I believed this LIE about SWIMBAITS For Years

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oh my God oh my gosh 50 oh my gosh if you are hearing that you being lied to today I'm throwing nothing but big baits and I'm not even really fishing a body of water that's capable of like giant bags I mean there's some 20 lb bags that are caught here but for the most part most of these fish are a pound and a half to 3 lb with a four being a big one and a five being a giant and so you know if you've ever heard that you need to fish big big Waters that have big fish in them to catch you know Big swimbait Fish I'm hoping to prove you wrong hoping to catch five big fish today I'm really hoping that I can catch 20 lb 20 lb is the goal so let's get on to it after getting on the lake I saw that the water temp was 57° and the watercolor was a little off in comparison to what it usually is we had about a foot and 1/2 to 2T of visibility I decided to run over to the small man-made pocket over on the west side I felt like with water temps being near 60° the fish should really start pushing up into areas like this as they start to spawn there's one oh is that a small mouth what is that it's a mudfish what the heck I didn't even know these suckers were in here look at that ancient don't wreck my swimbait dude one thing you don't want to do is get your uh fingers in this dude's mouth see that you not they can clamp down hard and they got some teeth look at that prehistoric looking guy get the juices flowing gets the juices flowing for sure don't think that I'm going to get a ton of bites today I mean there are a lot of fish that live in here but man like I said I'm fishing for a lot of pound and a half to three Pounders you know I'm just looking for five big bites and I don't know what bait they're going to come on I'm trying to not throw the 6 in swimbait a whole lot because I do have a lot of confidence in that and uh that'll be kind of my uh backup plan if I can't get bit on a Glide bait or this big soft swimbait here big magdraft but we'll just see what happens started off on a little just a little spawning pot I mean the water is 50 oh my gosh there's one oh yes are you kidding me are you kidding me dude we're not even we just started fishing baby look at that oh my gosh today might be fun shouldn't get my hopes up but look at that freaking chunk oh that was fun all right check it out just started fishing already had two bites one was that that mud fish prehistoric looking creature pretty cool got my confidence but man I'll tell you what this bass just absolutely smoked that thing not a giant giant but hey if we're going to catch 20 lbs we're going to need some filler fish that's a solid fish right there starting off the day with a 2.97 almost a three pounder gosh Crush that thing man this could be fun we just got into this little pock pocket here like I go I've always wanted to do a day like this where I just do nothing but big baits that fish came off of this 8 in magdraft I've only got one of them so we're going to throw the Glide bait I'm jacked I'm jacked I'm jacked I just caught whatever whatever they are look at that that's exactly what they are well here I was thinking I wasn't throwing a bait that was big enough look at that thing look at that gizzard Chad dude that exactly what they are down there look at that I wouldn't call that exactly matching the hatch but sure makes my bait looks small all of a sudden even though I caught one bass here I was starting to wonder if the fish were pushing up to spawn or if they were still out I just felt like I should have caught more fish here so I decided to run another similar area another spawning pocket and see what would happen oh my God all right look at that chunk man was just about to kick it on high chunky fish looks like he's fresh all righty well we've gone about in hour without catching a fish I was I was already starting to lose a lot of confidence in my baits but I'm just keeping that thing locked in it's so easy for us as Anglers to just resort to the same same stuff we do all the time and it's not a terrible thing but I just I want to learn this and I want to I want to be confident in it so fish number two is a 2.22 so a two two and a qu is the smallest fish so far I'm anxious to see that we get on this uh 8 in magdraft I'm going to be alternating between the the big magraft and that Glide bait a little bit I'm going to let that one go I fished quite a bit of rock and haven't had a bite yet um that's a lot of times where fish are caught around here um so it's just interesting maybe it just doesn't work out with that swimbait but I got one off a dock one off some grass just going to keep on looking around and uh keep chucking that thing yes this video is brought to you by my Fishing apparel business Finn fishing at fin fishing I have usamade Sun shirts I have bass hats with a wooden bass badge I have Rod gloves and more and right now for the month of April if you buy one of my usamade sun shirts you actually get a free fin fishing rod glove all you got to do is add the sun shirt you like to cart add the rod glove that you like to cart it will automatically discount at checkout shopping at fin fishing is truly the best way to help support this Channel and help me continue to make Lake break videos for you I'm going to leave a link Down Below in the description I really appreciate the support again even though I caught another fish here both the fish I caught looked very fresh meaning it looked like they had just moved into the spawning type areas so I decided to look at areas that I would consider staging areas staging areas are areas on the lake that bass will move up to after they winter but before they spawn so I ran over to this island although this island in the immediate area around it is fairly shallow some of the deepest water in this Harbor is right in front of this island in the canal that leads out to Lake Erie so I can imagine fish wintering in this canal and moving up around this island to Stage before [Music] [Music] spawning there's one [Music] oh let's go that guy gosh look how pale and ghost white that fish is all righty well we just got fish number three another I mean solid fish I wish we were uh I'm I'm getting some bites I mean I'm getting a few bites here and there I fish some shallow wood and just did not get any bites and I'm back out in uh just some scattered grass and started chucking this thing around and he uh he killed it that is a 227 227 so I haven't caught anything over two a under two and a quarter and so haven't caught anything well over 3 lbs but we are uh we started at a little after 7 it's 9:26 that's three bytes in about two 2 and 1 half hours let's go baby feel like we just got to get in the right little zone or area and maybe this is it we will start popping them all right number four another one probably about 2 and A4 or so about to see but I was really shallow where I caught that last fish I'm probably a 100 yards away and uh I'm just trying to find an edge to this grass and I kind of that fish weighs Let's see 2.51 we need to catch a lot bigger than twos if we're going to hit 20 lb but we're just under 10 lb now um with four fish everything on that 8 in magdraft so far it's been a lot of fun just kind of learning that bait uh the speed that I like to fish that bait that fish kind of like that very first fish I caught ripped it out of the grass and he popped it I thought he was about to be a lot bigger I mean the solid fish there but um man I just hope we can uh start catching a few bigger ones it's 9:43 so we uh we have a ton of time over 5 hours to get up to 20 lb and I'm just still learning how to really use that bait hopefully this is a deal hopefully once I got to this Edge maybe I can follow the edge around of this kind of grass there's a lily there's some pad stems up Shallow maybe this is where those fish will be but um we're just kind of experimenting I'm really just throwing that swimbait I mean I'm just I'm trying not to lay it down at all uh which is actually very hard it's becoming easier but it is very hard I'm going to retie I tell you what it would be nice to have a the weedless version of this bait with what I'm doing right now after catching a couple of fish in this grass flat I figured that I could come back here and spend time covering the grass to catch a few more bass but before I did that I wanted to check out a few more isolated pieces to cover to try and pick up my limit fish now looking at Google Earth in my toppo maps there was a point close by that had some deeper water on it so I decided to hit that point oh my gosh go it's hard to tell from the camera but this was actually a really big bite the fish knocked about a foot of slack in the line but unfortunately didn't get hooked up so I decided to just continue fishing down this stretch of Bank I could see in the distance a big seaw wall I hadn't fished any seaw walls yet today and I thought I would burn down the bank to see if fish were relating to [Music] them come on big girl oh my God oh my gosh I just had to say it I guess that was sweet I hope I got that bite on the GoPro God was that I hope I got that on the GoPro cuz that fish popped it right there at the surface that is a a good one better than those last one that's number five though still I'm looking for those four and five Pounders we uh haven't caught haven't caught any four or five Pounders yet so I'm hoping that we get into some that fish weighs 302 that is number five it's the biggest one of the day so far and we're right at exactly 13 lb so we need to get some big ones but man what a sweet bite that was I literally just said come on big girl so gosh that was fun though man really starting to feel confident with that Glide with that 8 in mag man that's what a beautiful fish oh my God there's another another one all right goodness gracious God oh love it when the scale is still on all right there's our there's our sixth fish our small fish right now is a 2.22 I don't think he's going to be quite that his fish are thick yeah he's a 2.09 so it doesn't help us at all but thank you fish cuz you were a lot of fun oh my gosh you're kidding me a bass just took that big swimbait off of the log off of the I just got hung up right there and a bass took it off you are kidding after getting several bites on seaw walls I thought maybe I was just overthinking everything maybe the fishing was as easy as finding a seaw wall pulling up to it and catching bass so I knew a part of the harbor that had more seaw walls and I thought I would go check them out but before I went there I wanted to quickly cover the other side of this grass flat where i' caught a few fish [Music] earlier there's one yeah oh that's a good one it's definitely going to help yeah all right just got an upgrade fish I think this is actually going to be the biggest fish of the day so far he uh he wanted that thing man head first down the gullet here we go gosh that's a little bit more like what we're talking about right there 348 348 sorry bud I'm just going to keep chucking this thing around I mean doing the exact same thing I've been doing whole day like I said about every time I uh am about to give up I either catch one or I get bit and uh we've had seven fish in the boat on the 8 in magdraft and probably 10 to 12 bites on it I mean I've had some really good bites that just didn't get it I've only got one of these bad boys um and it's starting to get a little chewed up but we're just going to keep on keeping on gosh after catching this bass which was the biggest one of the day I probably should have decided to stay in this area and milk it for everything it was worth between the seaw wall close by and the grass I had had seven or eight btes and landed five Keepers in a relatively short amount of time but I didn't decide to do that instead I decided to run and try to find other areas that were similar because as a fisherman The Grass Is Always Greener somewhere else literally and I thought maybe I could find a big school of fish in a grass patch somewhere close by so I spent a long time fishing another large grass flat where the water was actually quite a bit clearer but nothing then I fish some more grass and again nothing then I fish a lot more rock Jetties and seaw walls and a little bit all over the place and all I had to show for it was this come on help me man it's definitely the smallest one probably a pound and a quarter on that guy look at that it's almost the same size I continued to be poop all around with very little results for a number of hours and finally with about an hour left to go in my day I decided to run back to that grass flat and the part of the lake that yielded most of my bass today and well this happens [Music] there he is there's another one in the dirty water dude I don't know what it is oh look at that as soon as we get back over here I don't know exactly why it is but but the water over here is substantially dirtier and I've gotten a lot more bites not just in this general area but a little bit all over the place so if you've ever heard someone say Hey you need clear water to catch them on a swimbait you are being lied to and even myself I've said that before and you can see I mean you can only see this bait down about oh I'd say about a foot so don't be AF afraid to pick up that swimbait in a little bit muddier more off color water they can still feel that bait forgot to weigh that fish I don't think he would have helped us though he was about a two pounder I think we need a 227 is right over here in this grass this is the grass I was catching I think I caught three fish in including the big one that I caught for the day so far and then way up there where looks a little bit more off color it's kind of hard to tell this morning there's another one gosh there he is not going to help I don't think let's weigh him real quick we need a 227 [Music] no 2:30 well it's about 2:30 it's time for me to get on the road here but we fished for about 7 hours today and I pretty much fished the 8 in magdraft exclusively I picked up the Glide bait a little bit here and there but man this bait before today I had never caught a single bass on it I think I had about 15 or 16 bites on this bait today I ended up catching 10 of those fish putting them in the boat we had somewhere around 14 and a/4 14 142 lb total in our weight so I didn't hit my 20 lb Mark but man I I learned a lot about this bait today and just gained a ton of confidence in a bigger bait and I'm really pumped about that so if you guys enjoyed this kind of breaking down a body of water Style video I'm going to leave my most recent Lake break video that I did right here I caught a ton of fish and had a ball over in Michigan in this one also if you guys want to help support the channel click this link for fin fishing I will see you guys in the next one
Channel: BassFishingHQ
Views: 49,767
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: swimbaits, swimbait fishing, swimbait fishing for bass, 8in magdraft, bass fishing swimbaits, bass fishing, bass fishing tips
Id: vVly3X876W4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 1sec (1381 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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