I Bought Tons Of MYSTERY JEWELRY For $45!

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all right you're coming home with me now I normally avoid getting stuff from the store and bringing it over to my house to list because it's just extra work you have you know I'm going over here to the store I have a perfectly Great Space to to list things at my store but today I just want to be at home I want to be at home I want to enjoy my house enjoy my studio so I'm going to take this stuff over to the house and I'm going to list this stuff but I'm going to show y'all a little hack that I use um because I don't have a light box at my house and I still have great photos well not great they're not great but they they're good enough photos uh for eBay I'm going show you how to do [Music] that what is this package all right so I hope y'all enjoyed the little video that I did last week this is the aftermath of when I make a a video like that and I'm doing it the the studio just kind of gets crappy but we're going to fix it now all right it's a little bit better it's not all the way better not all the way clean but I did clean off the the little table here I clean off my my normal uh Des so let's see what's in this package cuz this package is a little bit interesting so if y'all been following the channel for a long time y'all know I used to order a lot of stuff from Alibaba and sell them I actually had um some watches that I used to sell and uh I actually been thinking about doing some more Alibaba stuff so bought these with which we have sold before uh I don't know exactly what these are going to actually look like so we're going to unbox one right now just to see what the quality of these are all right so I do like the Box the box is actually pretty neat it's a It's A Hard Box some of them we've gotten before they had softer boxes but this one got has a hard box um and this one I believe is a silver color so let's look and see it looks like actually does not look bad it's a silver with the White Band I think some of them have different different color bands um but it just comes with the a little charger and the watch itself now the question is is what do the watches look like um so I'm going to go ahead and just open one put it all together put on my arm and uh see how it works but if you look at this this this looks like a a very similar type of watch well the battery is kind of dead so I'm going to let the battery charge while I do some other stuff but um these are these are actually turning out like they're going to be pretty good so we'll see I ordered a bunch of them I got like an entire entire box of them um so we'll see we'll see how that works out okay y should know by now that I'm so squirrel that I forgot what I was came down here to do but I'm supposed to be listing so I'm going go and grab the stuff and we're going to get all that stuff listed that I grab from the store because I got to get that done [Music] today okay so I'm going to show youall a very easy and effective way to list items um particular Ally more so about the taking the photo without having a um you know without having a bunch of lighting and a bunch of bunch of stuff just doing it you know in your living room or your bedroom wherever so this is what I do you can either have a flat surface like a little table or you can put on the floor or you can just set it up on the table like this cuz it doesn't really matter what the background is and I'll show you why that doesn't matter in a second so all I do is I'll set it here and with my cellular device I'm going to snap a photo a couple photos I go ahead and get all my pictures that I need boom get all the angles get all that stuff all right then the rest of it is going to be taking place on the phone all right photo room is application you can download on the Android or the iPhone app um you just go in here you can put your photo in it will automatically remove the background it will give you a crispy white background or you can do an AI background normally I do a crispy white background just because um I feel like those pictures perform better um with health and beauty sometimes I do use an AI background which is going to be putting the photos or putting the product in like a different scenario other than having a white background I also add this little Shadow just for realism and then you save it to your phone and it's just that simple boom and just like that I got that listed in I don't know maybe like 3 minutes or so so does not take a long time to list these items the way that I do it normally I'll go through and I'll just take all of my photos first and I go through and process all of my photos and then I'll go in and list that way you know the photos are already done and I can sit here and list and it doesn't I don't have to stop to pull my phone out to do this this and that I can just do everything all at one time but let's get the rest of these items listed I'm going tell you how long it took me I need everything who in the what in the where I need everything trust me I hear what you're saying but act like it's new what you're telling me I'm curious George I hop in the Porche 500 a horse I'm Ready for War I'm coming for thr to Turnal with ghost I need to know everything now you be surprised Theo you get is by letting them so I'm letting them okay so I cannot believe it I actually got all of that stuff listed there was a couple items that was um not in the condition that I thought they were in or it's something that I feel like I may need and because I paid $5 for it it's better for me just to use it than for me to try to sell it for you know $15 or $10 profit so uh couple I'm going to show you everything I listed and everything that I decided to either keep or trash let's start with the stuff that I decided to keep or trash so I'm actually thinking about doing these this is a Phillips nurel Co nose trimmer it is new um the box is kind of messed up but it's only selling for about $21 or so and I'm thinking that I may just put this in a whatnot sale because I may be able to sell it for maybe 10 bucks or something like that um and which would be round about the same amount that I would get on eBay but this also just gives me an additional item uh to sell and whatnot show so we're going to keep that and then this is an allinone trimmer a wall uh funny story is that I always buy these trimmers for myself and uh I lose the cords for them and I and the cords normally are like proprietary cords um so I lost the one that I have currently but I've been using it for about I don't know eight or n months and it's not dead yet but it's very close to being dead so I'm thinking that um I'll just go ahead and use this one cuz I paid you know $5 $6 for it um it's all it it is used or at least open box I can't really tell if it's us or not but it was kind of tossed around the package so um it does work and I'll probably just be keeping this for myself let me show you these so these were the um the hair straighteners all the hair straighteners um did in fact work and I did go through and test all of them one of them was new um but then the rest of them were definitely either used or open box so I went through I tested all those those all tested out good and I got them listed um the good thing about me listing this stuff and making these videos about when when I list a lot of it is about me and my personal accountability for what I say I'm going to do so a lot of times these are things I'm going to already do anyway but I always or sometimes I find a reason not to do them you know like I want to play my video game or I want to 3D print something or I want to go to the Ross and buy some stuff in my room over there I always sometimes find out always sometimes I sometimes always find a reason not to do it so you know these videos are helping me be accountable and I appreciate that all right so then there was two more items that um I'm I'm just going to trash so this hair follicle beard pen Fork I don't even know why I got this at the B store it must have been on like dollar day or something um but I can tell it was kind of used it was a little bit nasty and I do not want to clean it um The Profit wasn't there for me to try to clean if it was like $80 or $90 sure I clean it but it wasn't I think the so comps on these were like $17 so that definitely is going to be trash and then I had this album right here which is the the zombies Odyssey and Oracle have you ever heard of that group or of this record um so this record was selling for like $37 but it did have a scratch on it and I should have pulled it out and looked at at the band store but I just didn't and it be like that sometimes so the only two things that I did not get listed that I still May list is I have this um thermometer which is should be around $80 for me to list it look like it's a like a um kind of like a manufacture replacement because it's not in the exact box that it normally comes in it's in like a brown box but it still has the logo on the front of it um this welcome welcome home or whatever it is um but I will need to test it and I do have a test rig for this so I'll probably just test this tomorrow when I have a little bit more time um and then I have a lock a smart lock down here so I'll have to pull that out and then photograph all the pieces that comes with it um it takes a little bit more time so I really only have two more items that I have to list um and I'll be I'll be doing good I actually listed a whole bunch of look at all the stuff I listed I mean y'all should be proud of me look at this whole entire box this is a whole um tote specifically tote C5 filled with a bunch of profit um and and I'm going to go through and calculate how much value it is in this box all right so I don't know exactly how many items it is in this box but this is the value of everything that I listed $476 and not that bad considering I only been listing for probably I don't know maybe an hour or so an hour so of listing got me potentially around $400 $450 worth of profit not so bad so I've been pretty consistent with doing these Vlogs for about three weeks and I appreciate everybody that comes on my videos and comments and give me words of encouragement and you know just have a conversation so I appreciate that very much uh this video probably will spam between two days so if you notice I still got the same thing on I had on last video so I'm not nasty like that it's just the same day when I'm filming this um so I'll probably extend this video to tomorrow or Sunday um because I'll probably go and do some thrifting or something like that and I'll add into this video it's going to be great oh yeah one one more thing I forgot to talk about today was the watch that I did I actually went and charged it um and it doesn't look too bad that's the uh that's the clock on it screen is okay it's not like the best screen in the world it is touchcreen there's no way that this is like legal cuz this is the exact same menu as another another very very large manufacturer um but I got this for pretty cheap man I'm going to show you this is the one that I got from my alleged website and this is mine that I paid $700 for from uh from you know the company I got this from from Apple uh it looks very similar this one's obviously a lot heavier and a lot more heavy duty than this one but you know not too bad I'm pretty sure I paid less than $10 for this pretty sure I can't remember exactly how much I paid for it I pop it up on the screen exactly how much I paid for it but yeah overall it looks pretty good I'm going try to do a count of all this jewelry so we did get a bunch of jewelry um from the last I'm going to try to count all this jewelry so if y'all saw earlier I went to the liquidation store and I got some of these uh mystery boxes full of jewelry stuff I just want to see how many pieces is in each box so I got two boxes of them um and I shipped one box to my friend uh Ella hopefully your box is good um but I'm going to try to go through and just count all the pieces then I'm going pull out the ones that I feel are the best pieces and then the stuff that's like not so good um I'll kind of separate it so I know how many like really good pieces we got and then how many like medoc pieces we got so it looks it's pretty full this box is SL back pull so I don't know how much I paid $45 for this box I don't know how many pieces in it hopefully is more than 45 I think it is because it's a lot of of little like small uh earrings and stuff like that so I'm count that's going to take me favor but we're going to do it okay so they were around 86 I think exactly 86 items in this box so it's pretty good because it's almost double I think it's double because I think I pulled a couple items from this box and put it in the other box so it probably was like 90 items which is double um $1 a piece so if I was going to sell each piece for $1 we would almost double our money but there are some pieces in here that I think are going to be worth a little bit more than a dollar so we had about I don't know maybe six of these and these are some kind of Sterling silver or titanium are they titanium yeah titanium look at these These are really actually nice and they do have a so comp of $60 um I believe for this exact same one so pretty pretty cool but I don't know if it's supposed to have it's got a necklace it look like it's a necklace and then there's a spot right here for a bracelet but these were sealed so I just unsealed it and I pulled this one out just to look at it so I don't it's not missing anything it's just I guess the packaging allows it for both of them but if we could sell maybe list these on eBay and then do the rest of it on whatnot um and then maybe do dollar starts maybe $2 starts on each one of these pieces and we can just sell what we can sell that may be what we do I'm going to go to the second box we got another box I'm going to see what's inside of that box okay so the second box actually had 179 pieces which was a lot more obviously than uh the first one so I'm going to show you a couple of the items that uh we got I haven't looked at everything some of the stuff I'm going to pull up look at and then some of the stuff I'm going to look at the value of but I'm going show you show you pretty much what we got so some of these are just uh you know kind of quirky and fun so this is like some bloody hammers earrings those are pretty neat um and then this is what is this this is like a Pearl Earring Pearl Heart Shaped earring obviously I don't think any of this is like real gold but maybe there's some real gold pieces in here who knows all right this one is inato design 10 mm black oh wedding band for man men this is a men's wedding band so it's a wedding band for man it's got that little blue black with the blue strip I mean that's that's a tiny finger I don't know whose finger that's going to fit on speaking of fingers see I slam my finger in the door that's what that black is on my fingernail and it is it does have the size on here 6.5 so with have a size back to our Halloween them these are open this up these are earrings but they are like knives bloody knives look at that those are cool it's actually a May four or five pack it's got a couple different kind of knives hatchets what's that those are really cool somebody somebody really like those I feel like G Multiverse I think that she would like my fa all right what is this I'mma to open this up it is sealed a beautiful stainless steel chain I'll be the judge of that oh that's nice look at that it is a nice stainless steel chain I like that just a velvet green thing and it says cross necklace for women gold it's really cool I like that it's got the uh it's a cross and and it is like it's probably not real gold I would say say stain stainless still but is gold tone but it's like a cross and it's got um it's got Jesus and maybe possibly a heart up there at the top maybe it's just like a little little cute paint 925 sterling silver for Mother's Day oh that's so pretty I hope y'all can see that it's uh really nice it's got like a little uh diamond in the middle and and it's got uh like a little skinny chain that is really that's really nice Paul I don't know who Paton Paul is but this is a Paton Paul luxury Crystal brooch ooh that is nice it is it's a it's a brooch never heard of Paton Paul before but it's a nice little brooch okay it's three little bands one is um like a kind of a silver color one is gold and one is like maybe rose gold but those are really cute it does come this nice little felt bag oh those are cool there some just cute little earrings oh a bunch of little Rings just a bunch of just a bunch of rings like one that's one of them so see one two three four 5 six 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 rings I think these are like the stackable rings the ones you can put all over your fingers and just stack them up top each other oh those are cute look those I got this like completely on the wrong side I should have the light the other way but just going have to deal with it um a bunch of pieces left ooh look at this oh look at that how that's packaged it's like a shadow box kind of I don't know if you can you probably can't tell from the video but it's got plastic on this side and plastic on this side and it's sandwiched between the plastic and it's almost like it's suspended in there but it is blue on this side and this side is kind of like blue and purple and orange and their earrings those are really nice I like those show you and this is the magnetic titanium necklace I was talking about earlier just so you can kind of see what it looks like um it's kind of like a silver it has like a gold tone in the middle of it and then it's got like a magnetic clasp on the end and I'm not sure how long this is but um apparently they got two models they've got a a longer one and a shorter one and then they also have like a black one and then they have the silver silver gold one and it's a all silver one that's pretty neat we got like six of these so um magnetic energy therapy I've never heard of magnetic energy uh metal before all right cool so like I said we've got tons of jewelry we've got 10 80 basically 180 pieces over here and then we've got 86 pieces over here um so that's a lot of pieces so I don't know exactly what we're going to do we may do some of it on whatnot and then do uh some of it on eBay like the stuff like these right here I think will go pretty good on eBay um maybe we'll do two of them in the whatnot show and then the rest of them on eBay or something like that we'll figure it out me if we're going to sit down and and uh kind of get a game plan for how we're going to deal with this uh this jewelry so for $90 for both of those boxes do y'all think that I made a good decision I think I did 90 bucks and I got like almost 300 pieces of jewelry I don't know how much the math is one one two 280 is that right 280 pieces of jewelry something like that anyway it's a lot it's a lot of pieces of jewelry for $90 I believe in my opinion um would y'all have purchased one of these so they do have these boxes available um at my local uh barain spot LLC and hopefully they'll keep getting these in because I wouldn't mind getting a a couple of these a month and then we can kind of run these through or whatnot and eBay sale we may have some good stuff some people have found stuff like Pandora bracelets in there um some gold pieces so there is it's a true mystery cuz you don't know what you're going to get okay I found something else interesting I found this little um package right here and I didn't know what was on there but it said gem Hub it said 48 karat gemstone um so there was two of them and I opened up one of them but it actually comes with this geological gem gemological report um and it's like a rough cut stone um and you can actually go on this website and it pulls up the the evaluation I guess of this Stone but this is the stone it's an actual like rough gemstone pretty pretty neat I think these these don't cost that much they're like maybe $20 or something like that but this is pretty neat I had never seen anything like that but it is a really nice Stone [Music] good morning beautiful people so today is Sunday Super Bowl Sunday um I kind of left the video video off yesterday uh as when I was going through the jewelry and stuff I took kind of a day off uh I always try to take at least one day off on the weekend uh I work 410 so I have three days off Friday Saturday and Sunday um so I took Saturday off this time Sunday today I am going to go over to the s take all this jewelry and all the stuff I've listed back over to the store which is why I said that I don't like doing this because you got to move it multiple times but I did get some stuff listed and some of the stuff that we got listed so we actually had a crazy eBay weekend this weekend so I'm going to try to get ahead of packaging the orders I think we got like 20 orders or something like that um which is unreal for us you know I know there's people they probably have 50 orders in the day we're not like that um but you know 20 orders over a weekend is is pretty good for us it is another rainy day but it's okay it actually feels pretty good it's not cold out here so happy about [Music] that all right so I told myself today that I was going to kind of split my time up between cleaning organizing and getting the stuff that we have uh that we sold this weekend last couple days uh getting that stuff prepped and packaged um so I did a little bit of cleaning I'll show you that here in just a minute I I didn't do much I didn't get all of it done uh like I wanted to but I got I got quite a bit done just a little bit um so we have 19 items sold that's like I said that's like a high in the past like maybe four or five months this probably the most we've sold in like one weekend and it's a lot of smaller items but you know it's not always about selling like the most expensive thing but it's about you know being able to move stuff and making a little bit of profits uh as the time go by so 19 items I'm not going to go and pull all the stuff and show y'all I'm just going to show youall afterwards um what we sold what we sold it for but uh 19 items a total of $653 and coincidentally most of the stuff is stuff that I listed in the last week so the last seven days um worth of stuff that I've listed um a lot of that stuff is sold so uh I'm going to go pull the items and then I'll show y'all real quick I'm not going to show all of them because I'm not going to pull all of them I think I only need to pull let's see I'm going to get caught up until Monday what needs to be shipped out by Monday so I really only got one two three so I really got six items that I'm going to pull and then uh when I come over here tomorrow and ship I'll show you all the rest of it stuff and it may be on a later video all right so first thing that we sold was this puppy uh rain coat it's a rain coat for a puppy it's so cute it's got like a little reflective bag and it's got this uh kind of um PL pattern but we sold this for $10 uh with free shipping so we're not going to make much from this but this is like one of those items that was in one of the mystery boxes so we didn't pay much for it and honestly I'm just ready for it to go all right then next we sold this uh replacement Apple airpod Pro charging case so people online they really dragged me for this but the airpod case by itself when you when you get a pair of airpods in uh it's almost more beneficial to sell each piece part because we've sold um this charging case and then we sold one of the earbuds and then we actually sold both we sold both of the earbuds and one of the earbuds didn't even work all that great it had like a little bit of a click to it and then we sold this charging case and we sold this for $53 just the case by itself so when you get these in um look at it look at the look at the so comps uh but it may be more beneficial to part these out and sell the case and then the two buds um by themselves you can make more money that way all right then next we sew this Butt Paste it's for babies it's a baby baby butt paste uh we sold this for $924 and this came in the Target high piece count uh palette we sold a lot of the health and beauty stuff a lot of makeup um so health and beauty is where it's at we sold two of these Maybelline uh 954 eyeshadow it's like a eyeshadow and something else I don't know it's like got two things in each one of these packages um but we sold each one of these for $12 so $24 for the pair um and then we did I believe free shipping yeah we did free shipping on these so the reason I did free shipping on these because I just kind of went along with whatever everybody else had April she would be mad if I had if she saw free shipping and all this stuff all right then the next thing was this colar um double robe hook so it's like uh a robe hook that you hook your R to um and it's kind of nice it's got like a a bronze kind of color I know I got this at the B Store for $5 and we took offer for $28 plus shipping and um this one actually was I went and accepted this offer because they uh I had it listed for like 50 bucks um and then they offered like um I think they offered 25 and uh uh and I said well I can do it for 28 plus shipping uh and then that way you know we're we're clearing at least like 20 bucks on this this deal all right then last but not least is this uh power supply it's aiva signature power supply we sold it for $51.98 um this is one that we've had sitting around like for the longest time there's absolutely nothing wrong with it actually it's brand new I got this from B I paid $5 for it so um most of these items uh we're not necessarily making the most money on them but each item is is profitable in its own way all right so I'm going to get all this stuff shipped off camera um so I can get out of here because it is Super Bowl Sunday like I said and I got so much stuff I got to do at home like relax and eat um we're having hot dogs chill and SLO tonight so that's going to be exciting so I'm going to get all this stuff done and uh I'll see y'all back over at the house all right so I got all those packages uh shipped the reason I came back was because for some reason I don't know why but the shipping was like super cheap today um the most expensive label that I had was $7 um but most of them was like around $5 to $6 for shipping and that was even with most of them are uh priority shipping so I don't know I guess maybe the the holiday shipping rates went off I don't know what it is but it seemed like today the shipping was just a lot cheaper which I'm I'm not complaining about it I'm happy about the shipping being cheap all right so I realized I didn't film an outro for this video uh which happens quite often more often than what y'all think so I appreciate you guys for checking out my videos I try to make these videos uh I've been trying to make them a little bit longer so you can see a little bit more um you know this is like over a couple days so this video is going to be probably around the 30 minute Mark so um I hope you guys enjoyed this video tomorrow I'm hopefully going to be going to the grand opening of the new bargain spot LLC pallet website or pallet website pallet Warehouse so uh hopefully they're going to let me do like a walkth through of the pallettes um so I'm going to be doing that tomorrow morning in a couple hours so it's going to be exciting um if you like these types of videos please like share and subscribe really appreciate it also hit that Bell icon so you get notifications whenever I release new videos and I will see you guys on the next one I love you guys [Music] peace yeah yeah
Channel: T.J. Lovelady
Views: 2,130
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4RvT-PXtoUI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 46sec (1726 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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