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Hi guys! It's Kaneko! So today's main ingredient is this! Ready... Super huge Omar shrimp! (Lobster) Alright, let's clean it! [Cooking starts!] So again, today's main ingredient is this Super huge Omar shrimp Isn't this size crazy?! I bought this super huge Omar shrimp this morning Last time when I visited Korea, they had this huge Omar shrimp on the market Ah wait, I don't think I can eat that lobster Ah wait, wait... To be honest, I want to buy that one I want to buy that one and bring it to Japan But I can't take that home... Too bad So I wanted to buy this in Korea, but I couldn't bring it back home in Japan I searched all over for it in Japan And I finally found it and bought it! Plus, this one is a lot larger than the one I saw in Korea By the way this one is 7 kilograms It's a no doubt that this is one of the biggest Omar shrimps! Look at this! Larger than my hand! It looks like it's more powerful than Tasmanian King Crab It's such a rare experience to have this here, so let's observe it together! [Observation] This is the ventral view Very squishy And the legs Each legs have normal crab size claws It'll hurt so bad if you get nipped See how strong they are? And the size of these 2 claws is slightly different This one is larger Let's flip it to see the dorsal side It's like this And these antennas bend more like a whip compared to spiny lobsters Whop-eesh Face looks like this Scary...I feel like I'll have a nightmare about this So today, I'm going to cook this Omar shrimp I thought about how I want to cook this And since it's size I'm going to boil this whole shrimp in salted water I think that's the best way to cook it And I want to dip it in different types of sauces and eat! So first, I'll need to boil this whole shrimp But that gas stove is too small So I rented out a large gas stove and this large pot And I set this outside and filled the pot with water That shrimp should fit in this pot, so I'm going to boil it in here Put salt in the pot Alright, let's put Omar shrimp [Boil Omar shrimp] Put it from the tail Itadakimasu So I'm going to boil it for about 40 minutes 40 minutes might be too short, maybe 1 hour I'm going to boil it I look forward to it! While that's being cooked, I'm going to make dipping sauces I'm making 5 types of sauces today The 1st one! Hot chili sauce (Sriracha) The 2nd one! Similar to hot chili sauce But I'm using one of my favorites, Yangnyeom It's used to make Yangnyeom Cajun The 3rd one! I'm making a simple dipping sauce with lime and salt The 4th one! Everyone's favorite, Ponzu sauce (Citrus soy sauce) The 5th one! I'm making a boiled egg right now but it'll be tartare sauce I'm going to compare these 5 types of sauces And find out which sauce is the best one that goes well with the shrimp I'm just pouring these hot chili sauce and Yangnyeom in the dipping bowls So I'm going to cut well washed lime like this It makes it easier to squeeze [Squeeze lime juice] Skin side down and squeeze This helps extract the flavor from the skin as well And it'll be more flavorful Squeeze very well Then leave a slice in the bowl as a decoration Add little bit of coarse salt Lime dipping sauce is done! Moving on to Ponzu dipping sauce Pour a lot of Ponzu sauce in a dipping bowl Add "Momiji Oroshi" (Grated Daikon radish with chili pepper) And chop green onions Add them together Mix And add lemon slices Ponzu dipping sauce is done! Next is hot chili sauce Squeeze it in the dipping bowl and that's it Squeezing~ This looks like ketchup but it's pretty spicy Next is Yangnyeom Ah looks so good And sprinkle a pinch of sesame seeds Lastly, I'm going to make tartare sauce Chop onion into small pieces I'm gonna go with coarsely chopped onions Put them in the microwave safe bowl Cover it with plastic wrap and Microwave it Onions are cooked in microwave Add a boiled egg and a pickled cucumber Lemon juice Salt and pepper Chopped parsley Add them Squeeze mayonnaise [Mix] Mix very well Put the mixture into the dipping bowl Tartare sauce is done! Alright, all 5 sauces are ready All I need to do is to wait until that huge Omar shrimp is fully cooked It's cooked Here Isn't it crazy?! It's so nicely cooked! Ended up boiling for about an hour and a half So I'm sure the inside is fully cooked So I'm going to let it cool down for a bit and start removing the shell And I'm going to plate the meat in this large tray I'm letting it cool down So I let it cool for about 2 hours Let's remove the shell [Cut claws off] First, I'm going to cut off these claws One down And the 2nd one [Remove the tail] Next, I'm going to remove the tail [Remove the head] And remove the head A lot of Tomalley [Remove gills] And I'm removing the gills by the head You don't eat the gills of crabs nor shrimps [Cut in half] And cut it in half Like this [Remove the meat] Alright, let's take out the meat from the shell Using the same method when you shell a spiny lobster Remove the bottom shell And Remove the top shell Like this The amount of meat looks small for that giant body But the claws are huge [Cut the joints] Cut here first Cut the joints and make smaller pieces And I can dig out the meat using chopsticks [Cut the claws] I don't think I can cut with my knife So I'm going to use a knife and a hammer Nope It'll damage my knife.. I'm going to hammer and crack the shell Not good And too loud here.. So I'm going to do it here I'm gonna go outside and crack the shell I can't do this inside the house I'll be right back So I cracked the shell outside I slammed it with a hammer on top of concrete It was hard to crack it [Remove the shell] Larger claw was actually easier to crack it Look how large it is My fist fits So this is the claw meat The meat got some scum on so I'm going to wash it of Alright, let's plate it! [Plating] [DONE!] Alright, done! Itadakimasu! Let's eat! Look at this gorgeous plate of Omar shrimp By the way, the price of this Omar shrimp was Little over 30000 yen per shrimp At cost price Alright, let's eat! So let's cut the tail meat in smaller pieces Super big The meat is firm and bouncy Because the body is so big, I wonder if the meat doesn't have much flavor I'm excited to taste it I'm dipping the meat in these dipping sauces Let's think about the order to dip Because I want to dip it in the saltier sauce last So I'm dipping it in this order Salt lime, Ponzu, tartare, chili sauce, Yangnyeom Let's eat it without dipping in any sauce Itadakimasu! Wooow So good! Very juicy! The fiber of the meat is thick Perfect saltiness! Let's dip it in salt lime dipping sauce Itadakimasu! Wow delicious! Seriously everyone, please try it! When you boil cook crabs or shrimps This salt lime dipping sauce goes very well and delicious! Because I put salt and not just simple lime juice it helps bring the flavor of lime and the lobster more vibrant It's really delicious! This is the 1st place as of now [Dipping sauce rankings - The 1st place - Salt lime] Next, let's try ponzu sauce This one should be delicious Ah, this one tastes good too [The 2nd place - Ponzu sauce] But salt lime dipping sauce tasted a lot better I really want to rank which sauce is the best so I'm going to drink green tea In between so I can taste the food well Delicious Next is this one Tartare sauce! Expectation is high on this one! Shrimp and tartare sauce match very well so Put a lot on the shrimp and Itadakimasu! Wow! Tasty!! I mean of couse, shrimp and mayo matches I wonder which is better... I would say salt lime dipping sauce is still the 1st place 1. Salt lime 2. Tartare 3. Ponzu Let's try this spicy hot sauce It'll be too spicy if I dip it in too much That's good Itadakimasu! Tasty The rankings 1. Salt lime 2. Tartare 3. Hot chili sauce 4. Ponzu And the next one, Yangnyeom sauce Let's see Yangnyeom itself is so delicious So I'm guessing it'll be good Itadakimasu! Yumm, delicious! It's good but If you ask if Omar shrimp matches with the sauce I guess it doesn't go well as much as I expected Because the sauce has so much flavor already Alright, I have finalized the rankings The 5th place - Ponzu sauce The 4th place - Yangnyeom sauce The 3rd place - hot chili sauce The 2nd place - tartare sauce The 1st place - salt lime dipping sauce By far the best!! It's not that sauce is delicious, this dipping sauce brings the flavor of Omar shrimp Next, I would like to bite into this big claw meat Itadakimasu! Dip it in salt lime dipping sauce Itadakimasu! Sooo goood!! Can I be honest? It tastes better than Tasmanian king crab Each fiber is this thick This is so delicious I have a cucumber here and dip it in Yangneom sauce and eat it So good Takku from TakkuTV youtube channel grew this cucumber He gave me a lot Thank you Takku-san! So the drink I want to enjoy with this boil cooked giant Omar shrimp is Ready... The silver one! 70% beer, 30% foam! Itadakimasu! Delicious! I don't think I can finish it all by myself I'll give out the pieces where I didn't touch to friends Alright, I will start giving them out [Finished eating!] Thanks for the meal! So today, I boil cooked a whole huge Omar shrimp And ate it with different sauces But it was so delicious! That one claw had so much meat inside It was like eating 3 rice balls I gave out some to friends because I couldn't finish it all alone But because it was a huge shrimp, the fiber of the meat was very thick And maybe less flavor compared to the regular size shrimps That huge Omar shrimp was a very rare find So I'm glad I got to introduce and show you guys in this video Alright, thanks for watching! Bye-bye!
Channel: きまぐれクックKimagure Cook
Views: 16,586,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 捌き方, 料理, 釣り, かねこ, さばき, 魚, さかな, きまぐれクック, にしやん, トミック, SASHIMI, 刺身, 塩焼き, 煮つけ, fishing
Id: YJb_iVHcjxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2019
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