1匹17万円!世界最大のカニ『タスマニアキングクラブ』をさばいて食べてみた!WORLDS BIGGEST $1700 CRAB??

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Cow noise, massive dollop of mayo! I don't want to shame people for their condiment choices, but that is like putting kechup on a high dollar Waygu steak! Should have used Sriracha! /s

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/Fritzkreig 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

It's an impressively big crab but the ambiance leaves something to be desired.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/MonaganX 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

poor crab

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/exyu 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

why are we still normalizing boiling animals alive? jesus christ

I don't understand, fkng kill it with a knife right before you dip it how hard is that

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/trahh 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

That beautiful animal belongs in the ocean.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/6Wasted6Youth6 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

I hate these videos....

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/6Wasted6Youth6 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

The Japanese love their Mayo! https://youtu.be/kLPpQ29bL-c

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Bladley 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2021 🗫︎ replies
(Fansub, feel free to fix errors) Hi My name's Kaneko Now there is a lot of seafood I haven't prepared before, but of these, there's one: the Tasmanian King Crab which is the world's heaviest crab. Now this crab is only found in Tasmania, an island off the coast of Australia, only there. Importing them live to japan is certainly illegal so I wont bring it to japan. But even so, they're super duper rare and quite hard to catch so they're a very sought after crabs. Ages ago, I called them, and told them "When you find a King crab, please call me ASAP" But then... They got one. So then, let's go to Tasmania, and get cooking. Because I didn't have anywhere to film in Tasmania, I filmed in the fishing warehouse. Now with that, let's get right into it. The Tasmania King Crab is in here let's go look at it Let's go have a look! -Hellooo! -Konnichihello! -My name a Rob -Nice to meet you, I am Kaneko [Text: Welcome, I've been waiting for you brother] [Text: I've prepared a massive crab for you] [Text: Let's look right away!] [Text: At last we meet the King crab] Hold up, this is crazy! this is so wild! [Text: Tasmania King Crab] This is crazy uwaaaah! This can't be real Really? Look! It's amazing! It's pincers are massive Geez, amazing This is really amazing It really is Amazing... it's so bulky It doesn't look like it's seafood It looks a lot like a land animal's claw Alright it's time, boiling time We'll boil it in here The pot, it's already reached a brisk boil Now, in here we'll put Vinegar and sugar, we'll put them in together. This is salt The salt is well mixed in, and stirred Time for the sugar This is sugar Now for vinegar Vinegar Woah, what a nice smell This is the crab's underside These claws are really something they're so wide you could fit two onigiri on them Even in tasmania they dont get these often the local fishmongers are taking pictures with their cameras too Now we put it in the cage Now we put it in the pot [Text: The mysterious fist] It's so big that we have to boil it for 20 minutes Time to wait These are oysters [Text: production oysters (probably)] Itadakimasu VERYNICE Delish! They have a creamy and fresh flavour to them I brought this with me Ajipon I'd like to try it with oysters Tasmania's the best His first time trying ponzu he likes it Even without they're still tasty I wonder how the king crab's going? Alright, so I'll take this out of here and dump it into the water Woah, it's amazing Time to cool it down While we wait, we'll look at fish woah, this is a fridge woah, amazing! The salmon I know is completely different from this eh, what's this? [Wahoo?] [Text: Red sea bream?] It's massive. Since when could Medai get this big? Amaaaazing [Text: Shimaisaki (four-striped grunter)-looking fish] This is a fish that looks like a shimaisaki (four-striped grunter), but it's massive What's this? [Text: Mystery pink fish] it's amazing it's pink, its whole body is pink [Text: Red snapper] it's slightly different from japanese red snapper its head's shape is different it's an amazing fridge well now it's time to attend to the crab let's go look Alright, ready, and- Alright, next we'll deal with it over there Alright, today's utensils are: first up, A hammer I won't be able to prepare it without this A cleaver Pliers Scissors These are the utensils I'll use [Text: Let's cook!] Alright, first: these They look like they'll be a challenge I'll try my best. First, The claws and the legs. Alright alright alright First, a strong chop Nice, the meat's really good Alright, all the legs are off So next I'll do the claws Huuuge! The claws are massive Alright, time for the main body I dont know how much crab miso is inside I'll cut this off. Hold on a second The juices are edible, so woah That's a lotta juice Next, I'll open the body let's do it nice Allright, this is what it's like Suprisingly, there's less crab paste than I thought Next, the body I got this fillet from it We can't really eat this part, so away it goes. There's plenty of crab paste so I'll put it back in here This shell is pretty nice but Tasmania's pretty strict, so I can't do much with it. This is all crab paste we can eat this next is this part of the shell, let's chop it First, in half Alright, it's become like this We'll eat this later Alright, so next is The legs Ready, and- It's like this now for the rest It's kinda smaller than I thought it'd be Now like this, the legs are done Alright, it's time Time to prepare the claws First, I'll chop from here But really, this really needs some persuasion I'm gonna need the strength it's hammer time Alright woah it looks really delicious Next, this one It's so pretty I almost dont want to break it Geez, it's amazing look at this it's bigger than my fist Alright, the last tone it's prepared the same way first, you hit the two joints then you smack here Next, you hit it here It's hard. This one's harder than the other Alright, this one's ready too the preparation is finally finished this is the main shell ther's plenty of crab paste inside it's a nice red colour These are the legs now that they're out of their shells {cant understand} This is the flesh from the body it's nice and fatty They resemble {tanagara?} they have that texture Then, this is the claw, it's big. the legs are a little thin, but the claw is massive Alright, time to eat I brought a few sauces from Japan First is ponzu Wasabi Soy sauce and, shichimi togarashi (Japanese seven spice mixture) And also... Mayonnaise I'm ready to eat this massive claw first up, I'll eat this What's this? Delicious! of course, there's the crab-like flavour but there's also flavours from various other seafood like scallop, and a little bit of oyster Now I'll try it with mayonnaise Alright, down the hatch! [cow noise] It's so good! It's a bit fatty, but really really good It's so good leg time Woah the flavour is completely different This one's crab flavour is much more prominent really really good Next up is crab paste People tend to not eat this part Let's eat [Text: He laughs] It smells like it's raw It's so strong So really, after all, this claw... is the tastiest part Now then, everyone here will eat well, then, I'll take a little back to the hotel, and give you my impression of the crab. Alright, let's go [Text: Meal Complete!] I've returned to the hotel it was a good experience this is what's left and also this The silver one. I bought this too. I'll upload my videos of shopping in Tasmania's city onto the second channel. please watch those too. alright then. Tasmania only had this in bottles, so it's this for today. It's a 7:3 ratio this time itadakimasu so good The asahi they sell in Tasmania, is still great. So I really enjoyed the mayonnaise last time, so I'll try it again. it's great so everyone's probably curious about the price of this crab. This crab was around 10kg 10kg cost me $1800. that's around 170000 yen. The cameraman's travel expenses, and mine, were around about 2000000 yen. this time around You can't change the price, but it became a good memory. That I was able to eat something like this I am truly thankful to everyone for. I wouldn't mind making more videos overseas so for everything thank you very much. Tomorrow I'll be going to Sydney Sydney has the 3rd biggest fishing market in the world I want to go there. I'll make a main channel video for that as well. I'm looking forward to it well then, thanks for today. Bye bye!
Channel: きまぐれクックKimagure Cook
Views: 25,514,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 捌き方, 料理, 釣り, かねこ, さばき, 魚, さかな, きまぐれクック, にしやん, トミック, SASHIMI, 刺身, 塩焼き, 煮つけ, fishing
Id: DpK6vo4_sX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2019
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