I Broke A Minecraft Record In Just 2 Hours

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so it was Wednesday Minecraft snapshot day I tweeted the silly frog picture in celebration and well a few hours pass huh no snapshot maybe they'll skip this week since Minecraft live just happened I head to the train to go to school I checked my phone again you cheeky little devs so with nothing but a laptop and a 50-minute train ride I got to work and then I had my class but then I did more work on the train ride back and in those two hours I made some autocrafters some combo locks and yes the title of the video I broke a world record but before we get to all that let me brief y explain how the crafter works so you can put items in this thing and if it has a valid recipe you can pulse it with redstone to eject it and a comparator can also read the crafter outputting a signal strength from 0 to 9 depending on how many slots are full Andor disabled so let me show you what I made first we've got the obvious things like come on when you think of the Word Crafter the first thing you're going to make is an autocrafting system so this first one basically what it does is it takes all of these ingots and gold ingots and diamonds and emeralds and if we turn this on it will turn them into blocks below as you can see see look at that we get blocks of the thing now and the way it works is we have this over here this comparator is reading each of the crafters and this composter is also putting out a signal strength of eight on this Redstone so when each crafter is completely full it's going to put out a signal strength of nine which will update this Observer and it's going to pulse these Pistons power the crafter and then the crafter will spit out its block into the barrel and it's just as easy as locking The Hoppers and it's just shut off there we go so that was a tieable design that you can put next to each other without interference but then I kind of just made like the simpler one that uses the exact same concept except instead of two comparators pointing into one Redstone Dust We just have a subtract mode comparator and a composter with signal strength eight so we can put like whatever material we want in here let's say you want to make something like chest plates instead of blocks well you can go into the crafter and you can just disable some slots so now the iron will fill out into every other slot but still give out a signal strength of nine so let's just see what happens we unlock the hopper things will start happening this will start filling as you can see look at that we get a chest plate wow but so far these have only been recipes with one type of material but if you want recipes with multiple types of material so here we have the same little base autoc crafter design and we just have a bunch of droppers arranged so that it will give the correct order of items to craft a repeater so if I push this button we will get a repeater spat out of this thing into our hand look it's so beautiful so the way this works is that you just have kind of a bunch of droppers that provide all the different items like this in a specific order so then when they fill up in the crafter they fill up in the proper order and then when the crafter is full it'll will give out a signal strength of nine and we get our repeater coming out of it oh but you thought multi item crafting was it oh no no no you can also have multistage crafting so over here we have a chain of three Crafters pointing into this barrel and it will basically take bamboo make it into bamboo blocks make it into into bamboo planks and then finally into bamboo pressure plates and the way it does that is we're literally just spamming these three Crafters as fast as we can with this clock and it is really fast cuz um yeah I started this completely full like it it can't keep up it's already gone through all of them like it's actually crazy how fast these things can craft look fill this whole thing up keep in mind nine stacks of bamboo let's see how fast it takes before this thing gets full ready boom it goes it just goes and then eventually it's going to slow down right now there we go it's already slowed down because all of the original bamboo dude this thing is like the stupidest crafter ever so I want to move past autocrafters because this block can actually do a lot more things than automatic crafting system in Minecraft live Mojang actually showed a redstone armor equipper that used Crafters to fill up the dispensers now the reason that's so interesting is because you can store a stack of non-stack able items in one crafter just by storing it in the recipe so here we have the chest plate here we have the helmet over here we have the pants and then in the back we have the boots so if I stand in this Soul Sand and push this button over here as you can see I am fully dripped out in iron armor but even then that's obvious autocrafters are obvious non-stackable storage is obvious but you know what's a little more interesting what about a redstone input so over here we have like a filter that only gives an output when five slots of the crafter are full or disabled like this so if it's less that lamp over there turns off if it's more that lamp will also turn off so this thing can be used to make like a password lock and it even looks like a password keypad with like the 3X3 grid so again five slots there we go the lamp turns off and you can even go a step further and make an entire combination lock so if I put in one slot over here push the button and then I put in two push the button then I put in three push the button if you couldn't guess the p password is 1 2 3 4 and then I put four push the button this piston door opens and the Redstone to this is literally just a crafter as an input and then it goes into a combination lock this design was made by a redster named kaisen who participated in my combo lock Bounty challenge so this is just one of my favorite locks from that so yeah that's it a crafter going into the combo lock and then you can literally make like a keypad system which is pretty cool so autocrafters armor Equippers combo locks again these are all still things that are pretty obvious and multiple people have made however what I'm about to show you I don't think a single person has ever made one of these this arrangement of four blocks is what I like to call the crafty crafter counter made by me crafty masterman made out of crafters and because it is a counter every time I push this button this signal over here will increment by one until it gets to the very end so let's get to the very end so it gets to nine and then as soon as I push the button again it goes to zero with the exact same delay no reset delay no nothing this is a horizontal izontal version here we have a vertical version that does the same thing and I'm going to show you that this thing is also spam proof I can just attach an observer clock here look at that it just goes up goes to the top resets goes back down to zero it's so awesome I can stop the clock I can start activating it manually again look at that beautiful and then over here we have another modified version this one can go up and down so I can push this button a couple times and I can increment the lamps by one just like that or I can send a two tick false to this bottom part and then I can make go down a signal strength if I want to but not only can these things go up and down you can also chain them together like this and actually make a seven segment hairy circuit thing so imagine these lamps were just a seven segment display every time it gets to the end it will actually carry to that next lamp look at that go to the end this one carries then it's go to the end again there we go and it goes all the way back down to zero it's so cool it's it's just a carry circuit and all we're doing is we're just putting one of these counters and then taking a comparator out from this Hopper and then just powering the next counter so what is the secret to all of this functionality in just four blocks well it all has to do with a specific crafting recipe which in this case is the diamond block see the diamond block and everything else in my hot bar have a special property when you craft them in a crafting table it will decra into nine of their component materials which you can then craft again into the block like this so here's diamond block you can also do it with emeralds and you can do it with coal blocks but if you really want the cheapest option for survival you can use an iron ingot it crafts into nine nuggets and then nine nuggets again craft into one iron ingot or again with a gold ingot it does the same thing so this dropper over here as you can see from this arrow is pointing into this crafter this crafter is pointing into this Hopper this Hopper pointing into this crafter and then this crafter again pointing into this dropper so it is a loop every time you power this dropper both of these Crafters will get powered you can tell from the Red Corner indicators that they're both getting powered but they're not going to craft every single time because obviously this isn't a real crafting recipe so right now we have eight diamonds and we have one Diamond left in this dropper so once I push this it will give a valid crafting recipe of a diamond block so now the next time I push this button instead of just the corners turning red you're actually going to see this entire grid turn on because it did a successful craft just like that and then this entire thing resets the diamond block gets put into this Hopper which then getss put into this crafter over here so now this diamond block is ready to be turned back into nine diamonds which will all be instantly dispensed into this dropper so I push this there we go nine of the diamonds make it here The Dropper activates a few ticks later and then puts one Diamond here resetting it back to one signal strength and then the way the up down counter works is that we just have a locked Hopper under this crafter that can get powered by a two tick pulse so that's short enough where will only pull one item from the crafter so right now there's two items if I do this as you can see it pulls one item puts it into this Hopper puts it into this bottom dropper and that will be dispensed back into this dropper kind of resetting the whole Loop so this just kind of has two Loops in one so yeah these are the crafty crafter counters and everyone has to call them that every time you use it you know I'll accept crafty counter but you know the full name just like the Etho Hopper clock it's the crafty crafter counter and it's also just really stupid and fun to say
Channel: CraftyMasterman
Views: 440,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, redstone, crafter, snapshot
Id: Yvv65TU_vqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 28sec (568 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2023
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