I broke Wii Play Motion (Corruptions)

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me blah is a game that was released at some point in time could have fooled me m is the sequel to we remember that game that everybody bought for a television remote and tanks well everybody purchased mateo for the hemorrhoid that clings onto said remote bliss i'm playing on pc i'm gonna need an iv drip after this one but you know what they say yolo i ain't heard that phrase in about 10 years press x and y yeah i'll be sure to do that on my wiimote yeah okay let's just hop right in she's sucking her on ass [Music] ladies and gentlemen welcome to the tit corner some non-believers may try to convince you that it's supposed to just be corn zorn the corn referring to the bottom half of an ice cream don't listen to that this is cannon hmm i don't think that's where you're supposed to put the corn [Applause] where is it oh no oh he sat on it oh something that can't be that can't be good it's disappeared disappearing trick it's gone all the way up there ice cream corn enema look at the size of those ice creams minuscule it's too heavy he can't handle it oh he's going upside down [Applause] hey guys i'm having fun daddy i'm trying to balance this first oh oh my god what's happened to his fears penis has had a stroke no why why is he got an ice cream corn shaped tumor in his chin i'm listening to the corn like it's a like it's a seashell what sounds can we get [Music] sounds like a flock of birds i'm sorry for the noise it's a plague right i want it to break what happens [Music] you all right there you are you okay ice cream peen now he's capturing the ice cream in his hands you see that's how you do it it's a bit cold there's an extra mode for this mini game let's give it a swirl well whatever right in my eye go on give it he's blind after this one this is we're just having an eye test this is extreme eye drops [Music] everyone's rushing around the christmas stalls to buy their presents and i'm just stood here trying to figure out how to use a toilet plunger [Music] just got born whoa it's erect it's not right what is happening there we go erectus oh god what am i a fall guys developer erectus erectus sextus it's me fall guys well i think it's time to finish finish finish finish that minigame veggie garden i do enjoy standing outside of hospital wards with a sword and shield but but that's a different game in this one there are moles and you whack em sound familiar like a great philosopher once said it is hammer or clock pancake hammer where's my power up thing that is disgusting it's a barrel and what perspective is this flat the handle the absolute girth on this boy it's alive this isn't really a hammer is it it's a tennis racket or something a fly swatter dumbbell goes back to normal for some reason what the fuck is that someone's like took a steaming iron and put a handle on it yeah that's what it looks like cocking balls well this is the hammer now oh it's changed form i want to see oh dear oh oh yeah yeah all right big boy he's massive this one's upside down let's smack his ass [Music] they just said i'm out of here i don't think they're going to turn up [Music] they just quicksanded they've gone on strike there he is look at that crazy boy he's jogging on the spot he's not gonna stop everyone else can get to work but he's running he's having a good old run but now they're now they're copying him he set the trend though preston pc is sounds like alien diarrhea i don't know if he can tell but i can't really control this one he is performing the y pause it's the sequel to the t pause look at the background they are forming a squadron they are creating a totem pole they are stacking oh my is it slowing the game down it is the me in the middle he's got four arms oh dear okay and he's a mole man oh god oh jesus the abominations with the the moles are dabbing after copious amounts of animal abuse you're faced with the final boss a grape with facial hair i've amputated the boss that was my strategy here i thought i'd take away his arms and legs to make up for the amputation i have given him immense style these super glasses actually improve vision now his glasses are going through the wall that's how wide these are just take them off completely look at his weird fizz why is it upside down went there he's placing it on the ceiling big boss i have made him significantly more scary huge muscle-bound king the glasses the glasses don't really fit properly he had too big for he goddamn head oh he's got no hat i have dethroned him he's no longer a king recall moored in this veggie garden spin-off moles with variously coloured kippers pop up in sequence and you have to copy this in the same order it's simon says now repeat that okay recall mod in this veggie garden spin-off moles with variously skibb skibs skip squibble that sounds like a furry trying to say squirrel it's actually skip skimmer because you skim skips skip skims you chuck pebbles in the water right we go for the throw despair things don't always have to be flattered it's all in the technique right i'm ready i'm ready to throw got the force of a thousand suns behind this one i threw it so hard that i went blind this is gonna break world records now this is the optimal position for pebble skipping face down ass up that's the way we like to chuck brilliant positioning absolutely beautiful stance now if you thought the last positioning was irresponsible or not very sensible the diglett maneuver i think it works doesn't work upside down inside of the ground i kind of look like a microphone pebble plv we are the pebble i look like a bag of golf clubs short man big dreams fuck maneuver is called the airborne game of twister yeah didn't need any of my joints a cartilage anywhere oh my god look at that face oh we got phone call [Music] hey maybe it's not the technique maybe it's the equipment just the right size of pebble fucking slab of rock this one is the star storm because it escapes the earth's atmosphere you've heard of pebbles you've heard of dual wield why not glue some stones to your hand and triple wheeled well if you're gonna do that you might want to try chucking more than one of them the wheels and tweels the game is laughing at me this is what a chicken sounds like [Music] what the fuck i've summoned a demon the majestic iceberg flaps across the ocean gorgeous the effects of global warming oh brilliant brilliant i've got i've got minus 99 200 points and then 55 696 202 489 and 51 872. the numbers mason what do they mean that's right i've got minus 90 billion one billion two one and one six seven five two one six to eight is this someone's phone number score mode it's a skip skimmer side quest how do you play this what's the mission briefing ah there's no text that's a great tutorial thanks for this tutorial i am now more knowledgeable you took the pebbles through rings but you know what they say think outside of the box circle goodbye my friend it's running away on the surface it's gone forever i was joking is it actually forever jesus oh there it goes zero points thanks it just doesn't want to touch the water it's gone backwards this is a psa please take care of your pet rocks they might run away [Music] i then came to the genius realization that i could combine the pov camera corruption with this one oh shit [Music] it's flying it's flying holy shit it works let's see where he's taking us the gopro stone drawn the void the military industrial complex have really done it this time they've give birth to helicopters that can swim they go swimming helicopter we had it before but this one's properly swimming ish kind of i don't know i don't think the pilot knows what he's doing this is too dangerous to go any further take the helicopter down good job team get ready for the next round pause me plus is a minigame for we play motion which is a sequel to pause me for wii player and you use the wii motion plus are you following i'm not my wife left me basically it's a virtual version of those japanese game shows where people desperately try to transform themselves into a tetris block to avoid excruciating death what you want me to fit inside there do ya right watch this pro gamer move upside down doesn't matter how small the crevices my humongous frame can fit inside my life is pain now that is flat i'm go in theory i should fit through every single one let's try there we go it's rigged big baby and then there's this creature legs and arms stuck to his head straight out of the scp foundation where's his crush in his nose why let other people sit on your face when he can sit on his own shrek people have been asking for a new star fox game here it is there we go that looks like an airplane here we go jet fuel doesn't melt through nintendium how am i actually surviving no i'm not all of the passengers are dead rest in peace picking a lock and break into this house any moment it's what it looks like i don't have any limbs there we go what's that you lack a neck is your head not quite connected to your neck that's fine doesn't matter if you don't have limbs doesn't matter if you don't have a head i managed to get not just headless the bodyless it doesn't even go to the head part straight through the chest this one i called playmobil looking ass he does look like playmobil look he's even got things in his feet i think they're his legs he's probably in great pain he's he's an upside down man with a head for an arse and crotch look different people have different body types guys all right some people have the of their mouth where their dick is there it is baby he fits perfectly the wrong way around his neck is coming out of his chin do you like my position here i think it's quite professional my hand my hand has the consistency of an oven glove i want to see the other one again it was one of the one of the positions looked pretty good that one the feet up to my first technique he is licking his own feet that is not appropriate for twitch he is absolutely hung ladies shmeet it's also coming out of his ass so oh my god no that's an upskirt trigger twist it's like the sequel to shooting range from the original wii player except you can do this wow technology what's my opinion on this mini game they've got turbo capacitors but they don't know what direction they're going in the balloons egg here we go there you go they abducted themselves ice why did he freeze where is that wild dog this is gonna this house is not crashed at them all on all missiles is it going to hit me the gun straight past me actually where's the gun just straight into the grass the grass consumes it's going backwards they're really fast they really are ninjas i can barely see him he's too quick for the naked eye so fast he just had to go back for a shuriken he left it behind i'm not fast for i'm not fast for his i'm no match for his fast i can't speak uh this is the secret ninja pause [Music] they've been decapitated he's got the snowman camera he's prepared for the winter he is well hidden in the snow it's a shame we're in grass it's fucking massive [Music] he wasn't even touching his head now the me is massive and he's just grabbing his legs oh now he's running towards him running away from him there he is he's facing the wrong way my whirlwind jutsu he didn't see this coming did he my tornado technique see if i can kill him i'm dead crikey mites i found myself in some quicksand what's the weather forecast today scales little known fact about dinosaurs guys their favorite food is pez dispensers as you can see this specimen it's the hunchback dino it's actually the hunch tail play a rare sight indeed the sliding saurus rex there he is the treadmill asaurus wrecks a beautiful sight he's just vibing i teleported him it's another rare species my the umbrella soros remember no alertion there he is the boss he's waiting there he is when a t-rex goes on a diet get stick got an upside down head i have accidentally shot the top of his head into two he looks like a venus fly trap you've heard of t pausing get ready for t-rex pausing the t-pose combined with the t-rex too strong for this mortal realm bullets will not work gonna be honest i really think they jump to the park on this one you bounce around collecting gems that that's it that's what it is [Music] send help oh he has merged within himself he has become his own siamese twin look at the roller coasters yeah look at the background look at that but there they are good they didn't test the safety regulations for the for the roller coaster [Music] he is dead ah yes it's tiny i've got some sort of item i guess i can't even see magnifying glass gonna need a i almost said stethoscope gonna need a stethoscope to see this one he has bounced a few too many times and he has broken his spine broke neck mountain there we go hold on to ledges grab the monkey bars boys no he's stuck oh god no no no no no that's like that's like when you're on a skateboard and you get crotch shot between the rail you might be thinking what the hell this is normal what are you doing no it's not i've frozen in mid-air i have defied gravity i think i'm stuck by the force of a thousand suns i can summon a star right now bush maybe some of you have heard of big yoshi yoshi so basically it's clear that for the me noises some adult who's in like his mid-40s or something went good and then pitched it up and that's how you get them the me noises they're like which means this is pitched it down so this is what it's supposed to sound like hmm green screen oh oh no matt from wii sports wants revenge it sounds like a thousand slot machines [Music] [Applause] [Music] music to my ears i want to hear the piano again yeah yeah all right [Music] break the targets wait no that's not right sorry titty targets hmm i think there might be a problem here ah i'm not touching it can i reach am i too short let me touch the ball oh let me touch you please end a pearl just where's it gone that's not fair but i'm trying to actually do it but i am struggling [Music] that's it's trolling me there's quite a bit of bounce physics here well there we go we got bouncy balls okay calm down [Music] that's a bit difficult tiny ball wait there you go lads sighs don't matter forget everything i said about tries not mattering big fucking balls fuck they look like they look like unknown from pokemon what is that noise [Applause] why is there a little demon screaming it's like an angry chihuahua what the fuck uh the wiimotes not required all right we don't even need to touch the game we're gonna speedrun the entire game watch there's a one in 7.5 million chance that i get this lucky boom done yeah let us see the mod folder come on now i'm innocent i promise you that was so badly timed and it's easy boom i'll just play the game normally this time i'm i'm pulling you like i'm just really good though what's that it's the sound of a of a record now according to my mathematical mathematical equations i'm really good at this game i'm not dreaming ladies and gentlemen i am reality [Music] oh we're power dead we where is it there it is one target don't make me laugh goodbye oh whoa [Music] we're really gonna have to sit down put some thought into how we're gonna beat this one so what i think is i'm done okay everyone this is the tactic on your marks get set shoot start finish the final stage everyone stage 30. now you have to take this one quite seriously [Music] that's that's it do i get a platinum medal oh i deserved that 100 that's legit legitimate spooky search who you gonna call hopefully not this group of individuals now they're supposed to tell you where the bad guys are are they is it left is it up i or that doesn't help i thought this was the ghost mod not the snake mod pt it's it's a much better horror game holy shit oh no the wind has taken them away brought them back and then taken them away again and then brought them back and taken them away again i have transformed the goats goats the ghosts have transformed into cowboy hats he has transformed into a water droplet you've transformed into pairs of gloves did you know master hand had triplets he's looking at him very suspiciously i wonder what he's looking at perhaps it's his dump truck ass jesus look at that thing we've got a giant spider on the loose ah but that's not the that's not the scariest thing here all right this the scariest thing is not the lack of head it's the the time zone what is this time zone imp there's no control on it wind runner it should really just be called wind since it does all the work you're just stood there with a umbrella open collecting twitch bits what the fuck give up you might have to start but the start line is finished is he not there at all is he not turned up where are you there he is he's inside of there what is he what what is he doing let's turn around for the action replay he's inside of the finishing line i think this is normal oh no no no no it's not normal stop it stop bullying me okay all right then you are not worthy of the ramp yeah see you later everyone two lat e in compel eat incomplete the front ground is the background except it's also not um because it's he's right in front he's in front of me this is some trippy illusion the front ground is the background of the foreground i'm almost kissing myself we've been doing it wrong the whole time we've been opening the umbrella you don't need to molding he's he's i've turned him into a into a 40 year old man all these years of holding on to an umbrella it takes a toll on your hairline he still has the voice of a baby now this man has balded so hard that his hair has become his scarf now this is quite the haircut it's gotta be said actually he's not actually bald he's decided to shiv into an egg except for the back ways when i'll have some handlebars how about the dickhead look he can't even contain this erection inside of the umbrella it's too big jesus it's a shame it's on his head i'm done with all this umbrella shit i'm just gonna stare into space treasure twirl you scooby dooby dive into the water and then twirl congratulations now you have carpal tunnel oh and treasure ah my scuba tube isn't attached i don't know how i'm gonna get pulled back up again to be honest i think i'm just gonna jump down there and drown goodbye quick pull them back up who needs a scuba diver right let's just send down a straw there's just some cocaine at the bottom of the sea and some absolute madhead wants to snort it what that jellyfish imagine if jellyfish in real life had the power to slap how am i gonna dodge anything [Music] i'm sorry well then physically impossible to avoid anything he is sad i'm not a dentist all right it looks like a shoe his entire jaw so might might need some braces for that one then there's this worm who decided to not show up he is diagonal why he just impaled his friend this is how you swim you have to tuck your legs in and let yourself just drown to the ground to the ocean bed and then pick up chests with your ass a chinless shark um i don't think there's anything i can do about your dental problems your entire mouth is is the wrong way around it's inside of your body but that's a medical emergency you've heard of the hammerhead shark this is the not a head shark this is what happens when a shark is malnourished and doesn't eat properly but guess what what happens if you do eat properly and exercise women want him bodybuilders hate him find out how he did it with these exercise tips flutterfly not the fictional horse that your basement bound brother wants to inseminate oh god no please not the coach it's a minigame where you flap a leaf at some balloons through rings this is what it feels like uh to be a child and accidentally let go of your balloons it feels like this [Music] nice haircut nice face cut crikey there it is mites the fabled by clops welcome to watchmojo.com and today we'll be counting down our picks for the top 10 scary video game bosses i've got the birds the birds sounds like being ran over with the trim oh god do you see him just assassinate me super leaf fuck it it's gone crazy it's turned into a turbine it's not very tactical this isn't meta it doesn't actually work this is a cool camera though it'd be cool if i could see anything this is like the camera angle in pawn where they just film from behind and you all you get is 20 minutes of a guy's ball sack so it turns out that a lot of the corruption results for flutterfly actually affected the music which is good because if i had to listen to on a loop for hours upon hours i may have ended up in a hetero jacket so let's sit back relax and enjoy it's someone bashing his head off the wall someone's running down the stairs really quickly star shuttle shuttle parts to the space base by pivoting your ship and firing your thrusters this roughly translates to i got a platinum medal when i was preparing to break this mod it wasn't worth it who's responsible for this no no flashbacks what's this this can't be real the world is piss nasa lied the earth isn't flat sure but they didn't tell you that it spins at 24 days per hour divided by minutes my brain all right so that's all of the miniature games for there's a few menu screen toys like the kaleidoscope and famous video game emulator unfortunately i couldn't be bothered minus nine eleven seven four six seven two one two one three four three one two sixty forty p that's the quality of my videos [Music] [Music] [Music] nice
Channel: Killysunt
Views: 259,525
Rating: 4.9633694 out of 5
Keywords: Wii Play Motion, Wii Play Motion Corruptions, Killysunt, funny clips, highlights, Wii Music, funny Mii, Wii meme, corruptions, Wii, Mii, Mii Channel, Wii corruptions, corruption stockpile, Wii Play, Wii Play Gameplay, Wii Motion Plus, Wii review, Wii Play Tanks
Id: RhHer31l-gs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 52sec (2152 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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