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bedroom guys we are in Dallas Texas with my friend Garrett Garrett has uh has been collecting video games for a long time how many years now about five six years now five six years and we're about to dig into a storage unit now the storage unit is just packed right and it's completely and we haven't even opened it up yet to be a real raw you know you know um okay Hungarian all right we'll talk more about the story as we go through it but let's let's dig in so in here what are we looking at is there is this kind of everything or uh so it's mostly divided into totes uh I mean you got GameCube and 64. it's a lot of consoles okay a lot of disk space games here but today really you're looking at I'm gonna buy this stuff it's kind of weak okay okay well I say let's just start digging through some of it and see what we have man got a bunch of PS3 we always need these Black Ops Black Ops 2. do you have I mean that you can you know already kind of where I need to be on things right I mean do you even know value like do we even have any ideas so I took a list and I've made like a list of how many consoles I had how many were tested but then once I started getting into it and started realizing that some of them were missing cores missing controllers stuff like that um yeah it just kind of my spreadsheet kind of fell apart so okay so how do you have any idea how you want to try to do this like this is this is the part where I'm like this is the most I've seen in a while a and then also to try to figure out man what's right you know what's right for me I didn't know if you're trying to go through like tote by tote if you wanted to take everything up to the store take it test it so I think we're gonna start we're gonna start this way we're gonna start going Toe by Toe this is a box of n64s I don't know if I'm going to show you guys every single one because that would take forever but I'm just trying to give you guys an idea um here is a box of n64s um there's we said five five of those what did you do on this box 300 300 okay he's good with 300. uh great so he's gonna start doing this like uh I don't even know I don't even know how like American Pickers I've seen them do it before they start tagging it so yeah I'm glad you're doing that because I wouldn't be able to keep up with it so tote one 300 yay let's see what this is Xbox original holy cow uh those all have been tested they all work okay um you know if they've been open because I think this one's been open uh that I don't know about if they've been refurbished okay obviously yeah if they have the security showing just a Halo one is that right I think it's the Halo top but it just didn't oh okay [Music] around that you have controllers and everything for them somewhere yeah I have a whole boxer literally like a towed almost this size of just Xbox original controllers 64 sell faster for me than an OG Xbox right for sure right I'm an idiot oh would you do like another 250 300 this GT's 75 275 275 275 on all of these most of this we wouldn't take but what do you want to do you want me to just take it like and then like if I can figure out there's some value I can just throw you some more like later like I don't know like a lot of the uh peripherals we don't right oh we wouldn't take this I don't know if you want to keep them um do you want to keep some stuff yeah I guess if you if you're not gonna take the peripherals yeah I can probably yeah we're going to a local shop or something we can go through it we have we just have so much we stuff here thank you the knockoff uh yeah Ruby version okay you can do that in there basically just making totes of stuff that we probably can't take but most of it we're going to be able to I'm just trying to figure out my head all right now we're to the GameCube stuff oh it's all right yeah it's it's good when you see this Nintendo GameCube it's a good day it's a good day got a bunch of Cubes Mercy got a bunch of controllers in probably various conditions okay so we got one two three four five six is there more under there yep eight all right I would do 425. right up yeah that'll work okay 425 oh you get your paper that one's cool uh these do really really well and we have a little box for these that's some little Minecraft dog yeah okay so you have two bags of plush how about let's look in that bag [Music] thank you these would also do really well the Splatoon I would buy this and it's this is from Nintendo this is the what I'm saying I'm just thinking about like we're gonna have to clean these two though I know but it all takes time for sure and you can just throw them in a dryer real quick oh I mean I'm hoping to buy them yeah yeah what do you think I'm on the plush I don't know what do you think for Bay we've never really done use plush so I don't know I don't know yet you know what I mean but yeah I think I think they will sell um Christy was pretty apprehensive about doing use plush for a while she's like it's like material you know it's like I'm like I know but if we can go there's a market for it yeah if we can get them cleaned up back whenever we were doing the eBay you're gonna have to shoot me on this one because this is not my forte I don't know say like 50 bucks a bag maybe 200 for everything I don't know I do 140. because I just don't know this is so this is a it's a territory that I've never I've never dealt with used blush before so I'm like I'm sure there's some good ones in here yeah or we can do 150 do you want it it's 50 bucks yeah let's do it okay 150 a bag tally me up and it is more games what do you know we have n64s hello everybody in the 64s all that's been tested uh but it is just random I don't know what it consoles are in there but it's they've all been tested they all work [Music] I'm overwhelmed man this is this is a Garrett has put a first on me I'm like I'm a processor so I'm like this is awesome and I'm pumped and I'm like I also see the late nights yeah I see the late nights ahead of all of us two o'clock in the morning we wanted a game I wanted a Game Stop it all right here we go we got some games um so I will say this guys you've been watching the channel for a while you know that lately we have so much shovelware stuff I say shovelware games that are 15 bucks and under we have a storage unit filled so I'm looking more right now for the stuff that we can we can sell quickly like I really don't see anything really in here that it's calling my name I think I'll let Garrett bring this to his other guy I've been thinking about having a dollar booth at Rich like literally my whole Booth is dollar guys just one dollar games nice all right we got some are these all PS3s probably yes and I can't remember if those have been tested yeah yeah it's like I've turned it on played a level on it but I mean I haven't like downloaded the content or anything like that on it so dude you have so many n64s oh my gosh this is crazy do you know I mean again it's tough did you test these for like multiple discs like blue back gold back or do you need let's say it was like play a level play a couple levels okay let's think about this so we have N64 NES Genesis buckwheat I just didn't get this many consoles that's like the thing that's cool it was about 100 or so that I was thinking roughly I meant I meant again this is just kind of like my general what I pay I'd be around 230 with that minus the PS3s I'm trying to think how how hard it is to repair that that but I mean these are sought after you know oh yeah that's people wants the good one um 350 360. this is where I'm thinking on all this stuff I know it's hard we're just like literally digging through like half the stuff I was looking up a year ago two years which I know price is kind of fluctuating yeah so I was thinking around 360 on this stuff okay I counted with 375. sure 75 let's do it did you want to go shredding dog [Music] you want to give me a deal in the Box without me going through every single thing can I try I don't even know what all is in there man I don't know name a number put your gun two thousand dollars man for a bunch of weeds rock bands for a bunch of rock bands and children he has all the really good games back in where we live so we're we're gonna make that deal too I'm excited about that [Music] okay what you got there well we are at the back of the storage unit at this point it's very late but hey we're rocking and rolling I can't I can't get over the amount of stuff that you found in just just these past years like full-time jobs a second full-time job so uh we got a couple Wii U's in the Box we're not 100 for sure on you said you bought these and they were confirmed that they worked back then yeah um you know you went on these two we use uh like 200 250 for both um yeah yeah yeah uh I'd be good at 200 for both of these yeah so Mark's down for that we are basically going through a lot of these bins that have just a ton of games and this is like this is gonna give you a quick snapshot we're basically getting a lot of the games that we know are gonna do well in this or no Gear Solid at a crashed where's the evil Marios so even those NCAA footballs it's crazy those are doing well um so that's what we're doing right now moving over now to the Wii stuff so it's picked up two we use and yeah that's awesome let's go to this one and okay this is gonna crack that open see if it's open yeah I felt something there's at least a cart yes it is on the other side very nice this is Zelda DX you already have this in your collection huh okay yeah that's what I was saying there's some box jewels in there oh man okay so I've said this before this isn't like the crazy games you have lots of you have boxes of those they're all in Arkansas still I think I've said that so this is a little you know there's some good stuff in here but that's what I'm really excited about so Garrett's moving out to my neck of the woods soon so we'll get to that stuff soon but today today is the over 100 consoles that it seems like we're dealing with all right so you said these are magazines yeah so it's either game informers or okay let's see if we get all the Nintendo Powers yeah I'll post presume they're all pretty some of them even have trading cards in them shall I count them is that probably the best thing to do on the design of ours one two three four five six we'll say 43-ish Nintendo Powers it's 43 of them probably all different dates are the older ones yeah they're all the mainly holders yeah uh what about 240. what does that break down to uh like six ish a piece ish can you do eight a piece 10 a piece okay so eight what's that what did I say God my head you said six piece original I know he came back with eight three hundred three hundred I don't even know what that breaks down importance Louise you got 12 wings bundle bundle bundle I'm out now we're looking at Guitar Hero guitars we don't sell the Guitar Hero lives at the store but we could do a bunch of these there were Goodwills with trash cans filled with these oh yeah and now they've all came back everybody in the toy section now they know okay let's roll with the knees and then there's another box there was 23 and then there's the drum set do we are we taking all the drum sets when we take them home four Uncharted Territory for me the guitar stuff I just don't know it um but I do know I do know it's hot I do know some of them are worth a lot do you have a price that you want to do like per guitar 15 20 a pop so what's that at that's like I don't have a calculator at that point 23. 23 times 15. that's like 20 to 2 Grand it's not too hard it's like 3 45. 23 times 15 is 345. not too great two let's get late you're tired dude I'll do more than that we'll do the 450. yeah 450 is great let's do 450. and then the drums too you can do let's do 500 just to do it all 500 500. yay so we're doing all the Box stuff now a lot of the a lot of this stuff In fairness isn't in the best condition and like when you're talking box consoles you're talking a very specific buyer this one is okay I think we could work on that one and make it look pretty good this one it's pretty torn but again you're talking about stuff that's super old I mean it's yeah I get it um it's like I'm almost going kind of just off of it being a Wii on some of these right on this right here I'm thinking 800 a counter with a thousand nine hundred and 75. [Laughter] just because I know that that Blockbuster case is that it's pretty penny is it yeah well the only thing I'm thinking about with it is it is damaged right it's got this and it's got that latch that's gone one of the latches are missing so I I thought the same thing yeah I know that those can go but when I saw that I was like I just you know again that's gonna be a particular buyer that's gonna be okay with that 940. 9.50 okay let's see 950 950. it's looking for a thousand whenever I was okay okay all right well we'll get those over there do you want to be do you want to be crazy just do the end of it with all this stuff do you want to you want to come through [Music] I always want to feel good about where the where the money is going to be so like that Zelda how much is that Zelda worth a couple hundred bucks probably yeah I almost wonder what we're at right now you want to tell it what we're at you want to do that let's do that let's tell you where we're at we've tallied up numbers for all that stuff over there and none of the kind of random stuff in some of the games where are we at right now at 65.50 65.50 we've got like literally it's at this point I'm like wrestling cards uh a PS3 we don't know this is a little suspect a random weed that was sitting around so it's stuff that I still want empty cases there is some good stuff in here there's a Zelda and then all these games um what do you think about what do you think about 7 500 and you don't owe me anything for coming down here in the U-Haul that's just everything that's yeah that's this line and this line so we talked about at the beginning of this if I came all the way out here doing something with the with the U-haul um there's like 400 450 so I'm kind of factoring that in as well but 65 to 7 500 plus that so what do you what do you think you do like eight even I'm in man let's do eight let's do eight grand and I'm gonna help you get connected with somebody else that's the biggest help so so I'm trying to get it moved out okay great dude Garrett again thank you so much for having me enjoy thank you my friend uh we got a lot we got a lot to do to pack up and this is all great stuff for the store are you feeling I'm feeling good I I do need to use the restroom though so I'm gonna I'm gonna do that [Music] thank you
Channel: Retro Rick
Views: 120,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rQbcZSQr1CM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 14sec (1094 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 10 2023
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