I Bought a Brand New 40 year Yamaha Motorcycle

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inside this Old Time Capsule is a new 41 year old forgotten Yamaha and it's been waiting in storage all this time for us to unbox it and then attempt to ride it home but first Greg what are you doing here I came to help oh come on come on out I'm not sure I can get out of that car Craig so we are in Detroit Motor City and surprisingly we have we've not been robbed yet and we are at vintage Motors where we just bought this awesome Yamaha there's the owner right there and he's got he's got one of the coolest car collections ever ventique oh shoot I already said it wrong okay they ask you how you are you just have to say that you're fine when you're not really fine but you just can't get into it because they would never understand and we are at the awesome vintique Motors where they have a really cool collection of stuff and this awesome motorcycle we just bought from them I'm excited this is by far the best motorcycle in the crate we have found so serve me a little bit so if you guys remember the last motorcycle that we bought out of a crate it had some mice damage this is not good whatever was in here they ate the entire context of what was in here I don't know what that is we're gonna find out it looks like they stopped eating on the end are you ready I'm ready this is engine number zero zero three nine seven let's unbox let's see what's going on here wow [Music] so this is what was holding it up in the Box these things or once like this little corner pieces is that interesting that that Yamaha used wood and this would make sense it's lighter first of all what awesome thing can we do can we make with this wood Ben are you gonna make a 41 year old we're gonna make a spear gun a 41 year old spear gun and then are we gonna are we gonna auction it off on the webs on our Channel a 41 year old Yamaha speargun could it be your greatest beer gun you ever made all right this would be what Japanese Japanese koa wood all right so how do how do we uh I don't want to just tear into it like I almost just want to put the top back on and put it in the trailer no no we have to I don't there we go check that out don't rip the tape Craig too late don't rip the bag what oh okay I thought that was Mouse for first but it's not it's a nest and we got some evidence there it's not the worst we've seen but we've only just opened it up wow this is cool though all right look at this this is called Ferro bright Place opposite side against metal do not unwrap until ready for use the lateral corrosion inhabitor it's got a U.S patent number on it oh so this this covers metal stuff oh wow you know what this reminds me of when you're pulling the trains oh like the Lionel trains out of the styrofoam yeah how is this stopping corrosion was it like a moisture barrier everything over here looks amazing my attention immediately went right here look at that Honda or uh Yamaha yellow and black manual all right so hold on a second let me uh let me fill you guys in a little bit on the story of this motorcycle so you can't buy bikes in the crate anymore I've asked but like we think somewhere around the 80s they said you can't do that now back before then you were able to early 80s and before and the owner was actually a local guy and he bought he bought two of these we saw the other one get for sale at Mecum yes so he bought two of them one for him one for a son then they both put together and ride around his son was not that interested all right so this this thing is a lot more assembly than I thought it did yeah I thought it was going to be pretty quick but here's all the tools you need correct Dan rip your hand out reach your hand out with no body and feel that that's not bad right this actually has 0.8 miles on it see it then actually it's 0.8 miles on it ow so as we started to unpack the bike which was supposed to be the most preserved pristine Yamaha sr500 in the world we found a startling Discovery and possibly what I feared the most outside of 80s claymation this is where they lived is that all stuff that they brought in there I think so I'm just hoping we don't find a snake in there that's a huge nest look at this this is corrosion yeah they didn't have Farber bright on there that could just be like Mouse Pete really yeah smell yeah see look there's number ones number twos there so those are probably number ones that was the mouse's bathroom yeah it was look they taped this to the tank [Music] yeah I got mine wow this color is amazing I was not excited about when I first saw it it's just like silver but it's a really good looking color oh man look at that beautiful first first of all okay can I just say that it should be clear by now when the bike is in the case what's the Assumption it's perfect perfect and everyone's like don't ruin it's perfect anything you can do is messing it up no no we are saving this bike from being eaten from the inside this is one out of two that we've done bikes and beards rescues uh let's keep on bringing everything down now I don't know that much about these bikes but I know someone who does and that someone is voice over Sean the sr500 was made from 1978 to 1999 but it was only released in America from 78 to 81 only three years it's what we would Now define as being a classic japanese Cafe Racer if there ever was one it was originally developed under the design Credo of easy to use but the bike actually was anything but that it was so hard to start to even yamaha's technical director busted his ankle trying to start the bike which is why this is one of the only bikes that has a sight glass showing you where top dead center is Because unless you started using the special sequence it's not going to start and interesting enough the sr500 is only real competitor was the Honda ft 500 the last bike we unboxed I'm hoping if I dip into the bathroom when I come back you guys will have it out of here so you know what's really interesting with these 78-79 they had disc brakes front and rear 8081 they went to a drum brake in the rear it was drum yep nice I'm only saying that because obviously disk is better but uh last time we had a bike with all drums with all discs with all discs the um we couldn't get any of the brakes to work yeah 40 years later man and I'm the first person putting this front brake caliper on that's crazy to think about it I know right can we get that Fender off the tire that's not great yeah oh the fender back there must be a Japanese thing to put your store your Fender back there looks like the Box wants to come with it you're right then okay now oh gross first of all look at this Rat's Nest that is huge so we get a lot of heat from unboxing these bikes but from the outside this box looked like it was perfect but in reality they came up from the bottom and made a pretty big mess inside hopefully they didn't chew through the wires which would be catastrophic this motorcycle and then it would probably stop us from actually getting this bike running but all of this is insignificant compared to our next problem I'm dying to see what's inside that tank did you see the keys we can't find the keys to it there's a tech from the 80s who worked on Yamaha you know exactly where the keys are at he's yelling it into the his computer now don't lose these in 41 years when you actually sell and put it together you might want them yeah the old Yamaha buddies Craig so we look for the keys for about 20 minutes and we still couldn't find them so Craig decided to call a friend who works for Yamaha in the 80s maybe he knew something that we did would they hide the keys right where else it's not in the switch it's not in the helmet lock and it's not in the seat lock yellow yep yep but no see that but no key yeah yep that's all intact sadly Craig's friend was not able to help but we could always hot wire the bike to get it running but that doesn't get us into the fuel tank so we decided to keep on working on the bike and maybe the keys will turn up let me look at them they look good they're probably out of date probably out of date um we got metal valve stems let's put this tire on yeah let's that boat holding it in there it doesn't make any sense oh it's a little ball there we go Craig it's a see-through battery see-through you see that no I can't see it if it's see-through that's so cool Craig did this come with any um acid what are we doing with acid we need to do acid we need we're in Detroit that shouldn't be hard I said acid not fentanyl not fentanyl nice little door got its own little uh cotter pin to keep it in there it feels such like a quad this is such a quality feeling component right here the other cool little see-through battery that's a nice battery no way what look at this look up in there you see that that's the key yeah I was gonna say that I was gonna say that because there was Joey's Jam stuff in like all those wires why would they put in the Headlights oh my gosh [Music] [Applause] [Music] wonder if we should put the front fender on first [Music] 41 year old Chrome and everyone in the 90s always tried to paint over them including myself [Music] oh shoot it says 4r9 inspection what's the bottom one say America 4r inspection certificate how cool is that Craig you're looking at with the value of these things like in the wild with miles 40 years old I haven't he paid 12 something right but it came with mice and that cool looking battery though that was worth and no one farted on the seat yet you say that all right I'm gonna head out and grab the acid or the battery or something oh all right cool cool okay so Sean said we blew the budget on this video buying that bike so we ran out of money to buy me a bike to ride home too but we're running to the dealership to get some acid or a new battery and we're gonna see what we can find how you doing foreign they're so big no way I wonder if this is for sale there's not a license plate on it that's a good sign Sean said we're out of money but I think I get in trouble if I don't buy this bike well Craig don't know what I'm gonna do is buffed out my M1 Moto fast detailer let's see if I can clean some of the stuff off wow look at that it's like glass now that is amazing so we continue working on the bike we put the tail lights on and get the turn signals on and get the turn signals installed and wired up and then I continued cleaning the bike using the greatest motorcycle fast detailer ever M1 Moto fast detailer cue the pitch Guy voice M1 Moto fast detailer it's a real product for really awesome people available at m1modalgear.com link below also it's great for birthdays father's days Mother's Days New Year's Day oh your day when your husband comes home from work and grandparents day at school you Craig don't cut the blue wire don't say that Dan I already I already did which one's going the back the short ones are the long ones what is where are the front ones mounting oh my gosh we never got gas really we don't really ask we never got gas oh my god well there's a pump right there yeah so this goes in here and then this piece fits inside there [Applause] cameraman abuse we need gas and a battery and we're ready to fire are we yeah let's get gas and air for these tires first I want to look inside that fuel tank so the last time we opened up a brand new 40-something year old motorcycle we looked inside the gas tank and it was it was pretty bad it was it was not good so I'm hoping this is at least better than that oh my gosh that's horrible that is the cleanest fuel tank I've ever seen in my life ever ever ever you can see like the like the metal like etchings yeah okay so there you have power wires and there you have a ground right there nice and you put oh sweet man that's a good looking motorcycle hi aye aye that's cool right I should have figured out what color is on the back of them so I probably did this wrong where like it's left turn Signal's gonna turn the right one but the right one on the right one the left on this one I don't mind keeping the keeping the other drivers on the road guessing you know you don't want to reveal all your secrets [Music] [Applause] we need gas no chooching it Scotch so you guys want to see something really cool I told you Craig it's not appropriate for YouTube [Applause] so I mean Detroit's not as bad as people are saying it is I mean I only observe like three shootouts I only participated in one of them it's not that bad I'm not trying to live here though so now we have fuel for the bike and all the bike is completely put together now we're gonna find out where the mice chewed up the wires and whether this thing's actually going to run and hopefully get me back home to Pennsylvania you guys want to guess how many uh kicks it's going to be Craig what's your estimate okay so get a compression yep okay now bleed off a quarter quarter and then give it a boot two huh you didn't turn the key on oh this house is one it's gonna kick a lot you get it to compression all right and then you pull it and bleed about a quarter off and then back up and that sounds good clutch feels good first ride in the 41 years uh choke take the choke off [Music] all right guys so we successfully got this 41 year old motorcycle running and then tomorrow I'm gonna ride this thing home it's gonna be awesome and I'm gonna show you guys the bike I just bought at the dealership that Sean doesn't know about what'd you get you're gonna have to wait and find out watch this video subscribe
Channel: Bikes and Beards
Views: 4,183,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bikes and beards, sean, motorcycles, srkcycles, srk, beards, bikes, new honda, new yamaha
Id: XqofCfgTWtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 41sec (1061 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 14 2022
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