I Bought An Original PS3 On eBay...And This Is What They Sent Me

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so I used to have a backwards-compatible playstation3 about two years or so ago but I ran into an issue it pretty much ran its course keep in mind the ps3 backwards-compatible models that most of us know came out at the launch of the PlayStation 3 so like almost 14 years ago now yeah they're a bit older and the one that I had was it was a tank for a while I did end up doing quite a bit of work to it because I wanted to keep it alive since it played ps2 games like perfectly but eventually it did die I mean I did everything ivory balled it I ended up changing out capacitors I did all kinds of stuff to keep it going eventually the board itself just failed and it was like well that's pretty much it so since then I've been thinking about getting a backwards compatible PlayStation 3 it's just been kind of difficult to find one and then finally I decided to pull the trigger on eBay and I said well we can we can see what they actually send us so I got a ps3 backwards compatible it's a little different it's not the one that I had before that was an AZ row one I wanted to go a little different and get something like I don't know the b01 now I'm gonna talk a little bit about some of the differences here with the different PlayStation 3s as we open this up technically refurbish it put it together and check it out now when I picked this one out from eBay the reason I picked this one specifically is because the warranty sticker is still on it and when I saw that I was kind of impressed because that means this thing hasn't been opened technically unless they sent it to Sony and they just put another warranty sticker on there hasn't been open for at least 12 years then I think they stopped selling these like a year and a half or two years after the system came out because they shifted away from using the emotion engine chip that is in here from the ps2 moved to the model a zero one so there was a 0 1 B zero one which is this one and then easier one I think there was C zero one as well the ones that we would know about is the B 0 1 and a 0 1 the a 0 1 is the 60 gigabyte model the B 0 1 is this 20 gigabyte model and the idea around this one was that it was supposed to be more affordable we'll say because keep in mind the ps3 out write a zero one did the 60 gigabyte model and that one was $600 in 2006 it launched right around when the we launched and that was two hundred and fifty dollars so for the price of an a zero one ps3 the 60 gigabyte model that most people bought you could have bought to ease Twilight Princess and of remote her fur the ways he would have gotten multiple copies we sports another system yeah so the ps3 is pretty expensive at the time the ps3 had a lot of advantages of course came with blu-ray which was a pretty big deal since Sony was still fighting kind of the the media wars right between an HD DVD and blu-ray they dropped blu-ray into their system right that they were selling and that was a big deal sensitive course worked to push it even more mainstream since they counted it as a blu-ray player they could use that in their sales data and show that they were just absolutely running it over HD DVD sure the ps3 didn't sell that well out of the gate but for blu-ray players pretty good there we go so the way Sony tries to keep you out of these ps3s is that you they use a one of these like security star tips the Torx screws and has a little dot in the middle so you do need some kind of concave kind of screw here or a driver after that it's pretty much all Phillips head which is nice so I like to use the lid kind of to hold all the screws here as we go along and they have a little bracket here as well to kind of screw in there so the idea with this is I want to pretty much just clean it up real well the person I got a from mentioned that it worked fine no issues there nothing like that so I think we're gonna have a pretty good backwards-compatible system here considering has never been opened I just wanted to like I said clean it check out the board even show you guys some of the cool stuff about this one now this is the b01 and the biggest difference with the b01 from the a01 - that hard drive space which can be changed right like Sony didn't put any restrictions like Microsoft did at the time where Microsoft was selling you like a 20 gigabyte hard drive for a hundred bucks Sony just let you change your ps3 s hard drive out which was nice so you could just drop like I mean this is 2006 so hard drives were still a little more expensive than they are now I would say by a bit but dropped like a 500 gigabyte hard drive in there at a reasonable value and you would of course have plenty of room then the biggest difference was the Wi-Fi there was no Wi-Fi in the b01 which was a little annoying but to be honest the ps3s Wi-Fi isn't very good the signal is not great and it was capped at G wireless for these ones so like you weren't gonna be doing much with that the other big difference was that on the front of that easier 160 gigabyte model they did have a bunch of like media storage options on the front for removable storage so if you had like a a PSP memory card you could pop it in the front and of course we did have like cross-buy and everything with the PlayStation 3 and the PSP so there was at least a reason to do that I only did it like twice though and I just didn't really think about it after that so that I guess I mean they had like other removable storage things for the front from like a Sony camera and I never whenever I took a picture with a camera back then digital cameras which was still kind of big at the time I just plugged it into my computer I didn't go well time to plug this into the ps3 so I found one interesting thing about this not really sure what this is what's going on here but there is a screw right here I don't know why it doesn't appear to be from this PlayStation system it's just it was just kind of sitting on this power supply very strange put that to the side there and for the most part though I'm looking at this this is a clean looking system now usually there would be for like the 60 gigabyte model the Wi-Fi would plug in here because this is the board that communicates to like and controller and everything has actually a 10 underneath but it would run from here all the way to the back and we'd have an antenna back here that is absent on the on this model and you really can't do much to add it I remember playing around that back in the day we were repairing these I wondered what happens if I plug in the Wi-Fi board from the the PS 360 do you bite into this one nothing happened because it's just not built into the firmware so it wouldn't even know if I had it plugged in or not but once we're past the initial security screw it's just a bunch of Phillips head screws to get this guy apart there's really not a lot it's pretty straightforward there are a few that are a bit different so you have kind of these these threads that are little that are much closer together like that one and then you have screws that are longer so you want to keep an eye on those these ones typically go around the board to hold it down these smaller ones are used for things like this power supply and this RF port here there we go so we have some dust on this guy I brought a dry brush the idea with the dry brush is literally just to just to pretty much brush any of the dirt and dust off this one's much cleaner than I thought it would be to be honest so I'm like I'm like what I'm seeing here right now we also have some missing missing pieces here this would have been four if it went over the top it would have sat right here and that would have been where all the removable stores would have been but because it's the b01 that doesn't exist so there's X just a blank spot there for where it would soldering which basically is because this is pretty much the same motherboard overall then we do have our blu-ray drive right here it has a clip that is pretty easy to break so you want to be kind of careful with it trust me I've seen it a lot specifically on these ones they made them a bit better when they shift it to the e01 they made it more of a clip that was held in a bit better and didn't need as much pressure to pop off and then we also have our board here that is married to this system if this goes bad I remember there is a chip on here I think it's this one right here that you would have to remove and then put it on another system to match with this because I've had these daughter boards fail and that was pretty much what I had to do to fix it it was a whole thing now right here is our power supply and what I might think about doing is order one of the older or the newer power supplies because eventually they started shipping with power supplies that did not get as hot they actually had more of like a kind of a plasticy bottom sort of and they were shipped I believe in the newer 40 and 80 gigabyte models like the g0 one and those did not get it this gets like scalding hot like it'll touch it when it's on and it will like like almost burn you it gets ridiculous then we have our grounding screw back here that can pop out and at this point we're already almost down to the board we do have our button board here that is power and then eject it just touches the top of the casing that then makes contact when you touch it so it runs all the way down through here and then it plugs into this guy right there almost forgot to pull out our massive 20 gigabyte hard drive this was the one nice thing after just pulling out a blue screw from the side it just sits in a sled that will pretty much fit any two and a half inch drive that you have and you can pop it in now the drive I am gonna put in here is a solid-state drive to be honest just cuz I have like three of them laying around it's not like a massive storage upgrade although I guess it would be considered six times the size it's 120 gigabyte solid state drive that I had from a boot drive on a system that got upgrade so I figured hey this won't take advantage of any of the real speed because it's capped that I believe SATA to but any random read writes anything like that should at least go a little faster and it's it's an upgrade of six times the space so it's like why not now there is one long screw in the back right here in this corner and I think that's just a pretty much prop up where you plug the power into otherwise though we have some clamps that hold the heatsink to the chips the motherboard itself technically sits upside down I guess you'd consider as the chips face downwards into where the heatsink is and then there's a very large turbine fan underneath of it that then pushes air through fins out the back so we have these clamps here and once you unscrew them they will start to kind of pop up they have a lot of tension to them and people will try to do all kinds of things to these clamps to try to add more tension or anything generally you're fighting heat spreaders and I don't think I'm gonna have to do too much with these heat spreaders specifically I don't think have to remove them and look at the die itself only because I'm not looking to play a lot of ps3 games on here to be honest I'm mostly looking to play ps2 games let's do that it'll actually just pop right out boom that's the site it looks good this does not look I might have just lucked out big time here like a lot of times I would see a ton of dirt down here I'm almost wondering if this 20 gigabytes just wasn't used that much maybe I get lucky and this was like a blu-ray player for someone who didn't really watch a lot of blu-rays after they bought it they're like oh this looks like a good blu-ray player and they picked it up and just never really used it but even then you figured would have collected some dust but let's see what the fan looks like here and even then it looks good I have some of course dust around here you're gonna get dust either way but like this is nice got our little CMOS battery here have a couple of screws where they are the the hard drive sits to kind of give that some extra support and then once you get to this stage the fan is really easy to change out on the bottom there's three screws here and it has a little guide and you can just pop this entire thing out you can get a look at it and you can actually change them I believe the upgrade is like a 19 blade fan and the idea there is that it can move air without having to spin as much as I think this other the one below that's like a 15 blade fan we can count these and find outs there we are yeah look how clean like even in here where I would expect to see a ton of dust it's it's fairly clean there's there is some but it's not as bad as I was I might have got really lucky here so real quick you can see how this works to the fan would sit in here right and then we have part of our power part of our heatsink in here and we have these fins that wrap around so the fan is sitting in here we're pulling heat away from our two chips under here and then the idea is that that fan is spinning up and it pushes out straight through the back here where those fans continue and then you get this nice jet engine at times help the back it really comes down to the contact between the heatsink your chips alright so we can finally pop this guy off and we get a look at the bottom of our board and it again it looks clean there's like there's not a lot of dust or anything going on here I'm pretty happy with what I'm seeing and then we can just see all these chips these any seed chips these things go bad constantly well Don was like constantly I think about a lot and that was one thing I had to replace a yellow light if you get a yellow light that is just like a general hardware failure okay that can be like anything on the board for the most part it basically is saying hey there's a problem now you can judge by how long it takes for that yellow light to pop up so if it's like a longer yellow light it might be an issue with the GPU if it's one that's like immediate like you press it boom you know like from what I've seen in my experience that's more of like an electrical issue when it comes to possibly the these chips here or delamination on the bored it really depends on where the damage is and what's being interrupted the GPU takes a little longer in the posting process and that's why a yellow light might take two seconds three seconds as opposed to one when it's something that's like immediate when it's like the CPU or something when it comes to completing like the five volt or 12 volt circuit all right finally we can take a look at the top of our board that is the stock compound wow this looks I am impressed right now I may have found my new project here when it comes to this as in I might change these we'll see we'll see how the fan sounds overall when I'm playing it because generally I get these I'm like what's going to be wrong with it what's I don't know this looks pretty good there is some dust again nothing major but just a dry soft bristle brush will clean this up really nice and we can take a look at their motion engine shift RS X and the cell all right there we have it after cleaning up a little bit we have our cell chip here so so right on top and then we have our RS X chip right here so this is our GPU this is our CPU now the thing about the ps3 that was different from like the 360 is they separated the RAM so you can actually see RAM chips here that were allocated to the CPU and then we had 256 megabytes of RAM those directly on this RS X GPU and believe it or not the GPU was actually the weak point of this ps3 it did hurt it having the two pools of RAM because it was pretty much allocated from the start whereas the 360 had one large 512 megabyte set of RAM and then it also had I believe 10 megabytes of high-speed memory located directly on the GPU and basically that would throw the 360 the ability to do at times like free anti-aliasing others to get a cleaner image overall it was just the ps3 was just a pain to work with but because this is an earlier PlayStation 3 we have a certain chip right here I want to look at and that chip is our emotion engine chip in it all of its glory right here this is the biggest thing that separates the launch PlayStation 3 system so the a 0 the b01 from everything else after that they remove this in the easier one I think a lot of that had to do I believe it's like licensing but it also helped them make the system overall cheaper which once they started to realize they were having a hard time with sales and the system was losing them so much money they said well it's about time we started cutting costs and they cut that out shifted to emulation through software and that's why you went from pretty much 100% compatibility here using this chip to like 70 percent compatibility with the 80 gigabyte and then eventually they just got rid of ps2 compatibility completely now we've cleaned this all up just gonna drop some mx4 on these two heat spreaders there's a there's actually a thermal pad for there we go for this guy that I took off who's stuck on there pretty well but after a little bit of after a little bit of pulling it popped off of there so we have these two here now the cell itself has the die in the middle whereas this actually relies on four corners as well so the RSX needs a little bit more compound and these dies are actually fairly large the cell gets exceptionally hot so generally a little bit a good bit of compound ice line here and then if you go with like an X pattern on the RSX it's a bit better now I don't generally recommend that much compound on any chip but the it was a different time in 2006 with the ps3 like I said it's a weird system overall so you got to deal with it in weird ways but we have to pretty much cover all of this you can either spread it I like to let it use pressure to do it itself in fact I'll actually show you how it handles this compound because we can get a nice little preview by just putting the casing on screwing it in and we can kind of see how it spreads that that compound around after it gets screwed on with some tension alright so after screwing it down we can take a look at how that compound spread to see if we had I would say most of the heat spreader at least compound or at least covered in compound because I've dealt with overheating PlayStation 3s that just did not have nearly enough on it this one feels pretty solid I think mostly because it's it's a it's actually kind of stuck here so you have to be very careful when you pull it apart there we go and you can see we have pretty good coverage there all the way around it's it's a good it's these thin-film they're of compounds and it covers it pretty much completely it's just the ps3 they expect especially after you take it apart you see it stock they expect most of this heats better be making contact and compound all over it so yeah it's it's it is really frustrating because the amount of compound you have to use or the ps3 just like overheats is really annoying anyway with all that done I think we're good to put it the rest of the way together which should be pretty straightforward everything is already pretty clean I'm gonna take a wipe down to the inside of that ps3 there pop that SSD in and I guess we'll play it and check it out and see how it goes alright here we are with the ps3 on and it looks looks pretty good the ps3 now it's it tech Lee just turned on but it's pretty quiet right now so that's that's a good sign so far we don't want it to turn into like a jet engine because that's what these older PS trees will end up becoming over time they'll get very very loud we change the compound off of the heat spreader so I'm hopeful alright that it's not too crazy as we get into games here been a while since I've actually looked around the the old XMB OS for the ps3 or even I guess the the PSP same one obviously it's been a while since I've been on here let's see it does have the old users on here still and let's double check the hard drive size I'm curious about the firmware as well so it shows 97 of course 97 kg bytes of the-- says 111 gigabytes as a 120 gigabyte SSD that's in here currently and we are on system software 4.4 1 which i looked up online that came out in 2013 and then a few months later or month 2 later we had another firmware released so it seems that this ps3 has not been on ER at least connect to the internet since 2013 about seven years now that's that is crazy so yes this is a ps3 that didn't see a ton of use now that is I think this firmware came out about six months before the ps4 and I figure when the ps4 comes out a lot of these ps3 s go away but I mean the ps4 wasn't backwards paddle so a lot of ps3s were still in use even then so I guess we just have a ps3 that hasn't been used that much in general maybe was a blu-ray player I don't know now this ps3 of course can read all of the PlayStation games one two and three the disc straight up when you pop them in we have of course the ps1 the the kind of the black bottom this disc if you remember that I have a blue bottom which would be the CD from the ps2 I have a regular DVD ps2 game and then I also have a PlayStation 3 game so I guess we'll pop them all in as we go here and make sure they work I have it set so that it won't auto start so we can just make sure it reads every one of these this is a Tony Hawk pro skater - alright so it's currently trying to read the PlayStation 1 game here's hoping everything is is good there they did say it should work like everything worked fine ok yeah there we are so there's the PlayStation 4 matte disc there looks good it ejected or it took the disc in make sure it ejects ok yeah the drive sounds good as well ps3 disk works fine at the PlayStation 3 disc I'm less concerned about since I have a slim ps3 already for ps3 games but let's check these ps2 games both of them alright this is the blue bottom ps2 game those usually would have a hard time with PlayStation 2 systems because the laser that would read the diode that would read the CDs would go bad pretty easily look at that there it is playstation 2 4 I also like that it shows kind of the the blue because it can detect that it's it is like the CD variant of the ps2 games that's always cool so that that came right up that's awesome and here we go this is the regular DVD style ps2 game let's see how long that one takes to come up it is reading it right now now there it is alright Wow okay so this yeah this one works perfectly fine it's nice and quiet right now now any ps3 right now will play playstation 1 game so that's less I guess impressive to a lot of people seriously if you have a ps3 right now you can just pop a ps1 discs in it'll play it fine the ps2 of course is the big one so why don't we play a couple of these I have two ps2 games here right now that I brought out what's just jump into those real quick Oh first though we do have to make a memory card yeah we have to make memory cards for the PlayStation and the PlayStation 2 so you might as well do that before you start it up because then you have to quit out of the game so there we go we have a ps2 memory card and I'll put the ps1 memory card in the yeah in the second slot so it's almost like if you have a ps2 a lot of us would leave like a ps2 memory card in the first slot and then a ps1 memory card in the second slot so we're gonna change them out so there we go we got two Playstation memory cards plugged in and ready to go so for the PlayStation 2 game I chose the best wrestling game ever made that is Smackdown here comes the pain it amazes me that this game is still significantly better than the current WWE 2k games seriously this game just runs over any of those pick this one up if you have not and if you have the ability to play it it is a great time even now in fact we'll jump into a match here and I'll show you real quick what you can wear you can expect from this one if you've never even played it before also for some of you wrestling fans this is probably a blast from the past since this was back during the ps2 day so you see some of these some of these wrestlers like John Cena back this again this is back in the early 2000s a bit different than that how he is now of course but that's for a lot of these a lot of these characters but this is when Goldberg I remember came back for like the like the first time I think and he was like insane so he's amazing in this game obviously everything if Brock Lesnar let's we'll just beat up will beat up Charlie Haas how about that you know I have to say this is being smoothed out because the ps3 can do smoothing it can also change the aspect ratio to make it more fullscreen I just left it original aspect ratio ratio so don't see any stretching or any of that it was designed for a square CRT pretty much but looking at this still right now with the ps3 smoothing kind of upscale and put on 1080p display this still looks good like here comes the pain at the time when it came out was an amazing looking game and it still looks pretty good like this is this is the point where you could give this somebody they would play it now and I think they'd be completely fine with it I mean look at like the visually here with this entrance it looks good and let's actually get into the to the gameplay here I think it's gonna try to do another entrance we'll just skip that now it's been a little while since I've played this one this is so I gave I gave Goldberg a bunch of specials just for fun so we can we can beat him up and then just give him some specials see back in the day we'd have fun with it where we would give one character like all this like a bunch of specials and then we would just see how long it would take to to in somebody just by using specials like how many specials would take because the idea in these games is you're supposed to build up your character with their special meter until they're ready to pretty much unleash so here's here's this finisher here is the jackhammer and it goes into a pin so what's really funny about this is if the person kicks out of this you can immediately go into Goldberg's other special which is like his spear so like if he kicked he should but if he kicks out of this I can walk right to like the top of him right here and immediately just go into a spear Goldberg was super broken in this game he was ridiculously good and you see how he just crushes him his body up there is yellow now so he's taken some serious damage she even has a move for the ground that just puts you in position to do a finisher just like that so like Goldbergs special gets filled super fast and he has a couple of moves from like the ground and even from a standing position that just puts you in position to do his finishing moves also it was around this time where they first started putting the ref in the get in the ring itself before then like on the ps1 I think some of the early ps2 and GameCube games they didn't have a ref in the ring so you couldn't do all the fun stuff of like accidentally knocking out the refs you can get a weapon but they did eventually as you see her put put them in and it did make for some really funny times sometimes you would just get DQ'd even though they're not looking at you which is really dumb but you could still kind of pull off that time where you accidentally knock the ref out get a weapon smack the guy upside the head with it and then pin them so it this is when the wrestling games got way better was during this generation where as which is kind of sad because now it's it's kind of falling off right there we go so we can finish him right here with the jackhammer unless I get a rope break although I guess I have another special so you just look at how much his finishing move his special meter look how much that gets filled just by doing that finisher so you fill up your special almost completely with his finisher and then do another finisher 3 so 3 minutes and 52 seconds to finish that matches yeah go Burke's pretty good so for that blue bottom disc the CD variant for the ps2 game I have the wrath of cortex here that's for crash bandicoot which is still a really really good looking game even now and that's thing with this game it's still looks really really good I think that has to do with the the art style itself really helping it out and this just this translates really well to HD displays through a ps3 back paddle or even component cables probably with the with the ps2 look at that but like this looks so good and the thing I really like about this game is this is back when these companies were really pushing for framerate so like visually looks good like the colors pop off the screen it's very clean looking picture here but visually it's helped out by how smooth it is in motion that is a big thing and that's that's really what I liked back in the day around this time is that we were pushing hard for frame rate still whereas now we don't really push for frame rate as much it's something I'm hoping for going into the next generation that we pushed more for like good frame rate overall but like this this is a game that really shines on this backwards-compatible Playstation 3 it just it looks so good in motion a good fun game too very very good game maybe they'll eventually come back to this with like a remaster or something just for fun as like I don't know a little release or something through Activision but still very good looking really happy with this this PlayStation 3 by the way it turned out so good like I I'm still very surprised with how clean it was it runs what like you probably can't even really hear it I have a hard time hearing right now but the fan is within reason the ps3 is like these that are this old typically have louder fans so with how it sounds now I'm pretty happy with it even though it is audible it's not insanely loud so like I'm I'm pretty happy with that not a good system to play a bunch of ps2 games on n ps3 although like I said I already have a ps3 slim but maybe this one will just replace that completely since that's land in any way through a wired connection and I think it has two extra USB ports on the front for this one pretty good but let me know what you guys think about this ps3 down below got a backwards compatible 20 gigabyte now 120 gigabyte by the way with an SSD but it plays ps1 ps2 and ps3 games all-in-one which i think is an awesome pick up for roughly 120 dollars especially in its condition thanks guys for watching make sure you like to be on the way out if you enjoyed it like if not we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Spawn Wave
Views: 604,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sony, playstation, ps3, ps2, ps1, playstation 3, backwards compatible, ebay, refurbish, how to, how to fix ps3, ps3 60gb, ps3 20gb, b01, a01, e01, video games, spawn wave, spawn wave media, 2020, ps3 ebayt, ps3 backwards compatible ebay, ps3 used ebay, play ps2 games on ps3, should you buy, thermal paste, repaste ps3
Id: _C2vGpg5XGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 17sec (1757 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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