that oh yeah yeah yeah i need to do that there we go now that'll work and while we're here we'll turn on this one too oh my god it works i see zombies falling this is perfect you know i'm just gonna be straight up with you you should really be following me on twitter it's the best place hands down to get updates anyways carry on with the video and now that i have the farms complete it's time to decorate this area and i think i have an idea of what will work [Music] that should be mostly what i need so i guess we'll start by adding in some spruce pillars through here just like this okay there we go i think that's a good start now it's gonna be expensive but i like the idea of actually having bookshelves back here kind of like a backdrop oh yeah that looks really good i really like that [Music] no better now that i can work with actually you know what [Music] now that's better now i think in here we'll keep it simple and use some cobble deep slate and i gotta be careful because this is definitely where the spawner actually is you know what's good but i think it just needs a little bit of texturing here um a bit more yeah i think that'll work and now it's time for a new segment i like to call super mega awesome epic definitely not super short time lapse [Music] but then there was a problem oh man i'm gonna have to kill a lot more cows i'm already out of bookshelves one bookshelf takes three books and each book will take one letter so to get approximately a whole stack of bookshelves which is what i think i will need i need to kill approximately 300 000 cows so i went back home and got to work making a bunch of cow babies in my free time i started working on this house but it made me mad because you can't connect wall's defenses anyways after sending in my formal complaint to mojang i decided to reroll some enchantments until looting 3 came up so i could kill less of the cows but i don't have an xp farm yet in this world so i went to the nether and mine courts until i hit level 30 to put looting on my sword after that i kept breeding cows but i still didn't have enough and i was getting bored so i chopped down some trees [Music] at this point the cow army was getting big but it wasn't big enough so i thought i would try and build a custom tree near the base and i absolutely love how it looks but that's a big problem because now i got to build more and they're kind of tedious to build finally i had all 300 000 cows and i could kill them all for their leather and now that i have all the bookshelves it's time to continue decorating this area and i'm going to stick with the same theme i think i want to put an enchantment set up over here somewhere and i'm thinking like this way a bit out of the way [Music] and after working on the floor design i was kind of feeling lonely so i went out near my base and got a pet horse i love this horse so much that i made a cute little pen over here [Music] but yeah my horse needs a name so leave me suggestions most uploaded comment will get selected i'm really liking how this is looking so far but now we have to figure out a design for the roof and i'll be honest i don't like making roof so this is gonna be a little bit of a challenge i think to start we'll just go ahead here and remove a little bit of the material so i can actually understand what we want to build up here [Music] okay and i think we'll just extend these spruce beams you know because otherwise this might fall over you never know i decided to use calcite in the ceiling to break up the texture a bit and then i went through with amethyst crystals add some color i think it looks really good and that's the story of how i built a quadruple mob farm in hardcore minecraft if you enjoyed this video and want to watch it before anybody else check out my patreon also leave me comments about what you want me to build because honestly i don't know what i'm gonna build next so yeah
Channel: NotNotBrock
Views: 440,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: i built a quad mob farm in minecraft hardcore, notnotbrock, notnotbrock hardcore, 1.18 hardcore, hardcore lets play, minecraft lets play, sandiction, sandiction hardcore, wadzee, wadzee hardcore, sandiction end island, loony, loony hardcore, the loony adventure, sandiction every mob, minecraft, but, hardcore, minecraft hardcore, minecraft hardcore lets play, i survived 100 days, i survived 1000 days, i survived 500 days, wadzee starting over
Id: Izbz61v9e-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 18sec (1158 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 04 2022
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