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[Music] hello there Mommy Vince here and check this out a huge box of Amazon returns so all these items have been sent back to Amazon for one reason or another maybe they've been damaged in transit maybe some of them the customers just didn't like but I'm hoping in this huge box here there should be some faulty items and it'd be interesting to see the range of faults on them good thing about this is I don't know what's in here so it lends itself to getting items that you wouldn't normally attempt to repair and sometimes those items can be the most interesting so I'm just going to dive straight into it and we'll see what's what get them over to the Blue Mountain hopefully we can fix some of them ah beautiful here we have a JBL speaker but it's got no audio so this was one that I couldn't fix before because I can't get hold of this chip little charge chip here but there is some charge in the battery and if you have a listen as soon as you turn on it makes a noise just like that and if we turn it off it will also make a noise hmm on this one it turns on it charges and also it connects to my phone but there's no audio so watch this it's on at the moment if I turn it off no noise and if I turn it back on there will be no noise and it's got nothing to do with this here nothing there at all so there's something wrong with the audio side of this let's open it up and see if it will become obvious on the inside so to get into it we need to remove this thing this thing this thing and then under all the screws and this will clamp out away from it good right interestingly look here there's a screw that's partially undone so maybe someone's already looked at this that's very very strange why that's undone there so I'm just going to do the speaker here just in case connected because it's weird like that one there is undone well there we go what is going on not soldered on at all what has there been some funny business going on here where somebody's bought this taken it apart and then uh look we're on now in a second let me turn it off yeah has there been some funny business going on where somebody's bought it and then swapped it out for their own speaker but why would they do that that's plugged into the board here which I don't even need to worry about unplugging it unless of course the speaker's not working at all now I don't know which one I'm just going to solder on like that that way there but I don't know which one is going to be it's not going to make a difference just with one speaker anyway because they're not going to be phased with another speaker so it shouldn't make a difference which way I get it round it just one's going to push it in and one's going to push it out but if there's only one speaker because this is just some passive thing then I don't think it will make a difference correct me if I'm wrong let's solder this back on this here actually looks like a setup but I promise you it's not a setup well I'm tuning that up there should be ample solder on here already but let's just uh see the weird thing is this would have been put in to the board with the wires intact unless no it doesn't make any sense unless there's something else wrong with it and they undone this to get access it just all seems a bit weird and then ripped it out too far and then just sent it back but I just I don't know why they would have taken it apart in the first place if it was working all right let's see is it going to work now so turn it on yes it is well that is weird how bizarre because it's not exactly an easy thing to get into oh well it is what it is why they weren't on there I do not know but still a nice uh a nice little fix right it's connected up to my phone now if you have a look here when I do the volume here you can see it moving and up here and it packs a good punch for the size of it thank you always works [Music] yeah nice little device how that happened I really don't know did somebody buy it and then mess with it problem with that is how do they get into it it's not exactly that easy and it does look perfect or did something weird happen when it was being manufactured that somehow somebody break the speaker and still put it in there not too sure what happened there but yeah nice easy fix for me which is the main thing let's move on to the next item and the next item is going to be this ultimate is wonderboom what why are you looking at me weird have I got something on my face Ah that's where I put it the sponsor of today's video PCB way PCB we have over a decade experience in the PCB industry they have state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities and they use the latest technology to produce high quality pcbs that meet your specification at PCB way they have a range of services including PCB prototyping PCB assembly flexible pcbs high density pcbs CNC Machining and 3D printing and if you're heading over to pcbway.com and go to Shared projects you will find a section where it says projects of the week you can find some interesting stuff on there and also there's PCB Way videos where you can learn more about their services and activities so a massive thank you to PCB way for sponsoring the my mateman's channel now back to the wonderboom okay this is just a quick example of why certain things get returned and this for me if I was a manufacturer would drive me mad and do you really have to spell it out to the customer or do you try to make your packaging fancy or I suppose this is where you would probably have a helpline because it would actually maybe save you money on returns because the original seller of this would have lost out Amazon order manufacturer because it says that items are missing but it's not so in here the reason for the return is because it said items are missing now the actual item itself is a Bluetooth speaker so that can't be missing I think it's referring to the USB cable so look at this you open up here and you see that you have a little speaker here when I go to turn it on it appears to turn on and also when I hit this button here it appears to go into pairing mode so I haven't paid up to my phone there might be faults with it but it looks like it's okay I think they went to charge it up and probably thought I haven't got a cable to charge it up and that's because look here there's just a little symbol here that says USB and there's a little lightning bolt and you have to open up this in order to get to the USB cable so I think that's what the problem is I think they just didn't look in there and I suppose whoever took the return doesn't know the products you know if you're dealing with Amazon they're probably not going to know every single product to say oh yeah check in there for the USB but that's unfortunate there because that's cost somebody money just for the sake of the packaging not being overly clear or the customer not taking a bit of time out of their day to look around their package and to see what USB may possibly mean down here but yeah there we go I don't believe there's going to be anything wrong with this I think it's just the fact that they thought the USB cable is missing right let's move on to another item next up we have some binoculars nice and small common little carry case here Celestron I'm not sure if that's how you pronounce it up close G2 10 times 20 five now I've taken these outside unfortunately I can't get them to focus properly I can out of the one eye so basically what you're supposed to do is you're supposed to look through find a point in the distance use this on your left eye here so close off your right eye use this and then close your left eye and then use this here because this one I've gone the wrong way around this one here you can move like this and then once that image becomes clear it should be fine so basically it's blurred out my left eye all the time and if you look closely here you watch this moving in and out so watch this can you see it's moving down into the body this one's not moving let me zoom in and show you that so watch can you see that lens is going down so when I look through the right one it's fine look at the left one it's not doing anything oh it's moving a bit but not as much as that look look at the difference there yeah they have an erase you can really see this one coming up on it but it's moving so I can't get this one to focus on any length near or far I can't seem to get it to do what it needs to do so now do I need to push that down further oh here we go that went nice hold on one second now right that's resistance that's resistance it's not coming it's not coming out is it the same as that one and I bet I need to push it again yeah right so now can I force it can I force this one down or is that going to break it no how do you even get into these things yeah so there's something wrong with the travel on this side here now is it something I need to take apart one thing that I can see I'm sure it's not going to be it but can you see there's a little metal thing pushed in there it's not pushed in there let's just try to force that in just in case there's something as simple as that you never know there we go that pops in right now let's see if it stays in yes it does right will that make a difference oh my my no way hold on well it's definitely coming all the way out now they're the same wait a minute is that one in more maybe not let's get it so it's lined up here so you can just see the edges I think this one needs to go I wonder how I can take those things out maybe that's how you reset them but these things are they supposed to pop out oh hold on a minute this is the travel look oh my word that is the travel look at that that is the travel so do if I move this now what happens oh sorry these things moving and out here look ah right okay so in which case then that should be the same on both sides and this is taking a whack so it looks like it probably has taken a bit of a bashing so let's try to strip this thing down I've never done it before so I don't know how to tear it down but I'll start pulling at this and yanking at that until it comes apart foreign feels like plastic there we go yes you can oh wow wow wow wow oh look look look look I think we can adjust it I wasn't expecting to enjoy this one but uh I'm really enjoying it ah now it can't go any more forward because it looks see it's it's against the very edge here he can't physically go anymore well so annoyingly I'm gonna have to strip the sound further because it's a problem with the lenses themselves one side is not being pushed forward as much as the other side and that's why it's not focusing properly yet this focusing wheel at the moment is moving the it's the one mechanism do you see what I mean it's not a separate mechanism for one side and the other side there's one focusing wheel in the middle will move them both forward and backwards it should be the same amount and for those of us that have slightly different Vision between the eyes that's where you use the actual adjustment on the eyepiece it's kind of like fine tuning so if you can imagine the middle wheel is for the big tuning and then the one on the actual eye itself is for the fine tuning but the big one is completely out because one lens is about two or three mil in front or behind of the other one so that's the reason why one eye is always completely out of focus so I am gonna have to strip this down it will probably end up breaking completely but these binoculars are no good as they are the only person it would work for is if one eye was completely different than the other eye but that's not how binoculars are made right I've taken this off here hoping to find a load of screws but I can't there's just a cylinder can't see any screws there is one little hole down here but it doesn't seem to do anything I can't uh when I get the screwdriver in here it doesn't look like a little grub screw like the other ones there's nothing happening I don't know what that's about [Music] unless maybe do you know what you might have to do maybe you have to take this string out here and then it will take an axle out and then this might pop out and it might give you access to it in there remember everything's always easy once you've already taken it apart I'll watch someone else do it yeah we have a big Flathead screw going through there there we go ah now we're getting somewhere excellent nice big grub screw so what happens here does that sir how'd you get that bit out there oh here we go oh so it's tiny little kind of ball bearing that side there right well look now we have access to this and sure enough oh it's broken oh no it's broken let's zoom in on that looks all loose oh hold on is this on a screw this is a screw no way do you know what I'm really really enjoying this one ah right so that's nice and straight but it's uh it looks like the thread Scarlet does it is this just plastic here I think that's plastic I think just the thread's gone maybe the original owner forced it too much I wonder could we just put a little bit of uh you know a thin bit of plastic like this a plastic bag in it to make it a bit thicker and then screw in or maybe I can put some super glue in put that in because all we need is for this to be straight if this is straight then it will force the lens out more because all that's happening is because this has so much play in it when it's moving along it's not forcing the lens all the way out you know because there's too much given it either that or I wonder could I just screw it in more let's see if it worked when I screw it in more good news is it's not actually broken it is a piece of metal it's very nicely made I wonder if you screw it in too much when it get into the field of vision here I've made a single one here right well look at that look at that much better can you see now it's nice and straight and it goes right the way out look Boom full travel well I'm gonna have a quick look outside now and just uh with one eye closed and see if it's focusing better on a wider variety of objects near and far result yes it is basically now it focuses around there but yeah I still have maybe two eighths to go a while before it was all the way so I'm going to do the same on this side now and then we'll have to kind of let's use double solid tape or glue to get this back into place so you don't need to take any of this right here you can do it all from here which is uh very interesting of course those of you that work with these knew that from the beginning and you were shouting at the screen thank you now that one there is much tighter if you have a look can you see there's no real wobble to that so maybe from new it wasn't put in quite enough just going to give an extra couple of turns and again look it goes right the way out now I'm going to put it all back together and see what it looks like so they do look incredibly well made and I've got a feeling a lot of binoculars would probably have a similar design so maybe a lot of them come apart in a similar kind of way a real shame that I stripped apart as much as I did because it really wasn't necessary all I had to do was undo the two grub screws where the strap that goes around your neck is holding on to the actual binoculars and then that uncovers two Flathead screws in there when you undo them it comes apart and it makes it a lot easier to work on so now I have a little bit of work to do because obviously I have to super glue the rubber all back onto the side that I took apart but everything's easier in hindsight next time if I have to take some of these apart it will be really quick and really straightforward so while I'm putting these back together I'll give a shout out to the my mate pins massive the massive members of smartparkdigital.com Kip hakes and Max rocketenski having fun repairs Chris seal Felipe mrkeeps.com DJ VG pixie Robert from timsey's auto air Daniel Watson and Anthony Dean buzzer II Ross melonson Gaspar hella Rickard Berglund Jacob colpin Matt Rawlings Soul Reaver 555 an angry owl Tech so as always money thanks to each and every one of you now let's test these binoculars out so there we have them all back together so you can see they still fold up nice and watch this now see the lenses here if we go out here can you see they both move out now and they both move in to me they look the same on both of them because look at that all the way out there now what a result I really thoroughly enjoyed that one all because one side had come loose okay check this out that is just a light behind the plant pot it's about seven meters away and now watch if I put this up to here and I'm going to zoom out hopefully we'll be able to see it and I'll go through one lens at a time well now I've got the shakes but can you see the leaves there yeah and now if I go to this side leaves are also in focus this is kind of pointless you just have to take my word for it that it is actually in focus on both eyes now perfect without going full travel on here so 100 there's no doubt in my mind this is now working right next up we have these Yale living door window contacts it says a 40 learn switch now I don't think I've got a way to actually prove whether it's working or not but can you see here that we have a clickable switch here and also here because I presume if somebody knocks it off the window or maybe vibrations then it will detect it there as well but this switch here looks intact but on this one it's in bits so let's just try to put it back together I presume that's the only fault on it but I don't actually know that if you have a look here can you see that we've got part of it connected to this little magnetic bit here just wobbling around which is good because it means it's retrieved it and the switch is here and it's not here yet the screw here has been done up so let's undo it and see if we can place it back in right so that's just broken there hold on now ah we're missing as well the inside contact it's not just that you see we've got there's going to be an inside contact on it so we're missing that unfortunately I wonder could I take one from something else right let me have a good look in the Box in cases elsewhere and that's how the read switch Works can you see here when you have this come into contact with this it's going to make the re-switch connect together let's see if we can mimic that so we put our meter in continuity right check this out no continuity bring it close and we've got continuity pull it away and we haven't so what happens is it will always have continuity then when somebody opens a window it breaks it from here and then I presuming this the alarm is off it will then enable the alarm or chime you know beep at you however you have it set so uh I'm gonna have a little look at my tiny little switch just to see if I've got one here maybe I can just replace this one completely and I'm saying that I need it to have this sort of top on it stick right away through I think I'm just going to see if I've got one that can that I can take the inside out of then I can place this back on and just get the soldering iron and melt these things down and then it will be back in place right I've got two packs here and the only difference between them is the little button sticks up a tiny bit on that one and sticks up a little bit more on that one so let's take one out I'm wondering if the inside is going to be the same so I'm just going to break these off these things are very cheap as in like I think they work out to be about 10 page or something they don't cost much at all when you buy buy them in bulk here we go excellent right so that's the little thing I need there and the bottom of that looks kind of similar to that doesn't look completely different so now it's going to go it's a dome so we need the Dome side up is that going to fit in there I think it is oh there we go Anderson can you hear it clicking yeah I think that's going to be all right so fit that in there like so let's try to get this on it I'm going to get my soldering iron on and melt them I'm just going to try to melt down each of the corners foreign I think that's going to hold I suppose it is going to get a little bit of uh would it get a little bit of downward pressure on that [Music] well please wait it's not going to get upward pressure is it all the pressure is always going to be down so really there's no reason unless you were to force this up this way that it should break let's just get a continuity test again so if I go here to here we should have continuity which we do if I go to here to here should have continuity and on the diagonals foreign [Music] there we go fantastic right pop this back together there we go hopefully the item will be working I haven't really got a way of testing whether the rest of it works but it says here faulty learn switch and now it's no longer faulty now this is why I love return boxes this item won't be featured in this video for a fix because unfortunately it's got a smashed mirror but I just never knew something like this existed obviously I know dash cams existed but this is a dash cam that's built into a rear view mirror so it looks like I haven't watched any reviews yet but it looks like you strapped this on here and here and it goes around your existing mirror and then you have your one facing out the front your camera facing out the front and then you have your rear view camera going out the back you run the wire through the headline of the car all through the carpet wherever you can get up to here and then basically I presume it must display that on this that's kind of clever annoyingly it's cracked here but that may not make a difference apart from visually I presume this is touch screen but because we've only got a button down here for I presume on but if it was coming from this side it might not matter that it's broken here because there might be nothing you can touch obviously if it's coming from this side then the digitizer you won't nothing will work over here but if it's fed from this side because on a Nintendo switch it's just fed from one side so even if you had a break here it's going to work all the way up to here so you never know might be lucky on this one so obviously this got dropped probably by the customer or maybe in transit and that's the reason this one has been returned but I thought that's really interesting I'm not really a person for cameras I don't really like the idea of them the problem is though the way things are going is everybody is getting them if you look at houses now they seems to be covered in cameras cars are covered in cameras and even if you have something like a tester it's got cameras everywhere so if you're the only one without a camera you're now going to be in trouble because if you were to get into an accident the other person with the camera is just going to say oh my camera's not working if they're in in to blame if you're to blame though everybody's got cameras pointing on you so in a way you kind of have to have a camera now just to level the playing field a little it which is a bit of a shame but anyway let's move on to another faulty item well this is an interesting item here it's called a trail camera or sometimes it's down as a hunting camera and uh yeah it's got all these sensors at the front and it's supposed to be IR as well supposed to be able to see in the dark as far as I can see it's all working it just uh batteries were completely flat which is understandable there's a little bit of corrosion down here so water has got in here but it doesn't seem to have affect the actual use of it you can see just down here a little bit of water so it's probably not completely watertight I'm going to pop it outside and see what it does because I just put it in my room and it recorded me walking around the place but it's interesting I'm going to leave it out overnight and see what it uh what it does you put it to here and it starts counting down then the screen will go off and the lights don't light up at the front while if you have it on test they do light up so for example you can see them flashing now what is going to keep detecting me but they go you get the idea anyway so yeah I'm gonna put it on and then put it outside see if I can see any animals in my garden because it only gets triggered and then I've just got it set to record for five seconds I might extend that maybe for 15 20 seconds and then uh yeah we'll set it up outside right I pulled these out here these are some fancy Sony headphones 250 pounds worth believe it or not I knew they were going to be expensive I could just tell them the case and the feel of them anyway I've uh obviously I don't know what the fault is but when I connected them up to my phone via Bluetooth there was this kind of like background noise that was really off-putting and all I did was mess around with it and I hit custom twice and basically that put Ambient sound off and when Ambient sound is off they sound absolutely perfect and these have the most amazing noise cancellation that I've ever heard so basically when you put them on the only thing you can hear is in here you can hear very little from the outside world yet if you want something like a tube train and you want to hear an announcement or train or anything else where you want to hear an announcement if you cut the right hand here then you can fully hear what's going on in the outside world very very very clever so I'm wondering if the previous owner hit the custom button by accident and turned ambient on and they didn't like the sound of ambient and put it down as a fault because for me when ambient is off it sounds much clearer so really that's the only thing that I can see that's wrong with them so yeah that's a bit of a result something like that will actually get used by myself so I'm very happy that these are included right next up we have a phone a black view phone not Blackberry black view never heard of this make before looking on Amazon this brand seemed to sell phones for around about a hundred pounds so I could imagine that they could be quite popular now I've had it charging for about 10 or 15 minutes and it seems to be charging quite low but yet there's still no life when I turn up here there's nothing happening so what I'm going to do is I'm going to hold down the power button for let's Hold It Down for 30 seconds or so and see if that makes any difference right that hasn't made any difference let's see if we can get it into some sort of recovery mode by hitting the volume down and power at the same time I'm gonna hold on to both of them I did actually spend about 45 minutes on this phone to see if I could see what was wrong with it and I couldn't every single connection is perfect there's no water damage everything inside just looks brand new there's only two things I want to show you and the first thing that is worthy of note is there's three cameras on the back of this but look when I take it apart look what I discover right oh my word look at that look at that what do you see from the back you see three cameras and you think oh wow fancy how bad is that then two are nothing the only camera is this one here and Flash we have got a flash but uh yeah the flash is here but those two do absolutely nothing what's the point is ah what is the point of that and the other thing I want to show you is when you connect it up to a PC it does the USB connect sound but then a few seconds later it disconnects and then it will wait about 30 seconds and it will try to connect again and then disconnect a few seconds after that and then after 30 seconds it will connect again and then disconnect and it will keep doing this for as long as you have it plugged in but it doesn't connect long enough to actually recognize it in like File Explorer or device manager so I think it isn't a hardware issue with this phone I think in a way it's kind of been bricked via software or maybe somebody tried to flash it or something so let me just show you what it does when it gets plugged into a PC there we go and disconnect okay I looked online and when I type in blackview a55 not turning on there's a forum where people are suggesting that when after they updated their phone has stopped working so maybe it was a bit of a dodgy update that got these bricks I think that it's a software issue rather than the hardware issue but what is strange I don't know if this suggests Hardware but when you plug it in via USB it makes to connect sound and then about three or four seconds later it disconnects so I don't know whether that does suggest this Hardware I'm thinking it's software and I think it needs to be flashed now I did look into it it looks like it the the software is available but I started to do the first one where you go into device manager and then you add Android to it via Legacy software or something I did that then I downloaded the mediatek but then I had to look at the firmware for this and what makes me slightly uncomfortable is we've got two fake cameras here so I'll just feel a little bit uneasy about putting some software onto my computer that I don't really know the source so I'm personally not going to take it any further but I think if this was flashed it would probably work again but personally I dislike software thoughts I hate the surroundment software I would rather and this is saying something I would rather change out the capacities in a Game Gear there you go I've said it that's how much I hate software faults so yeah I'm not taking this one any further but I think if you were to flash it it probably would work again but if you know that that USB thing there suggests a hardware issue then let me know because I could always look at it again in the future but everything looks perfect inside and it all looks relatively new so I think it got updated failed and now I think you'd need to flash this to get it to work again so I'm going to move on to another item right this is another blackvue phone that I found in the box there yeah so you see it's a different design here and yeah again it's charging at a similar sort of rate and it's not doing anything when I go to turn it on or when I hold it down I'm just going to whiz through this one because it's the same fault as the other one I'll plug it into my PC it's acting the same connects disconnects weights connects disconnects weights uh what I do want to do is this has a lovely array of cameras around the back so I want to see whether this just has the one camera and everything else is fake or whether or not it does have a big array of cameras because this looks like a newer more expensive model here we go no fake just a one camera and the Flash what is that about yeah okay I think that they would be an easy fix for someone that knew how to flash phones I don't think it would be a big deal at all right let's give up on these but I think this has the same problem as the other one all right next up we have this I.E geek or something security camera in fact I can hear myself speaking through it Zs gx1s and interestingly it seems like it doesn't pan up and down it's making weird noises so if you have a look here there's different ways we can do it we can either move it here and it moves but this one it goes up and down it's a bit delayed when we do that way oops going right the way down around look at that let's stop that let's go back the other way is it that way well let's go to pan tilt and zoom this one here right so you can see it now moving there and moving that way but when we go down Make Some Noise doesn't move up makes a noise doesn't move so let's see if we can fix that if I do this it feels as if it's like connected to a motor when I do this it's horrible so I don't think this is going to be fixable I think it's going to be broken plastic gears on the inside but still we'll give it a go I can see cross head screws in here so I'm going to reach in there not really this hole though it's got a speaker microphone this looks like it's 69.99 so 70 UK pounds I think that's without the solar but that's for the 2K version so obviously they've released another one now which is better than this one but I think it was a hundred I think it was 120 for the solar one right now can I take this out without it all Fallen apart yes I can excellent ah right okay look see if you can see what's wrong can you see there this motor has just come away five volt DC motor so [Music] how are we going to get that back in unfortunately to get it back in we do have to strip it down because the motor casing Has Come Away from itself so we need to take it all apart in order to try to fix the actual motor itself so what I have to do is I have to take out the little white plastic surround that goes around it and then there's various screws and stuff to undo from both sides in order to take out this middle ball type camera thing and then once we do that it will give us access to the motor and then we've got to look into actually fixing the motor casing itself we're not fixing but putting back together I can't just push the motor casing back in because it doesn't go but as well as that it's just going to fall out again just from the use I have to actually make sure that the motor casing is bent in on itself in order then so it doesn't come apart yippee we've got access ah so it's a motor and a gearbox let's zoom in and see what's what so it's held in with little Clips just here let's see if we can bend them out they're going to come out or not there we go right so we're all bashed up on the inside are we going to be able to sort this let me take a picture so I know what goes where okay well that's all perfect that's the little motor in here so it's the gearbox is this part here which went wrong now will it go back in okay yes it will let's just put it back together that goes there this one goes here so obviously this is to turn it from very fast to very slow slow but powerful and that one goes like there now yeah that's all working look can you see when that turns there it's loose now because uh but when when it's all together that's going to turn that's going to turn all the others right okay so that looks to be in its place that's gonna go there and this has to go this way around because we're screwing into it aren't we not that way this way so it's these little things here I'm going to line this up with here but it needs to go into these bits and then they bend over let's take this off again so we need to bend out all of these try to bend them back in again it's easier said than done it's very tough because I'm thicker pliers that's more like it I'm going to bend them all out and then whack them back in oh and just like a watch this is like a a br you know a bridge on a watch all of these things have to go into the respective holes here there we go there now they're all in can you see all the pivots here right so they're all in their little home right now we need to whack all these things back over well that was a lot easier said than done because this little motor casing is really really thick and annoyingly my pliers don't open up quite enough to get good grip on it but yet the long nose pliers do open up enough but there's not really enough strength on them so I move over to my little Vice I'm not sure if I've shown you this Vice before it's been featured a couple of times but then to get my videos down to a watchable length it's normally cut out this fight was suggested to me by Marcel a viewer so I'm going to call it Marcel's Vice and it's quite useful because it's just something you can just put on your blue map obviously it's not clamped down to anything but sometimes it's nice just to hold on to something while you're doing some work so what I'm doing is I'm using the vice and I'm using the hammer and a screwdriver and I'm just trying to knock these things back over because I've bent them out now to get this ends piece back on and I now need to bend over the tiny bits that are left on the motor casing so it stops them from coming out again because there wasn't really enough of a tab to bend over over in the first place in my opinion hence the reason why it came loose originally right we are done yet that feels good and if you have a look there wasn't much to play with to begin with but can you see I've bent that round that's a really good one that's just there that is just barely on there now and that is well it's kind of kicked in here but I think that is going to hold that's still in here and that's located here and when we turn it it's turning good I think that's going to work ideally I would have liked that one round more but if it's held in here here and here it should I think hold right let's get it back together right great news check it out I can still hear myself down you can see it's moving there all the way up here so we've got a nice bit of movement going on foreign which is good this sounds nice and smooth and if you give it to the full extent it just clicks so I'd say that is all working correctly and it still goes left and right so what a nice little fix there I don't know how that happens maybe it was dropped do you know what actually it was probably impact damage thinking about it it would have been dropped here and I suppose that would have put force on this straight onto the motor yeah I think that's what would have happened so there we go right let's finish up the video so there we have it we reached the end of the video and I think overall pretty successful I think my favorite fix has to be the binoculars I really enjoyed that one there and if I come across some more in the future I think I'll have a better understanding of how they come apart these little miniature small fold up ones anyway and I think after that I mean probably one of the best things here is the Sony headphones but I didn't really do anything there apart from presser button through long-term use maybe I'll find out what the real thought is if that wasn't full I think a close second would be this little security cam here because it was quite nice looking at the motor with the built-in gearbox I think that was quite nice and also the way it came apart I thought it was going to be a complete nightmare but actually it was okay as far as this is concerned I need to do more testing on this it did record a couple of things but only in the daytime it recorded nothing at night so maybe that's the problem with it or maybe my garden was very quiet that night I'm not too sure so for testing will need to be done on that I'm fortunate about the phones I couldn't fix them but I do believe it's a software issue if you know otherwise please let me know and maybe I can do a revisit video on them because they do look brand new especially this one here it looks like it's had no use whatsoever so maybe it was updated straight out of the box and then it just uh failed if that forum is to be believed but then again it could be just coincidence that as people updated it a natural fault occurred so that is it for this video I always like doing the return boxes because it throws up loads of different items that you wouldn't normally think to buy to fix so uh yeah if you enjoyed it give it a big thumbs up and I will see you all very soon thanks for watching everyone [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: My Mate VINCE
Views: 967,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Amazon returns box, fixing customer returns, repairing customer returns, repairing faulty items, fixing broken stuff, the repair shop, right to repair, repair and restoration, repair videos, fixing videos, my mate vince repair, my mate vince trying to fix, PCBWay, fixing binoculars, fixing bluetooth speakers, fixing security cameras
Id: sbkWcITQrrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 45sec (2985 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 24 2023
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