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okay wave seven what are that yes wait a minute it's been playing a whip and quit playing on that development today I'm gonna be trying to see how many waves I can actually get through I haven't done this a long time let's do it I've got quite a bit of em oh this is gonna be awesome I'm gonna conserve my ammo though and I'm gonna use this bear trap now oh yeah take that dude I can hold on to the bear trap like this and I can keep using it as like a melee weapon is is awesome - or once - once this bear trap is the best I'm pinning myself opinon myself yeah chomped him I just lost a bit of health doing that wave one's gonna be pretty easy I'm not too worried hopefully I get my health back dog I should is that honestly a super zombie on the first wife are you serious what's that guy doing me Doris zombies aren't supposed to come until like later on oh that was cool all right wave one down the next couple of waves are gonna be pretty easy oh yeah buddy all right no I'm up - way for I'm gonna see how long I can hold out on top of this thing I'm gonna set up some of these right simply I can actually just like stick them on the ground here like this maybe it'll stab him as they like try to walk up I don't know I have no idea this thing hasn't broken and I've killed like hundreds of zombies with it so this thing I don't know it might last forever all right here we go let's see how long I can lost on this little ramp here without dying are you guys--you're already beaten up they're already beating up my wooden stakes how are they doing it oh dude I have no idea I'm just gonna stand it like this and just stab him with the sword as they keep coming up how long is this sword go last fall I don't know we're gonna find out probably until the acid guys come and then they start shooting acid at me tomorrow wave four we can do this there's an acid going I'm gonna get him early with a gun there we go and noise I'm just gonna repair that while I can alright let's repair this is good this is my airport in my airplane get off it I'm the captain nobody's getting on this is captain fin paya get out way another way Welding Steve oh god there's so many over now I'm gonna have to jump ship in a minute if these guys start being two three come here but this guitar is epic we're gonna murder it exploding this is good this is how you win the game just like this this is the winning move right now it could be an even better way doing this in a minute I'm gonna work it out for the moment I'm just gonna kill these super zombies and these ones are Explorer to gun Explorer you guys thing all right we need shooter that hurt me more than okay no I killed everybody that's fine there's another katana double katana time exploding guy gone very good we're winning so good I can't believe it this is wave 4 though like way for has a lot of zombies in it is another exploiting one we're almost outta ammo can I reload this thing please realize I'm a bass I think this is these guys and then that we're done then we're done yeah wait fool man that was intense so what I worked out from then is I need to like set up some katanas like this or all three bear traps that is so good it's so much ammo show me all my stuff what have I got I should have heaps of cool stuff I'm gonna build something epic right so let's go like that oh yeah that's that's good that's some good craftsmanship Hemmer that in there murder that zombie alrighty I wonder if we could make like some kind of epic grenade bombs so if I get like one grenade for it oh yeah there we go you can hammer a grenade to a grenade that's that's a good stunt alright then we get another grenade then we hammer it together like that then we grab another one I'm in a really vulnerable position at the moment hey these grenades actually different I just realized they're not all the same oh yeah epic grenade ball going on this is good alright another one on this side okay yep we've got got a few going on right now this is nice let's get some more there's no zombies around they're leaving me alone though I actually just had the game crash and I panicked but thankfully the game has like a save game function now so that's pretty good I'm just gonna set up just a few little fortifications I know I said no building but I'm doing I'm doing a little bit of something oh this thing's looking pretty good alright oh dude scare the enemy alright yeah you can beat up there that's fine what I just picked up my grenade ball and it's just disappeared out of the game why are you gonna play me like that game let's do it let's start hacking into some zombies I got my katana I've torn half but think anymore oh that sucks maybe we can get six blades and it would be six tuplets that's probably serve wrong stab you all the dudes this katana is made for stabbing guys this thing just doesn't break stop vomiting on my base and pull your pants up oh I just got him in the bump alright step step step step step step step yes they drops like a heap of weapons then that was good it's those zombies that run up behind you they're the ones you have to be careful of ah come on guys that's my ward stop beating my ward there you go dude catch it catch this one right on top of your head what was it I just hurt myself or something all right that guy's dead they were doing pretty good oh yeah buddy look at this thing I'm keeping this I'm keeping it but he cry just punching on there's nothing there's like literally nothing to beat up on all right I've beefed up my sword I've put like two knives and stuff sticking out the sides just in case the joint blade actually misses we're gonna be hanging out on the ramp for this wave I'm basically just gonna stand here I'm gonna see how this goes I've got katanas stuck to like the rails now katanas so far have seemed basically unbreakable I don't know how well that's gonna work it's working really well so far I'll just wait here I'll just get like a cup of tea or something like that this is gonna be nice and relaxing we could probably vacuum up some zombies if I want to oh dude yes war axe oh nice we're gonna make something cool out of that that is working so well it's just stabbing them right in the head as they come up the explosions nice one they're pointing each other they look like they're totally fighting each other and we just blew up his abs I need to find out where that spawn point is okay that spawn point is right there I wonder if we put like a knife on the spawn point whether that would to something wave six complete I've got my war axe there but I'm gonna try something as well for the next wave this is gonna really interesting what's in there just a bit of ammo okay Oh finally finally a shotgun I've been holding out for a shotgun how much ammo do I have on this bad boy 300 I think that's the max it looked like the zombies we're coming up out of the ground roughly about it was about here can I actually just hammer this to the ground is that something we can do oh you can I know my war axe just dissipated come on game why does that keep happening I wonder if you come like attach c4 on to the end of like a rocket hey there we go I wonder if I can fire that c4 and get like some kind of double explosion going on hey there's my double grenade how well do they work whoo let's try that double grenade go only one of them went off take this dude [Music] that's not physics awesome what a waste of time okay wave seven what is it yes get rekt zombies oh that is the best they're doing as they come out of the ground take that dudes are any more gonna come up there maybe not maybe that spawn point is compromised I knew would work that's the that's the hex right there that is the serious hex it's gonna be amazing to see what wave we can get up to using this method because this is just dominating at the moment it's really good this is wave 10 I've killed two thousand five hundred zombies and now I'm gonna see how far I can get with a with a chainsaw just a chainsaw all right let's start rounding some of these zombies up come on dudes how does this chainsaw work do I have to pull something - nope not me - squeeze we just squeeze and cut that is good that is good it doesn't do as much damage as like a katana or something though I thought it would do way more damage it's a chainsaw it sounds good though serious come on champ do more damage than this yeah run over the knife dude he just ran straighter than not didn't even hurt him look at those guys getting crammed up okay I'm gonna run up here now hopefully the ones that spawn up over there will actually get carved up in that knife oh no they're not it's kinda getting them but also kind of not I feel like they're right behind me oh yeah there God that scared me so much I've got a Molotov with your name on it cheap come on get a little bit closer just a little bit closer that's pretty good all right have this good I'm not gonna lie this wave is massive it's still going I think we might be almost at the end of it thorn are we getting course come on please tell me we're getting close is it just you maybe it's these two yes wave ten finally complete that is wave ten done so that means I can come back to this and I could like keep going because it will actually save it will I get any guns and stuff out of this this crate let's have a look I feel like I'm at maximum capacity at the moment yeah look at nothing there's too much stuff already on the map but if you guys have got ideas of weapons you want to see me build let me know in the comments below and thank you very much first in this video if you liked it give us one of these ones I'll see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 969,423
Rating: 4.8983436 out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, Undead Development, Undead Development VR, VR Gameplay, Undead Development VR Gameplay, VR HTC Vive, HTC Vive, VR building, VR games, Vive Game, Undead Development game, Download Undead Development, zombie vr, zombie vr game, undead development steam, undead development gameplay, undead dev, undead dev update, undead development update, nailing, ultimate zombie weapon, legendary weapon
Id: VvjS9opdRU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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