Beat the Strongest Demon Slayer Boss to Win in Roblox

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we're racing to see who can beat the entire world of Demon Slayer first whoever reaches the end and beats the final boss first wins are you ready to get smoked son you're not gonna win this no there's no way I'm definitely gonna win check this out look at my character and behold what the heck yup I've got an epic character I'm off to go slay some Demon just see you later oh I've got a free Spin though just you wait I'm gonna get that orange is that Mythic bro I got quick move speed no at least you can you know walk over to the demons faster than I can because that's so important yo Shen I'd hate to break it to you but this character is actually busted I've already beat three demons what I'm still on my first one wait son I need to test out my move on your skull get over here real quick wait that's look at how much damage I do yoink you tried to steal from me I've got enough Souls now though I think I can actually go get some more characters hello I am here to do some spinning give me stuff I got an issue I got another Tantra I even got your character I got two of them wait I might have to just switch to your character with a higher level just to assert dominance low look level two oh because I'm level two I've got both your character's abilities e a sports let's go hello moon five rui I can actually beat him as well it just takes a while you get more souls a stronger level demon we're fighting so oh really yeah I'm making big money over here is what I'm saying let's see if I can be this lower moon five I bet you literally can't like look at your pathetic damage oh wow but that actually did quite a lot that can do it just wait just watch this definitely don't go on farm and get ahead oh whoa you melted him I'm stealing the kill you actually did I got 500 I got 400. yeah how did I get more than you this is crazy I did all the damage although it takes longer I do think it's more efficient to farm lower Moon 5 rui I won't lie nah I'm sticking to the the weaklings well that'll be your mistake when I'm rich come on demons give me more demons I want the stronger demons another tanjaro Sun my boys level three now oh shinobu another purple what the heck how are you so lucky I don't know but I'll take it you're hacking this is literally RNG another tanjaro Sun if I get one more he'll get his second move and then I'm just like in the clear please glitter sky yo I'm like that his head just fell off I'm that guy I don't think I could beat lowerman too but I'll fight Loman for mukhago she's gonna Muka go into her grave oh terrible oh another zenitsu oh you're spinning yeah I'm spinning I got 4K the spin four what yeah level three zenitsu tanjaro Sun level three what the heck once you get into level five you'll be basically as strong as me and there's loom in three guns then I've got 6.5 K to spend bro that's a lot of cash have you spent all of your souls already I spend all of them and my best character is tangaroo's son let's go wait what level is he level three oh if you've got one more you'd be level five as well next time next time now I need to do some serious farming serious farming just comes over and starts spamming Farming Simulator let's go and there's another lower Moon two defeated so I should have enough to get the direct I've got some cool drip that increases my skill damage so if I go like this this is gonna be cursed yes this is tanjiro I've already got another 11k to spend I think it's probably worth it because then you can start grinding more honestly yeah yeah I'm going straight for characters the drip not worth it oh level four tangero Sun oh another Tundra level 5 oh go I'm number one I just got three in a row basically oh my God bring Goku what what what and another Tanger or a level six oh my God can you stop the charts another ring Goku it's level five no make it stop I keep getting shinobus oh I give you another legendary what could you stop what's happening best I've got is a purple and I'm just seeing comments tanjaro's son is level seven as well I'm I'm feel different right now oh friend Goku yes problem is though he's only level one final summon I gotta zenitsu yeah wow so cool bro oh my god I've got a level 10 tendero Sun a level five ring Goku rang Goku does 800 attack damage when did I get these who did you get level eight Ren Goku level one gear I'm gonna use gear whoa but you look drippy Rippy oh I'm so drippy right yeah but San look at me get away from me I can one shot lower Moon three maybe Q boom oh that's some good damage look look at this move you ready I'm ready boom you just burned him to a crisp it's so good I've got a level six shinobu as well that I kind of test out she's got like a stabby foot looking icon it looks strong oh and then she's also got this which oh but she's actually not bad I think she just poison damage level 13 in Oscar oh this looks devious hold on how how whoa inosuke is sick oh bro no Tangerine is built different oh my God Clear Blue Sky I've got it as well I need to try it out the cooldown is like eight business days though so I'm not gonna see that in a while you know what I'm off into the next area I'm heading past this train I think I'm graduated from this area can we I thought we couldn't do that yet I think I can if I do this I've got the new red Goku trip I'm ready bro it says you need max level 20 to unlock oh yeah true I didn't see the giant text above there okay bro I'm doing spins I want to get even more spins I'm heading to the right side this time all right all right I see you does she wait though Luke because I'm getting a level 20 no problem the other son you made a mistake there's two Minecraft chests over here that I can join oh I haven't even seen the Minecraft chest I don't even know if they give anything good though let me check 200 Souls that's terrible bro you may as well just one shot lower Moon two okay on there's a Code level 14 level 14 17 tangiro 17. no it's the the base one the base one oh shinobu level 10. let's go well you're gonna be able to go to the next area soon bro I will my in-house case like level 18. and I'm just out here fighting lower moons I just got another in Goku he's level eight let's go oh that was my pity I'm on the way to mythical pity there's a mythical pity there is I'm gonna get one before pity though I believe oh my God my Yahoo is level 20. I can go to the next area oh so you can just get way more souls than me is what you're saying well you've done all your spinning it's my time to shine bro I'm going to the next area who do I equipped though are you actually yeah I'm going to the next area one give me a level 20. give me a level 20. how did you actually get a level 20 so fast all of mine are like level eight let's see okay I'm in the new area it looks kind of fancy oh lower Moon one well I hope you're having fun over there I'm just watching characters appear go oh my God that move is so sick it does half his health which character tanjaro's son still yeah I guess having more skills is probably better than not right that's what I'm thinking he only gives four thousand rookie numbers rookie numbers I'm fighting the guitar take this clear blue sky oh I only I tickled him I'm glad because I'm taking so long to get a character over level 20. it's finally time for me to win a video let's go let's believe that ain't happening I'm about to pull an accuser oh if you do that'll be actually huge I'm surprised none of us have got one yet though like I know it's not 0.1 chance but still the next Harry you have to have a max level of 50. oh my God 50. yeah there's a big like floating sign in the sky that says max level 50 unlocked Ah that's gonna be light for somebody like me who keeps getting nazicos bring Goku level 10 that's what I'm talking about upper moons are broken how much do they give you 13k that's more than I have left to spend right now I'm gonna try and ring Goku see if I deal more damage gear level five yes it also goes level 19 please I need your help um no have you made it to the next area I don't even think I have a level 20 character yet well I guess after suffering success then I actually don't think I haven't got a level 20 wait yes I got an Oscar level 20. never mind spins I've got places to be the fog has left where even are you I'm jumping it's like where's Waldo but I'm blind I'm jumping I'm jumping I'm jumping oh there you are why did you just go straight to Upper moon five and not try and fight anybody else well I did I thought the other guy first and got a 13k I thought a guitar I remember also what you're saying is this guy is going to give money yeah I think so at least a hundred wait I need to change character level 10 we're in Goku it's time to use my second move second move flame tiger my kill show me the money 40K so we did a little mining off camera and we have over 200 000 Souls this event now pretty crazy if you ask me but I'm done with spending I'm off exploring that's a good idea actually maybe we'll find something even better some more souls I'm fighting the train I'll see you in a bit you've got destructive death level one I'm finding like artifacts that I can like put on my characters you know what I've got 200k I just think it's about time I get to level 50 and move on to the next area so I'm gonna go and spin I need to push ahead get the strongest characters I can while you get the strongest characters I'm gonna get the strongest Buffs for my characters I don't even know what the Buffs are but I'm gonna get them all we'll see who comes out on top I think it'll be me because they're level 35 what bring Goku level 37 bro I'm built different oh this is good I've literally got like plus 800 attack damage on my Ren Goku sorry bro I can't hear you over all of My Success wait I need to come and be successful as well bro akasa has 4 600 attack by base what my turn to be a gambling addict you said you've got all your characters level 30. I hope mine get that close I got an accuser and it's not even pity he's already level 27. you're getting rolled and smoked once I get to this pity bro The Guitar Man is so easy to kill what the heck are we just bullying up our moon demons now is that what you're saying oh yeah we really are bro this is insane this is so good what level do you get his final move 50. I might be getting that oh no because you've got the pity true yep meaning you're gonna have to get enough and start spinning real quick to try and get another accuser there's no way because it goes back to Legendary pity so I'd have to do all the way up to Legendary and then all the way up to Mythic no I mean I just got Ren Goku level like 40 or something so like I've got his last move as well oh my God you might get to the third island before me I'm getting close to pity not many more wait I'm not even gonna have enough that's not good the pets give you like 600 attack just straight up they're actually kind of worth doing maybe I've got 100K I can go and buy one right now wait wait before you go and buy one let me show you Geo in all of his glory your thing boss oh I see you're an upper Moon demon just fighting gyoko over there to finish him before you get here it's not happening I'm here unless you can do that much damage in one hit yes oh you're so lucky that's only my e-move wow wait for this watch this Dead Calm whoa whoa whoa I did 20K damage per hit with that move look how fast I killed these guys I think I did all the damage actually but it's okay it's okay you know you can you can lie to yourself behold oh true rangoku let's see it let me try my new emove this should one shot kaigaku never mind where are the gilko's hiding at I don't know I'm slowly killing everything I'm rebelling against Musa watch this youth are always actually finished ninth form Ren Goku here goes oh my God I think I can just destroy anything I'm gonna come and buy a pet and also do some spins I'm feeling lucky there's a bird called JoJo best believe I'm buying that I got a JoJo character to help me out you're finished look at your stupid deer leave your stupid like fake Dio bird and get out of here hey I mean it's time for me to get my mythical pity and get accuser over level 50 in the first go watch this here it comes please level 50. accuser level 42 it wasn't even close what do you mean that's so close yeah but now I have to get lucky and get another agassa and there it is I've got my over level 50 character what about you Sam you ready all right look at me my name says level 50 news you lose then I'm going to the new area if I get there first yep that is upper Moon Central over there there's only upper moons and there's the stronger ones as well so the way that we win is the first person to defeat one of each of everything here okay and I think the final boss is DOMA by looking at things have you seen their health 1.4 million oh my God although I'm doing some mad damage I might have to switch off akazah he's not really doing much for me well like neck and neck this is so intense just purely pressing left click wow 280. oh you're gonna win no I mean this isn't even like the winning character to defeat how did you do it so quick I don't know I got lucky like my cooldowns are really fast now wait I know why it's my drip that I'm wearing okay I got there as well upper moon for hantangu you've got a head start on me though yeah this drip was so worth getting because once the enemy drops below 50 HP I do 40 more damage oh why did I not pick that up so you might be winning for now but Han Tango is nearly dead for me and I don't have time to go back and get it because then you'll get too far ahead I'm fighting a losing battle you know what I'm feeling a bit like I want to scratch my Gadget itch right now so I'm gonna go back and do some gacha now you're just taunting me all right time to get some more characters please akaza okay come on quickly quickly quickly I need all this luck are you spinning as well me no no no of course not why would I be spinning I'm I'm winning Spin to Win no spins we're disappointing I'm sad I am out of spins as well 2 million it's gonna take a long time I'm surprised up on moon one isn't in this game yeah actually unless there's a nut wait what's that house over there you see that I think it's literally just cosmetic like it's it's not hiding anything in there oh okay that's what you say now you can go and explore it if you really want it no I was hoping you would go and look how's your Ackers are looking by the way 1.2 million sorry I can't tell if it's worth it to keep using arcador if I should bring out run Goku I like literally don't know well I don't know if I'm actually quicker but he's now below half HP so I should be dealing more damage I'm changing character it's for the greater good you're behind now although you're doing some mad damage over there what the heck oh yeah the damage is coming out this is the power of a level 53. oh yours is higher level than mine no yes I beat him yeah but you're still gonna beat Doma oh guess who's doing it first pause for half a second I want to go see what's on top of the mountain you know what for you hey wait leave my Orchestra alone oh I got the money and everything I do want to see what's up here like imagine there's just like a secret hidden boss oh there is something hello you can buy a legendary outfit with 40 million is that it oh it does a lot of damage though you're telling me we came to the top of this mountain for an outfit wait there's something over here like yeah yeah go have a look I'm just gonna quickly go down here and have a look inside the house yeah look you're already attacked I see you over there attacking that Doma I'm just saying outplayed outmaneuvered and uh he's got three million houses it's gonna take like five minutes he's on 1.7 for me okay I'm in business he's on 1.7 for me as well oh no this is it's about to be yellow this is Nick and Nick I'm swinging for skill cooldowns like they're taking so long to come back yeah same oh I'm below a million oh you're way ahead of me what the heck and I've got Ren Goku I've killed down as well I'm melting him how did you get him below a million before me he's on 500k mine's on 500k there's no way I win mine's only on 200k flame tiger boom yes no I have one I'm still fighting mine I'm the best at pressing the left click cousin
Channel: Koopekool
Views: 612,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: koopekool, roblox, anime, demon slayer, demon slayer roblox, roblox demon slayer, fastest way to become a demon in project slayers, roblox anime, how to be a demon in project slayer, anime roblox, how to beat every boss in slayers unleashed roblox, how to be a demon in project slayers, how to become a demon in project slayers, how to be a demon fast in project slayers, roblox best demon slayer game, new demon slayer roblox, demon slayer roblox game, roblox simulator
Id: qm0nWN3w2FM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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