I Bought 10 Gifts For My Friends To DESTROY or KEEP!

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oh snap wow I didn't like that sorry it's weird being in this chair hi everybody that's right you heard me I just said it's weird being in this chair and it is a little bit weird being in this chair because today we're filming doper nope without one bald guy and that is the big math boy much hi Mattias as you guys might have heard he just had a son his name is Atticus show picture Robert hey let's give him a couple claps OH and so we've replaced him with our friend Brian who's been on this channel before everybody fries the og tan man since we have Brian here and since we don't have Matthias here we're gonna be doing a different style video this is a video based off of a team edge video show right here Robert the sledgehammer one where we're gonna be buying ten products and we're going around and asking all of our friends and employees or a product they want and then we're gonna make them choose between two boxes and they have to select a more one of them if they sledgehammer the wrong box they break their product minimal to keep its crushed but if they sledgehammer the right box then they get to keep it this is my one finger let's take a look at the first product everybody also everybody we have a hat to randomly choose who goes win mine is Nick Nick is our new HR or people's manager Human Resources human resources HR so let's go ahead and take a look at what Nick asked for oh they got to pick what they wanted yeah oh that's gonna hurt you tomorrow you crushing I like this even more than espresso by DeLonghi NV 1 5 5 t 4 2 o plus it's a coffee maker it makes espresso do they named espresso after how fast is she specifically asked for the DeLonghi z15 tt she's all about the French you know what I'm not gonna lie I want to smash this thing well it's not yours to smash it would be Nick's oh they get they have to smash it themselves you explained it and then as we're going through is Benny's now realized it is complicated it really is a true true Add to Cart hey guys this is our new inspirations the first time on camera I believe I have to say you're probably like the favorite here because every time your name comes up every was like my like her she's dope I'm new the new smell that the new HR smell will wear off if you remember I asked you to send me a gift yeah you sent me two just in case but which one do you really want I remember I had a rug of what else did I send you there wasn't a rug while there was but a competition yes I did too so holla can we recap a rug yeah but I said I said no room one of those two gifts is in one of these boxes no you have to choose so whichever box you smash if it's in there and if you don't smash it all the way we soft unwrap it but then you have to smash it for real because we want to know it does I'm gonna have to smash it smash it you get to keep whichever item it is I think I'm gonna do this on Christmas morning with my family ready wait did it not break anything what was in there me rose no my camera Oh another coffee maker a cap press oh ah why does everybody want what is this Ryan's what we call an okay boomer trying to hurt you okay there you go we have the cap press oh one 16.04 pompous I brought I want to crush this no you don't get to crush nothing but it will crush nicely yeah it'll make her depressor you said my jokes that was pretty good okay Oh dual squirt no you see two Cubs oh you just came up with reading and dual dispense you're the dance do you remember I don't know a couple weeks ago you asked you about a little wishlist item Eve like guess what today is not that day it is that so yeah we have it out here for you if you'd like to come with us come follows don't follow us now Catherine we said hey I know you wanted one gift we got you two of the same or did we one of these is empty one of these has your product in it we have a swatch you have to choose one box to hit the poop out of and if you hit your product you don't mean you break it you don't keep it if you hit the empty box you're going to keep your product I just hurt my heart yeah so it's gonna be a smashing good time like Ryan said do you guys know which one has the real one I don't oh I hit it again alright wait wait let's just okay one more oh you got to finish it off to work oh you got some oh you broke it oh yeah I destroyed it I literally went home and I was like Jacob guess what we're kidding an espresso machine and he was like what now guys this had 5 stars on Amazon and Rose just gave it one I knew it was in that box - why did I why did I wrong with guys next product guys guess what we have a dope or no cardigan isn't that crazy by the time you're seeing this they're back in stock I know it says currently I'm eight and they'll fix it fix it stuff in stock you know it's good when it's out of stock you guys have bought a ton of them right it's limited supplies you guys bought a ton and guess what we just remade a ton I just heard the word that we might have just doubled up on what we bought last time cuz you guys are really digging it so make sure you guys go and check it out right now if you guys want to play the dopant up car game this is what it looks like it's beautiful and in one of those boxes is a signed card from everybody here we can't do that but there's a golden ticket so if you want a chance to play against us in the game where we get to be your judges and you have to come with the product then do that and if your guys's product wins and we're gonna put it in a fiber video which is gonna be super sick and we'll have it actually design and you'll receive a personal video from us guys check it out check out the ratings let us know what you think leave a rating and more importantly buy it as a gift and maybe play the sledgehammer game at home but not with the game don't play such a game with the game you keep the game guys check it out link down below buy it let us know you guys got it by sending it to us and make sure you guys play the next product easy this is for Israel Israel does maintenance all things maintenance he's the man to go to a car DVD player a stereo basa audio systems be vp9 a three just the first boss audio system just imagine is he putting this in a stroke just like audio calling can I speak to the boss what was that can I see can I speak to the boss oh so this is the boss thank you I see there's like a double din what is a double din oh okay Andy does the devil didn't do blu-ray no that's not boss thank you for your time Buy Now or Add to Cart Add to Cart I don't want to buy Iranian alright Israel hello hi guys this is his room and as you remember I asked you to send me a gift you sent me to one of those gifts is in one of these boxes you have to take a sledgehammer smash a box if it's in the box you smash no mas o if it's in a box that you didn't smash you you get to keep it okay it's like a big surprise I like how the Spanish flare just came out no mass no one remember what what you sent me is stereo or those sweet kicks you wanted to this shoes yeah yes okay we're gonna see dude how's everyone you want think about it make about it are you busy oh wow I think you didn't get it oh thank you hey we talked to their customer service dude they're excited excited dented the concrete that's power my man don't mess with Izzy thank you Robert you're watching right now so you have to live these poor memories whether it will collapse you got a camera and in stock ug film in sacks square instant film camera pearl white moves to LA once gets a Fuji film that is like literally the exact thing every single person in LA yeah are you not impressed yeah your choice to pick anything we got coffee makers not proud of him either wait dude you could also get with Taylor Swift and she's 122 know she's feeling 22 I would call her right now I want to crush this too we're coming for you buddy bye guys your hearings Robert one of the editors Ford Oprah note so in the previous wish list video his name was on the wheel and we spun it but it never landed on anything yeah I was very sad I had to edit everyone else so happy this time we asked him for one specific gift and it was yeah I believe it was a Polaroid camera it was you know you got to make memories some you got to keep the memories lasting it's like when you watch an old doper note video nothing makes you happier Thank You tanner this is very important that I have these all right so you're familiar with what we're doing here yeah I've been filming it so pretty much this whole time we make way over here that you're gonna explain it to him yeah one of these boxes my guy has your camera do you understand oh I got it I got it I think I'm just gonna go impulsive like whatever whatever happens happens essentially don't even know which one you're gonna go for right now if you miss we smash them both right oh man now that I'm starting to process this like there's a lot of gravity to this situation as Michael Tala Montes says let's send it well you forgot your gift thanks guys you want to open it yeah okay I guess so I owe it to them I guess you still think she got a member you wanna take some pics there we go thanks boys read it and weep I'm gonna take some great pics maybe if you guys are lucky I'll get a couple of you and put it on my I don't how does that work you take it and then no you take it and I'm sky works on YouTube he doesn't know how to camp next product alright my travel buddy I picked Anna let's see what Hanna banana picked the kind straps put your carded tied down can we light it on fire did she break she's smart she picked some that we can't even if you smash it no break the buckles or cut it we start cutting things Association it snipping what is she even doing to where she needs straps on the top of well she goes like camping along I think so is this for that he goes camping a lot so she got strong that's for surfboards oh wow what a Cali girl you know at this rate that we're going I wouldn't be surprised if someone just picked a stack of white paper yeah you guys just saw her gift that we got her do you know there was one specific thing okay [Laughter] these are your choices code the soft pads be here don't touch it okay stay far away just go quickly right there I have no idea how they would package this this is where the so that if I smashed it it wouldn't ruin it see you would think but weird open are you ready yes of course we do [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] certain things that are kind of expensive that college students don't want to buy themselves but it's one of those things where all my friends will buy it for me they don't sound excited yeah she pick something she does even want to buy I just don't want to spend the money because they're super nice I think no I think woods picked a good product does he not how much do you bet what what is the was the scale a steak dinner okay what's how do you guess the price of what he does I say it's under $100 for 13 yeah I should not it looks pretty cool so we have had one of these previously on channel he wants to shoot for it yeah whoa steering steering servo yeah what is that strong four-wheel drive graphics I can't see where the car is there just click the footage oh my gosh and it landed into a forest yeah I think there's a plot right now going on look at that shot hey we watch the entire thing the other ones we just stopped I will say they just threw Liam Neeson's head somewhere in there I would have given it a 10 out of 10 stars all right woodland we're coming for you hey this guy gave us a product and you guys just looked at it and it was that do you know what it was it was an RC car a really cool RC car wow that feels really immature are you ready yeah man just ready to get this over with what's happened to see roses and he saw her disappointment and somebody just feels like it's imminent with it himself so remember if you select your gift and it's in there and you don't fully smash it and take it out and we destroy it and my we you go card like Christmas morning ah I don't remember this one but yes ooh did I give it to you in European hours dude let's cut to some footage of woods just driving it around alright what's up guys were with woodland Amar's and his lovely item he won you can see it's already dirty yeah which is good that means you've been using it he loves know you're here there's a track outside can you go check it out yes please try again almost cleared the landing but I'm still practicing you know this is a classic tortoise in the hair situation this is very yeah this is Owen steady wins the race put it up there and send it off the roof I won't mess it up I swear Tanner's horribly yep can you go backwards now it's gonna get stuck in the net stop turning the wheel oh boy Oh it's been an absolute pleasure everybody subscribe like and cry next like to cry alright alright Michael [Music] we got Patti LaBelle Patrick the man from bu himself wait you want with the Gen Y didn't go Jen - Jen one was it was about the hundred dollar limit yeah but Patrick's not one of those guys he's picky if I know Pat you'll eat anything especially her okay this is this is a good item yes what searches Pat sent in two seconds he already knew the price he knew what to give me with the send to me aren't these like out of stock everywhere nope literally pheasants dog bread you missed Alan by a hot minute that's Patrick hi Brian Patrick do you know what this video is I heard screaming and so I'm nervous stop stop there might be something in here okay got you so I want a boy or do I want a girl all right Patrick so we got all right we got you one good but it could be in either one of these boxes I just want to say I just can I just just hold it real quick I feel like it needs we're gonna write you back it just feels right I just needed to do that stop stop are you joking happy holidays I'm so mad you didn't break them dude I want him to break it thank you guys I just say thank you for picking an interesting item so far we've had like like warm water maker and like you get any operating rub and rubber literally rubber you're welcome thank you Hey Patrick's winning this holiday season everybody all right guys before me is that next product I want you shout out time WWE tend to move no tend of Libya okay I'll call slash it back slash ten members of the dope or nope family that's right tim has signed up to get all that good exclusive content like license polls law BTS footage stuff with maybe without Brian who knows my sign up for it if I'm not in it that's why yeah because it's not breathing good old matthias guys so if you want to hold my thighs want to become a member just like Tim all you got to do is click that join button down below and there are three different tiers choose whatever you want to see you know there's different actress of different things what kind of guy are you Michael baby yeah you are 3 you get the mostest of the mostest Bryan he's not using tier 1 kinda guy little bit weak he just want like a pole yeah he's like I'll just give me a pole and that's cool that's a good pole I'm proud of them but we're tier 3 kind of guys you want to be like Michael myself a little bit legendary check it out me baby next body thank you to him I got Chad Johnson see Chad Ochocinco my god he picked up blender blender this is how you know the employees of hi-5 are living on their own young kids trying to get some appliances where's like the flat-screen TV where's the stuff that you don't need but you want well this stuff is gonna break well I will say that I mean we fix glass but this is just here's what we should do we should make CJ get something from his desk or something else that's person we'll put it inside the blender Oh crush it up and then make them crush the blender we should do a test on the blender if I get two for one dies the blenders already wrapped up and ready to go we're gonna see strangers use it first here's what we'll do we'll see a stranger use it there's a nice that's fancy how's it going buddy what the heck it's meant yes permanent replacement that excited to see 10 CJ what's up dude you remember the Christmas thing we didn't know what's up so remember when you we had you send us a gift I'm just one gift that you want yeah yeah that's today you're about to get it I'm not gonna get it you guys are gonna make me do something I don't like this game we got you to the exact same thing we got you a box with it in it in a box empty alright so CJ's got a blender what's so great about this blender well I need a new blender there's a story behind it but uh I threw my blender away cuz I thought it was broken turns out my outlets in my kitchen we're just off on my breaker so I threw a perfectly good blender away for no reason look this is the first time I lived on my own okay CJ with this TV's like well this is I'm just grateful to be thought of if I get to come to work and smashed a new blender I'm happy so no one likes to kiss up let's see it happen and that's a good she said look it's your buddy oh no give it one more right there seven more it's in there it's in there I was gonna go with the left one oh no it's broken guys no it's broken you know the rules you have to finish it off you know oh well guys that's just how doper know be sometimes the fate was in his hands and didn't work out their next product all right Brian oh oh oh good thing I just cut my nails too wait why is that a good thing Oh others say because a pole are like super long with like dirt and stuff ah why she goes this far he was implying I'm gonna go talk to Paul good I come in oh goodness this is cooler I want to smash this too just want to smash a thing but this is good because Paul's consistently vlogging so like he would actually we crushes little dreams okay you know I'll give Paul credit for this and this one will look nice when it shatters listen it's that's not even that bright what is an it nuclear intensity testosterone yeah I like that remember when we asked you for one gift that you'd want about a hundred bucks there's two gifts uh yeah because guess what one of those box is completely empty yeah of them with something you want something that I wanted I don't know if I wanted it really bad I don't care if every I'm gonna go with smashing blue remember the rules are fits in there it doesn't fully break you gotta smash it you're gonna really really get it can't be usable as an empty box how's 170 Pink's my colors this is the second gift that Paul's keeping from doper nut good job good job this is surprising to me because I don't know I forgot there's a clue 450 myths he doesn't even know what it is after reading it we're happy can't guess what it is that we got a smash oh wait a second oh it's a camera monitor yeah that's what it is it's a camera monitor yeah yeah no I'm wondering one of these do you know how many thumbnails I take or I'd like take a picture and I'm like I gotta go back and look at it now let's just flip the screen dude I got selfie style you know what helped us video get millions of views if I break in smash it no come on you don't really need it in the box it weighs to be cake next product hey guys it's a brulee brulee I'm Hank in here and I just came here to tell you guys thank you for watching today's video it really means a lot to me I've been busy chopping wood trees and it really helps that you guys are watching the socket chop less wood trees and I can do YouTube for a living guys if you want to see more of my homeboy Brian go check out his channel over here it's experior he does a bunch of really cool experiences and has like a great time all the time this video he's checking out was you're like in a BMW going to over a hundred thirty miles an hour and I was freaking out when this guy was like drifting though this one it was so fast he runs through my mind every day and if you guys want to check out that video that's a video that YouTube recommends specifically for you I love you guys see you in the next one bye guys I love you sounds good they got me
Channel: DOPE or NOPE
Views: 2,091,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2019, top 10, top 5, white elephant, mystery box, gift, gift ideas, prank, plot twist, pranks gone wrong, fails, reacting to, friends, best friends, best friends in the world, comedy, funny, funny videos, reviews, amazon, amazon prime, prime day, shopping, haul, wishlist, try not to laugh, fails 2019, team edge, challenge, what's in the box, mystery, decade, 2020
Id: kkNfGLr-GS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 31 2019
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