I broke my wrist.

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[Applause] i always wondered well maybe not always wondered but every so often i think about would my 12 year old self be proud of where i am at in life today i think it's kind of an interesting thing to think about so i want to tell you a little bit of a story way way way way way long ago i built this ramp i asked all of my oldest friends if they have any photos of the ramp and no one had a single photo so at this point i have nothing to show you but i think it's kind of funny because i'll show you the second ramp we built so the first ramp was four feet tall and had one foot of straight vert this literally means that when you dropped in you would basically just drop to flat it was so hard nearly impossible to skate in fact the trick that i do on vert which is kind of a joke the trick that i first do like where i put my back to the coping i learned that on that four foot tall ramp with a foot of vert because it was literally the only trick possible on the ramp and and get the idea like i'm uh a little guy at the time maybe the transition was a little better because i was small whatever but then the second ramp which i have footage of which is this ramp right here yes we painted it this beautiful green color i can't remember where that green came from i think it was just literally in my friend brian lafave's garage and we just said hey let's just paint the ramp like this so you can see we realized on the first ramp how bad we messed up with the vert one foot a vert so on the second ramp we decided no vert in fact it was so much novert that it was basically like a slight transition into a bank which i think i just think is so so so funny how just being kids and just saying hey we're going to build a ramp do you know how to no but are we going to yes we're going to do our best we're just going to do it now that i think about it i wasn't 12 there at all i was probably more like 14 yeah i don't know but that was that was a few years later because i started skating around 10 and then and then came forward from there but i think it's it's just a funny interesting thing that now so many years later i have a vert ramp and a private skate park whatever i hate calling it a private skate park because it seems so like uh private skate park but i have this place where we are allowed to film and we built this vert ramp we never really talked much about where the vert ramp came from or how this came about but i'll tell you the story so we're skating here we're making all these videos and then one day the guys ricky and some of the other team members go to skate evert ramp in this place that's close to the braille house called richmond where they have a ramp there and jd sanchez who if you watched his introductory video i had done videos with him before when he was six years old and then when he was eight years old i taught him how to do a frontside 180 when he was six which is super amazing and then he taught me a trick on the mini ramp when he was eight long long long ago and now he's 11 and he completely kills it so these guys were at this vert ramp and they saw jd skating and they were like dude there's this kid his name is jd sanchez he's so good and they were just they were just like aaron you have to get him on to braille skateboards just get him onto barrel skateboards talk to him talk to his dad and so i was like oh man yeah would be awesome so i get i'll reach out to him and see what he thinks and so i reached out to him he loves braille and we had those earlier things where i taught him how to front side 180 which is is super rad i guess like i can get super nostalgic on that kind of stuff to see him learning a frontside 180 and me teaching him and just being like okay just another random day at the skate park teaching a kid how to do a frontside 180 and then a couple years later to see him doing 540s out of a vert ramp is like it's amazing i think the hardest part of learning how to skateboard is that very very very beginning so you have to take that very beginning and just push through it and learn as many tricks as you can and then after you're over that hump of the very beginning first few tricks i'm trying to make that part that learning that very beginning first part easier and that's part of the whole point of the braille app and braille army plus we won't go too much into that but that is what we're attempting to do is make it easier for brand new people to start so it's fascinating for me and i get super nostalgic to teach jd frontside 180 and then he's doing 540. so then all the braille guys are at this vert ramp and they say you gotta get him get him on braille skateboard it's gonna be so awesome he's so rad so then we do and then he's here his parents should win like parents of the year award parents of the universe award because they're just the most amazing supportive parents ever they're like jd you want to go skate the braille house good let's go get in the car and we're going to the braille house we're going to fremont skate park we're going here we're going there and they're just so supportive of jd and it makes sense why he's been able to progress so so so so fast and his dad who we have named jd's dad for obvious reasons because he's his dad so we named him jd's dad he's otherwise known as tim the tool man taylor or his actual name is danny shout out danny jd's dad he kept saying literally every day i saw him he would go like this aaron you got to build a vert man and we need a vert ramp and he would like show me the specs and he would say like you could fit a vert ramp in the back room and i was like no we can't the ceiling this that the other thing there's all these problems and he just kept saying aaron you need a vert ramp you need a ver amp you need a ramp and then one day i took him back there and i was like where would the vert ramp go draw it out for me okay so we got this here we got that and then i was just like okay let's do it never in my history of skateboarding would i have ever thought to myself yeah i want to skate vert it just wasn't a it wasn't a thing but i have to admit and i and i said this in another video too i i said like if you're a street skater and all your skating is street and you look at a person doing a backside air out of a vert ramp and you say to yourself i don't want to do that or i don't want to see what that feels like i don't want to feel what it feels like to fly through the air i think you're lying i think you do even if you don't you say like i don't want to wear a helmet whatever i think you do i think that feeling is so amazing and incredible that you want to see what it feels like and it's just so so fascinating for me now that i've jumped into it so i never wanted to do that never had the thought really the vert ramp was for jd that's like jd's ramp but then after we built it i was like okay you can't have a vert ramp and not skate it so then i got really excited it sort of like ignited the same passion like it took me back to where i was when i was 10 and 12 and 14 years old and i was building these new ramps and it was so exciting and it wasn't about like getting sponsored or looking cool or anything else it's funny i joke around in the vert ramp i always say like thanks to my sponsor or should i make a sponsor me tape and send it in it's like it's kind of a joke but at the same time it's like you know being a kid and like thinking about someday in the future maybe i would be good enough to be sponsored that would be so epic that would be awesome but at the end of the day you're just like hanging out with your friends it's the summer you're like going to the store and getting 25 cent mellow yellows and just drinking soda and skating this little mini ramp in the backyard so amazing so having the vert ramp to me really kind of takes me back to that then i'm starting to learn and every day i'm learning i feel like skating the vert ramp is like it's like going to battle it's like going to war one misstep and i feel and maybe this is not totally true and the more i learn about the ramp which i'll get into the more i learn that it's actually quite safe but i feel one inch of stepping my foot off in one direction and my leg is broken i've never broken my leg in my entire life i've broken my foot in two places uh yeah knock on wood sprained my ankle probably 20 plus times that's the injury of choice and i've never that i can remember i was thinking about this i don't think i've ever injured a wrist i mean maybe i've fallen or something oh yeah recently gabe asked me to like ride this crazy one-wheeled scooter bike up and i broke my finger and then i sprained my ankle and then i broke sprained it's hard to say totally on the wrist but i'll get to that in a minute so then we start learning how to skate it's very gradual baby steps just on the mini ramp just like man i remember the first day learning how to do a backside slash super scary learning how to drop in super scary but i had already dropped in on a bigger ram my very very first time which i'll show you and then so that got me more comfortable and then we went to the berkeley ramp that got me more comfortable so i was pretty comfortable with the drop in but it's interesting because it's like street skating like if you learn how to ollie and you do one ollie you're like i did an ollie if you do an ollie every single day for a year you've mastered that ollie you've got it good so this is where i'm at with the vert i can do an ollie if i want to ollie the five stare i can send it there's a high chance that i will fall and get hurt there's also a chance that i will land it this is basically what every trick i've learned on the vert is similar to a brand new skater jumping off of five stairs i somehow make it out okay and that's why you see me mentally stressing out freaking out i try to figure out on every trick i do how do i get out of this safely if i need to kick my board out how do i jump away how do i knee slide and you see us we learned how to knee slide then it was the tail stall the backside slash and then i don't even remember all the tricks we learned in the proper order it doesn't totally matter i suppose then i learned front side slash i think was one of the very absolute scariest things because you're literally on a straight up and down vertical wall a foot and a half up a vert and then going you're backwards you're literally like that and it feels like you're gonna fall back and fall on your head however you don't do that and it's this weightlessness this beautiful weightless feeling and then so i so i get that then i get the fakie ollie which just felt so so so amazing early grab backside air again so so amazing but there's this one backside air that i did which was it was probably the best one i've ever done unfortunately i didn't land i slipped back and i fell and that one thing got me so freaked i was like i could slip back hard enough and fall hard enough on this ramp that i break my hip break my and then i go back into that whole thing um so in your mentality of skateboarding no matter if it's avert or street or whatever build yourself up as slow as you can practice as much as you can and never just jump into it just never just go oh i'm just gonna send the five stairs you gotta make sure you are fully fully ready to do that and when you're fully ready to do that then you can do that and you should also another thing i just wanna say i've been reading the comments and people are like aaron you don't need to skate divert for us you don't need to skate the vert for views i'm skating the vert for this guy because this guy wants to do that i want to feel the feeling of going into the air and doing a backside air this is like my dream after i learn the backside air and i get to the point where i can do like two foot backside airs and just grab and just just casually roll backside airs back to back to back that might be the end of my vert but i sort of feel like it once i get that i'm going to be so hooked then i'm going to be like okay i could kick flip grab i could do this kind of grab maybe not kickful grab maybe that's way too hard but yeah there is one day when i did do kickflip like backside flip like in the ramp but like below the coping and yeah so cool it's so cool the feeling of it because it's way different than street there's one uh attempt where i literally landed primo on the vert and then i was like this is the craziest thing ever because i landed primo fully sideways completely crazy and then the 187 killer pads team came and they just shredded absolutely killed it i did another backside flip with them there and it was just so there's the energy it's just like a completely different world street skating and vert skating are completely different world and i love that i can go and like mix them and it's just i don't know so i so i get into that and it's kind of the ramp is kind of taking me back to being a to being a kid but what i was saying is like every time i skate the vert it's a battle and i feel i'm going to battle i'm going to war i got my gloves i had to get ready for this i got helmet knee pads elbow pads fully ready for battle and i also go into it with a mentality of something could go very wrong here on every time i go yeah the two tricks that are one of the scariest tricks that i failed to mention is rock to fakie and rock and roll and then the second time i tried rock and roll i only did rock and roll one day second time i tried i fell hard bodied hard but i'm getting these sort of basic fundamentals in and i'm going to battle but i it's important to me that i have this mentality um ricky says he has this little saying it's like healthy fear healthy fear mate need to have the healthy fear he means like if you're too scared to do anything you're just holding yourself back and you're letting the fear stop control you you're letting that win if you don't have any fear you're just sending it off five stairs 10 stare 12 stare when you're not ready and that you're just basically like you may as well just take your car and run it into a wall and get injured like that so you have to have a balance between trying it not so much fear that you totally stop like giving it an attempt and but slowly building your way up it's interesting helping people learn how to skate on braille army plus i learned so much from teaching other people and from there i'll call it the struggle of learning i have the same struggle we all have the same struggle different stories different journeys similar struggles but oftentimes people say erin can you make a video and encourage my friend to drop in and i'm like i am willing to make that video and say hey drop in you got it but i want to make sure he really has it do not step on a skateboard for your first day and go i'm just going to drop in it's bad and i don't want to tell somebody hey you got it when they don't so i always say if you have worked your way up and you've practiced enough and you feel confident and comfortable hey you got it and maybe there's this point confident is good comfortable maybe not because you're going to go through this thing where you're pushing past your comfort zone it just is what it is so the funny thing with this little injury on my wrist is that i was skating at night so first of all we're doing these these vert videos and we're just doing them once a week so i'm skating the vert once a week very rarely did i come and practice or skate the vert i've only done it a few times so we've had the vert ramp about six seven weeks so in total maybe i've skated the vert ramp about 10 11 times maybe 12 times total right and it's basically just like okay pat up you're going to war good luck hopefully you make it through and every day i finish a video on the vert i feel like i made it through i made it out injury-free no hospital nothing no i also don't want to say like skateboarding is so dangerous because it's not it's not if you take all the world sports and everything you're more likely to get hurt playing football with all the pads and other people and you're smashing into each other you have to do it smart you have to learn how to do it correctly it has to be on the proper gradient and then from there you can do it like i was saying every time i know i'm safe because i know how to jump out of whatever i'm attempting sometimes it'll be an hour and a half or two hours straight of attempts of me kicking away and i kick away kick away kick away until the point where mentally i'm ready okay i'm gonna land this try and then i say i tell myself i'm going to land and my body starts sweating that's when i know i actually decided i'm going to land and then i will try and then generally what happens is i land after maybe a few more temps because i'm still like in that mentality of kicking out which is not good you you don't want to be in that mentality of kicking out you want to land so then i land and then i think to myself that was so easy i should have done it first try should have just done it like it scary yes doable and easy yes so fascinating things so then i'm skating at night ricky and i come to just have a little sesh that's why there's not really any much footage of this we have like one angle which is from the security camera which i'll show you of this fall but it's funny because i tell ricky hey should we film this and he's like nah let's just skate let's just skate for the love and i was like man it's not that i do it for the views or anything like that and again i'm doing it just for myself but this is what i said and this was my reasoning and i told him this i said if i body i want that video like i want it on video i want the whole story of what happened how did it happen et cetera et cetera so okay super funny because we're just like okay yeah let's just have a session me jd ricky and then we're skating and i'm just getting comfortable with the ramp i'm starting to feel better and better and better and the more comfortable i get the more i i let down my healthy fear my like bit of like we're going to battle warzone and the interesting thing that i've learned about the vert ramp and about all skating i think this really applies on the street as well if you're padded up and you bend your knees you're low enough to the ground that pretty much any time you fall you're gonna get out of it and you're gonna be okay so i'm skating i'm doing i'm doing fine i'm doing rock and to fakie and getting really comfortable i'm getting so comfortable that then i go up and do a simple kick turn which is the absolute easiest thing for me to do on the ramp my knees are not bent i come down from the kick turn and my knees are not are so not bent that my body weight is forward and before i know it i fall forward off of the flat bottom which is the weirdest place to fall at the end of the flat button and straight into the wall so it's basically like going pretty fast because i went pretty high up the ramp and got a nice pump straight into a wall and it was it happened so fast and i was basically like so unaware of where my body was and what was occurring that i just instantly thought put my hand out the wrong thing to do because i'm training on the vert ramp specifically to fall in a very specific way like this so what i should have done is just fell into that ramp like this fully elbow padded up would have been totally fine would it just slid on the elbow pad hit the knee pad maybe i hit my hip got a nice bruise on the hip then my hip went into the wall and my elbow pad went down but what happened was i freaked i put my hand down and then i just went into it like that and i was like i am done skating this ramp tonight which is the wrong place to end i did think to myself maybe i should just do another rock to fakie just to just to do it but in this circumstances if you get hurt stop just stop but if i'm skating and i fall off the board generally i will land that trick so i don't end on that because the next time i go to that vert ramp the battle just intensified for me mentally the mental battle on that ramp intensified and i know already i'm already preparing i gotta push through that and that first day i'm gonna be slamming that iron maiden i'm probably gonna buy iron maiden t-shirt and show up with the iron maiden t-shirt and slam into that ramp and we're gonna it's go time at that night i was like my wrist hurts but it's not that bad whatever the next morning it hurt quite a bit and i was like ah i'm gonna go and get an x-ray just to get it checked out so got an x-ray the radiologist said we think that you have what's called a compression fracture which means this bone here and this bone here smashed into each other pretty hard but it's hard to tell on the x-ray if you got a full fracture or not could just be a sprain might be a fracture then the doctor was like explaining to me all the stuff that the radiologist said and so i said what is the handling for a compression fracture versus the handling for a sprain and they said what do you call this not really a wrist guard wrist brace a brace they said a brace i said so okay so it's the same thing get a brace yeah and they're like yeah you just want to keep it in such a place where you're not really moving it around much because in the case that it is fractured it will heal properly if you don't have it moving around much so i said okay hit me with the brace it's all good they also said you should probably come back in a week and get another x-ray and we can see for certain if if that is fully broken or not but now i feel pretty good about it i got the brace it's been a couple days it is feeling way way way better like after that first day it hurt a lot and then the next day i was like ah sitting so bad and the next day after that i was like we're good let's go skate the vert ramp not really i'm gonna give myself time to heal and then i'm gonna be back at the vert series i made a promise to andy mcdonald that i would get a backside air he said i want you to practice get a backside air at least up two feet above that coping so i'm not giving up now never give up despite the april fool's joke with the wrapping you never give up you just keep going you keep going you keep going right i'm gonna get that and i'm gonna keep going until we get that the next five or ten episodes of the verse series might be me trying to get backside air i'll try and learn some other tricks as well to mix it up i'm super excited and i have to give a huge huge thanks to jd's dad and jd and jd's mom for just being such amazing rad people and being very inspiring as parents and just all the help that they've brought jd's dad i don't know if i even explained this earlier jd's dad along with his friend literally built the entire vert ramp everything from ground up every cut every screw everything they built completely and utterly amazing so again for me to step into that world as a brand new beginner gives me a totally new perspective because my goal in the world is to take new people and bring them into skateboarding i want to take brand new people that thought they would never skateboard and want to bring them in i don't care if they're skating straight skating transition uh vert ramps bank ramps freestyle no ramps their parking lot in their local grocery store in front of their house wherever they're skating i don't care i just care that they're skating because for me you can see how many life lessons i learned from skating yes i fell down yes i will get back up yes the radiologist thinks i broke my wrist probably did fully break my wrist here's my x-ray if there are any doctors in the house let me know what you think this will heal and it will be better again and then i will make myself go to that vert ramp and do all the tricks that i did before and i will backside air that and i will champion that and it will feel amazing and it will be great and it will be a great experience for me i love the other part of it about it that i was talking to my friends about earlier is like i can go and skate and like for the love but the other part of skating that i love and i love making videos two things in life i love skateboarding and videos so i love skating even more when i'm making a video i get to look it back i get to inspire other people i get to motivate them i get to help them and it doesn't become just about me me me me me and what am i doing and oh it's this is that blah it's about the other people and the community and so the community that we're growing the good positive community is completely amazing and i have to thank you all for that if you've been thinking to yourself geez i really wish i could skate vert like that well now you're in luck skateboarding made symbol volume 8 available for the first time ever only on the braille army plus membership join a supportive community of skateboarders helping you learn on the braille army plus membership 10 off all of your skateboarding gear exclusive video content not found anywhere else first up on all of the special braille releases and the members only braille army plus discord server you get exclusive access you get in on all of the live streams join braille army plus now get help from the community of skaters pushing skateboarding all over the world get all of the skateboarding made simple volumes straight to your phone on an easy to use iphone and android app that's over 80 videos right in the palm of your hand anywhere you are join braille army plus it's everything a skater needs [Music] so a huge huge huge thanks to every single one of you guys for your amazing help and support some of you guys have been here since the beginning of time some of you are brand new whether you're a street skater a transition skater we are all coming together we're all skaters it doesn't matter if you're the most hardcore skater and all you do is skating and you love it and you're ah you know whatever we're all skaters we're unified behind the fact that we love rolling on a piece of wood with wheels that's it we love it let's go we're out here check out all those videos right there subscribe like leave a comment below and if you want to learn how to skateboard or you want 10 off of all your skateboard gear get on braille army plus it is the absolute best way to learn how to skateboard period let's go
Channel: Braille Skateboarding
Views: 293,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skate, skateboard, skater, skateboarding, skateboarder, skateboarders, skating, sk8, sk8ing, learn to skateboard, how to skateboard, secrets of skateboarding, aaron, kyro, braille, how to skate, braille skateboarding, aaron kyro
Id: tvrfQyvL334
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 42sec (1542 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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