I Became Crabzilla and Destroyed The ENTIRE WORLD in Worldbox!

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oh man what is it about sandbox games that i love so freaking much is it exploration of human creativity finding something outside of reality and exploring these ideas in a way that only we as humans with our fascinating brains can is it a way of exploring ourselves our ideals and our intuitions what do you think little buddy oh oh oh that's right i think i think i just like blowing stuff up duh somehow i've never played world box i don't know it seems like the perfect game for me it involves destruction and that's about it i guess i don't really have much of my resume see job 2013 took question mark destruction oh god i don't think i don't think he survived that well yeah it's a world in a box because there's cubes and stuff and squares get it it's a joke but it's freaking fantastic we can generate worlds we can do ridiculous stuff you can just let the game kind of play itself like let these guys build their civilizations on the destroyed wreckage they always wonder what happened to our ancestors or our ancestor i guess there was just one guy let's just stay away from the danger zone over here i don't know if that was a nuclear bomb or what there's still a little fire going on there but now they'll just live in happiness and peace unless i cause something to not allow them to live in happiness and peace why would i do that that seems like a jerky thing to do like you are they haven't even realized they have names oh what a coincidence tells my mother's name here you go humans have an orc friend oh god oh no oh they're fighting each other me can't you put your differences aside for one series they're just wailing on them okay don't like humans i get it i don't like these guys either they're building a little house oh that's so cute oh the house is a campfire my little people they're doing so good oh i'm so very proud of you guys here have a sheep feast upon its flesh outwork or shear it for wool that's probably a bit more of an efficient model you guys have a chicken too this way you can thrive in your new civilization welcome to existence isn't it fantabulous all right so they've built they're working together they're cultivating crops they're farming animals now the next logical step for any civilization is a robot santa there are some some hot things in this game where you going robot santa oh oh my god he is bombing things santa knows oh luckily he missed all of them you guys got lucky the robot santa deemed you nice this year i guess they weren't naughty what do you guys need how can i help you more robot santas get him santa okay he drops bombs over there what is one over there oh my god santa sandy monster run chicken run oh the chicken popped out an egg you're so scared i don't think many people are left oh she just died what what just ate her oh there's a wolf okay so imagine that you survived a the robot santa attack only to be never butt chewed off by a wolf not a good way to go out so you gonna take my chicken well that's the end of civilization didn't do such oh wait there's people down here oh apparently they broke away from the original colony and now thriving down here they escape the torment of robot santa how dare you what happens if we give them a zombie get him oh come on zombie come on they're just punching him i don't i don't think he's supposed to punch zombies oh they got him okay i've got a couple more zombies yes turn them turn them all oh that one's gonna turn he's gonna do it oh yes join our ranks you jump what happens when they when everyone becomes a zombie they just live in zombie peace and habit oh they just beat up a sheep and a chicken run chicken run from the zombie well now it's an island full of zombies i guess we gotta sterilize it time to just burn everything this will sterilize our island for sure oh there's one still human alive oh i'm sorry oh god okay well you know what you're not looking so hot we're just gonna burn you too burn everything fire the ultimate cleanser just maybe not for your face it's too slow we need lightning cleansing cleansing cleansing lightning it's great for your pores are we good nope wait a second they could swim am i not killing them i might just be knocking around die zombie oh my god they're everywhere these nickety zombies are freaking hard to get rid of we good everything dead as it should be double dead i guess because they're zombies you know it's just destroy this whole world and start over why not what's the biggest bomb we got oh sorry bomb all right they were kidding get a couple of those yadda yadda this is what god does right like yeah this this world kind of sucks do-over oh the power is going straight to my head so there's land over here how dare you exist sounds like my mother oh god oh my mom clean slate baby nailed it there we are now we're talking well it's actually let's actually build up our world we'll have the desert dwellers down here is there a limit to how many people i can spawn feel like i'll need an auto clicker or something for this game and their arch enemies will be over here on the fancy island all right why aren't these guys why are they making the civilization these guys are look at them go was it because it's just a bunch of cactus you can build out a cactus oh god these jerks oh they're all dying so just abandon them in this middle middle of this desert i i can't i can't give you guys trees there okay there i built you guys a there's some forest happy oh nope all dying because the heat okay well that didn't go very well luckily these guys are thriving you all get give them some sheep give her some chickens there you go piranhas no no no piranhas don't need piranhas you can shower them with stone and gold and riches beyond their wildest dream there's some more deposits hope those aren't crushing you or some fruit bushes look at that they are set i think i've turned a new leaf i'm a good guy here have a cat no civilization is complete without cats or the wolves they're of the worm what the heck oh where's that worm going all right now what i expected a worm to do he's just kind of going around adding land places i think everyone in a desert colony is dead quitters i grew up in a desert and i'm just fine but we can't be we can't be too nice to these people you know it's a good thing to grow and experience life as humans they need some tragedy to get over right it's how we learn oh just just a nice little calm earthquake just a wee little earthquake all right and little earthquake oh okay uh destroyed half of their civilization ah sorry maybe they get putting stuff away they're fine they can rebuild they'll get over it they'll this will make them stronger as a whole unit able to face whatever may come in the future hey guys to make it up right here here's some rain for your crops yes isn't that nice yeah yes dance dance for your gun some more rain okay that might be a little bit much rain i can't really i can't really see them anymore oh they're fine where'd that worm go it's still going to do any stupid worms like playing snake on a nokia phone you see that all the time with my mom's phone i was the greatest some say i could have gone pro okay here have some seeds oh yeah oh they're going to love me we're going to use normal rain too so grow these crops and you will be plentiful and happy hey we got some blue rain what's this green rain oh god oh no that's acid oh i thought it was just like fertilizer or something okay oh regular water wash away the acid wash away the acid okay that's obviously lava but i mean i gotta do it just a little love it oh no wait can i cool it off i'm trying guys it's hard being god okay you know i was god once you were doing well until everyone died let's do it worm oh no shoot bad worm bad let's see they need to expand up here can i add land there connected welcome to the new frontier boyles wait what i thought these are fireworks wait fire then we'll watch the show oh what the heck have i done just a little fire there oh there they go yeah oh god the fires oh no i was trying to give them a firework show and everything went wrong okay okay water water water water water water water water okay i'm sorry i just wanted to give them a little show that's my bad there you go let's up their population a little bit there you go that's people over here too let's get this whole world thriving listen now that's all messed up by this stupid worm over these elves having anything with them to enjoy how they talk all right dwarves don't like elves why not oh oh that's right genocide we need a lot of population because i've heard rumors that something is coming there is a prophecy that says at the end of this recording that very specific prophecy a creature of great destruction will be coming to destroy the humans and elves of the world as long as we don't all destroy each other first which seems very likely i mean as long as the elves stay over here humans don't oh no the elves humans are fighting why are the elves oh my god don't go over there man they will mess you up man get out of there you put a little human there and yeah they just start beating on each other i thought the elves just didn't like orcs i mean no one likes orcs look i'm gonna put one work in town yep there he goes oh they have arrows now good that will help in the coming fight okay now they're in oh no no they just invaded elf land and the elves are wiped out that one about as well as i expected it's okay maybe maybe just humans will stand a better chance against the coming onslaught all right so everyone else is medieval but apparently i can make bandits that have like cowboys get them always brought us up with some cattle oh god i'm getting shot oh it's good stuff what is that since they like to play with tnt and fire oh gosh give them some iron so they can craft weapons oh yeah they've got they got boats oh that'll be good see any water-based attacks that we can prep them with they mean plants wait i want to see this when they say living plants oh god the trees came to life and started oh the trees are killing everyone oh it's okay they killed the trees take that what was that the ants name old beard i don't know time to bless my subjects receive my blessing y'all yes this will make them powerful stronger and overpowered good but make this whole island down here super powerful should be good like i know you guys are all from different worlds but you gotta work together man even you simple tiny island folk yes i'll make it rain on these the devout followers of c-top make it rain well not literally they'll literally too how else can i prepare them oh god something's good oh no oh war started what did i tell these guys to start a war everybody calm down friendship friendship everywhere i noticed my population started going down made them all too powerful yeah those are different kingdoms everyone be friends with everyone okay i love you you love me let's all murder each other in a tree no yeah listen to the wrong barney you kind of hit all glare map is now because of that stupid worm don't worry the world probably won't be here much longer what is that do you hear it it's coming benny luke has behold my glory wait am i the crabber and oh my god i don't know what's going on thai chicken i miss the chicken oh i kicked the chicken oh you got a little bow and arrow oh that's cute buddy oh that's real cute i let you guys prepare for like a hundred years and this is all you got oh yeah oh they're shooting me some mirrors oh no my little crab face what am i going to do i don't even need ladies i get to step on them all and kick them into the ocean you dare come at me grab zilla oh this is gotta be a better name for this guy right oh stepping on all your houses kicking you all into the ocean yes i destroyed the very land you built your homes upon will be a delicious sacrifice i hope you brought the butter wait what is what you crabs with i'm confused just stop over all of them oh my god it's amazing [Music] you should have eaten more vegetables and fewer crabs trying to escape on the little worm island i don't think so i can't quite step on this one there he goes this is hard work just drawing all of humanity oh there's a couple sheep on the side i got i don't have a problem with the sheep but i gotta try and precisely oh kill the human oh there's one little sheep left okay sheep the sheep still inherit the earth instead of the meat i'm on fire these biblical references [Music] oh my crap he's glorious oh look they're both trying to escape no i missed it that was embarrassing i'll just step on it excuse me part of me oh yeah that is the good stuff oh look this whole island is pristine and clean you know i'm gonna give him a chance i'm gonna i'm just gonna sit here and let them shoot me for a bit it doesn't seem to be super effective what do i know i'm a giant crab oh oh did they do it did they actually kill the crabzilla oh my god it's actually crawled crabzilla i genuinely didn't know that was the name i just saw the giant crab clicked that's amazing i'm super uncreative i can't believe they actually did it with nothing but bows and arrows and ingenuity and the human spirit they overcame all odds and boom ah they were at the lookout for meteor classic mistake what happens if i pause the game pick a whole bunch oh apparently the meteorites don't pause uh bowling ball oh that's a big bowling ball they weren't kidding look at that girl couple more star bombs oh my god eat your heart out crap zilla say world population 83 where are all these people maybe they're over here once again star bombs will cleanse me of all my sins let's see can it be defeat the crab zillow because you can only the crabs are like only exist if you're it so what happens if i take those bombs and they click quickly and grab zilla and he survived he can't kill crabs zelda except for apparently those people did with their rows and arrows maybe it was a timer i don't know this game is freaking sweet though there's a bunch of custom maps and stuff i want to play around with so if you enjoyed leave a like leave a comment leave something on the video i'm just gonna like crabs a lot of rave over here and if you have any ideas or cool things to try in world box let me know that too in the comments down there see you guys next time boo boo boo boo boo [Music] huh you
Channel: Ctop
Views: 168,628
Rating: 4.9262142 out of 5
Keywords: world box, worldbox game, god game, world box gameplay, simulation games, funny moments, planet simulation, super worldbox, worldbox gameplay, god simulator, worldbox crab, worldbox crabzilla, ctop, worldbox sim, destruction game, destruction, sim game, simulation game
Id: E5TtKAyokcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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