I Became The WORST Taxi Driver In GTA 5

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so I'm broke so I decided to pick up a few extra shifts as a taxi driver in GTA 5 but here's the catch every 30 seconds a random effect would trigger which could either help or hinder me to deliver my customers to the destination let's see if I get any of them there alive okay so the first thing we're going to need to do before we can even start is to go and grab ourselves a taxi oh oh my God there's one literally right here hey buddy hey how's it how's it going man hop in you want to go maybe maybe we can learn from him figure out how to become a decent taxi driver 12 seconds later okay you know what we're just going to skip this this guy doesn't know how to taxi drive I think I've picked up enough I think we got this all right hey that was great but uh yeah going to going to going to need this yeah no Witnesses besides you know all the witnesses oh no oh no oh God this is not a good first day as a taxi driver we already have the cops on us all right we'll go uh we'll go hide in the back here customer shouldn't be able to not notice the bullet hole right that's like we can just say that's part of the aesthetic maybe okay we're good all right so we're going to start our ability to pick up passengers there we go so we have a customer down here now the second the customer gets in my car I will trigger the random effect and then that'll be it I cannot turn it off until we're done with the challenge and the clock will start the second they enter my car so there he is cool let's go it's on all right so there's a bar up the top you'll see It'll up slowly every 30 seconds a random effect will trigger you can see on the top three there it's a it's an equal chance for any of those three things to pop up all right so we're going like how far are we going oh wow this is a little bit dangerous okay we got to go all the way into the hills it's a bit of a drive our first effect has hit it's just walk on water we're good this is good that's a good effect for us to get I think that just means we can't like go under the water so if I crash maybe the car will stay on water I'm kind of tempted to check it out but but no no no I want to I want to get five star Uber rating here kind of don't want to get fired on my first day as a taxi driver oh God okay that would have been a quick way sorry about that sir it's you know uh it's first day on the job you know just trying to get used to it okay low pitch I also think that's a good one I think that just changes my character's voice so he sounds low pitch okay I just saw that number three option is spawn a deadly agent I uh I am praying that we don't get that one I don't think I should be shooting while on the jump oh no I missed my turn off oh God oh God oh God he's right there okay okay oh and he has a I didn't think he'd have a car I did sir I am so sorry about this this is this is not what we want at the downtown Cab Company y this is definitely definitely against a company policy okay I think we're going to be good here as long as we okay 0.2 times game speed the problem with this is that the timer up the top is still moving at regular speed and I also can't break in time oh oh my God look how close I came to hitting that rock that's how close I am to losing my [ __ ] right now bees oh no not the bees not the bees oh oh we're taking damage oh I do not have enough health for this thank you hey thank you so $196 2226 we got a $30 tip okay let's sign it for another drop that's one out of five oh oh we're going to pick up just where we dropped that guy off okay all yours what this guy still around hello sir that we just dropped off is this is this the same guy oh let's go I was wondering why I so blowy we just got a new effect I need glasses that's that feels a bit offensive I don't nice glasses for eyes I don't know about that is this I think this is getting worse loose triggers okay I don't have a gun out though so ooh did we kill that oh we've we've killed that lady uh oh no Hey sir sorry if you just want to contact a downt cab company um my insurance will cancel all of this out you know know you'll be fine don't worry it's okay uh I'm not super excited about the next options okay I thought we're going to get explod our vehicles blackout is all right I can I can handle blackout sorry just real quick a all the way on great ocean hey I have an idea it's probably not a good idea and it's probably going to get me fired but but every great idea comes out of risk I don't know what that was I'm going to I'm going to go Offroad we're going to take basically the hill here and Skip all the driving there and just send it up here okay oh that was a terrible idea why did I do that I how much time do you have sir oh that was a terrible idea I don't know why I thought that would be better just taking the road what does meteor Shia mean does that mean what I think oh God how did that even happen I don't know mate you are you and I you and I are living the same life right now I'm just trying to get you to your destination I just I'm trying to make minimum wage so I just have to jump the fence here I made it I made it are they dead oh oh they're dead Okay Steve from Blues Clues is dead no well okay you no I'm so dead I'm so dead uh we need to go and find another taxi ASAP I just need one taxi please is that a taxi found one launch all nearby PS up that actually helped me all right our nearest taxi pickups just over here we' successfully delivered One customer so far what did we get jumpy props that's fine sir please please move I am on the clock all right where are we taking this man ooh okay that's that's that's a good spot we can either get whale rain everyone is bloody or replace current vehicle I'm out God damn it dude I knew this was going to be hard but I can't even get my second one done no bro oh my God I suck he's just here he's just here just wait wait till he lines me up here basically guess that's oh I shot his passenger lame ass [ __ ] got him listen I need this for work oh God okay so we've got another taxi there's there's some crime happening behind us but we've got another as soon as this pedestrian gets in we will start up the effects again and the timer will begin again all right our effects are back on every 30 seconds I'm going to trigger this is pedestrian number two CER number two I need to get them to their destination before anything bad happens these three effects aren too bad like gravity field could be terrible if I blow someone up uh but I think it should be okay and I got gravity field okay oh oh God I ain't put that this [ __ ] I don't know what's happening oh I'm like stuck in this oh oh I'm so dead I'm so [Music] dead sake okay well oh ah I need that come back okay I am changing the the the goal post I am making this easier three is the number we're trying to beat right now we just want to drop off three customers that's it okay now as soon as this guy gets in the effects will start up again the the timer I don't even know where the timer's at anymore I think we have another we have another 30 minutes left and we're going all the way up there okay God damn it that is a long drive now if I just take this I can jump back out and then onto the freeway so we're fine we're fine that's it look at that we just jump back onto here no no no no no no no no no just kidding keep oh my god oh boy I was I wouldn't have had a keyboard after that I ain't even going to lie I would have smashed that on my knee please don't give me all nearby PS of fing please please I will lose my customer if that happens don't do it anything but that please lag okay we can deal with lag lag's whatever I'm from Australia and I play on us servers I am well versed in this this is this is nothing new to me okay please not spinning camera give me LSD or blackout do not give me spinning camera I don't think I could handle it God [ __ ] damn you God damn you I want a vomit already you know like when you have a really bad hangover and you wake up the next day and and the room is spinning the world is tipsy T TP Tipsy Turvy I don't Tipsy wory whoopsy i d I don't know what the word is it's nearly done God damn you no no no no no no the taxi no no please survive oh thank God hello sir all part of the service that was just a little uh I'm out in what does he mean you [ __ ] no Pi no sir I went so far for you okay okay all right well we just got to okay we have we have 24 minutes on the clock that is all we have time for if I can't if I can't drop off two customers in 24 minutes starting now we're done this is over where are we going where oh my God it's a short trip it's a short fair look our money won't be good but it's a short fair I'm actually very happy with this okay dude I just I have to speedrun this dude this is this is now a dream speedrun to take the most effective route I don't know what we're going to get I don't know if it's going to ruin everything what the hell was that I lost my godamn customer God damn it I lost my goddamn customer again I am I am thinking that this might be an impossible challenge why are you getting on that side why okay three 2 1 okay we are going to the pier oh God that is a long trip oh please give me Portal guns please give me Portal guns that that means it only does something if I shoot I think it's probably like maybe a minute to Del perp from here we could do this we could easily do this the run is still safe at the moment screw it I'm using every tool we have right now okay we got Portal guns that that's good that bought us some time oh okay I thought I thought that was going to be a lot hairier than it was uncoming traic what was that what was that repair our vehicles oh my God this could be a good run I got to limit how much I'm using that because it the it looks like the time is still regular for the effect this might be our second drop off I'm here yes yes and we still got paid really well for that oh my God sending you the address now dude I don't think you understand dude I don't think you understand how how copy that you should only be this is the proudest I've ever felt one lost customer we have 20 minutes on the clock left 20 minutes our first run took us 20 minutes he's in let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go where are we going what's the drop off sir what the hell is this great ocean okay this is actually kind of good though hold on wait why am I upset about this it's a straight shot it's a main road there's not a lot that can ruin this if we lose the tires of our vehicle as long as the doesn't jump out or get scared and cancel the ride we're good okay okay this is fine this is good okay this is fine this is fine o oh wa what is happening what is happening why are we oh God what is happening looks like our size oh that dude just got destroyed looks like the size of the vehicle is the same it just looks smaller all right all right all right oh oh please please we have to finish with this taxi please we have to finish with this taxi teleport to way point all vehicles oh God no no no no no no if we get break boosting it's over if we get break boosting it is done everything freaks out speeds up and blows up just like before we need to get there now oh God no no no no we have less than 10 seconds to get there no no no no no no no no no no please please please please please please please please please oh God sir please [ __ ] [ __ ] no oh [ __ ] does that count yes it counted we did it we delivered the final passenger thank God oh my God that was so close thank the good Lord we did it we did it and we get to drive off into the sunset in our Golden Taxi uh this is the greatest taxi driver in the world signing off see you in the next [Music] one
Channel: heyimzed
Views: 337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GTA 5, gta 5 chaos mod, gta 5 chaos, chaos mod, chaos, mod, gta five, gta 5 challenge, gta 5 challenges, gta five challenges, gta 6, gta six, heyimzed, heyimzed nopixel, heyimzed krunker
Id: C1Sh-QLsdb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2023
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