I built a HUGE AE2 STORAGE SYSTEM in Minecraft Create Mod

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today I fully automate all of the applied energistics 2 processes to build a massive storage system I also build a mud Farm a tanker that collects and delivers lava and I even installed my very own data pack I wonder what that will do let's create in the last video I built this gargantuan storage facility and the idea is that this is going to be absolutely full to the brim with everything I need to produce all of the stuff from applied Lis sticks 2 so that this can be the place where I store literally all of my items and it's Absolut chop full of rooms ready to have all of those things put in but quite frustratingly it's so big and it's such a maze it's pretty difficult to get around I me idea here is to have an elevator that goes all the way up but I've got another idea too you see I don't really know what to do with all of these dangly rooms that come along here especially this front one that's sort of the front facing one of the building I was thinking just some sort of reception area or something like that but decorating in diagonal rooms is difficult because blocks don't naturally sit in our diagonal and you you can't really make tables and benches and things easily on a diagonal with frame blocks now I could use mechanical bearings and things to actually skew them at an angle like we've done before however I thought this room might be better served as a teleportation room a teleportation room yeah teleportation room it's got full of teleporters that take you all around the building and maybe other areas as well and looking at these way stones we've been building the normal wayist Stone which is relatively easy to do but I kind of want to make these W plates which need War dust which is amethyst Shard and ender pearls and we can get plenty of the Ender Pearls from my villager and I've got loads of amethyst now and the reason I want to make warp plates is because with those you don't need to click on them you just stand on them and you go somewhere at least I think that's how they work let's go find out did you always look like that Michael you changed you have right anyway I need all your end pearls mate as many as you'll give me 12 really I really got to wait for more well while I'm waiting I might as well go over to our other area and see how much Nether wart we've got in stock because it would be quite good oh 57,000 of it that's good you see I'd like to have a whole bunch of this in stock so that I can trade it with Michael and claim back a few of the emeralds he keeps taking off me for all these ender pearls why don't you go to the end and build an Enderman Farm well I will soon just not today I didn't want to go here no thank you take as much of this as you want I've got nearly 60,000 of it Michael another thing I'm very short of now is glowstone dust so I'm going to buy a bunch of Glowstone from him as well well that should be more than enough ender pearls to get us going so let's head back over to our temporary A2 area scooch over to the little amethyst farm and grab a bunch of this oh and what look at that we got of that now so I'll take all of that that must be wow we've got over 131,000 cerus quarts now as well so yeah this is going well although that is going to be moving to the new building very soon so anyway I mentioned glowstone dust and how I've hardly got any of it see these colored bands around all of these buildings not just on the outside bits here but also on the inside everywhere you see a colored band like that or around the bottom of these have all been touched with Glowstone Dust they're frame blocks and if you use a glowstone dust on a frame block it becomes a light and that means these now neon strips keeping the entire area nice and light because this entire thing was a big mob spawner as I was building it and it became very irritating anyway warp plates I don't know how much we'll need so let's make 32 so if I make a warp plate then and pop it down how does it work a tune Shard bring this Shard to another warp plate okay so do I need to make two of these then so if I've got one of those there do I just do I click on it with it warp plate is not bound to another War plate insert this Shard into another War plate oh there we go oh so it takes second but yeah you can just basically hop from one thing to another without having to interact in any sort of way there's a lot of effects going on there but it's kind of Handy and after a bit of fiddling about I think something like this should work we've got access to all of the different colors and it doesn't look too awful even on a slant we could just walk into any of these and we'll be able to teleport once they're connected I think that'll work lovely I've just got to do the same on this side for all of the other ones so now all of the W plates are in place and everything is linked up EX set for this very last one so I've just got to do the black section so I grab those I take that out of there put that one in there hop over to the dark gray section pop out of the cupboard just there and then I just need to go into the black section here head into the cupboard throw that down put that in there and then I should be able to just hop straight back there we go so they all just take me to whichever section I want to go so let's go to lime green and I just hop out the cupboard at lime green oh that's excellent and the other thing about these although I think might be a bit cheaty is that you can send items through them as well H that could come in useful for something in the future long range item teleportation to any Dimension H so now I just need probably a little bit of decoration in here and maybe some signs when I actually know what's going to be going in each one of the rooms and I think that's kind of what I want to do next I want to get all of this stuff over there and I definitely 100% want to get these Farms over there but those Farms are not going to run unless we've got power over there so let's hop back over to the new building let's go to the light blue section which is over here which is where our power station's going to be come out of the cupboard go down here and then we need to think about how we're going to offload the lava into here and then have a big old boiler system in here to actually produce the power and then how we're going to get the power out of there through into the rest of this building and I'm not going to be running power as in create power in here this building is going to be the only one in the world that's going to be 100% ae2 or other than the create power station but you've seen me build power stations a whole bunch of times so I think I'll get this basically set up and then we'll work on getting the lava over here if you're enjoying this video then consider hitting that subscribe button it only takes a second and it really helps me out hour is just about in place now I've got a steam engine which has got water and lava being pumped in from underneath although we've got no Lava yet but I've got a little storage tank there in a water wheel to provide that power just so that it never runs out and gets confused and that all links into this chain drive here which comes into a speed controller and that goes into another chain drive which goes into these alternators which then go through these little wires into these energy acceptors and above those we're going to have some AE storage like the power storage things and it doesn't need to be like this I can actually put those energy acceptors straight on the alternators but I thought it looked more interesting like this and in preparation for power I've done a few other things as well including putting a hole in the wall so we can get outside and this portable fluid interface that the trucks can come up to and well offload the lava and as you can see I've started putting in a road Network I've also done the yard for our item storage building I've also updated the crossing that goes to our liquid storage building and over at the liquid storage building I've also done a couple of other things in here so what I've done is dug a hole in the floor with another hose pulley pulling lava out of our infinite storage pit and putting it into that tank so that a truck can come along here connect to that and fill it with lava and in order to get a truck going we've got to have rails so I put in a little rail Network for the secret underground rail bits for the truck and I also did a whole bunch more mining cuz I was horrendously short of cobbled deep slate I'm still quite short of Blackstone and I'm very short of mud which we need to make the rough mud so I can't really finish off the roads until I've got all of those ingredients but Cobble deep Slate's okay now because of the mining and I've set up this little Cobblestone Haunter to actually give us Black Stone so we're getting a bunch of that through here now as well so I just need mud and as you all know mud comes from putting water bottles on dirt or using Create you can just put water and mud in a mixer now we got a whole bunch of dirt just sat here doing nothing so that's not a problem and this is my liquid storage building so I guess we could make an infinite water source in here and do it in here somewhere I've got all of these rooms in this building just sitting here doing nothing so we can take power across here without it interfering with anything throw it into there disguise it a little bit so it's not so ugly and now all I need is a mixer with a bunch of water in it and something like this should do the trick we've got our dirt there we're going to send that across these item drains into the mixer we're going to send the mod out of there into this storage drawer we've got a pump which is coming from an infinite water source we just need power to that and power to that there we go a little M processing Factory and now we're going really fast this is good look at that just chugging out mud very quickly this is wonderful and I'm probably going to need several thousand mud so I guess I'm going to sit here for a while and just watch this create mud that's a lot of mod and it only took 2 hours there we go now all I've got to do is turn it into rough mod if only these tables from the chip mod were actually automatable that would be wonderful but they're not and back on my test world I've added a data pack that basically creates a recipe to allow me to press mud blocks into rough mod I mean it would probably make more sense to do it with the mechanical saw and then you could set the right filter on it and Chip whatever type of blocks you want and that kind of makes sense to me and just a few minutes later I have now made a data pack that has almost 7,000 recipes in it for all of the chip tit item so once this is finished if I was to put in say Acacia planks in there and I want them to come out of these Herring bone Acacia planks just get rid of the rest of that mod then that's going to happen which is amazing let's say I wanted these light blue concrete things I can just throw some light blue Concrete in there and they're going to come out what about Cobblestone yep the Cobblestone works and even doors work with this if I throw in some dark oak doors and put a dark oak door filter on there we can get those as well and not just one type we can get any different type we want if you're interested in this data pack to automate the chip mod with create then let me know and I might just share it with you but for now it's time to go back to my world and process a whole bunch of stuff so back on the server is this going to work I've set up my mechanical SS for trodden Blackstone Ru mod and trod and deep slate I set ow oh jeez that was painful I've set the filter on these to the right ones let's just flip them around and see what happens oh wonderful look at it go I'm crafting up the stuff without needing the workbenches and I have got the stuff that work works in the backpack as well but that's just as irritating as doing it on one of the tables this is much better so a little while later all of the roads are in and I've tried to blend it in with the grass a little bit using some gravel variants and some Co dirt and even some of the spiky grass stuff so that means we're almost ready to build a truck to get it over there to actually drop off the lava but in order to do that I kind of need to figure out how the yard area for this is going to be and I don't want it all just to be tarmac like that one over there or like that one over there I want this one to actually have walkways and paths and trees and things around it so it looks kind of nice so looking at the road Network this one is going to be for trucks that are actually going to be dropping items off for storage and this yellow area here is going to be where all those are transferred into the system the other side obviously being for where our lava's going to come in and that's just going to end up going into that little tank there and the reasons these yards are so big is so there's enough room for the trucks to actually turn around get in place and get out again so I am going to need a reasonable amount of room here for the trucks to be able to turn around and get back out again as well as Pathways and all all GS it's going to be difficult so I'll be back with you in a minute well it's not all finished yet but I've done a few things around the area for starters I put a wall the whole way around the thing and as you can see we've got some yard areas with the tarmac we've also got these little booths to basically control the vehicles coming in and out you might even recognize this little cabin from earlier on in the season in fact it's from episode 2 when I built my little starter cabin thing it's been modified slightly to make it more appropriate but I thought having a little site office that you would come to with deliveries and stuff was quite realistic I've added in a little bit of pathwork around these areas with some doors to get into the buildings we've got a little yard there which I'll probably put some containers and things like that in there and that's just the item storage side around the other side of the building we've got something very similar going on with a little entrance way over here which has still got a little bit of textur into to do one we've got another yard we've got some car parking spaces and that means that I can now actually build a tanker and get it coming over here delivery lava getting our power system sorted finally let's just slap on the glass in here and my idea with this although I think it's going to have to change to do it is to have systems in place with mechanical bearings allowing these to actually turn round but in order to do that I'm going to have to get power to the mechanical bearings and they're powered from the back which means if I'm having one here as well for the other side then they're both going to operate at the same time when I give them power so this is probably too short probably needs to be another block longer in which case all of this is going to have to change slightly but that's fine we'll get to that in a minute first of all I want to build a tanker and I think I'm going to build it over here where I know it's going to fit and where I've got rail to actually start placing it so let's pop down a station and I guess it probably wants to be around about there put it into assemble mode to create a new train and here it is tanker number one is ready for action it has two lava tanks in there it's got the little storage interface at the back here so we can reverse up and get it and it's got a completely separate cap from the rest of it which means that when I drive it it actually looks pretty realistic check this out so when I turn the tanker look the entire thing turns with it the whole thing works properly this is absolutely incredible so I can pull into this yard I'll turn around there to line up come through the wall a bit Yeah I need to fix the tracks in the stations and then it will just have to reverse up to here grab the lava from there and I think the back wheels need to be sorted out a bit better I'm not sure about those back wheels really but it's fine for now and then once it's finished loading up it'll pull forward again so that it can get in line it will then reverse round the other way like that so that you can get going the way it needs to go and then it's going to come no no no no no no no no you're doing it wrong no no forward all you got to do is no and then it'll go forward out of here but but I haven't set those tracks up yet so I guess I should do that next oh look at it filling up with lava it's basically got two 9x9 tanks in the middle of it so it should be able to hold a fair bit although it's very slow coming out I might need to speed this up a bit so I'm going to need a schedule and I'm going to need a driver and I want these things to have proper drivers like the little conductors that we have rather than monkeys or animals or something like that so that means I need to go back to the snowy area which is works oh jeez what have I done uh which is apparently totally broken all I can see is the entities but no blocks there we go eventually but anyway we got a lot of these little chaps here waiting to be collected to be taken to a new area but unfortunately the train that's going to be bringing them here hasn't got any carriages yet so uh for now I'm just going to grab one and take him over there hopefully the hole in the ground over there will be fixed by the time I go by there next time well I think I've sorted the schedule and underneath I've put in a whole bunch of track and a whole bunch of stations although I'm not sure if they're all in the right places yet but we're going to find out in a minute so let's get the driver into the cab oh and I haven't given him any reverse controls which means this isn't going to work at all oh jeez hang on sir you you need to come oh jeez now we can get him back on his seat and if I give him his schedule the first place he's going to go to is Straight Ahead hopefully so off you go is it going to work he's going to go there now we should hopefully reverse there collect some lava although I've only told him to wait there for a few seconds for now while we test this once he's been there for 10 seconds he should come forward again and then he should reverse back into the yard so that he can come out forwards there he goes oh it's not spinning in the middle anymore I need to fix that but oh now he can't find his way how can you not find your way you need to go to Lava exit you're on that track there and lava exit is just literally here oh oh I hav put the track in the middle bate there we go that should help have your schedule back then let's see if you can actually do it this time so yeah he's going towards the exit this is good news and I think I've got him driving on the wrong side of the road now in the UK where I live we do drive on the left hand side of the road but I thought I'd do this on the right but clearly is driving on the left and there he go goes around that corner he's going pretty Speedy yeah he's made it round that one he's made it around that one he should stop just before the barrier hopefully oh need to go a block back but yeah okay should wait there till the man says that he can go through and then he's going to go through he should pull forward around here then reverse into the lava pump and it's probably going to go way too far into it no it need to go a block back and then once he's finished there he should clear off again so it looks like we're going to be driving on the left in this world which is absolutely fine by me cuz that's what it's like at home you're copying Mr beard Stone he's just done trucks well I know he has but so far I did trucks but he he copied my jeez make sure you watch everyone before you decide who's copying who okay well it's looking well it was looking better there obviously the barriers don't open yet but they will what about this bit here is this going to look okay now and yeah that's just about right maybe maybe it could be a little bit further back than that but now we're getting lava in here so that power station should kick into life in a minute we' got lava in there there we go we are now generating power which means we're generating electricity many many of it oh this is wonderful news okay okay he should be fixed now so I should be able to give him his schedule back and he should now turn in the middle when he turns turn in the middle when he yes turn you know what I mean reverse and there we go that's what we want to see and with a little bit of jiggery poery down here I've now got these signals in place which now control the automatic doors so as he makes his way here and he turns up to face that way once he starts reversing past this point here this door should open with a bit of look let's check it out there it goes look at that amazing and then once he's filled up and he pulls away again that's just going to automatically close which is wonderful now what I need to make it do is not crash into those trains when it's at the Crossing so I need to sort that out and I want to sort these little barriers out as well well I think I've got these barriers working now although I've had a few issues with glue just randomly sticking to things it's not supposed to you see I've only glued the pole to that bit there nothing else but for some reason it keeps sticking to all of this and then all of that gets sort of inverted but here we go the Lor is here it's opening up he can drive drive through now and then it's going to close again in a few seconds but there we go and now it's closing again and this time it doesn't seem to have got stuck to anything so that's good it's open it's going to drive through very nice and then it should there we go that's better oh wonderful okay I think I've sorted this rail Crossing out although it's a bit of a cheaty way of doing it because rather than waiting for the train to actually leave for them to come up but I've just done it on a delay which is fine let me demonstrate if a train is on this section of the track they should start coming down that will also stop this van from being able to go past with a bit of look we should see the truck stop there until this is out of the way if I move that out of the way the truck can go however they haven't opened up yet so I think I need to do a little bit more just to make sure that they don't go up until the train is gone but I also need to make sure that the train doesn't go until they're down because at the moment the area of track that it's actually detecting train on is this green bit here which is not very big and if a train's coming very quickly down this section here they're not going to have time to close before it's got there now I could make the entire section A whole bunch bigger but then that means having Redstone links absolutely everywhere all over this place so I think this is just a game just Minecraft it doesn't have to be realistic we'll just make it as good as we can and then that'll do and what I need to do next now that we've got some power is get that power rooted around the building stored up in vast quantities and then start moving all of the stuff we've got for ae2 over here and then start adding a whole bunch more to it so each one of these is generating 360 Fe per tick I have no idea what that equates to in terms of AE but in order to store a whole bunch of it I'm going to need these dense energy cells and if we head over to our temporary A2 area I've already got one of them behind there but I need to grab all of this stuff anyway to move it over there so I might as well demolish all of this get it shifted and then we can craft whatever we need to while we're over there all right my first dense energy cell is going in that's already got 1.6 million a in it and now I need to craft some more there we go three more dense energy cells to go in there and they should all start filling in very quickly and I need to run that into all of the different buildings in all of the walls and everything like that but there's no point in doing that until I know what I'm putting in and where I'm putting it one place that I know that it definitely needs to go is in here where our brain of the machine is going to be going and in in order to make that I'm going to need the me controllers which are these crazy looking things what am I missing Sky stone block I got a smelted okay so now I'm cooking some Sky Stone up into Sky stone block and while that's doing that I need to get some of the inscribers set up over at the new lab so let's hop over there again I'm so glad I got these waist stones and now I need to consider which colored area do I want to be processing stuff in and I think we'll start with the red one seems so it's closest and maybe we could get the inscribers set up in here now there's going to be a whole bunch of stuff that I actually need to do in order to fully automate this inscriber process because I want to fully automate the production of all of the different things but for now we'll just Chuck a few down get some power into them and make the bits we need and for power I need a whole bunch more of this cable give me a load of those please thank you 342 should be fine for now let's get it out of here into our crawl space and then figure out how I'm going to get small enough to get in here there we go now I'm very small what if you need to run two cables side by side then we're going to have a problem and this needs to go I believe down to one of these little bits here if we're getting it over to that blue bit so let's bring it across here here we go we have power in the room now I need to get myself a little knife so that I can craft up a bunch of these anchors and with these anchors I can make something called a facade and I can make any type I want and with these I can cover up that mess and no one would ever know now is that going to be yeah look at that it's online now if I put my inscribers along the wall like this instead of diagonally across the room they should all get power from each other which they have now I just need to process all the stuff with them now I'm spending all of my diamonds on these printed circuits then I can throw one of those in there with some of those and a bit of redstone and now I'm getting engineering processors okay with these engineering processors I can now craft up these I believe four me controllers now I'm really hoping I'm really really hoping that my design isn't completely useless because I'm really really hoping I can just put these in here or I need eight of them like that next to each other but I don't know if I can so let's go back to somewhere with a bit of power and we'll maybe just run ourselves a little bit of a power test line over in this direction so that we can test a few things out if I put one there there we go look at that now if I put those next to it yes they connect oh that's good so I need four more here we go four more now if I put these on top of these oh look at that one big old brain now we just need this where it's actually going to be living which is right in here and then I need to get power to it and then it needs a bunch of cables on it to connect to everything else okay I have a hole all the way through into this bit and we've got a hole ready to go to our server room so that's good and then I need a hole all the way down the bottom and then I just need to pipe this down this way leaving myself plenty of room for other cables if I need them in future put the brain back on there and for now while I don't need any other cables I'm just going to box in the rest of that with this and then I'll make some facades to cover that up just like that lovely no one would ever know my bald eagle what are you doing in the wall friend you're supposed to be keeping in charge of my Power Systems making sure nobody steals it don't fall in the wall again so why am I having power in the floor to make it look nice of course power the brain go is it powered it is oh wonderful so with the brain now in place and my bald eagle seemingly have wandered off somewhere oh jeez where did he go that could be his name ego ego there he's gone it's time to craft up some servers and some terminals okay I've crafted a terminal that means I have access but I don't think I can do anything with it yet because we got nowh to store anything and we're probably going to have terminals scattered all over this building but unfortunately terminals do require one channel of AE Channel stuff and channels are going to get very complicated this cable can carry up to eight channels at once and once you go over that well the other things stop working so I'm going to have to be very careful with the CA in and how I do it now at the moment I am just using this very basic cable just to get basic power to things but I'm going to be upgrading that to the thick dense cable stuff and color coordinated in all and making sure that we don't have those sorts of problems now I did craft up a big 256k storage component when we wanted to make our Singularity although apparently I only needed the 64k one but that doesn't matter and now I can make my first me drive which is going to be the start of our server rack and they're going to be filled with a whole bunch of these 256 km item storage cells hopefully which means I need one of those houses need a house yeah need it I need a house mate and then I can get that there we go my Eagle just went through the teleporter I heard it why are you doing that eagle no teleporting around you weirdo anyway I was in the middle of trying to figure out how to make these crazy cables and it's not the easiest thing in the world to do apparently did did you just do it again where did you go which one did you go in oh he's somewhere in the building oh jeez that Bird's crazy oh man do do it Bal Eagles just warping around the place right I want a bunch of those and with a bunch of those I can make a bunch of those jeez this is expensive and with a bunch of those I can make a bunch of those and with a bunch of those I can't I don't even have enough to make eight oh jeez this is so expensive going to cost me a lot of wool good job I got a wolf arm you've got a wolf arm yeah I've got an arm made of wolf yeah okay but now at least I can have a a bunch of those nice bright red ones wonderful that's going to give us one set of cables from our brain and that's going to come on there like that that needs to come all the way into our networking room and I don't know how I'm going to lay this out yet I haven't really thought that far through I guess we could use a bit of stone to do that now and I think having them maybe a couple of blocks apart in rows like this and I guess this red one wants to come down to the front and we just want to put our drive on there stick our big old storage thingy in it and we should probably have a terminal in here as well really pop another one of those there and stick that on there there we go can I put things in it I can I can put things in guys oh this is good but my plan is in here to have a whole bunch of them however each one of these drives itself is going to cost one channel so I don't know how many I'll be able to have on each one of these strips but I'm sure we'll find out now can I put for sards on the floor I can oh and the connected textures work as well I don't need to I could quite easily coming from underneath to be honest with you which I think I'll do cuz that's going to save me money save you money be a would save me on facade mate facade you that didn't work second time round first time it was funny second time it's not funny so what I'm going to do rather than boring you all to death with all of this different me stuff is I'm going to go into the cupboard hop downstairs on a teleporter and spend many many hours off camera just getting all of this stuff set up and automated because I'm sure you don't want boring to death with all of this cable rooting and crafting and it's going to be a long boring process so I'll be back when I've when I've done loads I guess well realistically I'm not much further along than I was before but it's taken hours to get to where I'm at as you can see in this room we've got all of the inscribers set up now and these are all fully automated each one's got a little Redstone level emitter underneath that stops it when we get enough items in our system and you can see I've been crafting up a whole bunch of items and that's what's been taking so long but we we've now got an inscriber for all of the useful things that I need to produce and it's eaten through an absolute ton of my diamonds before I started this I had over 50 diamond blocks and now I've just got 176 diamonds which is an ideal but there we go this is all running on this dense smart cable and that dense smart cable allows up to 32 channels behind the wall that then gets sent through a peer-to-peer tunnel into this normal smart cable which can only take 8 channels but because it's going through that all of these 32 channels effectively just become one which is very useful because back up in the middle of the building where our brain is just below I've had to put in all of these dense cables to connect to all of the different floors so each floor got its own color and each section is going to have its own little peer-to-peer Network and I've even put our storage system on one of those as well so that I can basically plug more things in without taking up all of the channels and just making all of this cable itself has just took me ages is tons and tons of resources and a lot of redstone and glow stone which I've now pumped a whole bunch of this in here because I've made a farm and that farm is over here at the snowy area if you remember back a few episodes ago in the top of this building we actually had a little Redstone farm and that was just up these stairs all the way up here but it's gone now because I moved it I actually moved it down into this room below here because I've split it in two this is now a redstone and a glowstone Farm although it is relatively manual it's not automating getting any of the items in or getting any of them out but here's how it works we've got the nether walk going in there which is creating awkward potion that's getting pumped through into these two mixes one of them is getting blaze powder and that's tur it into strength potion and the other one is getting golden carrots and that's getting turned into night vision and golden carrots are easy to produce because I got a whole ton of carrots and in my backpack I've got a whole ton of gold so I crafted up absolutely loads of them stuck them in the machine and then this Cinder flower gets squirted on on both both sides that gets turned into glowstone and that gets turned into red stone but as you can see it's all stopped and the reason it's stopped is because if I can get around to it we run out of fuel see these Blaze burners all running off coal and my little coal barrels run out give me all that glowstone and now give me all of that red stone and getting on is exactly what I'm going to do next before I do a massive big jump into the future though with even more of this stuff done what I really need is wireless access to this because it's quite annoying having to keep going back to these terminals grabbing stuff going off and then coming back again so I'm going to build a wireless terminal and using my new fancy teleporter I can get right back into the middle of here which is going to be a useful spot for me to be able to get to all right now this wireless transmitter I have no idea what the range is going to be like but I kind of need it somewhere Central so I think put it in on there might be a good idea device is not linked can I do I just link it with that yeah there we go but this is going to need power let's just slap that there for a minute shove that in there get it charged up and while that's charging I should really think about making some of these boosters now the problem is my storage is actually full I can't put anything else in it which is a bit of a problem so we're going to need more drives but is my charger now charged it is excellent it's out of rain oh my goodness me right put the boosters in still only got a range of 24 M all right I'll have a bunch more then 47 m this is exactly why we needed that Singularity but I'm not ready for that yet because that's going to give us well basically infinite range in any Dimension but yeah I'm not ready for that yet I just need to be able to use this around the factory babe so can I actually use this here oh I can but at least I can use it in the vicinity of the factory now so that's good can I use it in here yes I can a little while later I've got another room done this one is producing our cerus quartz it's got five growth accelerators all the way around that Flawless quartz and we're using an Annihilation plane that's enchanted with fortune 3 to break them and then put them in this storage drawer here so that we're not wasting space on our storage discs likewise we got aname one here except for this one needs an observer to actually make sure it only breaks when it's at the full size otherwise it just breaks any old size which is an ideal but it's working and I've also brought my glowstone and my Redstone over here and put those in storage drawers as well to save on more space in the inventory and these have got storage buses and Export buses on there so even if I put stuff straight into the system it's going to get pushed out and put into these storage drawers so I'm pretty happy with this little room and the next room that we'll be going through to will be will be the yellow one and this is where all of the items are going to be coming in from outside and I'm not ready for that yet because we've only got two drives in the system and not enough space to put them all in and that means that the last major room on this floor is going to be this one here but this is part of our power Network area so I think at some point in the future if we need more power what I'm going to do is just fill it full of these things which are the dense energy cells so if that's all of the rooms on this floor accounted for it's time to go up to the second floor and start working on some of these rooms oh I've gotone up to the wrong pit that's not the second floor M you this is the second floor why are you using the angled rooms instead of the square ones well the the square one's got a lot of doors you see so there's not much space around it and I kind of like the funky sort of angles we're getting on the diagonal one so that's why so shut up and the next part of my devious plan is now put together we're now producing charge cus quartz here which is only going to produce 4,096 once we've got that many in there this will stop and we're also producing fluix Crystal with the thanks to a bit of create we've got a mixing bowl there we've got an import BS chuing in Redstone quartz and charged fluix crystals again if we get too many of those it's going to stop so we're not over producing still need to produce this fluix dust which I can either do by crushing the St or by Milling the St or just using another inscriber and I can probably squeeze an inscriber in next to this thing and make this room a little bit more symmetrical there we go that wasn't too difficult at all that's going to produce that fluix dust and that's just is going to get stored in here until again we got 4,096 of that and then it's going to stop due to this nice little emitter thing down here if you're wondering how these things work we basically got Import and Export buses on there and that means that it gets items out of the storage system and then puts them back in again once it's finished producing them and each one of these can be filtered to tell it what you want to do and on the back we've got this little toggle bus and what that does is basically stops power going into it once this little emitter at the bottom goes off and that goes off once we've got the right number in the storage system so it's all rather smart rather clever and what's really nice is my little terminal to access everything just goes on my belt slot here although it's nearly run out of power again and I can just access it by pressing I on my keyboard and just having access to all of those things the only downside to this compared to the backpacks is that the backpacks will actually allow you to pick up items that are on the floor but that said you can get a magnet card for this to do the same thing but the thing I'm going to really miss from the backpacks is let's say that I'm working with this and I want some more even if it's not in my inventory if I middle click I can refill Straight from my backpack and as far as I'm aware there's no such function for that for replied energy sticks too so that means I'll probably end up carrying at least one backpack around with me with all my very valuable things and maybe just stuff I'm building with at the time but otherwise I should be using all of this stuff cuz it's amazing the brain is evolving as you can see it just got a whole bunch bigger and that's because I'm having issues with channels now Emy has this weird Channel thing where you can only have a certain number of Channel channels going down a certain number of cables and once you've had too many things on it it basically stops working and in order to make most of the channels we can use these peer-to-peer tunnels which allow you to transfer a lot more but you need multiple tunnels to have multiple channels so by doing this design I can now have three tunnels per cable which means I can actually plug a whole bunch more stuff in now there is a command to actually just get rid of channels Al together and I was tempted to use that because this channel system is not really all that much fun and I don't really think it adds a great deal to it but I'm going to play it properly so now what I got to do is link all of these channels with separate device IDs to the oh my it be to nightmare so connecting the blue one I shift click on that and then what I do is I go to somewhere that's got a bunch of devices smash my way through the wall so I can get in although I can actually reach it here and then click on that and then that connects this network to that particular interface now I'm sure this is going over most people's heads it's pretty much going over mine so I'm just going to take some time to sort all of this out and I'll be back with you in a little while and now that that's all sorted I should show you the next room that I'm working on we've got a mechanical crafter which is creating the quartz glass taken from the normal glass we've also got some coal in here which I've just dumped in we're not actually generating that anywhere and over here we're creating silicon in this blast furnace and we're creating Sky stone blocks in that one there we go the room's all tidy now that means this room is 100% complete time for the Next Room well this room's fancy we've got some autocrafting going on with these molecular assemblers what we've got going on here is this little interface that says I want a stack of each one of these holding in the inventory and what that does is it then tells these crafting units to go ahead and start crafting them using these molecular assemblers and these pattern providers on the top that have got patterns in basically pass the item straight into there for it to do it there you go you can see that one crafting up a whole bunch of those flu cables there and they're going to all be getting turned into these cables here oh this is all very good so that means I'm always going to have a whole bunch of cable in stock when I need it but it'll only ever keep 64 because well we don't need more than that you know what else I want this to make these little cable anchors and in order to do this it's pretty easy you come to the encoding terminal there find yourself a recipe that you want and throw it into there although this wants a knife oh can I not make those without a knife really so I'll have a pattern encoder for the knife and we'll just save that to that there we go and then we're going to need another one for the cable anchors and I guess I can throw the knife one in there there and the cable anchor one in there and if I craft myself up one of these quartz knives I can then put it in there and tell it that I want one and cable anchors I'm going to want 64 at a time now you can't do any more than 64 you can only H hold a stack at a time in these but I could potentially have multiple of these with multiple Stacks in but 64 is going to be fine there you go little storage system you got loads of sticks now so can it craft those things it is doing it's crafting knives and it's crafting those oh this is good look at it Go we've already got 64 oh wonderful and this room might look very similar to the last because it's pretty much identical this time though instead of crafting up the cables I'm crafting up the little storage thing in my Bobs as you can see it's currently on its way to being crafting the 64k storage but I guess it's probably run out of things to craft them with we got no logic processes left I'm going to have to wait for those to come through until it starts crafting more and that means that soon we'll be automatically processing 256k storage components and this is currently completely empty that's because that's going to be generating our network cards and as much as I could speed up the production of a whole bunch of these things by just adding in a whole bunch of accelerator cards and things like that realistically I only need it to do it once I only need that storage system filling up once and then we won't need any of this anymore so I might as well just let this run in the background actually do you know what I might as well make a couple of accelerated cards and just get this do it's diamonds of course it's diamonds well in that case we won't have many probably just enough to speed up this little area a little bit so let's get all of these little presses sped up with a whole bunch of these accelerator cards a little while later and I'm now craf in the final 256k item storage cell for our first drive that means we've now got 10 of them all together which means we can store a whole bunch of things and it means I can start working on the next one of these drives and slowly filling in this room and that's not the only thing that I've done I've also spent a little bit of time with egoo over in the power area where's he gone he's kind he was in here well anyway I've added in a whole new boiler system and we're generating a whole bunch more R again then if I click on the system it shows that we're actually generating almost twice as much as we're using now which is very nice view You' gone down the Hop why are you down there ego I can't trust you at all can I always trying to find yourself in places you shouldn't be just be careful
Channel: FoxyNoTail
Views: 127,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, lets play, minecraft survival, minecraft but, minecraft funny, minecraft map, 1000 days, 100 days in minecraft, minecraft 1.20, modded minecraft series, modded minecraft, create mod, minecraft create, create, new series, foxynotail, minecraft series, create contraption, applied energistics 2 mod, minecraft builder, minecraft building, minecraft storage building, epic build, massive build, huge build, giant build, mega project, ae2, me controller, mud farm
Id: qZtsK0VywQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 35sec (2435 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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