I Bought 2 BROKEN SPIDERMAN PS4's - Can I Save Them?

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this video is sponsored by ifixit i hate seeing the fancy special edition ps4s go to waste so when i saw these two broken spider-man special editions for sale on ebay i decided i had to buy them to see if i could fix them let's do this so for ps4 pro number one i paid hundred and nine dollars for number two i paid 260 dollars this one when i unboxed it it had the power cable connector from the motherboard right on top of the ps4 so it's obviously been torn off but the real question is is there anything else wrong other than this connector and also did they try and fix it themselves and if so did they do any damage ps4 pro number two smells like cockroaches which is disgusting this was not disclosed in the auction but you know how ebay is that's what you get sometimes so this one probably just needs a power supply but at the same time it's gonna be disgusting inside so i gotta open that up and see what exactly it looks like and if we can clean it and bring it back to usable condition so i'm going to start with number one obviously we need to address this connector from the motherboard so i got to get it torn down and see what exactly is going on in there also i bought this special edition spider-man ps4 controller from ebay again and it is also broken but i have a special video just for this that i think you're gonna like so be sure to subscribe so you don't miss it so let's get number one torn down and see what we find okay it has been cleaned that's for sure it doesn't smell too gross so i am hopeful that this one doesn't have cockroaches but you never know they've definitely had this one open instead of removing the screw they just tore that whole tab off oh this is not good news this looks like liquid damage we got the disk drive ribbon cable disconnected well this just got more interesting so the liquid bit would have been right here but i can also see a little bit on this motherboard already so hopefully it's not too bad let's get it tore down the rest of the way i'm gonna be using an ifixit pro-tec toolkit this is one of my favorite tool kits as it doesn't have a ton of stuff that you don't need but it also has everything that you do need so i'll be using this driver kit to remove all the screws out of this ps4 let's first remove the hard drive and see if that's been damaged from the liquid and not too bad they may have replaced this one already but this one as far as i can tell looks just fine now i do want to point out this clamp is also installed upside down this little dot is supposed to go down not facing up which is also why it didn't fit on here correctly you can see that this part of the clamp went over that memory chip it is supposed to go on like that it's also missing one thermal pad right there and i also see some problems right over here somebody's definitely tried to do some stuff over here so we'll take a look at that once we get this motherboard out it looks like this is probably right where that connector goes on the other side of the motherboard so here we go let's look for any liquid damage i actually don't see any okay so that's good news this might be salvageable so this we might actually be able to fix this one that's great news so let's address the first and most important issue so far that i see and that would be this so this is the piece that was taped to the top of this console so these four pins need to be attached to four of these pins right here on the motherboard unfortunately these ones have just been totally torn off and destroyed so i gotta get into the microscope and see how we're gonna be able to fix this problem so this is our problem this needs to be connected to these circuit traces right here unfortunately these actually have been torn off all this stuff you see over here that's what's left of the circuit where it would normally connect to these four pins in addition there's also what looks like probably super glue on this motherboard unfortunately there are some people that think just gluing one of these back on will fix the problem when that won't fix it because it needs to be attached with some sort of conducting material to the circuits on the motherboard so in this case the conducting material is solder so i'm just going to work on getting some of this off then i will heat it up if necessary that should help get more of it off and hopefully we can get enough of it off to actually rebuild this portion of the motherboard so this part right here i have to be super careful getting that glue or whatever it is off because there is still some of the circuit traces from the motherboard kind of all rolled up in all of this so if i can unroll that without breaking anything i actually might be able to reuse some of these so i'm hoping that maybe i can get this off gently enough to not break those circuits off of the motherboard well that one just flew off my workbench so who knows if i'll ever be able to find that but i don't think i actually need it got one connection here one connection here one connection over here somewhere and one connection over here so the other problem we have is these are the mounting tabs one over here and one over here that's going to be pretty difficult to rebuild any sort of secure mounting base for this connector but once we get it on here we'll see if we can do anything about that so now i've got this area completely cleaned off i'm going to need to connect all of these traces along with this one all the way over to the power supply connector that i'm going to be putting on also i need to make sure these are all connected and then i need to connect the wire from here and here all the way up to the connector where the power supply plugs in so this connector goes on here like this these are actually bent so i can't quite show you how it goes but it needs to sit on here like this so i need to run a wire from here all the way up to here for each of these pins so let me show you what it looks like on a good motherboard here is a good motherboard this is what it should look like and you can see that this is all one piece all the way from here all the way up to here same with this one and this one and this one so i need to rebuild this circuit from this point all the way up to this point and then the connector can be put on like this now first i need to re-bend these pins on this connector i'm actually going to do that with my thumbnail hopefully there's one looks good there's another one another one and the last one so that is all now ready to install now this right here is the mounting point for this connector once i get this installed i'll see if there's any way that i can correct this problem and make it so it will mount to the motherboard i'm not so sure that it will just because there's so much damage on the motherboard but i will try to do it and hopefully we can get it at least a little bit connected because that makes everything easier when this can mount correctly down on the motherboard so this is how it will sit once i have it fully installed it looks like there might be enough over on this side maybe even this side to get enough of the motherboard scraped away so i can connect this mounting pin with solder so now i'm going to rebuild this part of the circuit i'm going to add some wire from here all the way up to here and to do that i'm going to be using this wiring pen out of the end of the wiring pin there is enameled wire so that just means there's a coating on it so i'm going to connect this wire with all of these traces right here and then it will end up over here and then i can connect the power supply connector to that wire this wiring pencil is available on my website tronixfixstore.com if you want to buy one of these for yourself you can also just use a roll of enameled wire but a wiring pencil just makes this so much easier now that we have our new circuits put in i'm gonna put some green goo over this and that will just protect all these circuits and make sure they don't come into contact with each other or anything else so i'm going to use the green goose called solder mask and then i'm going to use a uv curing light to dry that out and make it hard then we'll install the connector so we did end up getting one really good solid mounting point this one is not that solid but it's enough to at least keep it mostly secure we've got each of these circuit traces connected to the correct circuit and now it's time to clean it up and then put it back into the ps4 pro and see if it works and of course we need to add the perfect amount of thermal paste there we go so here is the rebuilt connector and circuit traces on our motherboard you can see that it is in there nice and sturdy not as sturdy as it could be but plenty sturdy enough for us to get the connector on there so now i'm going to install this power supply then i'll plug it in and see if it's going to work for us there we go plugs in just fine now i have the power supply installed now i'm going to plug it in and see if it works one thing we need to keep in mind is we don't know why the seller took this apart so there could be other issues and maybe the reason they took it apart was the disk drive didn't work or some other problem so even if we do have the power supply problem fixed that doesn't mean that it's fixed i definitely hope it is but i won't know until we get it started up let's plug it in and see what it does okay no smoke or anything so far okay do we have power yes good come on yes we've got the playstation logo that's good news let's see if it starts up all the way okay so this looks great so far i'm gonna put a disc in and let's see if it will play a disc okay but it is reading it it can recognize there's not enough free space on the hard drive so that's good news that means that the disk drive works it does work a little sluggish so i'm going to try it a few more times i might need to take that apart and clean it up and get that working better but overall i think the main problem with ps4 number one is fixed now let's move on to ps4 number two so for ps4 pro number two this one was the 260 dollar ps4 pro this is the one that smells disgusting and since there's roaches in it i can already tell you it most likely just needs a new power supply but let's open it up and see if there's anything else wrong and now is when we find out how bad the infestation is and i've seen a lot worse that's actually not too bad so next we got to get down to the power supply then we can put a new one in and see if that fixes it now for disconnecting the power supply we need to pull on this part of it not this part down here that's connected to the motherboard if you pull on the part that's connected to the motherboard then that part will just tear off and you'll have a repair just like i did on the first ps4 pro so if you don't want to do that repair you need to make sure and pull on this part not that part so before we get this power supply replaced let's open this one up and see exactly what went wrong so this is the inside of the top cover and that is pretty nasty let's look at how the cockroaches destroyed this power supply before we do that i have to say if you're trying to fix something like this yourself don't touch the power supply or even take it apart just because there is some very high voltage specifically in capacitors like this that can cause serious damage to yourself so i never recommend opening it if you are going to open it make sure that all the capacitors are discharged but again i recommend you don't try this at home so we'll likely be able to see what went wrong with this power supply on the underside of it and the first thing we see right here is a disgusting cockroach and also a place where it looks like the cockroach exploded and this right here shows exactly what happened so most likely the happy little cockroach was walking along through this power supply and touched two of the points here that they shouldn't have touched which likely put current right through the cockroach's body but also shorted out the circuit so this power supply has all these components burned out in many cases these are repairable this one very well might be fixable but i'll leave that for another video i'm just gonna go ahead and replace this one with another power supply and we'll see if that gets this ps4 working now before we get this power supply installed i do want to give this a bit of a cleaning you can see the fan is a little bit dirty definitely seen a lot worse but might as well clean it while we're in here so this is the power supply out of the ps4 death stranding edition that i fixed in an earlier video if you haven't seen that i recommend you go back and check that out as that is a fairly interesting fix as well i'll put a link to that up on your screen at the end but that's where this power supply came from now i have it back together enough to test it so i'm going to get it plugged in and let's see if it turns on and if it plays a disc and if we find anything else wrong does it have power oh no oh it does have power and it even has a disc inside so this has nba 2k19 not an expensive game but hey it's still a free game okay there we go checking system storage status that's totally normal so i'm going to let this get all set up and then we'll test the disk drive now it's all set up we're at the dashboard let's see if it's going to play this disk and there we go so this one looks like it's completely fixed let me show you how much these are going for so i only see one right now that's just the console only this one sold for 300 plus 25 shipping i paid 209 dollars for one and 260 dollars for the other i also did put a power supply in which is worth anywhere from 50 to 70 dollars so if i sold both of these consoles i would definitely make a little bit of profit on these i don't know how much because there's only one sold that is comparable also one of them has been infested with roaches which i would mention in the listing and that would also bring the price down a little bit but overall this actually was a pretty good buy even though i wasn't buying to make a profit i was just buying to show some interesting repairs i still would be able to pull out some profit on this buy thank you again to ifixit for sponsoring this video if you'd like to receive 10 off your order of 50 or more just go to ifixit.com tronicsfix thank you so much for watching and i hope you have a good one
Channel: TronicsFix
Views: 899,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tronicsfix, tronicsfix ps4, tronicsfix ps4 repair, ps4 repair, spiderman ps4
Id: Puv-UfeofwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 54sec (1074 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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