I Build My Editors Dream Desk

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nobody likes an uninspiring work environment the Shop's super inspiring but the guy's office is really sad so what I'm going to do is upgrade my videographer Joe's desk to something absolutely ridiculous we're going to pack this thing full of features that he wants we're going to light it up with a bunch of LEDs and hopefully by the end of it we're going to try some new stuff that I've never done here before let's go all righty bud it's your time to shine what do you want in this sucker we need more space need to get rid of the Clutter first off definitely need some integrated power I'm constantly plugging stuff in I need some good lighting something to really bring it to life cool and then what color are you thinking you want some epoxy in there blue epoxy would be sweet Blue's my favorite color hell yeah I think before we go any deeper let's pick a size and then let's also make sure that we've got some material here that you like because I don't think you know anything about wood species nothing at all perfect show them what you're working with Joe this is my desk it's nothing crazy lengthwise it's pretty good it's a little narrow I find myself like really close to the screen that's probably my first gr it's not very sturdy if you could tell there's so much on the desk I try my best to keep it not cluttered we have two speakers we have a new iMac Studio that that we're sporting just for what we're doing it's just next level we have our NOS for all of our storage that takes up a good bit of space it's a brick it stays here so just some more space depthwise I think and then the Finish gets really dirty very fast it could definitely be better all right Joe so I recently grabbed up some Buckeye Burl on Facebook and this stuff is awesome and I want to build your desk out of it I know you have no clue what that means though but what do you think about this I think it looks sweet I like it hold on hold on hold up this is what it kind of will look like all that character oh yeah right with some epoxy that's beautiful my thought is this piece is going to need it's all Burl so it's like really holy yeah holy shit's right the slabs are only so big but a couple of them they kind of need some TLC so like this is busted fit some pieces in there they get some blue epoxy kind of going through those I think that'd be pretty cool what do you think he likes it all right Buckeye Burl and blue that's our two starting points now I'm going to get some photos of these and start designing all right so we booted Joe out of the room and Chris and I are going to kind of put our heads together real quick to come up with a general concept so for me I immediately went to where I think you're going to go which is IR custom so if you guys are not familiar IR custom is a custom builder if you've not been on the internet for the last 8 years they do some unbelievable renderings and like metal and wood concepts with powdercoated bright colors LEDs super cool stuff I mean Chris and I have been eyeballing their their stuff for years do some like Burl sort of thing here with like the river with some epoxy in there but like he has the NS he has the unit there so we could even do U maybe a keyboard something for the keyboard that likes slides out down here do like an undermounted LED like not an embedded LED but an undermounted LED in here so that like it shines up into the epoxy but um do a two layer epoxy blue is the base layer yeah and then a clear deep that way we can get all the bur edges and stuff that that I just kind of picked out on that I think that'd be pretty rad for no clutter we've got to do some sort of storage yeah some framing or something go kind of crazy with it potentially when you do like a powder coat or or a paint Joe's more of a powder coat going to want it to look finished yeah you're probably right so like let's start with this like 60 in x 30 in 60 26x 6t or whatever Dimension we both kind of throw something together or I I'll throw some of my ideas out there you can do the same and we'll kind of see what we can come up with and then surprise them with it all right there she is dude what what the that's crazy right in the drawers are these backlit too a little bit Yeah there's lighting inside the Cubbies what so you have Cubbies above and then drawers Below on each side you got a pull out keyboard tray in the middle there so another option too was to mimic the the back kind of these panels here that we're going to make and then we'll put the same panel across the back I think this is the utility of the usage of this design isn't quite figured out yet but like the look of it what do you think I like I love the look I love the blue or you don't I just love how it's like a oneof one desk it is a oneof one desk that's what I mean I love the I love for sure sick especially with that wood holy holy so I got to build a form and I wanted to get into the drying phase so that's what we're going to do we've got this chunky cut off from another piece that's more or less just nasty rot that's pretty darn cool it's your table Joe what do you think you like that so far yes I do like that I like the uh like floating pieces I think that's like super cool yeah like this this like the multi it's almost like a multi this like rotten ass piece over here God this Wood's pretty this is pretty awesome that is our cut Joseph I'm bent over a slab of God only knows what kind of diseased ridden wood puffing in puffing it [Music] in breaker blew again you know Joe this just means we got to get that other big ass Band Saw built that one's it's pretty rad that's a lot of really good looking Barrel my mind's going to like coral reefs it does have corly reefy Vibes like I don't know how this is going to hold up to being cleaned it's pretty gross I'm not quite set on what I want to do with these pieces yet but I think I have the right pieces all right clowns so this wood is just like I want to touch it up real quick with the random orbit throw on my respirator so I don't die of influenza or whatever the hell that fungus is clean a lot of these up and then we'll get into the edges where we're going to get squirly and shoot stuff at it ask questions later cure the b-roll these things are filthy so going to get to cleaning them up I got a bunch of tools here we're going to clean up these edges probably going to bust out the soda blaster because that's going to do a way better job on this we about to make a mess people it's soda sand Walnut blasting time we've got some medium here I'm going to fill that sucker up and I'm going to shoot this some to clean up these edges because ain't nobody got time to hand sand all this stuff let us spray spray Walnut and guys do not forget when you are working with stuff that's this gorgeous and this dangerous protect your eyes and look awesome doing it shop Shades we just launched them they're amazing check them out it's our brand new line of safety eyewear they're the most most comfortable glasses you'll ever wear in the shop I promise check them out got a link down below these suckers are cleaned they're debed I'm still filthy so I'm going to blow myself off now let's seal these edges so we don't get any damn bubbles what do you think about that wood Joe guys like me stay up dreaming about wood like this I know that's not your thing but I think that's some damn gorgeous looking wood Old Samuel here is going to hop in give me a hand wow top down let gravity be my friend so remember it was dark and then I cleaned it and then it clean lightning up and then it gets back to dark once it gets the the finish on it but that's some cool looking stuff huh that is unreal black silvery stuff on the sapwood there so pretty yeah it's so cool Chris is going to nut Chris had to take the day off cuz he had a hang now see this is the stuff when Pula said he wanted to work for the premier YouTuber in The Woodworking space and then Cam and Brad weren't hiring he knew he'd come here and just do some weird like this wood sex oh God this is my Des pal I'm not going to lie I'm sick of asking you guys to subscribe or am I what are we going to do with a million John so here's what I'm thinking million Subs I'm going to give away an entire Workshop say I've been teasing you guys about it so the faster we get there the faster you guys can potentially win a workshop for me and I'll personally show up at your house and give it to you so subscribe please we want to give someone a workshop we want to go hang out drink some beers drink some bourbon Sam can tell you stories from Vietnam he's that old if you didn't know eat Constantino wire and piss Napal back in N all right but y don't say that had to go there all right Sam Sam can't just like giggle got to make a very inappropriate divisive comment about a movie anyway subscribe look at how good this wood looks oh my God but you want to see more goodl looking wood like this you need to subscribe holy this is going to be the coolest looking thing we've ever done easy bar nut I am so pumped to get these into the mold you want this way here's the other option they're both pretty cool this kind of almost yeah it's up to you you're you're the expert it's up to me it is your desk though cool they're placed now we need to give Joe some options here to pick what epoxy he wants to go with it I have an idea but he might have a different one so uh let's go and get some samples oh wow yeah that's what you want all right we're going with this this blue pigment here this is system 3's it's the cast FX dry metallic Cal so we're going to mix a base layer with the uh total boat high performance resin pour that about 8th to a/4 inch it's going to take a little bit more but we we've got plenty then a normal pour that will harden overnight and then we can actually pretty quickly tomorrow after 24 hours pour the clear top layer to show all the burel off still so pretty excited let's mix we're just going to do this by eye start with [Music] that Bub bubbles in it that's what they always say with me bubbles all right kids so we get uh bitched out a lot because you guys don't like that I don't Degas anything so we're going to degas it we got this big old chamber here let's pull some of that air out what do you say what do you say F you bubbles bubbles freak off now my concern is I whipped the living out of it putting the color in there and it's going to get in there and Flash in like 4 minutes bubble free let's effing go I vacuumed this out for like the 38th time now it's time to send it nothing else to do except to do it all right so this actually is looking damn good we are about to make a bold move here and I'm going to use some deep por Black Forest resin to pour the rest of it so we can see all of this Burl kicker the guys up at Black Forest sent this over a little bit longer ago than normal hopefully there's nothing wrong with it and it's still nice and and clear we'll see when we get it into the buckets though so I got some clear buckets we got the degassing this is going to take a minute but I'm pumped because this looks really good Joe what do you think I like it Joe likes it and that's all that matters so let's get into it so I just mixed up all nine gallons of the resin now I'm putting them in this degassing chamber this thing's pretty good look at this all those bubbles it's pulling them out when I do a clear pour even though this is a you know 100% the correct epoxy mixed properly and done properly I still like to pull the gas out that way I'm super safe on bubbles I'm just going to be sitting here for like an hour maybe an hour and a half degassing this stuff we just snagged this thing up we might have to color Barney because she's purple but it's worth his weight and gold so far with any of the degassing we've been doing and now I just get to sit on a bucket and stare at it for hours nature of the Beast 1 hour later check this out look how crystal clear this resin is golly that's getting me fired up now check this out this is super satisfying are you ready oh yeah oh yeah so that's more or less that's all it takes and we're ready to pour baby I'm going to pour it right here and I'm going to try to hit this little corner that way as it goes and flows it doesn't create any more Bubbles as you can see those bubbles start to show up and we're still nice and level but pouring it on the wood does allow for less bubbles to pop up oh yeah looking sweet that looks so good see how that bur just stays gorgeous it's going over the table nice job John how's that for math it's it's just cusping the surface me get some of these voids filled so good so while the table is drying we're going to break down these 20t long pieces of metal the base itself if you remember from the rendering is a lot of metal and I need to get started welding on that stuff so we can make sure that all the wooden parts fit the frame we usually don't do as much metal on projects and then we're we're able to fit the metal to the wood but in this instance we just got to be tight with the the metal first before we can do any of the wood stuff and then that'll give us a lot more time for finishing um the metal properly so it looks good if the video sounds different right now it's cuz I broke my lav mic hustling my butt off last week we're getting a new one no worries but bear with us but like I have to move the chopa over to this stuff because it won't fit back where I have it set up usually so we are going to have to work on the floor and I can't use the BAM saw I feel like old John here Chris is out with another hangnail Sam's got a he's got the sneezes but he's not here just me myself the dude behind the camera who's getting the desk built for him it's like back in the day all right this is getting way too complex way too many parts way too many angles I want to get to welding so what I'm going to do is I'm going to build the back frame that's going to be the part that's going in the back of the desk and then I'm going to start building stuff off of it as you can see here there's a lot of parts and a lot of angles and as those angles get more angular things start to get a little bit more complex so I'm going to keep it simple and just kind of be an artist which I'm not so this should go well let's burn we're starting to make some Headway I've been at it for about 2 hours getting the feet and these cross members on I cut a few parts wrong and so I had to make some adjustments but that's one of the things I love about welding is because it's additive I cut something short and like you can see I cut this piece too short I just added it back on I Rew Ed it and now I'm able to use it in place where I want it um I cut I cut this piece too short as well it was supposed to come back to here and was able to move it out and the drawing said one thing I always take way too much artistic interpretation with Chris's drawings and it's taken me a little longer than I anticipated but I think it's looking fing sick excuse and don't excuse my cussing cuz this thing's rad and I'm jealous that Joe gets it and I don't all right good people this thing is looking phenomenal clearest of all the pores I think I've ever done there's zero you can't I guarantee you can't find a micro bubble on the edge here they are just looking so damn good so all we got to do next get the sucker Dem molded we're going to let it rest for a day and then we are going to flatten it and fill all the cracks and voids get it polished up looking mint for the tabletop but I got to get back to welding so the boys are going to handle that peace and after about three whole days of work because I had to TIG this sucker she is done I mean I don't know about you but that look cool as hell glad I knocked that over now we need to go ahead and because we have this built we can fit the under structure for the cabinets keyboard holder the top the shelves and all the good stuff so let's get to it but I'm going to poop myself I'm going to do this while recording so that' be impressive don't do that we're going to get it Chris no put the camera down here we go look oh God come on yeah let me stop first thing I want to do is we're we're doing some decorative paneling so I'm going to cut down some MDF for that and then we're going to fit it to the sides over there this should look pretty cool so if you wondering why we have this clamped down to the table sometimes when you're dealing with very cold and very hot fluctuations in epoxy you'll get cupping on the table in my experience clamping it down to a flat surface can bring the cup out we don't have enough room to to Mill the bottom and uh not get rid of the color so we are at the mercy of trying to pull that thing back down the flat so to fix it I've just been turning the heater on and letting it sit hopefully it works if not you're fired no me I just all I did was fill okay so what I'm trying to do here I can now easily Trace these panels and then I'll be able to make them perfect and Chris has a pretty cool grid we're going to put on them on the CNC so we are ready for the Cabinetry part of what's going on on here we still need to build square boxes I'm going to rip down some plywood and kind of start fitting and notching stuff in here I think that's the best best way to go for the next steps let's make some sawdust so we need a panel on the top and oh I fudged this up already did I did I I'm so effed up right now my brain is just not functioning well I just wait pretty much a whole sheet of plywood like a jackass I need to start notching parts so this is going to be our top piece we're going to make a little Notch here so it fits over our overhang on our frame and so I'm going to notch that on both sides I have been working my butt off to put out more and better videos for you guys and you can definitely tell my brain's fried Theory it fits on top should fit underneath that's probably pretty tight we let to sit overnight and clamp as you can see almost zero cupping on that sucker now which means we can flatten this from the CNC now the concern was that bottom isn't very thick so we couldn't have it being cup cuz we couldn't remove any material from the bottom so we had to try and get that cup out this is something that happens more often than I would like it to with epoxy I don't know if it's because of the heat in my shop or I don't know if I'm doing something wrong this technique to fix it has worked for us in the past so we'll get this on the CNC now that the Bottom's pretty much dead flat the top surface get the bottom surface Chris will get it looking mint we'll get this sanded get it rocking and rolling so as I mentioned I made a mistake yesterday so I so I just stopped um I told Joe I was like I am tired part of the territory when you have kids so I made some lines on here and some notes to myself where we're just going to create some relief this doesn't need to be like butthole tight inside of there what I'm going to do is actually cut this edge here we're putting solidwood Edge banding on everything and in order to do that I need to give myself that relief in the front to have that edge banding as well as have our drawers sit properly and then I'll make another Mark and we're going to cut this thing the size it should fit almost perfect on the next round so something I'm going to try to do over here is like match profile on the edge I just think it would look cool and then when Joe pulls the drawer out there'll be a little bit of a cubby here he can put pencils hidden treasure I wanted the drawer front to come the whole way to the edge so for my sake we needed to have this piece all the way to the edge here and look clean and finish pretty good huh we need a place to mount our drawer slides to so we're going to have a 12-in drawer and then this will Mount here we'll do the same thing on the other side be a this will be open we're going to have to figure out how that's going to kind of lay out there um but we want to put all of the solid front edge banding on first it'll be a lot easier than trying to put it on after um and it'll look a lot cleaner at least in my experience so we just got to get all the parts done and then we'll mark what's getting edge banded the wood and put it on the other wood we're going to put the edge banding on here we got a fast drying glue should help speed up this process that a little bit of blue tape and we should be able to get this thing assembled really fast after we get that on it's so thick all right we are off of the CNC this is looking sweet unfortunately we opened up a lot of like spots and it's still pretty good I mean it is a soft wood but there's some stuff that's like flaking off and I really don't want that so we're going to hit it with another seal coat same way we kind of did it before we put it in the resin to avoid any of the bubbles we're going to do that same thing again with a penetrating epoxy Harden this stuff up what's another day happy trees as Bob Ross would say we have the frame all primed our panels glued up for the back panel of the desk so our next step is going to be to remove the tape off of this hardwood Edge banding we put on there use a flush trim bit in our quarin router get these all cut down and then assemble our cabinet boxes so this has like a very John Mali style assembly process which means it makes absolutely no sense to a normal person with a real brain but it makes sense to me that's what matters so I'm going to put the sides on and then we'll come back and start putting interior parts in so I'm a jackass and I cut this wrong over here so instead of having a gap we're simply going to just put this front part on these have absolutely no structural support but Joe and I were talking and it would be nice to have somewhere in the back of the cabinet behind everything going on for him to um potentially put like some of the things that need plugged in but don't necessarily need like daily attention that is what I'm doing here I'm going to pin these in hey here's your drawers bud what do you think I like it I've Got a Feeling there's just going to be a tiny figurine right there I'm going to be honest like you guys are going going crazy I mean like I put some legs on it I probably would have been fine with this as a he' been good with just a plywood box I mean better than what you got which is a plywood box this is better than most people's death blame Chris when it was designed he was in a very minimalist stage in his life why don't you need storage I don't need anything all right so now I've got the programs for cutting the back panel the side panels uh loaded up on the computer for the CNC so I'm going to go ahead and cut those and yeah you'll see those in a little bit this self-etching primer is all dry on the frame so the next step we're going to be painting this we're using a direct metal paint from uh Sherwin Williams I'm going to spray this out of my HTE gun and uh see how she comes out we need to fill more holes so we're going to pour black resin in it which seems to be part for the course for all tables black resin for life just going to keep pumping keep mixing keep pouring keep drying keep sanding keep Milling keep pouring it never ends all for me all for Joe I might as well just sleep in this [Music] epoxy all right we are dry and all the voids are filled Chris is working on sanding the panels getting those ready for primer and paint Sam's finishing up painting the frame with our direct to metal paint I'm going to get working on getting all of this epoxy off of the top we'll get this thing through the wide belt sander get it polished up looking stunning and then sprayed with finish we should have a tabletop by the end of the day I am stoked now we're into the fun part we're going to cut this sucker to size we got to cut some ears so it fits on the top of the desk because of the way it's shaped so I'm going to do a little sizing with the track saw little bit of finesse and get this thing mocked up on there before we go into any final sanding almost had it I didn't like that corner me neither one of these days John's going to pull something off to nurse him back to health so in order to get the top to fit we're making a template here because if you look we're going to have to create some ears and for the table to more or less sit because of the way that we designed it originally we were going to have you know this kind of exposed I think I want to put the ear in I can always remove the ear if it looks bad you don't you don't like it no I like it but it's just why your ear but I can't add it back on so Sam's cutting a template out of some hardboard that should allow us to get this thing fitting perfect so we can only have to make one cut on the table itself that our template is fitting I'm going to fit it to our table now something of Interest we've got this angle right here I'm going to try to match it don't know why but I feel like I should so here we [Music] go pretty darn close perfect almost while John's working on the tabletop I got some Maple Mill down and I put a couple pull uh put some DS in the bottom for our drawers um we're going to start cutting things to size and assembling them and hopefully we should have two Drillers a little bit here so now what matters is the straight line for the rest of the template we can't go over the line at the top so it's not going to come the whole way the saw blade will come like this and so we if we go past and try to cut to that line that's so we might hit into this it'll just be a thing so what I'll do is I'll just transfer the point here to here and I'll finish the cut by hand the other problem we have right now is the track's got to be it's right-handed track I start off by scoring it and then what I'll do is I'll actually plunge this in and cut and then I'll find where that plung is and I'll just make sure I'm keeping an eye on the back of that blade see how the back there I don't want that coming past that line nitty-gritty down to the Precision Parts hereo this wood pretty soft so I can come the whole way straight to the line souvenir see if she fits pretty good pretty good all right hell yeah I for for some reason I thought it would be like more climactic setting it in and our motionless uh shrill over here didn't even give me a look I was like is it in that looks rad we could put filler pieces in oh that would be sick oh yeah cuz you do another angle there and there cuz they would just have to live there yeah you're sitting forever what's beautiful is now we can get on to final finishes and final assembly let's go so I'm going to cut uh these cut off parts to kind of fit the gaps on the outside it's a little bit of a happy accident I wasn't anticipating doing this but it's easy enough just setting the angles on the miter here and making the cut looks good that's it no it looks great what the dude that's it I have more of a responsive yeah oh you I'm taking lunch go all right so we've got about a million cracks and voids to fill here I'm using this UV epoxy from totalboat I'm just going around I'm going to put it in all the little holes I can find I'm going to take this owl I'm going to poke all the air out of it that I can a lot of guys like to use CA glue here I prefer this stuff cuz I trust epoxy more than I trust CA glue and it's not as brittle and this stuff's been working awesome for us I'll have a link down below if you're interested in it and also if you want to know any tips tricks or techniques on how to build tables like this I've got my entire Master Class coming out in the next few weeks you're going to want to sign up for the weight list cuz it'll be the cheapest price that I will ever have it at on that weight list if you want to wait that's fine but if you want to get on the first round early bird and get the best pricing possible that's going to be it I'm doing full multiple hourong deep to deep tutorials on how to build table like this we'll do glass River tables we'll do solid Live Edge tables everything that I know about building Live Edge Furniture is coming to you in one single master class so get on that weight list if if you want to build these for yourself and you want more details so we've kind of changed the design for the drawers that go underneath your desk we've got now just two side drawers and then we'll have a center drawer John had mentioned to me that you were wanting kind of recesses and holes and pockets for like different things you're going to store in there kind of like yeah like like a cutout right like we were talking about like something that's like a holder so headphones keyboard SD cards Mouse maybe like one or two of these I don't have anything else too crazy I mean that's pretty much the basics of it otherwise we have like batteries so we're thinking like this stuff I don't know if that's wide enough too wide I mean if we can cut should be fine organization tray for Joe's middle drawer at his desk so he wanted spots to put all his stuff Mouse headphones l this's phone airpods SSD knife SD card reader holders trackpad and keyboard so let's go test fit everything make sure it fits bam look at that look at that it's time to get dirty we're looking really good ridiculously good looking we're wet sand it up to 3,000 grit now the part to bring it home is the Polish we're going to be using 3m's three-part polishing kit we've gotten really good results with it I'm stoked I don't think I've ever built something this good it looks pretty damn amazing so we're going to get this thing polished and we're going to get our finish coat on top of all the wood pretty crazy huh it's like Crystal Clear too you not even all right we are ready to put some final finish on this thing what we'll do four coats of lacquer will completely do it and then I will let that dry and then I will buff one more time the river before final reveal so let's go we're in the final stage ready to spray and I don't know if this blue we chose is looks good with this by that I mean I I don't think the blue we chose looks good with it well I don't think anything can like matching it you know what I mean like blue the opposite what looks good with blue is Orange it's on the opposite end of the color wheel you don't want orange do you orange might look sick I just feel like it would like steal the show though right like that's why if you don't do that it got to be like a slight dark gray like dark cuz that's not working I guess you're going to have to see in the reveal let us [Applause] [Music] spray a straight up orange I must feel like that might look better with the blue bag secured I like it that'll pull a little bit of the darker Hues and stuff in here that'll look good all right let's glue up the Shelf we'll get a couple more coats on there and then you guys are going to refinish those panels [Music] huh all right this thing is looking sick the wood looks amazing love the black in fill last thing left to do I'm going to polish up the resin get that spark in before we get this thing assembled the polishing is complete and I got to say this is the best epoy table I've ever made I'm just going to put it out there let me know what you think a lot of you guys have seen all my other stuff I think this Takes the Cake Crystal Clear resin multipore not a single bubble inside I love it now all we got to do is assemble the rest of this damn desk we're going to magnetize these panels to the desk that way we can one change them out two it'll give a nice clean look three because I want too we'll seea glue those in and then these things will go straight up and then it's on to the back panel baby Moment of Truth just like magic got to love it when a plan comes together that orange looks good whose idea was that mine oh might have to hire you just kidding it was yours John really I thought it was yours hell yeah all righty we are on to the final stages you keep using the hor I don't know think it Miss what do you think it Miss Chris is going to give us a hand real quick and Sam and I are going to get the uh the bottom the drawers and installed Chris actually went ahead and CNC like a mount for all the LED lights that are going to go under the table we'll get all that stuff done back panel side panel top shelf leveled installed and while we do that Joe is going to paint his office because there's a little bit of mud on smudge on the walls but next up is fitting let's do our best here Gentlemen let's go well that's it we're going to leave the clamps on there for Aesthetics we want to have like a workshop working in out of the shop kind of I'm kidding it's so close I mean looks sick all right we're in the final stages of getting this thing together and we're getting the LEDs installed and then like turn it up you can see these bars inside of it and it's not giving us as much like I don't know what's the word with diffused light that we're that we that we want to see so we're going to take the top off and I think we've got another idea on on how we can make this work all right so you can see here what Chris Dy cut U rudimentary kind of shapes on the CNC that will outline the floating islands on our resin we're going to give this a shot now kind of see how that looks she is done and she is ready to go to her home so we just got it in the room and I got to say it's looking good except I hate the drawer fronts I got to run to an appointment so I'm going to leave Sam and Chris to fix it then we'll show you guys the b-roll Finish [Music] and as expected the boys came through I definitely think that these look better they blend in a little bit more and that's kind of what we wanted I'm loving this thing I think Joe's loving it what do you guys think is the coolest part about this build for me bar nun the tabletop he's super jealous so you guys got to let me know should we build Chris one
Channel: John Malecki
Views: 535,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: John Malecki, John Malecki Builds, Woodworking, How To, LED, Youtube Editor, LEDs, Epoxy River, Epoxy Burl, Epoxy River Desk, Epoxy River Table, Dream Desk, Dream Table, Dream Epoxy Table, Epoxy Table
Id: GifalrHjTFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 8sec (2048 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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