I bought a $3,166 Amazon Customer Returns ELECTRONICS Pallet + Incredible ASUS Computer Found!

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today I've got an electronics pallet if you won't call it that so I purchased a liquid a Amazon customer turned liquidation pallet it has a total of three thousand one hundred and sixty six dollars of value okay that's that's the price of everything if it was new at amazon.com is three thousand one hundred sixty six dollars so I buy locally I pick up in person everything you see I buy locally from local Liquidators in my area I've got like six level so I went to pick it up with another four pallets and this one came out on its own pallet and it was all in one box okay so I looked at my my invoice and it says it's 87 items with the Flex uh was at 2% 3% so between 85 and 90 items okay let's hope for the best so I paid three hundred twenty one dollars that includes everything that's the cost taxes 10% buyer's premium and of course I do not pay shipping cost because I buy locally I pick up a person never pay shipping costs ever so I'm a little bit nervous about this box I mean one box that has a value of over $3,000 this better have some good stuff in it but I minced better have some pretty high price stuff this box is literally like half whole there's a bunch of Records on top so that's good but it's literally like half-full a little nervous right now they pull these records out that are all on top so I can get down to whatever's below the records because it's record pretty much they're on top of everything else in this palette oh there's a sublime record records okay so here is the stacker records right there 87 items are you sure 87 items okay let me just hope for the best I guess there's not a 7 items here there's probably like half of that yeah I wonder if something happened here because I'm checking my invoice right now it's got my transaction ID number number of pallets 1 number of packages 1 I don't know so oh I just I hope for the best it's possible that that 3,000 maybe they're supposed to actually been like 1,300 or something anyway here we go let's the best let's let's say it's riggers off the side let's do those a little bit later so here's the first item maybe it says it's it's a Chromebook hey maybe I should've may complain after all okay this thing looks like there's a charger for it it looks to be in fantastic condition so how much does a Chromebook sell for not even sure month look this thing up real quick cuz I have no idea how much a Chromebook sells for flip this thing up okay I found it on Amazon okay it's not super expensive this is the HC 2 to 3 NADH 0 to - Rd Chromebook 11 point 6 inch Intel dual core Celeron processor four gigs of ram 32 gigabytes of storage it retails new for two hundred and twenty-nine dollars on Amazon so that's not bad so a 229 and it's in use condition looks like on Amazon used ones sell for between 130 and 180 so use maybe 150 bucks on this yeah that's not bad so there's a an Asus Chromebook alright it's not bad first item pulled out it's actually pretty good but yeah I don't I don't see $3,000 in here did we have a look like an iPad case so about ten bucks on that white noise machine black one sides tape shut actually looks like it's still factory says that this factor so disliked came came loose that one's still sealed so we got a white noise machine I do not see a brand on it oh it's X - since X since so an X sense noise machine a white noise machine that could be some decent value what I have to look that up sure that it's probably no more like 30 40 bucks a bit at most we've got a DVD blu-ray cleaner or it's a blu-ray cleaner cleans at laser discs I've actually never cleaned any of my blu-ray stuff but yeah I can't much value to it Andrea Bocelli live in Tuscany both CDs are in there - CD set the back has a little bit of like a like a cut on there but yeah good five bucks on that we've got some more DVDs the world unseen looks like a lower budget movie and once upon a time in China - this is 100% a counterfeit bootleg copy oh this is like a really bad counterfeit copy yeah like 100% this is a bootleg so people think you cannot purchase counterfeit items often Amazon you can receive counterfeit items whenever you purchase off Amazon because 60% of all sales on Amazon are from third-party sellers and sometimes they like to sneak in counterfeit goods it happens they've got some more DVDs there's not much here the million dollar duck there's the disc I've never heard of the million dollar duck a new one we got Natalie Jill seven-day jump start building ABS things are falling off Natalie Jill yeah I actually watched her on YouTube for like okay and inside of this is just a blank DVD R it is not the Natalie Jill DVD so whoever returned this they kept the actual DVD of now the Jill they return just a blank yeah it's still blinking hasn't been burnt yet they just put in a blank DVD are they put it in upside down also thinking that you know like a trick Amazon but they I actually watched her on YouTube to get like diet tips from her because she's actually like a health kind of a guru but yeah the next we've got multiplicity there's the DVD in there it is not counterfeit that is good to go then we've got a blu-ray [Applause] that's just polybag by Amazon's knock-back you're sealed Charlie's Angels wow this is it's supposed to be blu-ray but what is in here is a DVD that is cracked and all scratched up so whoever purchased the blu-ray they actually kept the blu-ray and they returned a DVD in the blu-ray case it a highly damaged blu-ray so that's trash oh boy bawd they all say that right whoa Voivod the reason why i know them is because jason newsted played with them for a little while after he left Metallica this must be their newest CD of Voivod 2018 yeah that's the that's their their newest one that's probably good five bucks right there it's got a bonus disc on there of a an EP and a live disc so everybody my ten bucks the remains of Tom Lalor it's supposed to be a four-disc set it's missing one of his last three in there so this looks like oh it's studio recordings with piano so it is just a four disc of studio recording that's missing one of them so it's not that great this okay we have a some hardware handles for your sink in electronics what else we got it's a camera yeah we got a camera we've got it Instax Mini 9 at Fuji film camera yeah these the Instax 9s I usually sell these things for like 30 to 35 dollars good sellers they sell quickly so not sure what that is charger controller it looks to be brand new in the package though so the way it's been taken out the package at all I think still looks really really good let me see if I pull it up on the Amazon app let me see if it's actually there they go between like 60 bucks in like a hundred ish and that range I want to do more research more in-depth after the video figure this thing out but it looks like it's between like 60 to maybe like 150 for this item in that range so it might be actually a home run right here I hope it is cuz I need another home run or two - Court are you serious here's a whole box label says 100 pack of lr44 batteries so it is 100 batteries all of like this watch battery 100 pack okay let's see we got a crunch DV or a CD of a buddy Knox CD of that iPhone court we got a DVD all this is a ps4 Metal Gear Solid 5 Ground zeroes first ps4 game that's kind of neat I'm not sure what you just came out but Metal Gear Solid 5 PlayStation 4 I'd be halfway decent and we have a CD of there's not fat axilla just poly bagged look up child 5 bucks okay that's uh all that's in the box so all we have left are these records and I'm not seeing $3,000 here call me crazy but I don't see it trying to make some room to do these records here you go first record we got ultimate Sinatra we have a looks like it to LP Sinatra it actually might be close about 20 bucks on now and I bet that actually looks pretty nice this one has been poly bagged oh it's a Kendrick Lamar it says go ahead and open up the poly bag is not like factory sealed or anything Kendrick Lamar I've never seen this one in a palette the first time that is a double LP getting tomorrow that's probably like 1520 shift or so now we got the best of Carly Simon but that's a good one all these records always try them out before I sell to make sure that they play okay I just verify that you know the used ones that are work but records are always used I don't think I've ever I think in my history of doing pound slip I've got out maybe like one record that was factory sealed it was a Nirvana one and that's one one I've ever God that was still factory sealed yeah Carly Simon oh I've actually been hoping to get this one out of the pound eventually I was hoping I was going to someday Bohemian Rhapsody the soundtrack to the movie so yeah whatever I got this thing out the first one I was going to keep it from my own collection the second one I get out eventually will be sold but this one is not for sale if I'm going to my collection so this is just looks like excerpts from the Live Aid concert excerpts from other live performances and Queen's Greatest Hits pretty much yeah that's cool but they're under fair with the rest of my records that's a keeper oh go back to the box the box is done we've got I got this one last week John Mayer room for squares 59 mr. John Mayer this one's polybag by Amazon not factory-sealed oh it's Coldplay a head full of dreams I'm not a very big cold Coldplay fan never have been this is 2015 so four years ago Coldplay looks like it's got like a pullout three-dimensional thing if I get 15 bucks on that but this one's gonna be goo and listen to we've got sublime at Greatest Hits yeah this one I will probably will be keeping for my own record collection how this open up oh that's cool opens up oh like a box of matches how you open this thing up I've never seen a record do that before this one is the Greatest Hits yeah I've never seen this record so I will be keeping this one for myself and it's kind of a neat packaging how they how they did this make it a little bit different kind of packaging for greatest hits album next oh cool I'm keeping this one too we got The Legend of Johnny Cash so this looks like this is just a Greatest Hits record of Johnny Cash it is a double LP and actually I don't think I have any Johnny Cash record right I'm the guy have any this is actually my first one but yeah I mean it's got your your best hits of his like cry cry cry Folsom Prison Blues I walk the line get rid of Ring of Fire pretty much if if if it's a big hit it's on here but it actually is missing a few though it doesn't have cocaine blues on it it's missing that one so it is actually is missing some of his big hits though but that's the first Johnny Cash that I've ever gotten in a pallet ever keeping that one another Greta Greta Van Fleet I got this one have a pallet maybe three weeks ago four weeks ago and I have played this thing probably fifteen times so far but I talked about this band and that video if you're a fan of Led Zeppelin I would definitely check out this band from Michigan if you're a fan of Zeppelin if you like that Zeppelin sound you will love Greta Van Fleet this is pretty much the reincarnation of Led Zeppelin no joke you listen to this group close your eyes and you'll think this is a brand-new Led Zeppelin record no joke it's a fantastic group another sublime so this was actually in the original sleeve that it came in we've got the sublime the one that came out when I was in high school don't one that's pretty much like the bass hit one ever had as far as I can remember hmm I might have to so I got to sublime this I got this sublime record I got the greatest hits I'll probably keep one in sell one on to figure out which which one I want yeah I figure out which which one of these I want to keep I know this record is fantastic I'd listen to The Greatest Hits and see if there's anything on that that is not on this one that I don't you know that I that you know that if there's something on their greatest hits that I don't want then I'll keep this one and sell that one another Johnny Cash so I just said I've never got Johnny Cash out I just got out to Johnny Cash this was the Johnny Cash American two Unchained this is a one he released in back in 96 so yeah I won't be keeping this one not for sale same way is if I get out anything of the Beatles I don't have I keep it all anything out of Metallica if I don't have it I keep it Johnny Cash I'll keep it rush I'll keep it you know there's certain bands that if I get them out Zeppelin if I don't have it I keep it if I get on a same time then I'll sell it we got Kendrick Lamar I've received this thing in pals several times now this is always a fast seller good record if you're into hip hop Kendrick Lamar well we got a smashing oh we got Smashing Pumpkins adore gonna give us tape shut by Amazon let's just go ahead let's crack that piece of tape got curious if maybe they used colored vinyls in this thing you know something a little bit different no black vinyl black fine nothing so we got Smashing Pumpkins a door they use kind of like of what would you call this shiny kind of crummy cover to the record very cool aye public actually won't keep this record it's not one that I really need of the Smashing Pumpkins does not must have so this one pipe will be for sale this one might be between 15 and 20 shipped we got Nirvana live at the Paramount October 31st 1991 at Seattle I'm not a huge fan of collecting live records live CDs I like seeing them live in person but I actually going back and listening to to to the band's live I'm not a fan of and that makes any sense I know that's kind of weird but so many bands if you shouldn't say so many there's a select few bands that sound just as good live as they do on their recordings and Nirvana isn't one of those bands that sound just good live as they do on the recordings no knock on Nirvana I like Nirvana it's just they sound better whenever it's pre-recorded not live so just personal preference the mountain goats this is backed by Amazon see what this looks like we got the mountain there heard this group the mountain goats if some of these looks like this is actually a gospel group cuz like the first song is called first Samuel then you got Genesis Hebrews Genesis Romans so I'm guessing this is some kind of a Christian group the mountain goat the life of the world to come I'm interested to see what it sounds like ok next actually this is the last item in this entire one box pallet that has a three thousand dollar value but uh I don't see three thousand dollars last one looks like this is a one two three four so this is a four record set live album four records set of this group I've never heard of them maybe I should have heard of them but I never have let me actually look this thing up real quick let me see how much this thing sells for as a four record set this might have a little bit of value to it so this vinyl record the four cent sells new on Amazon for $40 and ninety seven cents so 40 bucks if it is brand-new factory sealed this has been opened up so it's not brand new but I'm fetching the condition as it sits it's probably gonna be between 25 and maybe as high as thirty dollars neg Edition edits it so that is that is the palette that is the one box palette and let me just let me just verify this and it's supposed to be a value of 3166 dollars 87 items and yeah it this does not have a value of $3,000 today this this is not a value of $3,000 so yeah that was a that was a Miss information from the liquidator they're actually from Amazon cos Amazon they they actually liquidate to or they sell to the liquidators and the in the liquidator just go buy they buy by the pallet from Amazon so they go buy what Amazon tells them so it looks like Amazon this box was only like half full so I have a hunch there was supposed to be some more stuff in this box so there should have been a second box that was missing so yeah I would say there's probably over $2,000 worth of value that is not here that is missing so that's the liquidation game so at this point I have two choices I can one I can show this video to my Liquidators proof that I did not get anywhere close to $3,000 worth I mean yes you you won't get 3,000 that's the new price but if everything in this box was brand new this is not worth 3,000 this might be lucky to maybe be worth a thousand maybe so I have two choices I can either contact the the liquidator show them this video let them know hey this is advertised as over 3000 dollars of value MSRP and it's not there you know and I paid this much money 321 here's the problem so you can raise the issue with your liquidator and sometimes they might give you back you know a percentage if you paid 321 they might give you back like 20% your money they might give you back like 60 bucks sometimes they just say sorry we're just going by what we bought from Amazon and other times if you and here's the catch-22 sometimes if you raise a stink with your liquidator they can actually ban you from buying from them B I've seen it happen before where people have raised complaints about what they received in their pallets and the liquidator bans them from buying from them because they become a headache customer because you got to remember you're buying liquidated products stuff will be damaged stuff will be broken stuff will be you sometimes boxes are missing value or it honestly could have just been a typo that 3166 might have actually supposed to been 1166 up that pipe makes more sense this is probably actually supposed to be 1166 dollars that was probably honestly the actual value somebody hit three instead of one that's probably the mistake that got made so me my philosophy is never burn your bridges with your liquidator never burn your bridges because like this well I make my 300 ollars back yes I will actually make more than what I paid just the computer that I got is about 150 all these records probably at least two or two or 300 bucks and just records so just the records and the computer I'll make more back than what I paid for this pallet box so no matter what I'm still gonna make my money back in and makes them so I'm not gonna lose a dime okay so my personal philosophy is from time to time you'll buy pallets where your pallets are incredible the value is incredible where it's valued at a thousand dollars but then you're you're going through it and you're like man this pile has like two grand of value in it like they gave me more than what I was supposed to have in those times do you have as a customer of the liquid or do you contact your liquid Aaron Beck hey you guys gave me too much do people contact them no they keep their mouths shut they don't want to say anything whenever they get the really really good pass or whenever they get paths that are too good they don't want to say anything about those but whenever they get a palette like this that's obviously it was a mess up somewhere either it's missing a box or the number it's got inverted this is when people want to complain about it and I get it I get it but you also have to complain whenever you get more than what you're supposed to get so in the big scheme of things it will always work out like this one I I'm still gonna make money on but the 3,000 value is not there it's not close to being there but in the future I will get another palette in the future it could be next week where it's valued at 2,000 but then I'm like man this palette is worth double that so it will always work out that's the liquidation game never bite the hand that feeds you never make your Liquidators mad because if they block you from buying from them where are you gonna buy from buy from the dot-com websites and pay shipping costs but you don't want to do that never bite the hand that feeds you in the liquidation game never so with that I'm just going to chalk this thing up as a bad palette it wasn't the best it wasn't that great I mean it wasn't a good palette it happens but I will get one in the future that is just fantastic it will all work out so anyway I will see you next time never buy the liquidator hand that feeds you best advice that can ever give you you
Channel: Franchise Kicks
Views: 50,030
Rating: 4.8469658 out of 5
Keywords: safiya, randomfrankp, tech, storage unit, marvel, ps4, nes, nintendo, lego, XBOX ONE, shocking, playstation, ebay, amazon, fba, flip, reselling, garage sale, flea market, thrift store, thrifting, unboxing, haul, amazon tech, amazon customer returns, pallet, returns pallet unboxing, tech haul, mystery, amazon returns, tech returns, mystery tech, massive unboxing, franchise kicks, apple, microsoft, sony, liquidation, treasure hunting, storage wars, StevenSteph, dumpster diving, a&e, extreme unboxing
Id: 0VJV2e3WslE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 54sec (1854 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2019
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