I Bought A WRECKED 2012 Volkswagen GOLF R ‘SIGHT UNSEEN’ And It Came With All Of These MODS! (LUCKY)

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part of the accident was this quarter pedal right here and it's pretty bad actually because i didn't see these two dents right here yeah that's pretty bad let's go ahead and check the oil first things first oh wow this we got an apr high pressure fuel pump see that which is another thing is like weird why would someone put a high pressure fuel pump that right there is only for stage two [Music] what is up guys welcome back to a brand new episode from backyard boys look what we got here guys this is another golf r it's a 2012 golf r that looks like it's packing a lot of horsepower let's take a look at the pictures that i saw initially from the auction when i was buying it [Music] i don't know about you guys but if you notice the pictures there was a audi engine cover there was a intake and it looks like an exhaust an intercooler and a couple of other mods so what can that mean who puts on all those mods without tuning the car i don't know we're yet to find out let's take a quick glance at this car guys when we published our 2016 uh golf r it got so much attention and that car was just so highly loved i figured i'd get another one i may think that this one's more of like an enthusiast package just because it has that dual exhaust in the back and just in general the color and everything is super sick it's a 2012 with 66 000 miles it is a manual i'm not sure if these come dsg but it is a manual and it's got some real bbs wheels as you guys can tell just right off the bat it does seem to be lowered and it does have a lot of damage to take a quick walk around the car we're gonna wash it just because i want to see how this color glistens in the sun this color is just absolutely stunning i fell in love with this color um i was actually looking through the coparne this car popped up and it said like 20 something or 22 hours till auction i was like that car is mine that rarely happens i see a car before it goes on auction but we got some pretty heavy front end damage this fender shot that rim looks damaged we have some roof scratches up top i didn't really take a good look at the car just yet we got it last night i charged the battery just so you guys would have to wait for that and then rear is took it apart as well and look at that what do we got here what do we got here what is that apr baby we got a little bit damaged right here that looks like it should pdr and no um you guys can see a little wave right here it seems like i should be able to get that out without any paint we got some serious suspension damage here and some serious quarter panel damage i don't know if you can tell by the wheel the wheel is kind of sitting like this you know like way up in there we got some dents here but let's go ahead and get this thing washed up i don't want to see all this dirt on the car and then we can actually take a good deep look at it and look at this guys boom bunch of parts i don't know what's still safe i don't know what's bad but i'm gonna go ahead and close this and get it washed up let's go get the pressure washer so boys our pressure washer is down right now so we're gonna have to do it the old fashioned way a little bit of hose and bucket action but she's gonna be looking clean i guarantee that we can get a microfiber put some uh what's it called some soap in here get her washed up get it looking spicy i'll catch you guys in a little bit [Music] so [Music] [Music] before any of you guys comment saying yo tim why are you washing it with some sponge just so you know about ninety percent of this car is gonna be painted and um the rest is gonna be polished down looking perfect might as well even paint the whole entire car i don't know we'll see we'll see how much dents and dings this thing has [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right guys well now that we've got the car washed up battery charged up hopefully it fires up i'm a little bit curious on that because we never know it's an auction car and uh it might not fire up something more more to the damage you know that's pretty typical especially the fact that it has no coolant we'll see let's go ahead and start looking around the damage when i was watching this thing guys and there's a lot more damage than i thought so i'm gonna say that about 100 of the car has been painted the roof is going to go black most likely because look at this i have no idea what this came from but someone oh wow just locked it that's keyless entry look at that look i just touched it that's pretty cool 2012 keyless entry carbon fiber mirrors mirror caps sorry look at that we got a rock chip right there rock chip right here i mean the condition of it is not mint but the color guys the color is just 100 dude it's so sick for those of you guys saying since you're painting the whole entire car might as well change the color no i'm keeping this color this color is super sick okay so we got some fat debt right here i'm guessing it's from the fender hitting and it just kind of creasing that right over there let's move along forward we got another dent right over here and a fat crease over here i'm not sure if the camera's capturing it but that's what it looks like we have a little bit of an area that's marked right here but it's looking like there's no absolutely just kind of like a little scuff or like a tire mark which should wipe right off with some gas or some reducer nothing over here these boat doors need to be repaired and painted um part of the accident was this quarter pedal right here and it's pretty bad actually because i didn't see these two dents right here one two then we got all of this and this quarter panel is kind of like pushed in there and the suspension is damaged so this quarter panel is going to be repaired should be a pretty straightforward repair i've done these not that tough this body line is pretty symmetrical and nice and clean all around taillight has a little bit of a scuff right here um should buff right out though that's nothing deep no cracks nothing like that it's looking beautiful and what i like about this actually the tail light is kind of tinted it looks like it's a factory tail i'm not sure because it doesn't seem like there's a film or anything on here guys i'm not much of a volkswagen guy so i'm not sure if that's from dealer or i mean from factory or maybe he painted or something but it looks really cool looks kind of like the blackline tail lights if you guys watch my channel you guys know more of a bmw guy but okay let's keep going on we have basically no damage over here look at this guys apr exhaust you know this sucker is expensive i think this exhaust rates at 2200 i'm not sure maybe cheaper but yeah also when i was unloading the car the car was on a what's it called a nine you know nine car hauler and i went under the car and i looked and it has a mid pipe that's apr as well which i can attach a picture right here boom um kind of zoom in and you see it's apr so right here the you know the car got hit in the back very lightly it seems like uh initially what i think is he wrecked someone in the front and then someone like slammed the brakes and just lightly tapped them so this part right here is kind of you know damaged in we can take a look if i can unlock the car and show you guys right now but stay tuned we're gonna get all the parts out of the car and so you see that right here can you see it it's kind of tough camera's not really picking it up but there's some there there's some there definitely something there although the trunk closes really nice and clean all the gaps sit nice and flush everything is beautiful and i cannot get over this color this color is just sick like stand back and just look at this right here dude just like man it's just beautiful it's literally amazing but look at these exhaust i saw exhaust tips exhaust tips they're huge look my whole fist fits in there a little bit dirty maybe shooting flames or something hopefully those shoe flames i feel like it's a stage two something we got a little dent right here i saw it in the shadow this quarter panel is gonna be painted for multiple reasons we have this right here clear coat peeling it was a california car very hot summer i'm guessing and that's why the clear coat peeled and then we have a dab right here which is non-accident related rim here is not curved seems to be perfectly fine only one rim is damaged which is that one over there this door here seems like it's fine this is kind of where i was saying that 90 of the cars even painted because these two doors are perfectly fine i mean they had no damage on them is looking pretty the side skirt is nice and clean but since i'm literally blending this door because i'm gonna have to get some color right here since i'm blending these doors there's no reason for me not to paint the door because we're gonna have a you know a new fender here and then nothing painted it'd be kind of ridiculous look at this rim though guys look at this yeah that's pretty bad so what i think i'm gonna do with this room since this one rim is like 800 or 600 or something like that what i'm gonna do is get this thing uh fixed i'm gonna send this off get this repaired i think we have a guy that's local that can repair it and then i'm gonna get it painted and i'm gonna pull these protectors off i don't like these protectors they look good on the black golf r on this one here since the color the car is not black and we can clearly see the rim i think i'm gonna pull them off and it's going to give me that like bigger rim look kind of flowing with the tire so let's go to the main impact looking just from the direct front it does not seem like our frame is bent whatsoever but let me show you guys the little stuff that it's packing look at this so we got an intake this looks like our performance intake volkswagen racing so that right there if i'm not mistaken it's kind of like dine in for bmw which is basically an oem uh racing part for volkswagen not too sure about that don't fax check me but we got a volkswagen or audi cover because the filter doesn't fit with the stock volkswagen cover going on forward look at this guys we have an apr intake or intercooler sorry apr intercooler this right here is about twelve hundred dollars just for this intercooler also this is not mandatory for stage one so let's hope it's stage two tuned we got a little cap right here and um going back forward i can't really see the turbo or anything i mean i can see it but i'm not sure if it's modded or anything i can't really see if it has a down pipe but let's pop this puppy off and see if it has anything else under here now that we got the engine cover off first thing we got to do before we start it is check the oil so before i start i'm going to check the oil and looking up forward the impact was very interesting because first of all the radiator or the intercooler just seems perfectly fine hopefully it's undamaged and the top of this radiator i mean it's really not bent just the top of it like look down here it's all perfectly fine just the top of it so maybe it is leaking cooling somewhere from up here which is kind of weird because it has no coolant so i don't know i don't know we'll figure it out we're gonna get a new ac condenser a new radiator new fan we're gonna get a whole core support all this stuff up front it's gonna be brand new headlight brackets and everything but i first got to make sure by pulling everything out of the trunk look at this guys though come here look we got an apr high pressure fuel pump see that which is another thing is like weird why would someone put a high pressure fuel pump that right there is only for stage two without an apr this looks like a boost gauge which it does have a boost gauge inside so this goes into the interior and it shows you how much you know how much you're boosting i don't know i don't know if the old owner of this car can please contact me and hit me up on instagram at byb tim and just kind of tell me what the gist of this car maybe it has to run e85 you know like i don't i honestly don't know i don't want to blow this motor or anything but but i mean it still has some gas so we're going to run on how it is let's go ahead and go into the interior it seems like we have no apron damage um and for those of you guys that say hey tim you talk a lot this is a reveal video a reveal video is just kind of showing you guys the whole entire car and the just the you know the gist of what needs to be done to it all the damage and things like that in the next episode we're gonna start working on it showing you guys the progress you know the steps and the plans for the car stuff like that but i'm pretty excited maybe we can make this thing shoot some gnarly gnarly flames let's go ahead and into the interior okay so we got this pretty simple looking interior nothing's really complicated i mean it is a 2012 it's an eight-year-old car and here's that boost gauge i was talking about we have a boost gauge over here and when i was taking delivery of the car last night i did notice one thing which is this right here i'm not sure what's what knob this is it kind of looks like a haldex um you know knob that turns your front wheel drive to rear wheel drive whatever the percentage but i mean i'm not really too sure about that just yet so that's another reason why i want the old owner to contact me and see what that is we do have some wear and tear on the steering wheel kind of worn out i mean i was kind of expecting a better quality i mean better conditioned car but it is what it is and we have some wear here and we got some wear over here these three things are most likely to be changed and reupholstered here's a great opportunity for those that want to sponsor a steering wheel no just kidding but let's go ahead into the interior turn on the ignition very interesting start button look at that ignition is on and we have 66 000 miles um and 66 898. i got to check the oil before we start this thing but we got all the parts stuffed over here and it seems like the headliner is sagging just a bit and it looks like that is interesting some blue lights over there that is very annoying too so i'm gonna turn that off for you guys um all this stuff works over here how's that this work let's turn the ignition see come on oh there it is oh so it does work that's nice gonna leave this open that way we get some better lighting here the seats in here are pretty sick i like this more like aggressive um kind of bucket style seat got nothing here we do have a bunch of random kidney care paperwork so i'm pretty sure this guy was some kind of something i don't know where he was working but that is it for the interior we got comfort and sport mode right here that's pretty cool the other black golf bar didn't have that traction control and park distance sensors here this layout is pretty simple it is a volkswagen it is 2012 not too crazy not expecting anything crazy we got dyna audio right here and it's tinted from the inside and i actually really like this percentage of tint it's not too bright it's not too dark and uh yeah that's that's it for the interior for now i'm very curious on to what the condition of the rear seats are since everything is kind of folded and you really can't tell if anything is ripped or anything so let's go ahead and get all these parts out and show you guys everything that's inside there go ahead and open the trunk boom look at that all right let's get all this stuff out of here [Music] please [Music] all right so went ahead and vacuumed the interior just a little bit it did freshen up by a ton it's looking pretty good it still does need a nice deep vacuum more likely going to get it all you know steam cleaned inside because these interiors i noticed they kind of aged pretty quick i mean i don't know see like the puffier seats you can see a lot of creases in them and in general just like the carpet itself is like puffy it's weird the vacuum's not really picking anything up and it's five horsepower that vacuum's a powerful sucker um it's literally a powerful sucker no pun intended let's go ahead and look over all the parts here um one thing i like about this is we don't actually have that much parts everything is pretty straight forward and the rear bumper is completely safe basically nothing really bad with the rear bumper uh we do have some minor thing right here which should stand right out it's nothing crazy whatsoever besides that i mean the diffuser is safe and needs to get repainted obviously because it's been tossed around and yeah rear bumpers fully safe front bumper is destroyed we have a hole here and then we have a hole right over here as well so two holes in the front bumper i'm gonna get a new front bumper but the lower grilles and all the inserts everything is here which is really nice and the bumper is complete from the inside as well it's got squirters it's got everything that's gonna save us a ton of money and a kind of hassle why because searching for those kind of minor parts it does really rack up on the price all we got to do is buy a whole bumper cover i do have these inserts as well they're inside the car these front and rear absorbers are basically fully safe nothing damaged with him it seems like the car ran under a truck because we can see a little outline of a tow hitch or something right here headlights right here this headlight here is busted top mounts are busted for me if a top mount is busted on a headlight i don't know man i just can't deal with it i'm gonna change them they're pretty sick though look at that all black i'm not sure if that's stock because i think the stock one has like a little silver inside here rather than that being black computers are here everything's here maybe i can even sell this headlight maybe this one here is busted the casing is cracked and then we have a what looks to be a safe headlight um bracket okay fender is busted fender liner is good this is the little heat shield and then the radius support and grille pretty straightforward we're gonna get the parts pretty darn quick why because like i said in other videos audi parts or volkswagen parts are pretty cheap and we're just gonna go to the dealer and get all of them and get this thing pieced together as soon as we can that way i can show you guys some constant content on the car so right now it's time to finally get this motor started up i'm pretty anxious i'm curious on what it sounds like since it does have that you know apr exhaust and let's go ahead and check the oil first things first oh wow the seal just fell off i'm not trying to lose that seal okay let's put that seal back on here where it should be let's go ahead and pull that out i'm going to make this completely dry don't want to risk just simply not worth the risk this motor is shot then maybe we're gonna do some crazy build i don't know i don't know how expensive these motors are but it's completely dry okay let's go ahead and put it in all the way in clipped in and that still fell off again just put it back on all the way out and we got perfect oil level let's go ahead and see how dark this oil is it's pretty dark it's pretty dark but we can still fire up that's fine let's go ahead and see what it has i'm curious and to see if it has any more mods like i don't know where to exactly look to see if it does have anything modded out just kind of browsing around coil packs seem to stalk at least from what from what i think maybe spark plugs or something anyways let's get it fired up motor truth [Music] sounds pretty tasty too huh sounds nice yeah sounds pretty good so i'm not gonna let it run for too long but i will give it a couple of rabbits says check coolant we got a windshield you know headlights stability control light on airbag light on but i'm gonna give it a couple revs if this motor does blow up i'm doing it for you guys so don't be blaming me oh i got some backfires some burbles yeah [Music] seems good i'm gonna kill it that checks out that's awesome that's a very good that means motorcycle is pretty healthy too it does have that little tfsi or fsi whatever the motor is a little ticking sound which is common check out these tires we've got some p0's on here they look pretty sick i think these are called bbs lmrs and i'm not sure if those are factory rotors or not i mean someone can comment that'd be pretty sweet and though check that out look we got coilovers no way and that is what brand is that you see um no no no no on this side h r yeah it says h r hey look at that inside here you can see h and r no way dude we just scored 1 200 coilovers because it looks slammed you know it looks really low in the pictures and i'm just like hopefully it's coil overs hopefully this coilover is not just some springs we got some coilovers and that is it for the car man it cleaned up so nice i'm just so excited to get this thing back in the road and honestly i'm really curious on to how fast it is and if these videos do well i think i'm going to do something crazy and go maybe stage 3 500 or 450 something that wheel horsepower i wanted to really have that anti-lag two-step freaking flames in the back that's just so sick for me i know it's probably bad for the turbo or anything but it's worth it for the content just for the experience of life all righty guys well just kind of brainstorming in my head i went over all the numbers of all the mods the car has and i'm up at almost nine thousand dollars let's go ahead and just quickly tell you guys what i saw so far don't know what kind of tune or anything's on the car so we got coilovers thousand two hundred dollars hr coilovers that's without shipping without nothing just roughly estimates two and a half grand for wheels we got about a six hundred dollar intake five six hundred dollars if i'm not mistaken i only found one on ebay and it was coming out from austria or something like that or anyway some other uh place we got an apr intercooler which is a thousand dollars uh we got an exhaust which is two and a half grand and a down pipe or a mid pipe i'm not sure if it has downpipe just yet i can't really check in there we got a boost gauge and most likely a tune not sure just yet guys that's crazy the winning bid for this car was 9 200 just so you guys know many guys comment that down below saying how much did you win this car for and that is the price comment down below if you think that's a good deal please don't comment down the price that way other people can watch the video and find out for themselves with all that being said i hope you guys are excited for this project just as i am i am very excited to get this thing back on the road it does need a lot of work but i can tackle everything it's really straightforward no crazy frame damage nothing like that just some mud work some paintwork assembly work and i'm pumped to get it back in the streets see how it rips and just in general see how fast it is if you guys are new to this channel go ahead and lightly tap the subscribe button down below smash that like button to show your support and if you guys want to support the channel please cop yourself some merch this is one of the legendary backyard boys shirts i do have these in stock so swipe up just kidding it's gonna be the first link in the description area and um i'll catch you guys in the next episode peace out you
Channel: BackYardBoyz
Views: 300,926
Rating: 4.9100575 out of 5
Keywords: copart rebuild, rebuilding a wrecked car, b is for build, samcrac copart, salvage cars, copart auction, copart project car, samcrac jetta, wrecked car, goonzquad wrecked, copart cars, backyard boyz, backyard boys, alex rebuilds, car rebuild, iaai rebuild, copart build, salvage car rebuild, salvage car, wrecked rebuild, vtuned, copart uk, auto auction, copart project, wrecked cars, tj hunt, iaai auction, wrecked car rebuild, how to fix a car, golf r, volkswagen, vw, mk6
Id: hnz_SPm5_jA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 27sec (1467 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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