I Bought A Car Using Only Pennies

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The real question is what bank allowed them to order that many boxes

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/we-booling-out-here 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2018 🗫︎ replies
my stepdad needs a new car so we're gonna go with drawl 1.2 million pennies from banks and buy him a new car using only pennies how many pennies do you guys have I just need all you the pennies you have all right guys it turns out BB&T is actually really nice and they gave us two thousand dollars in pennies so we're gonna load that up I mean literally as main bosses y'all can give me so we hit all the banks in my city and the car cost $12,000 so obviously this is going to take forever there's probably not even 1.2 million pennies in my state so we're going to start getting quarters and nickels and dimes from banks because we just can't get enough pennies got like $250 anything James for like any kind of variation of coin okay now we're headed to the next Bank yeah yep all right guys we're here at the car dealership and yeah we have all the coins back here and we're gonna buy a car with coins if they let us the dealerships right there we have these wheelbarrows we're gonna fill these things up with all these coins and we're walking there we're gonna buy a car see these they're antennas pull their little [Music] you give this colored coin so amazing we've been doing this for about four hours still going strong hashtag beats gang holler for life so we were going through the coins and there's actually a Japanese yen in there I believe that's what this is I don't know what our government's trying to pull [Music] are you impressed by decent amount Oh ladies well good that's money that gave me a workout just looking at you stand right here and we'd be walking this way and then all the cars line up in the background grass no there's a hill right there Oh Chris save the noises for later we finished unwrapping most of it we don't we wrapped a lot of pennies and then we got really bored and we didn't unwrap the rest and now we're just gonna go in there and hopefully they give us a car I don't know what's gonna happen I highly doubt they'll give us a car it is breaking oh my god that tire I want a relationship as strong as that tire help me already one employee walked up to us how do you think of all these coins that's insane man you guys right here put your hand through it okay it's all straight change not a dollar bill in there that doesn't sound your money thanks for saying it let's go ahead oh my goodness all right we're taking a break already don't mind us buying a car there's a hill right here I can do it one car please this deep right here this one right here so yeah do you guys still have it yeah we do this is $12,000 so can we go see it yeah I've actually never seen it all right let's go take a look Jesse can you make sure they'll see yeah yeah yeah cuz that wouldn't be obvious you should see somebody with a wheelbarrow seriously though is it alright if we buy the car with those pennies yeah that's fun is it really yeah monies monies Ryan that's easier than I thought all right so I got a have Y in Y in pennies in big boys I'm not going collector basically someone told me to buy big coin I thought big boy in that also he moves the couch cushions around and he found a few extras yeah that's it this is it oh really Wow pretty nice yep is a 2014 Jeep Patriot line - it's got a ninety thousand miles on it great condition four-wheel drive Jimmy it's got four wheels got all the wheels it needs I like are the four wheels he's just laughing oh shut up it's so confusing why are they doing this show the camera what do they think about the car you guys like the car I like it all right we'll take it all right sounds good yep all right do you want to count the money or how do we do this I mean is that actually twelve thousand in in pennies yeah well I mean pennies quarters dimes and mixed yeah okay you're not trying to scam us with her I mean I can't say the people do this on a daily basis don't have to figure it out for ya I assume you don't have to take it to a bank to count it I mean is that machine gun it you're just giving them back what we just took from oh yeah oh there we go never be like oh that's what those guys were doing there's a big off today like roughly like one or two appreciate that I counted don't worry the bus a lot of piggy banks yeah yeah we did a lot of couch cushions and we hit every bank in North Carolina you guys are gonna see on the news they said three guys to pull every quarter every Bank try lifting it up oh that's actually kind of gross today this is the license plate and whatever he said this was the superest yeah we're probably good at least like 10 views right oh I would think so I think it would give 12 years 12 oh wait yeah wait how do we get paid again we're going to sign the paperwork for the car surprisingly they're taking the coins I don't know why they're actually the best dealership ever hi we're here to buy that Jeep out front with this hi thanks for your business no problem we're gonna sign the paperwork real quick and we'll see you in a minute all right guys so this is the manager in the store and it takes a crazy man to accept all these pennies so well first off I appreciate it this is wrong this is gonna get a lot of views and I like you so what do you think like I know you have you ever seen anything like this or can you wait Cameron yeah do you actually think there's 12 grand in there I think that you're just crazy enough to bring two right away he knows my videos and knows who I am now so just hired hitman well no worries yeah so this is his story check them out because they're taking it for some reason so if you have a car you must buy it from here no exceptions hey how'd that baby guys we forgot one whoops I think we just scanned them out of five cents sorry Subaru so apparently we only paid $11,999 and 95 cents for a $12,000 car well it's steel yeah man hell yeah we scared them yeah scam and Subaru dealerships all right guys we're heading to where my stepdad work so this new car is completely his I'm gonna put it in his name put it under his insurance it's all his he's getting it for free because just his current quarters a piece of crap speed boy hey I've only been driving this car for two minutes and honestly I did not think jeeps were like this nice like I'm genuinely surprised just how good it looks it just it's it gets up there pretty quick honestly I like this car like I would not mind driving around this car please Haytham please pathetic alright guys it's time for your 2016 car tour right here is the opening closer this is the forward and backwards er this is the really loud and quieter this is the higher colder and this is the ocean I'm speeding don't pull me over this is the long bow this is the wide bow this is the thick boy this is the soon to be workout boy alright guys as you can see that is my stepdad that is his current car which is a piece of junk and this is his new car let's surprise him as you can tell this is a nice car yes yeah what do you think about it I like it yep well kind of hinted at this earlier today but here's the new car Oh me yeah why I had to buy a car with pennies because I get a lot of views and now we have a free car so might as well give it to you which is better your old one or the new one don't talk about Mabel drive around real quick and tell us what you think Oh may I just take it off please a fast boy gotta go fast [Music] oh he's a scary boy I thought it would suck but like driving it was a lot of fun yeah tribe very good fighting will go if you don't worry I'll take it I really appreciate it mr. beast yeah mr. stepdad actually recently we had a video where i donated twitch streamers that did well so most of them are just here for hot girls so not a hot girl clothes but lacking in the hair a little bit what were some of the things you didn't like about your car basically I had to keep oil in it because it leaks it smells because it jump-started a couple of times and they were gonna clean it but we were like I gotta make a video give it to me the sun's going down when you come on man I wish I had a new car be nice to your stepsons and sometimes they'll pay off that's right really then bye guys all right guys let's wish the Jeep goodbye it is now his Bible by little kids of America good bye Jeep you wrote so good we won't miss all the pennies that it took to buy you all right and that is a viral video make sure you click this video right here Rock Paper Scissors shoot you lost click I hope this gets 5 million views or I'm gonna go broke
Channel: MrBeast
Views: 25,254,612
Rating: 4.8242025 out of 5
Keywords: PENNIES
Id: nLpqZEAFnkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2018
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