$100 BROKEN PS5 - Extended Cut

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$100 is a great deal for a PS5 if I can fix it a viewer named Brandon contacted me and said that he had a PS5 that had a broken fan connector and the PS5 would also shut down almost immediately after it started up he said he'd sell it to me for $100 and hopes that I can make a video out of fixing it so let's take a look and guess and see if we can figure out what might have happened here we definitely have a broken fan connector I'm guessing maybe this PS4 was shutting down quickly after startup and so the seller or someone that the seller knew took it apart to see if they could fix that problem and unfortunately broke the fan connector off so probably the first thing we need to do is to fix this fan connector and then start it up and see if we get it to shut down but while I'm fixing the fan connector I'm also going to take a look at the liquid metal the liquid metal is a very common thing that can cause this problem so let's take a look at that while we have the motherboard out to fix the fan okay now we can take the metal plate off okay we've got all the thermal paste in where it should be and everything's looking good so far some of the first things I think of when a PS4 is shutting off a lot of times that's caused by overheating sometimes is caused by other things so one of the first things I'm going to look at is the heat sinks check those out another thing I'm going to look at is the power supply and see if the power supply ventilation holes are plugged with dirt and hair and then we're also going to be checking the Apu and the liquid metal on it I'm guessing that there's probably a dry spot on it although this console has been opened up before so it's hard to know um you know what's been done somebody may have already tried to respread the liquid metal but we are about to find out feels like like I don't know this is pretty stuck down so there we go okay now let's flip this over and have a look at this liquid metal okay actually not too bad of a dry spot this is actually sort of better than I expected although I'm not sure there's enough liquid metal on here to to make enough contact H there's a good size blob on the heat sink side so it could be okay this is also the first model of PS5 I think I said PS4 multiple times already I know this is a PS5 um because it has these extra metal pieces in here which just seems so strange to me but that's what they did um so when I go to put this together I'm going to respread this liquid metal and probably add a little bit as as well but it doesn't actually look too bad so far so the next thing we need to check are the heat sinks and then also the power supply ventilation in order to do that I need to remove the two power supply screws one here and one here one and two and now we can remove the heat sinks from the unit let's see if they're plugged oh not bad at all these are nice and clean actually and then the power supply let's check it out and see how the ventilation is there oh yeah I don't I don't know if somebody has already cleaned this but this is just completely clean so I don't think that's an issue I'm kind of wondering if maybe somebody took this apart to clean it already just because everything looks super clean in here and then maybe during that process they also tore off the fan connector kind of guessing that's probably what happened cuz like I said this is pretty clean inside I don't see any issues here um that would cause overheating so far I am going to add a little bit of liquid metal that might have caused it but probably not so what I'm going to do now is just take the motherboard and replace that fan connector then we'll get the motherboard installed I'll add a little bit of liquid metal and make sure it's all spread around nicely then we'll put the heat sink back on get the rest of it together and then we can test did a while back I made a video about a PS5 that was ran over that I tried to fix unfortunately I was not able to fix it and I wasn't sure there was going to be too many parts that I could use off of the board but this is a part that I definitely can use I'm going to steal this fan connector because the fan connector for the PS5 that I bought for $100 is not there so I'm going to steal this fan connector off of this board so we can install it onto the $100 PS5 board how I'm going to do this is heat it from the underside and then that will melt the solder on all of these little joints over here and that will remove this from the board safely without damaging anything you know if I do it right I like to use a thick piece of silicone to put under these when I do stuff like this that just protects my blue work mat and then I'm going to have a pair of tweezers on the connector that I'm pulling off and I'm going to pull down very very gently while I heat from the top side of the board and hopefully that will get this off without doing any damage now this board takes a ton of heat because it's a very thick board so I'm going to be heating this for a while and I'm making sure to go in large circles first and then I'll kind of start localizing the heat to right where that connector is I like to make big circles at first just to help heat more the board than just this one little area if you heat just the one area too much it can cause the board to delaminate and that can also damage other components on the board so I like to heat up a large portion first and then heat up just the small portion where the connector is that I'm trying to remove I'm also pulling very gently I have ruined connectors before by grabbing them very tightly with with my tweezers and then sometimes they'll get too hot and my tweezers will also get too hot and then basically just melt the connector and that's not what we want to do here I don't have a lot of these boards that have these connectors on them so I want to make sure to not ruin the connector I'm pointing my wand away from my fingers instead of like straight up and down if I'm more straight like this then more the hot air gets to my fingers and I'm not wearing any gloves gloves or anything today so I want to avoid my fingers getting too hot there are gloves that you can wear that sometimes help but also they don't help that much and the gloves can actually kind of keep the heat on your fingers longer so I don't often use gloves come on should be getting warm enough here anytime my iron's at 1100° F my air flow is at three I do some times wiggle the port a little bit sometimes wiggling it will just help the solder flow but also patience is the key here now I'm going to slow down and just go right where I need that heat there we go and got it so what you're going to see me do next is take a little grinding pen and grind away the solder mask on these traces on the board so here we go with our grinding pen I'm G to try uh this pad is not working great I'm going to try to get enough Material off here that I can solder to this part right here I don't want to keep bending that pad though okay and then we need to strengthen this part right here so I'm going to grind off the solder mask and then we'll add some solder to that we also need to strengthen this part right here if we can that's good now I need to hold this down so I can grind over here and I'm just making uh kind of little places for the wire to connect to there we go now over here we need to grind off some of this so we can hopefully get a place where we can mount this connector too not sure how well that's going to work but we'll give it a try okay now I'll clean that all up and we'll see what we have left to work with got to be super careful not to keep bending these this uh stuff is is pretty strong this layer of the board but also it can break fairly easily if you bend it back and forth a whole bunch like I'm doing with this one okay there we we go yeah that should be good okay actually I think that's pretty decent so now I need to come in with some solder and fix all of those and solder on some solder there and that will just help once I come in with the connector then that solder will help stick to the solder on the connector so coming in with some flux here obviously we need a lot of flux in order to help the solder stick help the solder flow there we go should be good enough for now and fume extractor on and then we'll get the soldering done I will be using my larger soldering iron just because I'm going to be working with some ground planes and ground planes soak up a lot of heat so I'm going to come in right here add solder to this part right here that is sticking okay more solder here and then more solder down here and there and there and over here okay now this part I want a little bit better contact there so I'm going to use my grinding pen and grind away a little bit more of that solder mask over there after I clean it I don't want to be spreading flux all over it's going to fling it all over the place oops don't want to do that okay that's bad better now more flux there we go and there we go now let's see if we can get a little little more solder on those areas oh yeah that's better yep so much better it's exactly what I'm looking for right there now we need to come in with some wire just using some enameled wire we're going to burn off the enamel and then then stick it down solder it down to those little pads there's two and now for the connector install we're going to go just a little bit offset about right there I think would work good I'm going to try and get some heat just on this pin over here enough to connect it and we did a little bit let's get a better connection there not great don't I need to reposition probably to get much heat over [Music] here okay I'm going to come in use my left hand to solder this part and I'm just hoping to get this down enough to get a good connection over [Music] here okay good there let's try getting a better connection on this side okay that's decent and now we need to connect this pin to this pad there we go this pin to this pad H let's get some solder on the pad first or the the pin we need to solder the wire down to the pin so there we go and there is not any flux there so I'm going to need to add some flux but I think that got it for now there we go okay let's go in with a little bit of flux there we go add a little bit of solder to my iron and let's add some solder to this joint right here I don't like the to look at that I'm going to add a little bit more solder flux kind of burned off a little too quickly they on me there we go that's not going anywhere and neither is that one now we'll just come through and cut this wire off right whoop oh I got it sort of right there and cut this wire off right there not the strongest of connection but it's definitely going to work fine I'm going to come through and clean this all up then we'll add some conformal coating and probably a little bit of super glue to keep that connector solidly down on the board so it's it doesn't break off now I'm using my toothbrush and some IPA I mean I shouldn't say it like that it's not like my toothbrush I don't like you know use this here at the shop and then take it home and use it at night see if I can keep this on on camera here going to clean down inside of this as well that flux can get pretty sticky got quite a bit of flux coming out the back side here too that's good that means it's coming out from underneath the connector when I put this conformal coating on I want it to kind of flow down all around that as much as possible and to come in also with a little BW 100 that'll help get all that flux out of there as well okay that's looking pretty clean now it's time for the conformal coating then we'll get some glue down there as well and again this just helps protect these joints down here going to let it hopefully flow underneath the connector yeah that's looking good you can see it just kind of sucking up under the connector that's exactly what we want that'll just protect the board all these circuit traces we're rebuilding just give it a little more strength along with the super lure we'll use here in a minute actually I'll probably have to use that a little bit later because this needs to dry fully now you can see how that conformal coating pulled up all the way underneath the connector as well so that is good I'm going to add a little bit just to where the connections Point points are that I made just to help protect them a little bit more all right and that's good enough for now like I said I may add some super glue here but this will create a nice strong connection now let's get this back installed and we'll get that liquid metal taken care of I don't remember if I have any more liquid metal in this tube let's find out we don't need a ton more on here oh yeah we got more um I'm going to rub this around now yeah this dry spot really is isn't too bad oh those are great sounds right there okay that's pretty good there now we're just going to do the same thing over here the goal here is just kind of rub off any of this oxidation on here and this one wasn't too bad either I do want to add just a little bit more liquid metal got to make sure there's the perfect amount on here got a little bit on there there we go there we go that's pretty good and yeah that's the perfect amount of liquid metal right there now we can get this thing reassembled and see if it's going to work after all that okay and this conformal coating is getting pretty dry it's pretty tacky right now but still not enough to super glue it so I'm going to put it together still enough to test it and then I can come back and glue it later but that is looking pretty good and it's fairly strong it definitely has some wiggle to it but it is still fairly strong for what we had to work with here we go yep works great okay and that's together enough to test now let's get it plugged in and see if it'll turn on and see if it'll overheat once it is turned on okay let's see if there's power to the disc drive yes there is power to the console yes the fan also does start up right away that's good news let's see if we get a signal on the screen so did restart oh come on good uh we almost had it okay it's restarting again I don't know if that's good or not come on yes we've got the PS logo that's great news now I'm just going to get it set up and we'll see how long it'll last before for it overheats if it does hopefully it won't at all but we'll find out uhoh it just turned off that's not great news okay it did a little repair and now it's restarting okay here it is again stay on uh it turned off again so we know the fan is working the fan connector is working I think what I'm going to try next is replacing the power supply cuz that's something that could easily cause this type of an issue if it's not the power supply it's probably something on the board and I'm not sure that's going to be something we can fix but let's try the power supply first of course in order to get to the power supply we have to take all this stuff back off including this fan connector so I'll show you how I'm going to do this I'm going to hold down on the fan connector with my fingernail while I pull up on the part that St supposed to come out so the part that's connected to the board I'm going to hold down with my fingernail hopefully you can see this while I wiggle back and forth and pull up on the actual fan connector part that's attached to the fan that seemed to work fine now I'm going to undo all that stuff I just did so we can get to the power supply now I'm finally down to the power supply so we can remove the old one already taking the screws out and install the hopefully the working one I don't actually know I this one is not I don't remember what this is from or if it even works so hopefully it does now I do still have to put on the Wi-Fi antennas I'm going to wait to do that until I get this back together and test and see if that power supply even works disc drive has power power to the console okay we have power again that's good news so far okay black screen processing okay it's repairing that's fine repairing console storage okay okay this is where we got before and then it turned off right around here come on still on that's good did we fix this one there we go so far it looks great I'm going to go through and get this set up but I think this $100 PS5 is all fixed the price of a new power supply is about $65 so I paid about $165 for this PS5 and obviously it took a little bit of time for me to fix but overall I think that was a pretty good deal now I did steal the part I needed from a junk PS5 board this board is from a PS5 that was ran over that I tried to fix if you want to see that video I'll put that video on your screen now so you can come hang out with me over there thanks so much for watching today if you want to buy some of our new merch including this shirt right here go to tronic fix.com thank you so much for watching today and I hope you have a good one
Channel: TronicsFix Longs
Views: 99,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 25min 12sec (1512 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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