I Bought a $7 iPhone From Amazon Returns!!!

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today we are at black friday deals where everything in the entire store is seven dollars people have found some insane deals here like airpod maxes xbox 360s and even iphones for seven dollars so we want a piece of the cake and we're here to see what we can find dude this line is absolutely insane i knew that people camped out or like waited like really early but this line is crazy i'm gonna put it back in the line the herd is moving the heart is moving why are there people just cutting in line those stupid cutters no cut these i will fight [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm like so scared i like don't even want to go in there come on all right here goes nothing let's go let's go excuse me what you can do keep going take this oh shoot what the heck oh my gosh you gotta dig for it [Music] you gotta get down and dirty in there baby come on we need some skills and deals [Music] like you don't know what's gonna be in the boxes you never know it's like what's in here you don't know angry birds so far we found some pretty good stuff right now i'll show you guys when we get home but dude it's insane in here it's so hard to find stuff you literally have to dig for your life so stinky over here what is this stuff oh my gosh i feel like i'm gonna pass out loki i'm getting exhausted literally there's so much to go through and i'm like we found a couple things but i don't know how much longer i can do this stupid lady guys i got it i got it dude we've been searching for like two hours already and i'm literally starting to lose hope like there's i don't know what we're gonna find i found a couple good things so far but honestly i think we're gonna have to go because i feel like growing up and i'm just it's getting overwhelming in here what's this a really cute case it just doesn't look at my phone so it doesn't matter pop sockets puppets this is the best find of the day right here some of this stuff is actually really good and some of it's just like complete and utter garbage we're not giving up we're not giving out dude i think i saw some lady over there found an airpods like what the heck the heck is this here i'm just so curious oh it's like a camera oh that's kind of cool what do you use it for though oh now it's broken i don't trust you you know what i can fight okay we're good we're not there some of these old ladies are crazy man they'll push you over i found a sponge becca for you a sponge there you go put the sponge back they're going at it like whoa i wonder if they just dumped that box oh my gosh becca becca becca literally ah there's nothing in it it literally has to be here somewhere oh my gosh wait turn on it's not turning on is it broken it's literally not even turning on it's not turning on though dude there's no freaking way literally it's like in the box and everything they're not turning on though what else do you think they would return i don't know why it's not turning on it's probably broken i don't know i think we should take i mean might as well freaking take it if we're gonna i mean it's better than finding nothing it feels real right oh my gosh okay i'm just gonna take it screw it i don't care if it doesn't work even if it's fake i'll just take it whatever literally you have to hide it though because i swear someone will literally try to take it out of my basket [Music] forget if this is real like oh my i'm like so excited i'd be so sad if it freaking it's broken i'm sorry i don't know if it works or not though it's not turning on i don't know if it's wait did it say it was fake no there's a lady that i talked to last time and said it was a display display it was like fake or what that's what i'm scared of it's not turning on so i'm only seven left now i'm scared [Music] oh my gosh they didn't even like open the box they just grabbed it and counted it that's freaking crazy they just count how many items you have and then 11. so 77 bucks thank you oh my gosh i can't believe we made it out alive and with both arms so dead we ended up paying 83 dollars so kind of a lot but let's go see what we got at home and i literally cannot believe what we got so excited to test it out like i can't freaking believe it so let's go home and see if what we got was actually real so let's go okay guys we are now home with our giant haul and let's see what we got first thing i grabbed was this sunset lamp this thing is like viral on tick tock because it's supposed to look really cool or whatever and i just grabbed it because i was like shoot everyone's fighting hand and foot i might as well try and get it this is what it looks like oh it's like the pixar thing i'm super excited to try it out because if it worked that's a stealing deal let's see how much it is on amazon so on amazon it says that this sunset lamp is 20 and we got it for seven dollars so 14 profit not bad oh wow it actually works do i have like the glow yes does it ah it works which is cool does it actually look good that's the next question weenie you look so photogenic okay i'm done staring at this lamp but hey i mean steel and deal it worked uh i'm gonna give us a thumbs up the next thing i grabbed was a beat headphones i saw these when we first walked in and i just grabbed them because uh beets hello they're all like beat up though they look like somebody stomped on them threw them off a cliff and then put them for sale hey they're actually in here oh my gosh and these are wireless dang i feel like these were definitely a steal you are they e what are you used gross the crazy thing though is these on amazon are 70 dollars kind of a steal kind of a deal i think if you were to sanitize them should we see if they work though look it came with all the little that's actually really good this is a really good find so i don't want to put them on but i want to see if they work i don't even want to touch them to be honest with you but they're on oh wow okay they're on they work hey they work really good so they actually work which is awesome which means we just got a steal and a deal what the heck however i don't really like the design of these like where do you put it is it just dangly like that or do you put them like in the back of your head i don't freaking know whatever we gotta steal in a deal this is a 63 dollar profit so far so good the next thing i grabbed was a wireless charging dock because becca needed one of these so if this works it's a steal and a deal for her oh it's a good one dang we got some good deals oh my gosh it was so worth almost dying so exciting back up like what a disappointment no i think it's cause my case and oh i have this on that's why it works oh my gosh it actually works wow how cool is that becca's all excited over there this one works too so if you want to charge your airpods iphone and your apple watch at the same time the heck wow this is super cool this has to be kind of expensive on amazon because this looks like a good brand dang one similar to this one's 50 bucks i can't find this exact charger but from what i have seen on amazon chargers like this are 50 so for seven dollars that's a 43 dollar profit that's freaking crazy next thing we got is another pair of headphones becca picked these out so this is what they look like they kind of look like generic galaxy buds okay i want to see how much these cost dang they say on here there's they're 40 but i'm gonna wipe these down through that oh i think these are the 50 ones yeah becca these are 50. good find hey they work though the cool thing is you can control the music with your thing it actually changes so one of these work i don't know if the other one's broken but i'm i'm gonna assume it just needs to be charged but on this one we got a 43 deal freaking crazy all of these have been way too good to be true i don't even believe it the next thing i picked up was a computer and a mouse i kind of just saw it and i was like cool why not right whoa this one's actually pretty cool i mean nothing crazy crazy a wireless keyboard and a wireless mouse for seven dollars i feel like that's kind of a steal but let's go ahead and see the brand it is because if the brand is cheap it doesn't even matter it's saying on here that they're worth like 35 which i mean isn't too bad but i mean is it the best stealing deal no but we did get kind of like a 13 deal so i guess we'll take that if you need a keyboard just hit me up the next thing i got was a what the oh no is it like that oh my god it was some kind of radioactive fire this is supposed to be a diffuser so that's why i got it because it looked nice but it's absolutely destroyed i mean i guess i know why they returned it now some kind of like plastic melting or maybe it was just dysfunctional i have no idea but we paid seven dollars for this piece of junk so that's at least one thing that didn't work okay i also got two random boxes that are unopened i bought them just because i wanted the mystery to see what was in it this stuff could either be really really cool or just a piece of junk kind of heavy any guesses leave them in the comments right now what this is gonna be ten dollars wasted or gained wait what okay what the heck is this why oh i wasted my money what am i gonna do with this it's just like dumb [Applause] what was i thinking is it literally just like what is the reason like what's the point of it i'm so confused i have a lot of questions for whoever decided to make this this one was kind of a loss because like don't know what you're supposed to do with this but i mean i mean it was kind of exciting for five seconds when i opened it time for our next little mystery box this one completely unopened let's take a look some hooks we got some hooks i know you wanted this becca for your room oh i just wasted seven more dollars i mean it's worth a shot i mean can you think of anyone that might need this if you or your mama want this just let me know enough messing around i know what you guys want to see the seven dollar iphone that we found that may or may not be fake honestly unreal i hid it in this box because i didn't want people to freaking grab it out of my cart it's just literally surreal this is what it looks like and from the looks of it it looks so real like if it's fake i'd absolutely be mind blown the guy we met in line did say that another lady in line got the same exact thing but it was fake that i talked to last time and said it was a display display it was like fake or what it looks like so we'll see it does have like apple stickers and everything too so that's kind of a good sign okay so here it is guys it's the iphone 12. let's just see if it'll turn on oh it's not turning on but there's no charger in it as well so we're gonna use my charger and if this actually works this will literally have to be the best deal we've ever gotten on my channel ever okay guys moment of truth nothing's happening oh my god wait did you see that no freaking way there's literally no freaking way that's literally the symbol that it makes when it's like a real iphone like it's dead no wait look becca oh my gosh this is such a good video if this actually worked like this is literally insane like if i was watching this video like i would literally think this is fake because how perfect this video worked out like almost everything we got worked if this worked that is a a 493 dollar profit oh my god i can't freaking believe it if this works this is going to you guys because you guys are my biggest supporter you who watch my video i love you all so much and i want to get back to y'all so if this phone turns on here in a couple minutes this is going to be for the giveaway and you guys have the chance to win this iphone 12 that may or may not work i just need this to work okay this is the really the moment of truth right here what shows up if it's like a galaxy then we know it's a fake iphone [Music] this has to be real it has to be the fact that we literally got this for seven dollars unbelievable this right here makes the hours we spent digging through those junk and the hours we woke up to get up early to go get in line makes it all worth it so since you guys support my channel this is gonna go to you guys all you have to do to enter this giveaway for this phone is like this video subscribe to this channel and comment down below what your favorite thing that i bought today was also if you guys want extra entry click the link in my description because that's where the extra entries are at also warning guys there are scammers in my comments that will try to say that you won i will only be announcing the giveaway winner in two weeks on this instagram right here so so happy that i was able to get this for you guys this is the most surreal video we've ever done and i'm just so happy how it worked out thank you guys so much for watching and i'll see you guys next time bye bangers oh my gosh i still can't freaking believe we found this so crazy dude i don't want to talk about the way that it runs [Music] you
Channel: SarahGrace
Views: 4,470,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iPhone, iPhone 12, sale, amazon, unboxing, Amazon return, scam, sarahgrace, Sarah grace, safiye nygaard
Id: szBF25uUsvM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 23 2022
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