I Bought 6 Broken PS2s For $50! How Many Can I Fix (Part 1)

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hey everybody welcome to another video today I'm going to be working on these six PlayStation 2os which I bought off eBay for a grand total of £36 that's around about $50 so less than $10 per console which really you can't complain it's pretty cheap they are all obviously 4te so I'm going to be trying to fix them in this video it may be a multi-part video I'm not sure depends on what's wrong but yeah I bought these basically blind it didn't really say in the listing what was wrong with them it just said that they were faulted they being sold the spares and repairs now returns etc etc there's a couple of reasons I've bought this number one is because I like to delve into some retro consoles every now and again you know just for a little bit of fun and whatever I don't do it for customers and things like that because it's generally not worth it when it comes to PlayStation 2os these retail for rate £50 fully working from places like CeX in the UK and that comes with a warranty so it's generally not going to be worth reping them obviously if you've got like a modded console or something like that then it may be worth getting them repaired but in terms of the raw consoles it's generally not going to be worth it so I don't do them for customers but I do like to have a little bit of fun every now and again and I saw these on eBay and yeah I just couldn't resist so I bought them and uh yeah I've been waiting to get to this video so yeah if you are new to the channel my name is dakoda I'm a Electronics technician I mainly work on games consoles but I do work work on other stuff too so if that's the sort of stuff that you're into be sure to get subscribed turn on the Bell notifications all of that good stuff and let me know in the comments what you want to see me work on next and I'll do my best to accommodate so with that being said let's get into the repair but not before I tell you about today's sponsor PCB way PCB way are not just a PCB manufacturing company they also offer flexible pcbs CNC Machining and 3D printing services as well I've used them myself in the past and on I really do recommend them for any of your PCB projects where you're working on your own Electronics or whether you need something 3D printing or something like that they have an offer on at the minute you can get 10 pcbs for just $5 when you sign up for a new account with fast 24hour turnaround time so be sure to check them out by clicking on the link in the video description thank you to PCB for sponsoring today's video it's those kind of things that make these videos possible and I really do appreciate it let's get into today's video all right okay so they barely fit in the frame here but we've got six PlayStation 2s here they come as just console only you know some of them are in reasonable condition for the age of them but obviously you know this one for example is missing a tray so or missing the uh the front cover to the tray so this one will probably end up getting used for parts it obviously depends what's wrong with it and stuff like that but for the most part I mean this one this one this one and this one are in reasonable condition this one's got some paint and stuff on it and it's fairly scratched off so let's just sort these out and we'll go through them one by one so I'm just going to drop a couple of these out the way here I say oh actually that one's not in the greatest condition on the top it might clean up but it's not in the greatest condition on the top I mean they're all fairly scratched up but what can you expect for something of this age right you know they're not going to be absolutely pristine so this one here looks complete uh I don't think this has been worked on the warranty stick is intact so that one looks okay it's also got the expansion by cover which is nice to come across don't look like we've got any damage to the front at all on this one the buttons are nice and clicky the ports look in good condition and so do the back Port solders the back Port as well okay uh stickers in reasonable condition as well for the serial number and stuff so yeah that's good to see number two again Fredy scratched up on the top which again is to be expected front looks okay ports look okay dis tray looks okay uh back ports look okay but this one does look like the warranty seal has been down damaged uh yeah it has it that one's been torn okay but the expansion Bay cover is on that one as well let's just have a look at this one again uh okay yeah I don't think this one has been I mean it looks a little bit worn but I don't think it's been broken uh whereas this one looks like it's definitely been CAU so that one's been worked on before uh number three we have some pretty bad rust here on this port so that's not in the greatest condition we do have the expansion Bay cover um the front looks in relatively decent condition yeah overall that one's okay the warranty seal is intacted on this but it does look like this is seem better days this might not be repairable just given the fact that we've got rust on it we're probably going to have rust Elsewhere on the board ports are actually fairly straightforward to change if you know what you're doing but you know if we've got too much rust on that board then chances are we're not going to be working on it again another one with the expansion Bay of and waranty seal intact okay this look like a good buy to be honest I mean 36 for six of them you really can't complain at that again the front covers uh the front looks really really uh really good um don't look like it's seem too much wear and te and then we come on to the ones that do look a little bit rough and worse for wear so this one uh obviously it's covered in stickers that's not an issue again the expansion B cover nice uh I think there only the one that hasn't got it uh okay yeah so that looks in we got a little bit of rust kicking in on the AV connector there warranty seal intact front doesn't look great on this one so this one may end up getting used for parts and this one as well this look like it possibly had liquid damage so I might work on this one first uh we've definitely got some Ingress inside the ports on this one and obviously the D drive tray is missing or the front traitor the dis Drive is missing on that one so again probably going to be used for parts uh power supply hasn't been put back together properly this one's definitely been opened uh that Port looks in good condition though I'll tell you what let's work on this one first so let's have a look at what what's going on with this one so I'm going to move the other ones out the way for now so I've got my own genuine controller there that's uh original PS2 controller which has been refurbished managed to pick it up off eBay for £15 not a bad price not great but it's not a bad price either to be honest and I've also got the an original PS2 uh AV cable here or original PlayStation AV cable but I've also got a USB capture card which convert the RCA input to USB so as I can show whatever comes up on the screen it's not the greatest of quality it's not really the kind of thing that you can use to play the console but it definitely does a job in terms of showing the screen for you guys and also it means I haven't going to have a separate TV in here with an RCA cable in on it because I'm not sure if my TV actually has RCA to be honest okay so the blue box that you see on the screen right now that is my capture card I've got that plugged into the computer and then I've also got the PS2 plugged into the capture card so we should be good to go here I know that this capture card and cable work because I'll be using them on my own console the other day for testing uh like I said I've got a PS2 myself I've got a modified PS2 slim and I couldn't get a display on HDM on a HDMI converter so I ended up plugging it into the capture card just for testing we are switched on here and we get no power on this at all okay uh interesting so no signs of life from this one at all okay let's work on it shall we so like I said I'm probably going to do a multipart video on this six consoles is definitely too much to do in one video in my opinion so I think the best thing for me to do is probably to do a multi-part video it probably be either two or three videos depending on how long each one takes me and what content I can squash into you know the half an error range which is my typical video length I think it'll definitely be a multi-part video unless you know three or four of them just work but that's very doubtful I'm sure they've probably been tested even though it says that they haven't now one thing that I'll do recall from the last time I worked on one of these because I worked on one a couple of months ago and I did a video on it and I ended up declaring it as uneconomical to fix and someone said that you know you have issues with the dish drive and stuff on these if you don't replace the battery uh the camos battery inside so I'm going to be sure to change the seamos battery on any board that I determined to be working uh I don't really work on retro stuff so I do need to bear that in mind and try and take the advice of the people who do work on them on a regular basis so I will be honest as well you know I will be up front just as I'm taking this last screw out here I will be up front and just say that I don't know how far I'm going to take each one of these to be honest I've got to try and think of the video length and also my own time as well and how economical it's actually going to be to work on each of these so we'll see we'll see how it goes so I'm just going to strip this down it could it's most likely going to be a power supply isue on this one to be honest I'm not really fusted about the dish drive right now to be honest I just want to see if I can potentially get the board itself working okay we got some broken plastic on that so this one I mean the case isn't in great condition anyway uh actually that is that plastic off the D dve it could be um but this case isn't in the greatest condition anyway I mean the Top's not too bad it's probably in better condition than some of them so I may use that top but chances are this one's probably going to end up being stried for parts anyway just because of the condition the dish Drive is in but it might be nice just to see if I can get the board working and maybe the power supply as well uh you don't want to go poking and ping at the power supply because the power supply can carry low voltage even after it's been unplugged you want to be very very careful when it comes to that sort of stuff and especially if you're for example plugging it in while the power supply is exposed just be incredibly careful with where you're touching and stuff like I know this is plastic around here but if you slip and touch a live contact then you know you could be in for a world of pain but what I'm going to do is just plug that in there and then I'm going [Music] to just test ah the fuse have been disconnected H okay just turn that off I'm not going to trust that switch though [Music] not going to trust it I'm going to grab that fuse there we go now I'm just going to test that fuse it might be faulty so I'm going to pop my meter into continuity mod here so continuity mod is going to beep when I have a completed circuit so if this fuse is good we should get a beep and and it is we get 1 ohm that's going to be uh resistance on my leads uh one thing I'm noticing though is that the terminals there have actually been damaged so if we zoom in a little bit here you'll see the terminals here are actually damaged so that's not really going to hold a [Music] fuse I can I can push that back in but I think those terminals would probably need replacing for a more permanent fix whoops so I don't need to worry about any low voltage because no low voltage would have been passing through on this but now it is because that fuse is in right so now we have to be careful the power supply does look in reasonable condition though doesn't look like we've got any expanding capacitors or anything like that it doesn't appear as all we've got any blown resistors blown components or at least not on face value I can't see any physical damage to it so I think it's probably safe enough to plug in now I'll do have it switched off at the minute and I'm going to switch it on there we go and we get a light there we go look but it is flashing okay I'm not sure what that means uh does that is that because I've got it is that because I've unplugged those ribbons maybe let's just plug those back in then I have turned this off and disconnected power again don't want to plug in the ribbons while it's got per running through the board rather interesting how that's ended up with that fuse becoming damaged or the fuse holder right so I'm assuming that the flashing light is going to be going to be because he can't communicate properly maybe by the way you don't really need to worry I mean I wouldn't recommend it but you don't really need to worry about for example the PCB under here you don't need to worry about exposed contacts there as long as they're not shorting out or anything you need to worry about the exposed contacts on the AC side of this par Supply which I assume is going to be separated here where this middle piece is here so this will probably be the hot and this will probably be the cold side don't take my word for that because I've never looked at one of these power supplies let's just have another look now does it still Flash no it doesn't and it turns on okay that dis tray opens this could be uh this could be a little bit more economically viable to repair considering that was just a fuse I mean long term you would probably say replace those fuse hold the terminals but I mean honestly they probably be fine let's just plug in the display cable see if we get an output I'll enable my capture card now then and we do we do get a display so that is working apparently let's plug in a controller then does my controller work yes it does and it's got the correct date uh it hasn't got the correct time uh so it's got 11th the 5th 2024 which hang on is it the 11th I think it actually may be the 11th what do you know it is so it's 2 hours out of date uh I mean it's 2:30 a.m. not 4:05 a.m. other than that that seems fine that seems absolutely fine so the one thing I don't have immediately to hand is a disc to be able to test a disc drive so what I'm going to do is I'm going to put this one to one side for now I'm going to just plug every single other one in and just see if if there's a disc in any of them you know if any of them turn on and if it's a disc I've also got this one here which is one of the consoles well the one that I mentioned earlier which I've worked on in the past so that's obviously still stripped down and whatnot but I'm just going to see if there's a disc in here because I can't find my PS2 disc and I know I had a test disc can't even find the case though to be honest so I'm not sure what's happened to it just got to be super careful here because the power supply he's exposed hey okay there it is it's inside there I knew I had a test disc all right so this board obviously works um someone's told me I should change the battery to it so maybe sometime in the near future just not today but there we go so yeah that was the uh the console I worked on a couple of weeks ago so at least I can test the now I've got a GTA San Andreas disc in here that disc drive works so I can uh I guess I can refurb that disc drive and get it working because they're not cheap at all these dis drives I think they cost around about 30 but I don't think this one would be really reasonable to actually repair just given how much well how how much the case and stuff is broke but we'll see what the situation is in terms of spare parts and stuff because this works I can't see anything wrong with this or at least not off you know you know not off a initial glance uh an initial test that is working absolutely fine for a look at that so number one nice and easy uh let's get that disc out yeah that disc does open and close on its own which is rather annoying uh no that's fine that Destroyer is working the par display works the board works we have one working console but I'm not going to put this one back together because I don't know what I'm doing with this one as of yet so this one for now I'm just going to pop to one side and we can work on number two so the screws to that console and uh everything else to it just going to pop into this ESD bag keep them safe because if I do end up stripping that down I would sell the screw as well because everything is worth money someone's always going to need screws and feet and all of that other stuff so I would strip it down and I would sell the screws as an entire set you know even if it's only5 for a set of screws it's 55 that I didn't have before and it helps to recoup the cost of the actual devices so there there we go okay on to number two so number two is going to be this one the other one that that's not in great condition and uh yeah let's see if this one turns on so obviously I'm going into this completely blind I don't know what the situation is with any of these okay that one lights up this tray opens and stays open and it turns on as well is it going to load a game pop GTA San Andreas in one other thing I do need to do is test a memory card but I don't have one to hand at the minute I've got one but it's got my fre MC boot on it oh okay uh those are not great um this one I believe the system clock has probably failed uh the battery has failed yeah okay um so one thing I Rec call people saying to me in the first PS2 video that I did was when you don't get the on this um you know this uh animation if that don't spin then the battery has failed on it and it's also not loading a game so this one looks like it's going to need the battery sorting out on it so I've never done that before so I don't know how that process is going to go but okay and I think what I'll do with this cuz this one is really badly beaten so I think what I'm going to do with this is I think I'm going to replace the battery in it if I can and then I'm also going to replace this top with the other one so as I can basically have one complete working console it's very dusty inside as well and yeah this is very very dirty inside it's actually very Rusty as well interesting uh yeah I need to take a look at the board I guess for this one ah this is that one with the uh the rusty connector I am contemplating whether it's going to be worth using the parts from this one to fix the other one so the reason I don't think I should really use this one is the fact that this board is Rusty I'm going to strip it down and have a look at it but from what I can see so far I don't think it's going to be worth actually trying to repair this board uh on know that it's just going to be a clock issue but at the same time I mean well I mean I could repair it and then know full well that if I strip any parts off the board that it's going to be worth you know that it's it's going to work and whatnot there is an option I do just need to look at the uh the board itself though but right now doesn't look like it's going to be worth risking repairing this just given how Rusty it is okay so I noral power supply is good so that's one good thing knowing that I've got a good power supply there okay so we down to the board here then there we are yeah that heat s is pretty rusted and I'm assuming that this CR 2032 is dead I get rid of that dust yeah to be honest I don't know how many of these I'll actually keep I don't think I'll keep any actually that's not rusted on the inside of there that would clean up uh that's not too bad I could probably ultrasonic that and then be happy selling that board uh okay let's just pop this battery out of here and here's my multimeter at the top of the screen little bit difficult to see but if I just check this battery so I'm in DC volt mode 2.77 volts yeah that's pretty much gone skate okay so here's what we can do we can grab a PS5 motherboard and Nick the battery out of that because these are basically brand new I don't have any new CR 232s there we go and then if I test this one now 3.03 yeah there we go 3.03 3.02 something like that so that's absolutely fine it's a 3vt battery and uh that batter is perfect for this so that is done I'm going to need to clean up everything else though we just need a pretty good clean out just look at that dust inside there yeah no wonder it wasn't clipping in properly okay H don't know that's a little bit iffy though to be honest those pins look a little bit bent on here with these locking tabs they're also a little bit corroded as well yeah I don't know if this is going to be really worth repairing this particular console uh I think this one's going to be a case of just repair and strip it down maybe use the dis drive on the other want and then sell the board and power supply separately maybe that's better we don't get that nasty click now so I'll just push those pins back in yeah on that one so they're not getting caught now they're still locking in nicely you know they're not loose or anything but we're not getting that nasty click when we press it so that's uh that's good sa just having to scrap that or replace it okay there we go so that's actually come up relatively clean I mean obviously it's still Rusty and whatnot but it's come up relatively clean it's not too bad it's all right for using for testing but yeah I think uh I think this is going to be a case where I just you know get get it working get it to a point where I know that is going to be okay to actually use you know don't worry about the case or anything because the case is not in good condition so scrap the case get rid of that uh sell the Board sell the power supply use the D Joy because they're pretty freaking expensive sell the fan sell that and yeah that's pretty much it the rest of it goes in the scrap uh apart from the P button of course yeah so I'm going to I'm just going to reassemble this side of the housing just for giving it a test and whatnot and then as long as everything's honky Dory as long as everything's working then yeah I'll uh I'll call it good these uh these ribbons are the worst design ever well that's now being held in however that D drive isn't spinning uh okay could that be a d Drive issue I'll have to do some research on it but the dis Drive isn't spinning it's trying so if I reset this you can see the dis Drive is attempting to spin but it's not actually spinning uh so that could be a d dve issue then um why that logo is not working still is again a bit of a mystery but I think uh for now let's just keep it on the sidelines um it could be a dish Drive issue let's just take another a look at number three for now so number three is in reasonable condition but this is the one where the warranty seal has been broken yeah number two I just don't think is uh really worth messing with if I'm being honest right that one is Stone dead okay that one's Stone dead interesting let's get this one apart then shall we and this is probably going to be the last one that I work on for this video the video is going on a little bit too long now I did spend some time looking for a PS2 game but I've been recording for an hour and a half so I don't actually know how long in terms of footage probably an hour and then obviously I'll top that down into about 20 25 minutes so yeah let's just uh have a look at this one and try and get this one working and then we'll do three in the next video as well that looks like a replacement screw to me as well interesting so someone has definitely been in here that looks in reasonable condition to be honest so let's hope we can get this one working I'm still getting used to taking these apart by the way as you can probably tell this is a replacement power supply maybe I don't know uh I think that's a replacement PA Supply I'm not 100% sure looks like that might be bulging as well um it's hard to tell let me just get rid of this off the screen okay so let's just test this input fuse first before we do anything else so again in continuity mode the input fuse is absolutely fine okay so I'm going to go into DC mold on my power supply then sorry on my multimeter not my power supply let's just take a look first of all so actually let's go AC first and let's rule out the actual power jack itself so neutral line there keep your hands well clear when you doing this when you're working with AC current we got 244 volts coming in 244 volts on that side of the [Music] fuse 244 volts on that side of the fuse 40 volt I there 24 volt there uh what about there 24 volts uh let's switch to DC volts what about this side of the power supply we're getting 2 volt out on that power supply so either uh hang on a minute no I'm complete ignore me let's gra that nada nothing um yeah we're getting nothing on the secondary side of this power supply so not going to really f f find the power supply just yet what I am going to do is just try another power supply just to see does it actually work within the power supply does the console itself work so let's just remove this I'm not a power supply technician as well by the way so I don't really know what I'm doing with power supplies so I don't know if it's actually going to be worth me doing the power supply I certainly can't give any advice on it so there's the power supply there I'm not sure if that's a replacement or not I'm not 100% sure but what I am going to do is just take the power supply from the console I just had on the bench because I know that works don't worry about the uh ah actually never mind he will fit I thought I thought I would have to swap the par cable uh the input cable but no I don't so yeah I'm not sure if that's the right uh the original par supply for this console or not I don't know if that's actually making a contact I don't know if that's making a contact or not okay we do have per so it is the par Supply that is actually turning on ah yeah it's not going to it's not going to make contact is it this is not safe for the record let's just try it like that looks like the Fan's not working in this as well interesting whether it's been disconnected I don't know but the Fan's not and okay that does actually turn on unfortunately it's going to be rather difficult to load a disc okay the disc drive is spinning and it is actually booting as well well all right so there we go the dis Drive is working so let's just pop in a controller just reset that I'm going to check the configuration on this and yeah the battery going to need be placing in that one as well of course it is okie dokie so this one here I I'm going to need a power supply for the is I have with that is I don't have one of these power supplies so one of these front loading power supplies so right now it looks like I either need to repair this power supply or just basically sideline this one and see which ones see which other ones I get but the rest of that console is working so for now let's unplug it uh I'm going to just try and Source One of these power supplies at least I know that the PS2 that I've got here is working it just needs a power supply and it's in really good condition but I am going to leave it there for this video I've worked on three I've got one working that was just a nice simple fix it was a fuse uh you know the terminal for the fuse itself so that one was a fairly straightforward one the second one I just don't think is economically viable just given the amount of rust and stuff that's on it so I'm going to use that one for spare parts and also the disc drive is faulty on that one as well by the look of it this third one works apparently fine but the power supply needs replacing so I need to Source one of those and other than that yeah that's the only ones we've worked on I do have another few ps2's though so if it comes to it I will take a look and see if I've got one of these power supplies uh you know even if I can just get some references off it and get some known good stuff some known good uh voltage rails and stuff off it at least that way then I would be able to for find this one a little bit more effectively knowing what to look for and stuff like that so yeah that's going to be it for this video don't forget to get subscribed for part two I will be releasing part two early on patreon so if you want to watch that one early then be sure to check me out over there but obviously patreon is paid but it will come on to YouTube a few days after this one does as well so thank you very much watching I really do appreciate it I hope you enjoyed the video let me know what you think down in the comments down below and I'll see you all in the next one take care everyone bye for now
Channel: TheCod3r
Views: 17,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thecod3r, thecod3r youtube, faulty ps2, ps2 not reading disc fix, ps2 not turning on, ps2 not reading disc, retro game console repair, retro game console restoration, ps2 repair, ps2 no power repair, ps2 no power fix, how to fix a ps2 that wont turn on, how to fix a ps2 that wont read discs, ps2 not loading games, ps2 clock battery replacement, ps2 clock battery, ps2 disc drive repair, ps2 disc drive replacement, ps2 disc drive not spinning, tutorial, trying to fix, how to, fix
Id: fINgMA33Jow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 7sec (2347 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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