I Beat This Teamwork Obby With My Best Friends (Roblox)

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this is impossible Roblox Co-op Obby thingy but taken to the next level we now require three people to complete so we've recruited our sabotager Rishi is it a good idea I'm not too sure will we find out yes real simple we just have to stand on these buttons okay do it stand on the come on there we go quick okay have a sabotager but instead we have a helper yeah go on off you go come on guys all right all right all right wait actually no no you guys hang on wait what wait a minute is someone gonna have to stay back oh that's fine we can leave Rishi there that's fine all right jump on my head climb in your head if if I press this red button wait that keeps that door open okay you let me jump on your head Rishi let's go thank you very much and up we go you're ahead yeah you jump there jump through now I'm gonna activate the yellow box oh that means we can all get up yes come on Rishi jump on the yellow box wow okay now I think you both need to stand on yeah okay there we go and then whichever one of you guys so no no no no dark green the light green one first oh yeah dark green dark green yeah okay and then we're going to do the same thing to get our teammate over oh wow look at us my just working yay that's level one complete already whoa targets what is this about ah do I jump into the target uh Jenny why would you need to okay I think we've got two blue buttons over here so click those oh a gun wait oh we've given oh my God you're gonna shoot the targets not me I'm not the target shoot the targets okay yeah yeah that was a tear away seriously that is some terrible there you go okay oh no I got a green gun oh can I get a green gun hey guys I'm stuck guys come on guys can you see this blue please I'm stuck oh my God I mean okay okay oh my God okay all right you gotta shoot more targets get the blue gun and then we gotta shoot the blue Target how do I pick up the blue gun shoot the red one quickly guys I'm stuck in here I'm stuck hang on I think I need to reset guys I need to get the blue gun okay so shoot the person we need to get these things in order no no shoot the blue gun I mean the green one do I get the blue one why are you guys so bad okay all right blue okay shoot red should red Rishi should red quick okay no okay we gotta shoot no open red again open red again wait so whoever's got red has to get on to shoot right now good all right shoot blue now no no no no no no how are you gonna get the green one right that's running out okay I think we gotta shoot it all wait no no you guys have got to shoot red and green and then I've got to shoot blue and run do you get what I mean yeah okay go but there's there's a Time shoot Blue Shield Blue I mean we weren't ready to go at the same time otherwise you'd get stuck okay you guys everyone line up oh right jelly this time can we have some agreement on when we're gonna go not just go crazy please okay so we're gonna shoot at the same time then go okay yes okay yeah get down from there so we can it's not as reliable okay two one go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go oh my God oh my God oh my God okay made it oh there we go yeah day okay I'll shoot red are we supposed to be I'll shoot red can you guys shoot from there just oh a shot you shoot Josh go shoot no I'm gonna die oh my jelly why do you never do things timed properly mine doesn't hey okay shoot no shoot Josh just shot Jenny you having a shot we were the one that didn't shoot no your teamwork is abysmal okay we gotta do things how are you blaming me because you're just like you're just like start shooting and say go whatever happened to a three two one huh get blue Josh get blue okay yeah blue all right got it so now we're gonna do a little countdown one screen comes back I'll start the countdown all right yep three did you figure out how to count no I was just making sure green disappeared okay okay we're good okay now let's all get into position before we shoot okay all right I'm in position okay you're both aiming it all right jelly you're aiming at the wrong one oh I am oh my God okay [Music] who's missing oh my God all right this is what happens when you Outsource huh okay all right shoot okay shoot shoot this one this one's difficult jelly you just aim above it it's not rocket science I'm trying oh my God you've clearly not try hard enough okay another level down apparently this one's gonna be a bit weird guys so just a warning there you go all right now I'll let you guys through wait there's a button on them how do we wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait where's the green button get on top of my head get on top of my head oh my God don't push me off come on get on guys come on hurry hit the button go go go go go go okay this is gonna get weird okay guys same time all right Jenny why do you take mine what no just tap it all at the same time oh wait oh you can just tap it guys you can just tap it at the same time all right three two one tap Josh you're so late what how am I do one and tap Josh what you're missing no I'm not it's not even saying it all right do you do the countdown then you've got to stand below it you see see the buttons going in you guys aren't even touching it there we go Rishi jump see he's not touching it come out further there we go okay okay three two one jump okay clearly we're not doing this right three two one jump I don't know what we were doing there but it was not right it's about me it's above me just climb on my head okay it's a bad job go go what are you doing go go go go it's about me it's about me jump jump go no oh my god oh look no he's locked up there you idiot oh he has to respawn okay reset okay guys we gotta do this quick okay we got him we got it no no listen we gotta make an order okay am I always bottom I'm okay then I'm always top all right okay okay ready all right let me ready for this I'm gonna say three two one go all right okay come on bottom come on okay yes go go let's go go go go go go go go go go it's already jelly stuck in the middle I'm stuck in the middle okay it's okay okay it's okay it's okay now we've got to be really quick with this wow okay ready three two one go oh my jelly guy stop thinking come on come on five seconds I'm always bottom and I'm always right side okay just no just there's no right side because it's otherwise you just do this all the time just get on there once and stay still I didn't even move I'm talking to you see how many how many jobs did it take for you to get in position okay it's awful okay job okay come on go go one second you're kidding me back you moved no it was too it was too little time that I could have made it you just gotta one going you got a one go yeah you gotta stop with the adjustments okay all right you can't miss ah go three two one oh my God okay let's go right right okay if this one fails again you're you're going middle okay [Music] just get it quick what oh why can't he drink that drum all right see you guys make adjustments and then it completely I'm not adjusting man neither of you once you jump It's one jump to the bottom your bottom fine fine fine great start Jenny great great real great start okay so what is this middle part it doesn't matter the button is it's literally so easy to get to okay five four three two go go go oh my God oh my God you're welcome guys oh okay welcome yeah yeah sure we gotta land on that button and you know what to do right get on my head Rishi get on my head how many people do you think we need all right Josh you try first to get is it just anyone needs to touch it my head from my head I'm gonna hit the roof I don't think that's gonna help jelly okay should we just have one person just try jumping it okay I'll try no that doesn't work oh I don't know okay all right I'll go in your head go go on the edge we should come up there's no way I'm doing this again man oh no see that's what I'm talking about no no no no yes oh my goodness oh my God he made it all right don't acknowledge it's a success okay you'll go to his head okay we've got so few green buttons some climb all right fine I guess jelly will climb the wall right and then that's the yellow bar platform wait I think I think I get how this works you're like a uh you have to get off wait what okay I think so right like you got to get off like a bit late less than that actually Jenny I could just climb on his head to be fair get come on oh wait a minute yeah but then how does he get over he doesn't I mean I've got like a hole Yeah that's all I've got though all right let me try this with with my trick if I jump at the same time it might work oh yep there you go okay actually I'll go down the hole just in case yes I got a blue button I've got three different color buttons well hang on a second yeah I'm stuck in a hole and I yeah Jenny you're controlling the way I get out so hold on to the blue uh yeah God this is difficult I've got like a full-on like multi-layered obstacle jelly you literally have one job to stay there why did you move I'm sorry okay stand on the the darker purpley color yeah don't you dare move I'm not moving I'm not moving huh on the other blue okay precise okay purple foreign I hate jumping in this game there we go all right darker color thing what is this a ladder um okay I'm climbing up a ladder and I'm back out the hole why did I go in the hole you need to find the purple button Josh there's no purple button in there wait you're the you've got the purple butt I think we gotta get on here here yeah yeah yeah okay get on get on I don't like I've got I'm triggered by standing on heads now move I don't uh yeah there's there's a I mean there's a purple button up here but oh wait oh wait wait wait wait yeah yeah can you get up there all right and then jump at the same time get on top and jump at the same time you know what I'll jump oh there we go guys all right it worked are we both supposed to go over there I guess so I think it's open yeah but how would it be open for him wait there's another one here like here is that the same that's not the same jelly uh oh wait no there's a whole uh Rishi there's a hole near you and you jump down that hole there you go okay all right so I opened the First wall and then you gotta unlock the platform there you go unlocks both walls how do you get on the second button how does he you gotta jump though we really gotta trust him with that jump um wait what are you doing over here what are you doing oh my God there's two buttons dude he said not today thank you I do I guess this is just a corner jump jelly I know it looks tough but there we go now now you can make it oh I go yeah but you've got the edge to walk around don't mess it up okay so now once you press this button the door to the winner will be open for 15 seconds you gotta jump straight back and go to the Green platform can we just see it first just click it click it let's just see it jelly just don't don't go no no no no we're not gonna go for it chill everyone chill where is the where's that where's the door why don't you press this button the door to the wind area move that move off of it jelly okay I don't get it um so you oh oh okay the win area was back there okay yeah yeah yeah yeah the winner is back so I have to take that same route or not but if I if I move off that that does that okay I get it I get it you both move off that I have to walk the other way around okay it's fine I just have to jump around but then that bit moves get off of your thing Rishi yeah you've got to get back to the blue button to let us through so Rishi touch yours yeah see see jelly I go first I get past it then you've got to remove the dark blue one so you've got to do the green course yeah I do the green course and I I will unlock the wall okay yeah you can already get there yeah at the same time I'm moving okay okay okay ready are you guys ready yeah count down then three two one go okay come off come on come off balls open let's go let's go did he die to do there was nothing to do for him where did he go all right guys gamer face is on here okay all right ready in three two one unlocked okay I'm dead gently gamer faces everyone gamer faces please okay we keep having to redo this entire thing okay focus jelly don't make any silly decisions remember I need you to bring out all of your Roblox is not very easy but would it be quicker for you to come backwards safer but then I need to jump on the button no I don't you guys need to stay though yeah I know it depends on the timer should I just try yeah I guess so safer all right I'll try to jump around the green wall I'm gonna try my best as soon as you're past the blue wall we can I can get off go come on come on come on [Music] yay happy thoughts I think we did it we did it
Channel: Slogo
Views: 388,238
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, roblox, jelly, obby, I Beat This Teamwork Obby With My Best Friends
Id: dINiHMJfKbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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