I Bought an Illegal Saw on Alibaba

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I got my hands on one of the craziest looking saws I've ever seen no it just and it's actually illegal in the US let's check it out oh here we go at least this has got some weight to it the Finish actually looks pretty good it's a a little bit R oh here we go just wasn't locked down in the back okay so this thing looks awesome already we got the miter saw and then the table saw on top just want to see if I can figure out how this thing works you have to flick up this little uh you know it's like the nuclear launch switch here and then pull it up and then push back that thing pops right up all right so I figured out the mechanism to turn this into the miter saw but how do we get the blade up and in the video I did see that they were moving this they kind of turned this oh here's a little red button pull that oh my gosh that's awesome so this is a little motor just rotates up you pull this out and rotate it up and there's your table saw I also did a YouTube post and asked you guys what I should test or what I should look at and I've got some printed out right here that we're going to check out and some of them are really great I can't wait to try them but before I get doing that I want to put on some of these safety features because uh even though it's got some blade guards on it I don't trust it now if I'm being honest with you I actually don't know why this is banned in the US I just know it is because Makita and Bosch and others make saws like this and they are not for sale in the United States I think it has something to do with the exposed blade and the blade guards but that is with the consumer product safety commission aka the fun haters to my European friends before you start feeling all smug about being able to buy one of these at least in the US we can still buy the DAT stack all right we're set up for the first cuts and I want to test the miters saw first and we're just going to start super small a little popular 1 by two I feel like I could potentially cut this with my hand but we'll start slow I almost forgot though need to put on the dust collection bag which uh we'll see how much dust this actually collects also there's no more important rule than to wear these safety glasses all right let's get this in miter saw mode hold on hold on hold on so I thought that I was going to have to turn it on then turn it off but in the mitera mode it actually is just a press and release so then how does that work on the table saw mode so when it's in miter saw mode it is press and release and when it's down in table saw mode the button configuration changes to on and off that is really cool all right well let's let's make some mitersaw Cuts flip this bad boy back up there I still have it up in table saw mode I'm trying to push the button and nothing was happening man so this has got the safety on it and everything this is so cool okay now we're ready not bad this is an 80 to Blade which is 216 mm which is right about 8 1/2 in and the cut on this is pretty good okay now it's super easy we need to really beef this thing up to see what it can take but for the first cut not bad now dust collection that's another story there is dust everywhere it's all over the top it's on the top of the bag on the side I'm going to be taking this off I'll be using a shopvac in the future but this little Port here in the front when it's in minor saw mode it is actually closed and then when you turn it into table saw mode it opens up which is kind of cool CU then you can collect dust from the front of the blade when you're in table saw mode and then it shouldn't have anything coming out during the mitera mode even though that is not what happened here so as a miter saw it cut like a miter saw so I'm going to go ahead and set this up for the table saw test now and I don't think I mentioned this guy is about 300 bucks it was actually $310 once it was delivered it was $240 on Alibaba but but after shipping and tax and all that 310 so actually the cost of this is about the same as the cheapest compact miter saw and the cheapest compact tables all that you could buy those are both about 150 bucks so that's the kind of comparison that I'm having in my head is would this make sense for anybody to have this unit that's Allin one and smaller and compact or just buy the other ones uh so we'll see after the torture test how I feel about it all right so this is the part of the saw that is the most chintzy that's what I was going to say as this falls off but this is the table saw fence it doesn't have a traditional fence it actually has this little aluminum bar that fits into the miter gauge and so I'm supposed to be able just to slot this thing in here and uh that it's going to be the fence okay and so now I can uh just put this into the rail in the front and then that is how I adjust the width of the fence and the cut apparently and then uh you can use this to lock it down oh I got to lock these down too all right let's make a rip all right now I'm going to switch it over to table saw mode we're going to start this off nice and easy and I'm just going to do a/ qu inch piece of plywood here and make the cut I am going to put a dust hose on here actually this one fits on here perfectly which is nice so let's see how she goes okay this is a nice clean cut that was just quarter inch plywood so we definitely need to put this thing through the paces that'll really see what this is capable of I've got a bunch of different materials here got some 2x6 I got some 1 and 1/2 in Maple which will really be a challenge some Oak to see how it can rip this thing is a complete dust spew and before I do all these Cuts I want to try to take care of the Dust collection so I'm actually going to see if I can design a little 3D print that will make a splitter and have a hose that will connect to the front and the back port and while I'm trying to manage the dust on this thing I'm going to show you something that has completely changed the way that we manage dust inside the house and it's from the sponsor of today's video narwhal as you know I hate dust and we've had vacuums that make a total mess when you're emptying the canisters just spewing dust all over the place but narwhal sent me their frox Ultra Robot vacuum and mop and it's got self-contained dust handling and instead of a Dusty canister to dump out it has these little bags attached to a filter using 88,200 pascals of suction force it grabs loose schools of fish as well as dust and it compresses it all so that each bag can last up to 7 weeks and there's no mess emptying it I love that now our house is about half carpet and half hardwood and the foox ultra can sense the floor type and it actually raises up the mop heads as it's going over carpet but the way this thing mops is wild you put detergent clean water in an empty bin for dirty water in the base station of course it goes out and mops but when it comes back is when the magic happens now the station sucks out the dirty dirty water and it cleans the mop heads then it uses dirt Sense Technology to scan the water and if it's not clean enough it keeps mopping that same area until it is it even Heats and dries the mop heads when it's done so that they won't smell bad but this next feature is the best now if you have long-haired housemates like I do you have done the Forbidden haircut but I will never do this again because the fro X Ultra has the world's first zero tangling floating brush it's only attached on one end and the vacuum pulls the hair right off and it actually works now if you want to learn more about the Narwhal you can click on the link in the description or search for narwhal fro X Ultra on Google or Amazon and a big thanks to narwhal for sponsoring today's video I got to be honest I am pretty happy with how this turned out the little wi Splitter on the back it's like a like a snorkel here and then up to the front and this little hose will just fit right over I don't know if this is going to help the dust collection at all because it spews everywhere but uh I'll feel better I'm going to start in the mitol mode and see if it bogs down at all going from a 1x4 to a 2x4 to a 2x6 and then a poor man's 4x4 because I don't have one I'll stack two 2x4s together all right let's move this down to miters saw mode there we go I love that that is that is so cool now we're just going to start off with the measly little 1x4 as you'd expect absolutely no problems with the 1x4 in a nice clean cut but my goodness the dust collection was hardly better but I just had an idea and I also just noticed something so first of all I'm going to uh lock this up here I'm going to take off the ring knife which I loosened already and there's a big hole in the top of course it's going to spew dust everywhere so I'm just going to take that off and put some uh dust collection tape on there blue tape now hopefully this will help cut down on the dust that's flying out on the top which is all this stuff that you see up here and uh we'll see but this thing keeps putting out surprises who I like that I did not hit the nuclear launch button that's interesting why did that pop up as I was going through this I noticed a little switch down here in a little black box so that little black box is a laser I turn it on the laser comes down in here and we lift it up there it is this thing has all kinds of little secrets in it one of the questions was about accuracy so I've got the little line drawn on my board here and we're going to put the laser line right on it and see if it cuts on the line or not all right I made a few test Cuts in no that tape did not help much with the dust but it cut away the pencil line when I had the laser line right on it and just to the right of it so I actually had to scooch it over about a 16th of an inch to be able to keep that pencil line so you can probably adjust the ler laser but out of the box it looks like it's off you know a little bit less than a 16th of an inch for that laser line versus what it's actually cutting all right I cut the 2x6 and the double stacked 2x4s and it is not pretty neither of those were successful on the 2x6 it left just a hair so the issue here is that the blade did not reach far enough in the front so you cannot fully cut a 2x6 because of the width of it now for the double stack 2x4 it was a different failure it could get through it as far as widthwise and got through the first one but on the second one it left quite a bit maybe 38 of an inch to go through it and that's because of the height and what was happening was the arbor was hitting on this blade guard not letting it go all the way down so looking at the capacity from the width it looks like right about 5 in as far as the bottom of where that Blade's going to hit and then for height it looks like we are right about 2 in so 5 in of capacity this way and 2 in tall I think this might work with be trim carpentry because you don't need a lot of capacity and you're typically dealing with 1x4s and stock trim base molding all that kind of stuff that is thin and not so wide all right so now I'm going to convert this thing back over take off my dust collection tape here which uh did a great job look at all that dust I captured we're going to see how this thing does with ripping some denser and thicker Woods as I'm switching this thing over I Cann overestimate overestimate underestimate over stress over State I cannot overstate how small and just puny this little miter gauge is I feel like this is more like Fisher Price's version of baby's first miter gauge um yeah I I my hopes are not high for the fence actually staying true but I'm going to put this on put the fence in and try to square it up to the blade just so things don't pinch and have Kickback all right I'm noticing a few more things about this setup that uh go figure are less than optimal so actually on the fence here it says it goes up to 130 millimeters which is a little bit over 5 in but you can't actually get there because of the way this locks down you have to move it all the way into 120 mm which is just under 5 in or right about there yeah so the largest cut you can make on here as far as a rip using this fence is going to be right around 5 in so the number one comment and things you guys wanted to see was me coming out of this with all 10 of my fingers and I wholeheartedly agree so I am pretty scared about how sketchy this is I have clamped this thing down so it's not going to go anywhere as I start pushing through if it bogs down and also I'm going to be standing off to the side to make sure if there is any Kickback that it will go you know that way all right dusty yes sketchy it's wasn't bad in this 3/4 in material I had this set at 65 mm which I I I don't know what that is and you know Freedom Units but we'll find out here in a second uh so the cut was 2 and 916 on the front end and on the back end let's see how accurate it was also two and 9/16 and the cut quality is quite nice no tear out on the plywood and man that's a nice Edge all right I'm going to step it up and run this is actually almost an inch thick Oak and then if it gets through that I'll run the inch and a half Maple see how it [Music] does I can't believe I am saying it but I'm impressed uh this was the oak that just went right through it now of course I did have to slow down it was bogging down so this is an 1800 watt motor so dividing that by 120 volts which is what we've run in the US year that would be 15 amps so that's the same rated motor as I have on my big mitera now looking at the inch and a half Maple I mean look at that and that's with an 80 to Blade which is going to take a lot more power to chug through something but look at this I mean the f finish is great absolutely no burning on either side wow so another one of the questions was from Anton elisama 7667 said how fast can it rip wood and I got to say not very fast if you bog it down with the heavy stuff but for plywood it was ripping through it pretty nice and there are a few comments that I really want to try out and this one is would it be capable of making a small set of cabinets or drawers you know as long as the drawers are less than 5 in high we could do that so I've got my piece of plywood here and I was getting ready to go and then I realized something very important basically you can't do any joinery on this thing and when you're making any kind of joinery other than just a butt joint which you could definitely do so you could use pocket holes or dominoes or biscuits or whatever on this but you're always wanting to make some kind of little Notch if I was going to cut a rabbit here so I'd just be taking off this corner and that is not a through cut the blade would just come up to the top and I would do it in multiple passes to take away that wood all along the side or something like a Morse and Tenon well you can't do that with this and that's because of how the blade mechanism works this is only either going to be up or down so we're going to be at an inch and 5/8 and there is no way to make this stop anywhere in between so if I pull the little lever here and move this down I can't stop this but this is just kind of free floating until it hits that little locking slot so it's either going to be an inch and 5/8 or zero so that means you cannot do anything except for a through cut unless you're cutting thicker than inch and 5/8 material I guess now another great suggestion from Drake Wald 123 was I want to see you rip and Crosscut at the same time again unfortunately we cannot do that because of what I just showed you with the blade because everything is locked down and if I try to turn the blade on up here and then maybe you know bypass this it's not going to happen so they've actually done a really pretty good job of keeping this thing safe and only allowing you to use it one way at a time but can we cut with a table saw tilted so this is a beveled miter saw so if I undo this knob right here I can bevel it is a single bevel actually so it only goes to the left but since the whole table rotates it's not really changing the blade angle so you can do a single bevel cuts on the miter saw but unfortunately we cannot turn this on because of that safety mechanism it will not turn on while the blade is above so no we cannot run it tilted unfortunately but one thing I realized you can do with this saw which is actually really cool I wish this was on all table saws if I had this long piece of wood and I wanted to cut it well I'm I'm running in I can't quite get it it's too long but that's okay I'll just swing it around oh my gosh did I just break that no it just broke oh come on the little lever to move the miter of the table just broke yep there's your problem I guess that's what you get when you buy tools from Alibaba
Channel: Fix This Build That
Views: 354,904
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Keywords: woodworking, woodwork, diy, how to, diy project, fixthisbuildthat, fix this build that, cool tools, must have tools, tool guide, woodworking tools, beginner woodworking tools, cheap tools, cheap woodworking tools, must have woodworking tools, inexpensive tools, tool review, cool woodworking tools, small woodworking tools, woodworking projects, do it yourself, ftbt, alibaba tools, aliexpress tools, alibaba, aliexpress
Id: 3Ua8Vpw9000
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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