I Bought Every BANNED Item in America!

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today I bought every band item in America that we can get our hands on some of these products were from the 90s before I was born but they were discontinued recalled or banned for a specific reason let's dive into it starting off with the iconic Easy Bake Oven this was a huge part of my childhood pretty much taught kids how to actually bake it actually came with real ingredients with a real oven for you to cook and actually eat as a kid I know myself as a kid I always wanted to cook but my mom wouldn't let me so this is what it was made for so easy bake actually came out in 1963 but it wasn't until the 2006 version that something went horribly wrong for them to ban it and this is the exact one we got our hands on so many children actually got injured from this product because they would burn themselves and one incident that happened is a girl got her finger caught in the oven door and she had to amputate her finger so they recalled over 900 000 of these Easy Bake Ovens but dude this is so nostalgic look at this yeah I wonder if it's actually gonna work look at that you literally put the food in there let it cook I don't think I could actually eat this because whatever it came with is probably expired oh it comes with mints that's cool I low-key don't know if this is supposed to come with it or the person we bought this from just threw these I think that's what happened so back in 2006 you can get your hands on one of these bad boys for 25 but we actually had to pay 127 just to get our hands on it because it is banned so it's hard to find this is what you put the food in stick it straight into the oven no do you think it's gonna work no the basic beginning set real baking tools to use with your Easy Bake Oven a little whisk bro what so sadly it didn't come with any of the baking ingredients I mean it would make sense why because this is from 2006 and it was used but we're just gonna see if it actually still turns on oh there it is the light turned on I think this is what kids would get their fingers stuck in I would be the type to injure myself right now bro we do smell that it's actually on it smells old it smells like old cookies were baked in here so it actually still does work I wish we had the baking mix to actually make something I probably wouldn't have tried it but would have been cool to see it cook but guys nowadays Easy Bake made an updated version a safer version and it's good to know that they're still going from launching from 1963. they still have their brand 60 years later next product we have our blow pens every time I'd be watching SpongeBob this commercial would play these came out in 1995 and the reason they got discontinued was simply due to the fact that people just wanted to draw regularly with their hands and not load through a marker that's what the product does you pretty much draw by blowing into the pen obviously you would think that it got discontinued because it was dangerous but as you can see up here it says it's washable and non-toxic we're gonna open these up I think it comes with a stencil this is what they look like no way I have this in my hands we got a flower stencil right here so this is how you set it up so it's ready to use you pop this open you take this out and you can see it's like a regular marker but you're going to want to turn it put it in this way and you lock it in like that and this is where you blow from so let's see if it works a little bit came out no weights this hard I don't know if I don't know if the product is old but if it was really this hard back in the day to do it I could see why no one wanted to do this let me try another one I'm about to pass out guys I kind of want to see if I draw out the marker if it's still there yeah like it still works all right guys I finally figured out how to do it after practicing so here we go perfect yo this is actually sick that it still works all right you ready to see it oh this is sick what Loki gives off a sick aesthetic look at that how fire is that okay I love this product I don't know how the hype died down I thought it was fire but let's move on to the next product the next one is Altoids Tangerine sours these were my childhood candy everyone in my school would have these they were really wildly popular and as you can see on the back they were 1.69 and this one was specifically an O3 but they got discontinued the reason for that is that they were really popular yet they had very low sales we were able to get our hands on them you could buy them for 1.69 back then we got them for 200 so that just shows how hard it is to get your hands on them we're gonna open it up right here I remember they always used to be stuck to each other in the can so I wonder 20 years of them being in this pack how it's gonna look I know guys I'm not gonna eat them and yes guys I know I look like nectar from Despicable Me right now I get it look at that bro you could already see like it has like goo it's like slimy oh my gosh bro no way it still smells like them low-key yo wait look at how melted this is yo we're gonna pop up a picture of what they're actually supposed to look like the fact that I could still smell them is so nostalgic to me bro so what's crazy is these were hard candies but have you guys ever seen hard candy melt I'd understand if it was like a gummy worm or gummy bear would be melted but a hard candy I guess maybe because it's been 20 years I don't know let me know what you guys think next item we have is the Hannah Montana Pop Star card game and this got completely banned due to the amount of lead that was in these cards there is 75 times more lead in these cards than the legal limit which caused them to get banned how do cards have that much lead for those who don't know lead is a toxic metal that can actually lead to death so the fact that you can possibly die by playing a card game is crazy I'm just wearing gloves just in case all right this is it the pop star card game don't get me wrong Hannah Montana was literally my biggest crush of all time but this product is deadly bro never even heard about these cards when I was a huge Hannah Montana fan we got Jackson as the choker Hannah Lily and then wait where's Rico where's my twin bro he better be in this game Montana as if he wasn't an important character that disrespect is crazy bro so these are the actual cards right here there's a lot of trivia I guarantee you bro I will get a lot of these right the name of the custodian at Miley's Middle School who customizes Jake Ryan's Locker is Tony yeah okay if you're a fan of Hannah Montana back in the day I feel like there's a pretty solid card game but since they disrespected my boy Rico and they didn't have him in here I don't like this game so this was the Barbie rollerblade Edition that released in early 1991 and got banned in late 1991. it didn't even last one year before they banned it from the dangers that this doll caused you can even tell from the box look at how old that is bro it kind of has like a yellow tint to it do you see it up to 10 rebate details inside offer expires 1993. so it didn't even make it to that the reason it actually got banned is that you can actually create Sparks from the blades it was a danger Hazard for burning little kids or starting a fire hopefully we don't start a fire out here I'm excited to see if it actually works I don't even want to damage the Box because it's from 1991. this is it what does this say it says allow four to six weeks for your skates to arrive then let the good times roll again oh after a short period of time the skates lose their Sizzle you could actually order a new pair of skates that's pretty cool these are it right here let's try it out do you see any Sparks no I'm gonna try doing it with just one skate it's like lighting a match bro oh I feel a little bit no way yeah I saw one I didn't even see it see that okay I can definitely see why they got banned because they were literally causing actual Sparks this is surge which is pretty much Coca-Cola's version of Mountain Dew but the reason it got discontinued is that it just didn't do well and could not compete with the real Mountain Dew I don't think anything can Top Mountain Dew surge tried many ways of trying to stay relevant stay popping they did a collab with Amazon Burger King but it just didn't hit they just ended up discontinuing the whole thing and now that I'm reading the back of this it says there's 56 grams of sugar bro that is wildly unhealthy I personally have never even tried surge I remember seeing them try to promote it I always used to buy stuff that I'd seen commercials but this one for some reason I just didn't want to buy so we all know Serge got discontinued but no you know what's not discontinued what chug rug oh okay see like I was supposed to make it in the Chug rub can but I just suck well I want to smell it now wait it literally smells exactly like Mountain Dew but guys this is the perfect time for you to try chug rug or any other G fuel flavor because they are running the spring buy one get one free sale check out the link in the description G fuel spring BOGO so this book right here is called the 48 Laws of Power this isn't banned in America it's just banned throughout the entire prison system in America so no one in prison no one in jail can ever get their hands on this the reason to that is because this book teaches people how to manipulate others you don't want a prisoner wanting to learn that because they can manipulate the guards or other prisoners I want to read you guys some of the chapters because they're kind of crazy one of them says make other people come to you use bait if necessary I mean that's highly manipulative play on people's need to believe to create a cult-like following bro what is this book dude I mean I totally understand why we don't want this in prisoner's hands get others to do the work for you but always take the credit what bro this this is scary man how is this even a good book for you to read in general just morally mentally I don't know why you'd want to learn how to be manipulative because manipulative people are literally the scariest people on planet Earth this is the cabin Dairy Cream Egg and you will never find an authentic version of these in America as these were imported from the UK the reason these were banned in America is because Hershey's filed a lawsuit against them because of how similar these were to an already existing Hershey's chocolate egg but if you're from the UK you've probably seen these all over since they're not expired I can actually give this one a try I'm really excited well look at the filling these are fired what the heck the only thing is I haven't seen Hershey's drop a similar chocolate to this at all on the topic of chocolate we have the Kinder Surprise egg which was banned in 1997. and in fact it was so hard for us to get our hands on it the only version we could get is the Spanish version straight from Mexico this actually got banned because it was a choking hazard for kids in the egg they would put a plastic toy in there and some kids wouldn't know that so they put the whole egg in their mouth and try to swallow it and actually choked on the toy we're gonna open this one up I think one of the first chocolates I've ever eaten in my life my parents brought it from Jordan it was Kinder but it was just like the OG Kinder bars and we would always refrigerate them okay no you want some no wow dude they're cute man you could hear the toy in there I'm opening it up there it is right there but I guess the toys in here definitely a cool concept though what is this you could build a snowman Bro Look at that all right we built my snowman and now taste test really good this game X-Men Destiny was released in 2011 and banned in 2014. so there were some legal issues going on between two game companies and funny enough one of those companies was epic games due to all that drama all that beef they ended up destroying every last copy of X-Men Destiny except the few that people actually had at their house so so I'm holding one of the very last few copies of this game just imagine all the literal Blood Sweat and Tears put into creating a new video game and just three years later it got taken away from you due to just some legal issues I can't even imagine that feeling I personally have never played this game but it's on the Wii we have a plane over here I actually wanted to play the game but supposedly you need like Wii nunchucks to even start the game so we were able to get the loading screen going but it's such a shame that this went to waste this I actually remember it's called a Sky Dancer and it was released in 1994 but got banned in 2000 for some severe reasons I personally remember the commercials we're gonna have it playing right now so pretty much you just pull this right here and it starts spinning and it launches but due to the dangers of it hitting people's face it caused temporary blindness to some people and people having to get stitches which is absolutely crazy causing Sky Dancers to get completely banned from America and they have to recall 9 million units here we go imma launch it damn yo that's still sick though but I could see how dangerous it could be for kids I don't know if you guys seen this video of a young girl opening this for Christmas and she launched it into their own fireplace I could see how that could be addicting I feel like this is fun but at the end of the day safety comes first so for this water rocket this isn't the exact one that got banned in 1997. it was only on the market for three months April 1997 to July 1997. the real one that got banned was actually even almost impossible to find a picture on Google from it that's how short-lived it was it was extremely dangerous because it would launch into people's eyes and the plastic was super weak that when they fill it up with a hose it would explode and all the plastic pieces would cut people's faces for this specific one right here it literally says not recommended for children under eight years old always aim rocket so it is launched straight up never pointed at people or buildings and also it says made from high-tech shatter resistant plastic because obviously of the original one they decided to take more safety precautions these are the three pieces we have I'm excited to see how high it actually launches because supposedly it says right here it could launch up to 100 feet but I doubt it I think that's cap first things first to get the water in the rocket it comes with this funnel and we're gonna try to make it launch a hundred feet we got the safety goggles on just in case we have the pump and we are going to lock it in just like that now it's locked in and now it says to pump at about 20 to 25 times and then I pull this lock ring and it's supposed to shoot up 100 feet in the air one two look at that three four five six seven eight it's creating bubbles ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen Seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty I'm just gonna do that twenty Ready Set that was like 20 feet what the heck guys pump the like button just as much as I'm pumping this water rocket this one's gonna go high all right I would say shot up to like 20 25 feet I think that's a cool product but definitely could see how the old one could shatter when you're pumping and actually injure people all right guys for the last band product we have the Cabbage Patch Kids snack time and as you can see I'm in a whole different outfit because this took way longer than any band product we found just because of how hard it was to find this was actually launched in 1996 and banned one year later in 1997 because this Cabbage Patch Kid actually eats like it moves its mouth it has a mechanic that eats toys right here it says fun snacks you could feed it but the problem was that kid's hair was getting caught in the jaw of the Cabbage Patch Kid and it just would not stop chewing leading to the parent having to cut the hair and other injuries so that's pretty crazy I mean it literally says right here for ages over three years but sadly it didn't last too long it's just crazy knowing I have a box here from 1996. we got this set up we had to put two C batteries in there and it actually still works look at this if it detects something it just starts chewing look at how creepy that looks I feel like this is gonna haunt me after this video we're gonna get some of the food it came with let's get some french fries you know you hungry so she'll chew they actually fall in her backpack once it's done I mean it's a really great concept of a toy back in the 90s of course but obviously if it's dangerous it's not good no way hold up it's right here dude that's actually sick so we got a wig right here this toy was made for children over three so you would imagine a kid at that age would like put their finger in her mouth or something and then once they get the mouth moving if they accidentally get their hair caught in that as you can see it's pulling the hair look at that your hair is now stuck to where your parent would have to just cut your hair and that's what caused it to be bam look at that like it's genuinely stuck oh that's awful that is awful guys comment down below which band product you thought was the most interesting and I will see you all with the next video peace
Channel: FaZe Rug
Views: 6,855,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: faze rug, rug, rugfaze, fazerug
Id: CWEGs927ryY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 24sec (924 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2023
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