Tony Hawk Explains THE Certified Sweatsaver

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well my name is Tony Hawk and I have been skating since I was 10 years old so I've been wearing helmets for almost 40 years I've worn the gamut of helmets so I definitely know what works and what doesn't thing that I never liked about the helmets is that the ones that fit properly not the safer ones because they were a paddock beside this certified so whatever is the best of all the belts and this is literally like game-changer for helmets and I don't set a lightly you have the comfort of a soft helmet but the safety of a profit certified helmet it actually has sits not on your head and like I put this up I didn't strap it and it stays on like that I could never do that with my other home the proper scan helmet fits right looks good this is long overdue [Music]
Channel: Triple Eight NYC
Views: 49,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tony hawk, the certified sweatsaver, triple eight helmet review, tony hawk helmet review, tony hawk helmet, the tony hawk helmet, triple eight tony hawk, triple eight helmet, tony's helmet, cetified helmet review, skate helmet review, skateboard helmet review
Id: 0WexnGDvmEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 58sec (58 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2017
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