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what is up everybody we are back at a storage facility for first time in a while actually um i just bought a unit for 5.05 this morning online i'm standing in front of it right now just kind of glancing at it i overpaid i know i did but that's the only way to really buy anything anymore is how it seems but let's flip this camera around and take a look at what we got so here we go little ten by ten nothing crazy some speakers or subwoofer there looks like some kid stuff and a little like toolbox that has jewelry in it a little thing does we'll pull that out i guess one of the main reasons i want is on this toolbox hopefully there's something in there who really knows random stuff i bought this one this morning online so i don't know it's so hard to buy anymore with the online stuff and everyone overpaying i do want to get into the toolbox and see paperwork [Music] it is the day after thanksgiving so i hope everyone had a good thanksgiving pioneer and mpx audio let me move a couple of these things out of the way and then we're going to open that toolbox all right we have moved some stuff out of the way i see this one back in there i don't know what's in that little container it looks cool but i did notice this little name on it i don't know if it's an actual snap-on box or not got a tire there but i haven't looked in it so let's see what do we actually have little husky tools a few pennies making some money already trying to make our money back at least autocraft come on be good get better not looking like too much in there at least we have tools i always say that one long but that's not terrible okay it's getting a little bit better different little stuff snap on stuff craftsman rags in that bag wire and we've got a little sawzall and charger and battery that's not too bad just go back in there or something oh you didn't even stop right there but not the worst could have been worse i'll have to look into the box i don't think it is snap-on but you never know so i have no clue some puzzles looks like a tv right there with my hands on just some junk a couple bikes amp stuck in this box here another subwoofer but i want to grab this guy without making a big mess let me cut this off real quick i'm going to grab this box we'll see if there's any good jewelry in there all right it's very bright but oh i didn't want to open that bottom part but i guess i did i'm not seeing anything too crazy that almost looks gold but i don't think it is doesn't look anything really in there it might be silver not looking to be the best that might be a silver piece looks like a lot of costume stuff a little ring it's nothing another little ring of doubt is anything that's some costume jewelry nothing crazy yet as i trip over everything but lots of bags full of just random stuff just hope we can make our money back on it sounds like legos clothes empty liquor bottles look there's a ps3 ps3 right there in that bag not too shabby got a bunch of dvds and in playstation games it looks like that ain't too bad make a little money back even if it doesn't work so so it reports but i'm gonna start loading some stuff up got an empty truck so i'm gonna try to get as much of this done today it's about 11 15 11 30. so i'm going to start loading and then if i find anything cool while i'm loading i will definitely let you know well i just pulled this little tub from right there i looked at the side of it and i noticed jewelry in it and it looks like that's all that's in here i don't really see any cold or anything in there and then it looks like it could be gold this little thing could be silver and it's gonna be a mess going through all of this i'm not seeing much in this one nothing really looks real it's got a name on it doesn't work yeah i don't know i don't see much in here i'm thinking [Music] at least something but i don't know we're loading the truck still and just grabbing stuff it was sitting right here so i had to grab it look through it real quick show you guys on the camera but looks like a bunch of junk honestly all right i am back at this unit and we're loading up some trash right now i was just moving stuff around to figure out what's what i just saw these looks like two brand new echo dots oh and a whole bunch of quarters let's check that out or penny sorry pennies pennies what else is in here looks like a tablet of some sort a little tablet empty container that's not a bad little box right there i'll put these in the trunk sell these for christmas time and then i glanced in that dvd box i found little mermaid and cinderella brand new blu-rays dvd blu-ray combos and then a bunch of like nintendo you game wii u games in there too and we i'm just trying to load up some trash to get to the landfill before it closes then i'll come back and do another load of stuff to the unit it might be two loads actually brought some totes in a box to load some stuff up into but i'm gonna get to work running out of daylight even though it's like one o'clock but it's going to come quick well we just made the partial find of the day we've got the wii u the wii u console looks like pieces to a normal i don't see that anywhere oh it's right there there's the wii there's the wii u right there okay cool so we have the wii and the wii u right there so now hopefully they work so i can test those games out so it's a pretty good box um i don't know what the wizard that might with the games might pay for the unit and then everything else will be profit which i was thinking there wasn't gonna be much but getting the truck loaded filling up some stuff trying to get this done before the landfill closes so i can get this trash out of here so back to work i go hello to the landfill is well filled up i guess trucks build up going to landfill now not a bad little load all these chairs are all destroyed look at that stained up nasty off to the landfill i did also find this computer case earlier i glanced in it and there's one little toshiba laptop this little like netbook thing that is sticky and then this ipad is huge broken screen but this thing is ginormous like three times the size of land probably end up having to sell it for parts but i think there was a computer charger in there threw all the two wiis into there took the rest of this stuff over here the unit is packed it looks way worse in person but that's really it i'm heading out of here for today all right guys i got the um this is the second load of the unit packed up unit's getting pretty empty um just grab this toolbox i'm going to empty it so i can it'll be easier for me to load because i'm loading it on my own look to the back and it is marked as a snap-on tools company toolbox i'll go up the model make sure it's real but i mean that should be a few bucks even though it's got some wear and tear on it but it's tool box so still if it is a real snap on then that'll be good there's a one two three four five six seven drawer so i'm gonna empty that out run this over to the unit come back and grab all this take what i need back over there and then i'm done so wish me luck all right guys we are completely done for the last load in the truck so this unit is done did um call a buddy of mine about the toolbox he works for snap-on and he said it's real so that's good that'll probably hopefully maybe pay for the unit but we have closed this one out so stay tuned for the unboxings just a little peek as to where i put everything today it's all piled up in this 10 by 20 that i still have it's got furniture and other stuff from multiple different units but everything got moved into here toolbox and all that that's gonna go to my unit but we're done for the day basically not too bad time to eat probably grow a beer
Channel: Corey Woods
Views: 292
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: storage unit finds, buying storage units, storage auctions, storage wars, flea market, storage locker finds, storage finds, storage unit auctions, finding gold, storage auction finds, abandoned storage units, storage unit finds guns, dumpster diving, storage unit guns, storageauctionpirate, storage pirate, gold find, abandoned storage unit, corey woods, storage unit hunter, found money, storage unit finds money, Found tools, tool find, snapon tool box, snap on, nintendo
Id: cX5S6M9RQdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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