I Beat Stellar Blade 100% so you don't have to... but...

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HEY. Someone’s gotta do it! FOR THE PLOT. The Video Game industry is in a really rough  spot. We’ve been seeing all sorts of titles   come out in bad shape, a plethora of Live  Service titles sunsetting and the occasional   banger not being enough to keep the studio  afloat. Combine that with countless layoffs,   a shrinking market and a scarcity of AAA game  releases and 2024 has been one of if not the   worst years for the game industry. Even Final  Fantasy VII Rebirth isn’t safe from lackluster   sales. 5 months into the year and the idea  of non-franchise non-sequel AAA titles is   becoming an increasingly rare occurrence. Rise  of the Ronin kinda just… happened? Everything I   just said makes something like Shift Up’s Stellar  Blade and it’s success all the more interesting. No planned DLC, no battle pass, no  microtransactions minus the deluxe   version. Just a single player campaign which  seems WILD considering it was developed by   the people behind famous mobile gaming  Twerk Person Shooter Goddess of Victory:   Nikke which at least 4 of my friends  have privately told me they play on   the reg. I DON’T BLAME EM, IT’S  GOT GOOD GAMEPLAY… APPARENTLY?? Originally known as Project Eve and targeted  as a 8th generation video game release,   it had a long development cycle lasting at least 5  years from the original announcement. Over time it   eventually became a first party release from  Sony exclusive to the PlayStation 5 and you   could REALLY see that NIKKE mobile game money in  action. Stellar Blade looked EXPENSIVE, and with   single player spectacle action titles becoming  increasingly rare was something me and a lot   of others were looking forward to. Even if some  were looking forward to it for… *other* reasons. WELL, is it good? I heard enough noise and  discourse on the internet to want to try it for   myself SO we’re going in deep. TOO deep, Sum 41  style. I’ve spent hours reading lore and datalogs,   I’ve tackled every single ounce of content Stellar  Blade has to offer. Every trophy, NG+, I’ve even   become the MASTER of fishing, yes Stellar Blade  has a fishing minigame. Get ready for hamfisted   biblical references and lots of comparisons  to cheesecake from the past. PN 0.3 Anyone? So YO, it’s Austin and today we’re going in 100%  on Stellar Blade so you don’t have to! I feel   like despite this game having a decent amount of  showings across multiple press conferences, there   wasn’t much to *really* go off of until the last  few weeks before release. Sure it was an action   game, but where was the sauce? We’re gonna be  talking a look at as much as possible, the world,   the small stuff, the challenges and of COURSE  some of that reception. Also HEY we’re doing   a brand new release for one of these! Is that  directly because of that one youtube comment I got   saying that I only review games on sale? THAT’S  RIGHT, I BOUGHT IT MYSELF DAY 1. SO… M-maybe? SPEAKING OF, before we get into the thick of  it I’ve got a word from today’s sponsor VITURE! This here’s the VITURE Pro XR and these  are AR glasses that you can use for gaming.   Living room in use? Connect to one of MANY  different sources and get to playing! The   Pro XR Glasses have adjustable lenses  with an Ultraclarity display so you can   really feel up and personal with the  action. These things are anti-glare,   anti-ghost AND anti-motion sickness  so you can play for a while! There’s no blurry edges and the myopia adjustments  will allow you to sharper the focus just for your   eyes! Virtue sent me a pair of these to try  out and I accidentally laid down and played   Vamprie Survivors for like 2 hours straight. The  built in speakers are nice and the Mobile Dock you   can hook up for consoles like the Switch and Steam  Deck pump up that battery life by up to 20 hours! I really dug the built in Electrochromic  film with these things, if a room is too   bright you can simply press a button to  block all external light to REALLY get   that immersion going. Pair these up with  the VITURE Neckband and you’ll turn the   whole thing into an android based system  with tons of functionality. There’s apps   for watching movies and tv shows as well  as Cloud Gaming and Remote Play support. 8BitDo’s also partnered up with VITURE to make a  cool Limited-Edition Bluetooth controller that you   can pair up with a device and… really get lost in  the sauce. I’ve been enjoying these things quite a   bit, I even played a bit of Stellar Blade on it  FOR this video! SO VITURE is teaming up with us   to make a deal just for y’all! If you click the  link in the description and use the code Austin,   you can save 10% off your entire order! It’s a  great way to take your gaming library on the go!   Also make sure to share your great experience  on socials and @getVITURE or leave an amazon   review and you could win this controller for  free! Check the link in the description today! Thanks to VITURE for the sponsor but for now… It’s   time for Stellar Blade. Did anyone else  feel like this game came outta nowhere? I only ever *saw* Stellar Blade, or as it was  originally known “Project: Eve” tucked away in   various showcases where they’d reel out game after  game after *Xbox WORLD PREMIERE*. I dunno why but   it never really stuck in my brain. The original  Teaser Shift Up released just showed bits of a   deserted world before a woman, PRESUMABLY ROBOTIC  steps out of a pod and does a dramatic turn with a   monologue. Kind of nothing, though it’s cool to  see how much her design has changed since 2019. Fast forward to 2021, the first *actual*  trailer would happen in the PlayStation   Showcase in September and you can clearly see…  Ol’ Project Eve here would not be escaping the   Nier comparisons. BUT with gameplay we can  see that Shift Up was gonna be aping a bit   from Dark Souls combined with that spectacle  actions of something like Bayonetta and Devil   May Cry! You want witch time? You got it!  Just starring a badass android chick and   some funny camera angles. The premise is  simple, “We’ve gotta retake earth”. SURE! If the character outfits and designs look  kinda familiar and you’re unsure as to WHY,   there’s a reason! South Korean developer SHIFT UP  Corporation was founded by long time game artist   Hyung-tae Kim who you MIGHT recognize from the  MagnaCarta series! No not the british document,   the RPGs that hit the PS2 and Xbox 360! Maximalism  is very common with Korean character/outfit design   which should be obvious if you’ve played any  number of free to play mmos from the past. Which also means yes, anyone who played  Magna Carta was already familiar with his…   *interesting* character designs. You ever wanted  man side butt cleavage? HERE YOU GO. According to   an interview Hyung had with GameDeveloper in  2010, this was supposed to make the audience   feel a little awkward but if you ask me Sydney  Vagrant Story walked so Magna Carta-Man could   run! Ridiculous outfits and body contortion fit  for cirque du soleil? That’s MY Magna Carta! Which brings us to Project Eve. OR as it  became known in the Sept 2022 State of Play,   PS5 EXCLUSIVE Stellar Blade.  Now we’ve got more characters,   a better look at the story they  are trying to tell and of course,   old man beard physics. HONESTLY it’s more of  the same but that same looked interesting! Regardless of all these trailers, the  interesting looking gameplay and bleak   world they showcased it seemed like all anyone  wanted to talk about was the main character,   Eve! Which if we’re being honest, is in the same  vein as your 2Bs, Bayonettas and Juliet Starling.   It’s cheesecake, kinda grindhousey and not even  as ridiculous as some of those. Maybe there’s a   little Dead of Alive age parameter settings going  on but I think anyone going to purchase a copy of   Stellar Blade knew what it was about. Me? I just  like robots and the color green, I’m a simple man. SO, close to release, April 2024 Stellar Blade  hit store shelves while being surrounded by some   of the most annoying discourse of all time and  all people wanted to talk about was costumes   being altered by the day one patch. Hyung Tae  Kim did an interview saying a WHOLE bunch of   stuff but mostly “This is the final product  that we want to show as the intended result”. Stellar Blade finally came out with strong 8  on Metacritic, an even higher user score and   now that people are making their way through  this exclusive it’s EVIDENT that Shift Up made   something that people are interested in. SO  YEAH, COOL. LET’S TALK ABOUT THE VIDEO GAME. SO, Stellar Blade. I went digital so I can’t hold  something up… which ALSO means it’ll forever be   with me in spirit. I was originally  hesitant on if I wanted to cover this   but I made sure to click that record  button and BY GOD I’M GLAD WE DID. When   I first started playing Stellar Blade  I had two hopes. 1, it would fill that   Spectacle Action need that only gets a  handful of releases every year and 2,   that it would be something truly original  to help launch a new studio into prominence. Is that what we got? Let’s get into it! We really ARE in the 9th generation of  video games huh? Right out the gate,   from just about every angle you look at  Stellar Blade is one of the most visually   advanced games I’ve ever seen. At *least* with  the character models. The amount of *actual* high   fidelity AAA games coming out is few and far  between so when something pops out with this   many ridiculous particle effects, reflections  and shiny textures I guess I’m easily wowed.   There’s an obvious framerate dip when you swap  things into quality mode but oh is it worth it. Stellar Blade throws you right into the action.  The main menu goes from a view of the planet into   a very to the point “send Airborne Squad 7 in to  kill or capture the Alpha Naytibas THEN retake   earth” It’s a sci-fi concept that’s almost as old  as the genre itself. A futuristic version of the   Normandy Invasion starring a bunch of women  in pods who can kick a*s. You’re a soldier   for Mother Sphere and the colony of humans  above the planet and you’ve got a job to do. You may be asking, “What are Naytiba?” or as  they were originally known in Korean “NA:Tives”,   they’re the supposed alien lifeform that’s overrun  the planet and it’s up to you to stop them! Except   it’s a massive failure that ends with everyone  dying and Eve being the sole survivor. It’s…   surprisingly violent? Earning that M rating.. At  this point I assume that all of the characters are   aware that they are androids as they refer  to their physical forms as “Body Frames”. And YES, that was the Estus  Flask! DARK SOULS COMBAT IT IS! You’re being strung along by your fellow  Squadmate Tachy before a violent encounter   with an Alpha Naytiba that ends  PRETTY GRIM before a title card.   Honestly a really solid opening! Then in  a moment I can only describe as jarring,   we’re taken into a completely different  situation with a different character and there’s   no immediate explanation as to what happened.  ENTER Adam. The most boring uninteresting man   there ever was. You might also notice we now  have two main characters name Adam and Eve and   if that doesn’t IMMEDIATELY set off your plot  detection sensors, I have no idea what will. Stellar Blade’s story… is… THERE I guess>? It was a strange choice to go from hot in the  action into a totally different situation.   Adam reveals to Eve in little brief moments  of dialogue that happen across the Campfire   derivatives that he saved Eve after the  battle and in return has recruited her   to help him out. Adam’s a scavenger working  alongside a city named Xion looking for “Hyper   Cells” which are a power source hidden among  different sectors of the planet. SPECIFICALLY,   you start off in Eidos 7, an urban environment  overrun by all sorts of vegetation, robots and   Naytiba. It wouldn’t surprise me if you blinked  and thought this was a nicer looking Code Vein. SO, Adam decides to accompany Eve via a drone that  follows her around which can eventually become a   full on gun you can use in combat. This little  robot just floats around and is used to create   conversation on the fly or whenever you sit down  at a camp. These are super cute actually, Eve will   activate these little areas that’ll pop up with  chairs, vending machines and a record player for   good measure. You wanna zone out to some Bossa  Nova in a deserted city? It’s a vibe for sure. Adam and Eve… ugh, make their way through Eidos  7 killing big fleshy creatures in what I can   only refer to as “Sekiro plus Nier?”. It’s got the  fancy movement and multi button heavy light combos   of Nier but with the need to parry and stagger of  the former. It strikes a balance between the two   by being a little more forgiving about getting  smacked around with more than enough time to   parry or dodge. Speaking of, opens up the door to  new entire combos you can whip out, some of which   look real fancy. You’ll just need to unlock them  in the skill tree. There’s a real gradual increase   in Eve’s moveset and power as you progress through  the story. The basics might feel kinda slow but   eventually you’re zooming and double jumping all  over the place. AT least you’ll be doing it to   what I can only call a TRULY banging soundtrack.  40% of the OST was done by Nier COMPOSER, Keichi   Okabe’s studio MONACA. Meaning once again, Stellar  Blade won’t be escaping the Diet Nier accusations. Ah… yeah, that’s good s**t. Eventually you run into an alpha naytiba, take em  down, it wasn’t very challenging (PSST, THIS GAME   IS NOT REALLY DIFFICULT LIKE YOU MIGHT EXPECT)  and then you’re introduced to the final part of   your main trio, Lily! She’s an engineer who  was sent down prior to Eve arriving in the   5th Airborne Squad who got separated, stuck and is  just kind of vibing in a pod before being rescued.   She’s uh… Well. She’s here? Lily’s taking up  the goofy younger sister slot in the story   where she’ll bicker with Adam and admire  Eve as a colleague but similarly to Adam,   doesn’t have a real presence. A vast majority of  these two character’s dialogue takes place in the   field through a robot with no real expression  so it all comes off robotic. Pun intended. With our generic standard cast  of characters we reach Xion,   deliver the Hyper Cell to their elder leader  Orcal and HERE’S where the real Stellar Blade   experience begins. Collect more Hyper Cells, bring  peace to the citizens of Xion, discover little   bits and pieces of humanity, and EVENTUALLY,  RETAKE EARTH. And by that I mean FASHION! And also CANS! Everything I’ve described sounds like a real  game huh? Uninspired narrative aside there’s   a lot going on here that I sure didn’t expect  based on… well, frankly the focus on butt.   NOT THAT IT’S BAD, IT’S BASICALLY ON  THE MIDDLE OF THE SCREEN AT ALL TIMES. Which really begs the question… What  exactly IS Stellar Blade? Well I’ll tell   you ONE thing… It’s a video  game without a photo mode. With everything surrounding this game,   HOW’D WE SKIP OUT ON A PHOTO MODE? Even  freakin’ Balan Wonderworld had a photo mode. Stellar Blade is, at least to me, a game with  a pretty big identity crisis. Which MAY or   MAY NOT tie in to some of the central story  beats actually. It’s clearly ok with being   cheesecake in some of the movements with  it’s silly over the top body physics and   certain outfits I’m not gonna highlight for too  long because I want to pay my BILLS. But also,   with a singular exception, puts no attention  onto Eve’s body. Maybe I’m used to seeing   games like Senran Kagura or the vast majority  of fan-servicey anime where there’s a goofy   noise and high pitch screaming AYIEEEAHHH.  Eve instead is a very serious character who   goes through serious things and has one  thing on her mind… THE MISSION. And uh,   cans I guess. Walking into a cutscene with one of  those over the top outfits on is like a Saints Row   create a character moment where serious stuff  is happening and goofy McDoofus over here is   ruining the moment. It’s funny but has me begging  the question once again, WHAT IS STELLAR BLADE?! Once you reach Xion you gain access to all sorts  of video gamey things. There’s plenty of quests   to do from NPCs as well as a bulletin board  of tasks. You can talk with various citizens,   pick up datalogs on the ground that range  from important lore to someone saying the   same thing over and over which is  totally not ominous at all! Hey,   let’s get our hair done! We just first gotta  pick up a Straightener in the desert! There’s a   surprising amount of customization here with tons  of outfits, accessories, hairstyles and colors to   pick from to where you can really make Eve look  like whatever you want. It reminds me a lot of   Onechanbara Z2 Chaos… Just with WAY more clothes  and a little less… uh, Banana Split edition. A handful of NPCs actually have a series of quests  to go along with them. There’s Kaya, the current   owner of Sisters’ Junk, currently without sister.  You can guess what’s going on with that. There’s   Su and Enya who frequent the bar “The Last Gulp”.  This questline is actually really interesting,   it follows a severely damaged android who is  hooked up to a machine and over a series of quests   with Su you gradually put her back together.  She’s got this whole well written story where   she’s trying to recover some of her memories,  especially of the song she sings in the pub. Outside of Xion you come across a little robobuddy  named D1G-g2r living in a scrapyard in the   wasteland. Just going through the old fashioned  “Who am I” schtick. He’s got a series of quests   where he wants to pull off his “Fantabulous  Plan” where he’ll eventually move into Xion.   There’s Barry, the chef NPC who studies the art  of cooking for no reason other than the Gordon   Ramsey-esque art of it. Roxanne sits by the Quest  Board saying edgy things and flirting with Eve. WOW RUDE. Also there’s Kasim, the barber  who doesn’t mind talking mad S**t. I guess that was deserved… Lastly, later on when you reach the great   desert there’s Clyde! A bit of  a loner who just wants to fish. ANNNND there it is. Angels. You’re gonna  be hearing that a LOT, hell you’ll be   called Angel more than Eve throughout this  entire experience. Beyond Adam and Eve,   Stellar Blade flirts a LOT with the idea  of religion. The entire populace of Xion   refers to Eve as “Angel”, as they view  her as a gift from Mother Sphere in order   to retake the planet and make it safe for  them. Which also means there’s detractors. By the way every NPC minus Digger refers to  themself as a Human. These are the humans that   are fighting and waiting for Earth’s liberation.  Yet whenever sometime DIES you retrieve their   memory stick that’ll well, have those memories  and usually last words. Anytime you teeter around   death or pick up a body core a character might say  “May your memories live on, forever” so there’s   a CLEAR thing Shift Up wanted to establish  with humanizing these very robotic people. Confused yet? DON’T WORRY, I WAS  TOO. OH HOH, MORE ON THIS LATER. Anyways, besides the very dead Tachy  and a few spoiler characters that’s   your main cast of “friends”. Each has  a trophy related quest to get through,   tons of cosmetic rewards and dialogue that  is 4/5 times monotonous and unmemorable. I   thought Digger was cute, Su and Enya were  interesting and uh. That’s about it. Just   about every character interaction in  this game just sorta happens and Eve   takes a minimal level of interest. Babe’s more  interested in CANS and well, I don’t blame her. LET’S TALK ABOUT THE GAMEPLAY. The Gameplay and World of Stellar Blade As you can tell, I was initially confused by what  exactly they were trying to do with the narrative   with Stellar Blade. However considering  I grew up playing video games without any   dialogue or skipping ENMASSE, this  isn’t necessarily a deal breaker. SB is   an action adventure title on the  shoulders of giants. Does it hold up? For the most part… YES! If there’s one aspect of  Stellar Blade I have practically no complaints   on it’s how the thing feels in your hands. The  crew at Shift Up clearly prioritized combat and   moving around because it feels just as good as  any top tier AAA game… Minus the platforming,   it can get a lil stiff. But the amount  of time you’ll be spending perfecting   jump angles is miniscule to  how much you need to PARRY. Eve feels familiar right out of the gate. Her  moveset hits that middle ground and any Souls   or Spectacle Action fan should be right at home.  You can lock onto enemies, flick between them,   use iframes to dodge to the sides or try and  pull off parries. You’ve got a shield meter   on the bottom left that’ll deplete anytime you  get hit while blocking but a perfect parry will   allow you to deflect, stagger and get in for your  own combos. A VERY standard action game setup. The big part are the skills! You’ve got skills  for additional combos, skills to unlock branching   combos from parries and perfect dodges as well as  the usage of burst and beta abilities. Yeah that’s   right we got the Beta tree, with 4 different  upgradeable Beta Skills all which consume Beta   Energy. The uh… the jokes write themselves. Beta  energy can be gained by parrying or hitting dudes   in combat or with special equipment you find lying  around. AND you’ll be finding stuff all over the   place. STELLAR BLADE IS DENSE. There’s chests,  special crates, items on the ground, cans, costume   blueprints in boxes. If you use your Nier-Esque  environment scan ability anything you can interact   with appears yellow and you’d be hard pressed to  NOT find SOMETHING. Datalogs, Body and Beta Cores,   weird environmental story telling ALL of  which gives you experience points for finding. That XP turns into skills and by the end of  it you’ve maxed out your Beta tree and you’re   ready to do some big attacks. So ESSENTIALLY the  game becomes dodge and parry, get your hits in,   save up for a big Burst or Beta attack. Enemies  don’t necessarily have a stagger meter but any   bosses you encounter have an entirely separate bar  for shields which you wanna break down in order to   really get some damage in. YOU MIGHT be thinking  about the drone gun and how t hat factors in and…   Well that’s probably the weakest bit of combat.  The Drone gradually unlocks different bullet   types, there’s a standard pistol, a shotgun,  homing rockets and even a charging laser. When   you’re in the heat of battle, especially with  a boss you might think you don’t have time to   whip these out? But actually, a vast majority  of bosses get briefly stunned with each blast. Meaning… I guess I was fine to conserve  my ammo til the last ¾ of a health bar,   knock the shields down and spam bullets  til I won. THIS HAPPENED… MULTIPLE TIMES.   I almost felt like the guns made combat a  little too easy but we can probably just   consider that rewarding myself for being  a good gamer beforehand. Speaking of,   not all bosses are made equal?? FOR SOME REASON  while most bosses I could take down within 3   attempts there was ONE that decided to whip my  a** up and down the street for a solid hour.   You get a little miniquest where you have to  retrieve some cargo that got lost in the sauce   and upon reaching the destination there’s a bunch  of dead bodies and memory sticks all of which are   screaming and very dead. THEN a revamped version  of the first major boss, the Gigas comes down and   beats the crap out of you. I DU NNO IF IT WAS  HIS ERRATIC JUMPING PATTERNS, but throughout   the entire experience until the end NOTHING  came close to this difficulty wise. Or maybe   it was just 3 in the morning and I was sleepy,  I dunno. My Eve lookin good in death at least. Beyond just dodging into counters you’ve also  forward and backwards dodging mechanics that’ll   occur. A blue flash around the enemy means you  can get a special counter for dodging towards,   and purple means you can dodge backwards  into a strong counter that’ll usually   stun. Getting the timing of these down  can be tough but when you pull off a   big Beta combo right after a stunlock  where MAYBE the armor also shatters,   IT FEELS GOOD. DOPAMINE OFF THE CHARTS, VIDEO  GAMES ARE BEING PLAYED. BUT THAT’S NOT ALL.  Various random minigames that occur a single  time? CHECK? New attack burst forms? CHECK!   CRAFTING? CHECK. Well, Lily will do it anyways.  Younger Sister-Chan and what not. Look basically   what I’m saying is Stellar Blade is a fully  featured… one of these and it’s hard not to have   fun while playing it. That’s not even touching  on New Game Plus, which we’ll get into later. Which brings me to the world of Stellar Blade.  Combat and slapping dudes around is one thing,   but this ain’t Dynasty Warriors, we’ve got  variety! Blade’s divided into a few types of   action zones. You’ve got the regular soulsy bits  like Eidos 7 and then immediately after leaving   Xion you’re brought into the Wasteland. A big  desert-y map filled with all sorts of desecration,   lore and secrets to find around every  corner. You can Matrix yourself through   payphones as fast travel points, set up  camps throughout the map and stumble into   mini “areas” that’ll have all sorts of stuff  for Eve to collect. This and the other open   world area the Great Desert are where you’re  gonna be spending around 60 percent of your   playtime with Stellar Blade, which  to SOME might actually be a negative. There’s only these two open world areas,  which is a shame because they both look   REALLY similar. You like Sand? How about Dirt?  I suppose there’s not much I can ask for from   a post-apocalyptic setting, though anytime  it shifts to one of the linear zones there’s   a stark contrast in visual variety. There’s  the VERY Resident Evil like Levoire dungeons,   the abandoned train station Matrix 11 has  some massive vistas and a glimpse of the   prior civilizations architecture… Which  was I guess Nier Automata again SORRY- There’s a few more locales as well but those are  spoilers… SO, SPOILER WARNING I GUESS. LET’S TALK   ABOUT THE BACK HALF. I thought that Stellar  Blade had a bit of a wonky start after a solid   beginning but right around the midway point things  begin to ramp up… quite literally into space. Stellar Blade is grounded for a good bit of the  experience. It follows a very standard structure   where you’re doing the main quest, grabbing the  macguffins in order to power the city while also   discovering that NOT EVERYTHING IS AS IT SEEMS.  Truthfully, this story has been done before,   countless times. A bunch of world building  and smaller quests reveal the true nature of   Mother Sphere, the reason some of the citizens  of Xion resent Angels. The quote unquote TRUTH   of what’s really happening. It is as you’d  expect… the Nier thing. The organization   you were working for might *actually* be  the bad guy? W-WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT? It’s so obvious out of the gate that it wasn’t  much of a revelation. Early on you’re able to   find all sorts of Memory Sticks warning you about  Mother Sphere which puts the doubt in your head   just as much as the fact that the main characters  are named Adam and Eve. What do you MEAN the   giant colony sending super robot soldiers down to  earth to “Retake it” is bad? W-What? But that does   leave one major mystery, the Naytiba and here’s  where stuff gets interesting… also complicated. Stellar Blade has two Levoire dungeons  and they serve as major points for plot   progression while also removing Eve’s  ability to use her sword. It was here   where I finally recognized that her  weapon was her ponytail accessory,   WHY’D IT TAKE ME THIS LONG? Well it’s revealed  that in order to find the true Elder Naytiba,   the city of Xion needs to retrieve all the  Hyper Cells in order to form a “Master Core”   to get there. These are tucked away in the  Levoire and are essentially underground   labs functioning as LORE DUMPS. Here the game  does straight up go survival horror for a bit. It’s actually a nice change of pace from the  open world format even if everything inside is,   uh HORRIFYING. That’s a lot of… flesh?  It’s at the end of the first Levoire that   you find a datalog from another survivor  of a previous Airborne Squad named Raven   who reveals that these places were  made to study Naybita and PRIOR,   were used as bunkers for humanity to hide  out during war. There was The Final War,   but also a war before that war where Naytiba  pushed back really hard leading to an exodus to   the colonies. Man it’s crazy that this bunker for  humanity to hide out in got overrun by Naytiba!!   ANYWAYS, Raven states that she’s gonna look  further into the matter, and FURTHER she does! From there you eventually make your way to the  Great Desert and into the Abyss Levoire. HERE’S   WHERE THE NARRATIVE DECIDES TO THROW EVERY IDEA  AT THE WALL. This ones even more messed up you   might think as you walk through entire rooms  filled with giant pods of living organisms.   You’ll find little data logs revealing  a character named Raphael Marks who was   responsible for creating Mother Sphere out of  a want to ascend humanity. This ALSO led to a   conflict between Androids and Humans that opened  the gate for a little Parasite Eve action. YES,   TRULY MITOCHONDRIA IS THE POWERHOUSE OF  THE CELL! One that takes Tachy from the   beginning and turns her into an Alpha  Naytiba you’ve gotta kill. Poor Eve. The Levoires became a breeding ground for  human experimentation under the guidance   OF Raphael Marks and an AI in attempt  to fight back against the Androids,   dubbed Andro-Eidos. HOWEVER, they all decided  to prioritize strength and survivability over   intelligence which ended up turning people into  these violent animalistic creatures you’ve been   killing the whole time. You find another Raven  log where she states that humanity? Extinct.   NONE LEFT. The Andro-Eidos are the new humans  that Mother Sphere is protecting in what I   can only describe as a corporation “Moving the  goalpost til they’re right”. APPARENTLY it is   supposed to be a big reveal to the player that  ALL of the characters that they aren’t human. THIS WAS AN EARTH SHATTERING REVEAL ON THE  PLOT THAT COMPLETELY MISSED THE MARK. The   audience knows they aren’t human, we see the  Xion natives and people who are all robotic,   literally talk about the fact that  they’re cooking even though they   don’t need it! I love the concept of Androids  replacing humanity and being unaware of it,   but I’m not so sure it works from the narrative  standpoint of your main character having that   revelation. A minor gripe for sure but the  first of a few as we go through this story. The Orcal reveals that yeah, humans made  Andro-Eidos and the Naytiba running around   are the traces of humanity from the previous  war and you should maybe feel a little bad for   slaughtering them without prejudice. I mean  just look how choked up Eve was about it? Mother-Sphere decided humanity was bad and  gave em a little Gundam X colony drop. We’re   the villains! Except not really since Androids  are now considered humanit- It- It’s a little   messy but moving in a direction I dug. It’s that  2000s Parasite Eve bleak future type of plot that   we don’t see as much of these days, just without  a CG shower scene and instead Eve simply existing. SO, From here we get one of two choices. Anytime  you pick up a collectible related to “humanity”   in game a little icon appears on the top right  with a percentage meter and a picture of Lily.   No this isn’t an affection meter, this is  determining which ending you’re going to get!   Stellar Blade has 3 different endings, and one  of them might be Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core. In the interest of saving time here in my 100%  journey I decided to make a backup PS+ Save so   I didn’t have to play through the entire game 3  times. Can you blame me? However I wasn’t aware   of this “point of no return” so we’re going with  that full meter ending first. Let’s get there! After Abyss Levoire and a run in with the  Orcal you’re given a choice. Orcal states   that the final Hyper Cell is located atop a  space elevator, Spire 4. BUT Lily expresses   concern about something and wants to make a  pitstop at a place called Eidos 9. This is   another city district completely destroyed and  mostly flooded by water. You plow through this   thing in your cool jean jacket fighting hundreds  of Naytiba while grinding down a rollercoaster   before finding a beautiful Greenhouse  Garden filled with animal life and trees. It’s a brief moment of respite while  Lily works on finding a USB drive from a   deceased colleague. This is the Iberis Code which  allows hacking! What for? Don’t worry about it,   but don’t forget to pick up the little  datalog that essentially tells you what   endings you’re gonna be picking between. Send  the memory to Mother Sphere, or don’t? HMM. This little chapter is the entire purpose of that  meter and if you’re not maxed out at 100 it’s   simply skipped over and INSTEAD you pick up your  bootstraps from Xion STRAIGHT into Spire 4. AKA,   the best part of this entire game AKA a nearly  nonstop barrage of PEAK GAMING. Your mission   is simple. We’re on the ground floor, we need  to get back up to the colony and also Adam’s   leaving the party for a while to “Return  to Xion” which is not suspicious at all. I had spoken about my concerns for visual variety  earlier. WELL they decided to toss it all into   this 2 hour sequence at the end of the game.  Spire 4 starts you off in a snowy mountain side,   the massive Orbit Elevator in the distance.  Then you hop into a military installation,   grab a cute rabbit skin for your drone gun,  and being totally weirded out that all your   enemies here are these vile fusions of Machine  AND flesh. A lot of baddies will do the thing   after you destroy their robot bodies and  claw around looking for a new host. It’s   pretty gross and a bit of foreshadowing for  what’s coming next. BUT BEFORE THAT, HYPERTUBE! It’s really the second you enter this tube that  the most memorable parts of Stellar Blade happen,   a lot of stuff from those initial trailers too.  You’re attacked by a Robot/Flesh hybrid known as   Bellal while sliding down the tube, it reminds  me a LOT of Blackheart from Marvel vs Capcom.  Dudes got freakin chainsaw swords and you  get to fight him multiple times as he runs   away from the first encounter. It’s the first  time I feel like we’re getting those super cool   action cutscenes where Eve is doing over  the top anime nonsense and I’m loving it. What’s next? Terrible turret sequence where you  die almost instantly but don’t worry about that,   WE GOT A SPACE ELEVATOR! As you approach the Spire  the visuals turn into this dystopian techy white,   the series of 4 boss fights have awesome  rocking soundtracks and you get what’s   probably my favorite outfit in the game.  At this point the bits and pieces of   lore you pick up are indicating that the  Naytiba ended up infecting it’s way up the   entire space elevator and into the colony,  causing Mother Sphere to drop entire pieces   onto the planet for self preservation. THAT  created devastation like the Great Desert. The story has basically unfolded into  this situation where humanity screwed   itself over leading to a never  ending conflict between a self   preserving robot AI and a self preserving  naytiba AI while a new race of humans,   the Andro-Eidos suffer thinking they’re the  remnants of humanity. IT’S ALL SO SCREWED but   less interesting when you realize it’s copying  Nier Automata’s homework. Different in execution   of course but following such a similar  path that it’s hard not to draw parallels. But none of that matters, LOOK, I’m fighting  a japanese Geisha robot! Some of the Alpha   Naytiba designs are awesome, and Karakurl  is up there. IT DOESNT STOP THOUGH. Next up,   The Demogorgon, the MASSIVE Naytiba that’s  taken over the entire colony? Look I’m not   saying the visual of Eve flying through  space while firing a laser through a giant   hellish creature AND colony isn’t the coolest  thing of all time… But it’s pretty up there. Surprising no one, Adam’s absence led  to the city of Xion being under attack,   hence the point of no return, you fight that  ”Unidentified Naytiba” from the beginning that   introduces you to a instant kill mechanic like 20  hours into the experience and find out that HEY,   it’s actually Raven! TIME FOR MORE LORE.  This time through a nasty old dying man. Alpha Naytibas? To add a bit more weirdness into  the mix, these are an attempt at fusing Naytibas   and Andro-Eidos to become a new race. Orcal here  was the original and upon learning about this   Raven went mad and had a full heel turn. Mother  Sphere, seen as “God” to the Android-Eidos has   essentially redefined what it sees as humanity  which caused it to turn on the original humans   and then Naytibas. So SOMEONE wanted to  create a union of Android and Naytiba in   order to achieve peace. Gee, I wonder who that  could possibly be. Hey, has anyone seen Adam? After an exciting showdown with Raven  that has the best battle music in the   game you enter “The Nest”, the final  breeding grounds for Naytiba. In a twist   surprisingly absolutely no one you come  across One Winged Adam who is revealed   TO be Raphael Marks. The dude who created  Mother Sphere, the dude who guided humans   to experiment on themselves. THIS DUDE RUINED  EVERYTHING, BASICALLY DOOMED THE WHOLE PLANET,   HAS LITTLE TO NO PERSONALITY and we’re now  expected to care about him. Really, this guy? He had attempted to fuse Naytiba and Andro-Eidos  together before but it never ended well,   hence the case with Raven. Turns out  Raph IS a Naytiba and thinks his fusion   with Eve could result in a perfect  ending. A union between Adam… and Eve. *sigh* This was… a miss. I think Stellar Blade  had a lot of cool narrative stuff going for it   but right here at the ending it feels like Shift  Up threw as MANY ideas at the wall as they could   hoping one would stick but I don’t think they  pulled it off. I feel like I said earlier,   they failed at writing characters. Adam just isn’t  interesting, he’s got no discernible personality   and nothing to attach me to him at all. So NOW  I have to hear him ramble and make a choice. WELCOME BACK TO PICK. YOUR. ENDING! Our  Contestant Eve’s gotta make a choice!   Does she A, take Adam’s Hand and attempt to  create a true successor for humanity? OR B,   REJECT IT and go back to Mother Sphere!  The uh…. CORRECT answer is A actually.   Side with the most boring man on  the planet and become super Eve. ENDING 1 the TRUE Ending, Making New Memories!  You take Adam’s hand, fuse together and talk   Lily down and onto your side but disliking  the outcome, Mother Sphere hijacks her mech   Providence and you have to fight that instead.  Midway through the battle since you’re on that   100% route Lily activates the Iberis Code,  escapes and you demolish the thing. Mother   Sphere in physical form greets you on the ground  and is like “That was pretty sick. I’m just gonna   make sure you’re the future now though ok?” and  you’re sent out with a reverse Crisis Core as the   screen fades while Eve fights off hundreds  of Angels. IT’S PRETTY SICK AND ALSO ANIME. Cut to the final Hyper Cell powering the  Master Core and Eve standing watch over   Xion ready to help lead and usher a new  era for a new humanity. Science? SCREW IT,   FULL ON SHONEN ENDING with Eve in LITERAL  ANGEL WINGS watching from above. The   journey continues on! This ones definitely the  canon ending if they’re gonna make a sequel. ENDING 2 the Cost of Lost Memories! If you don’t  pick up the Iberis Code and still side with Adam,   you still fight providence except Lily is  unable to eject herself. Instead Mother   Sphere decides to just zap her dead, hence the  COST of the battle. Also Lily says she “prefers   the old Eve” as she dies in your arms before  passing away which is the games way of saying Mother Sphere once again comes down  and says haha man that’s crazy. And   you Crisis Core your way out again but with  no resolution. Her journey does not end. ENDING 3! This one doesn’t matter if you  have the Iberis Core or not. Instead of   taking Adam’s hand you’re deciding to REJECT  it all leading to PROBABLY the coolest boss   fight in the game. After Adam just sits there and  takes it for a while he ascends to HIS true from,   the Elder Naytiba and it’s full on Elden  Ring Bloodborne Boss Arena. Beat this dude,   defeat Raphael Marks for all the stupid stuff  he did and truly doom the existence of humanity.   You can tell both Lily and Eve feel instant regret  over it since the Nest completely shatters as they   leave. Once again Mother Sphere pops down, says  thanks for your service and provides you with a   VIP spacecraft directly to the Colony! Too bad the  system’s decided earth isn’t worth having anymore. AND THAT was the story! Mostly kinda dire but  one that shifted into full anime territory.   Let’s see we’ve got Robot people that think  they’re human establishing religious beliefs,   a generic Retake Earth Plot, the ending  being spoiled by the names of the   characters that turns into a Shonen Anime fight  against God AND of course a little bit of human   experimentation sprinkled on top. Stellar  Blade had a LOT of things… excelled at none   but it sure was fun to play. But that’s not all,  there’s New Game Plus and a few extra things too! Going 100% on Stellar Blade was relatively  easy. If you grab all the collectibles prior   to the point of no return, you’re good  to go. Nothing is missable and even so   it’ll stack into New Game Plus so you can make  sure you’ve collected all the cans to unlock a   see through piece of lingerie. Yeah whoops, I  briefly forgot this game was gooner adjacent. Most of the other trophies are a series of  doing specific hits and parries a certain   amount of time, using Tachy Mode to get kills  and OF COURSE getting all the costumes and FISH!   It’s a relative breeze to complete although  I wouldn’t blame anyone for wanting to use a   guide to get some of those hidden collectibles.  Sometimes they’re just kinda buried in a weird   spot and there’s so many datalogs you might lose  track of which dead body you’ve interacted with. But you know what’s more fun than doing trophies  here? Going through New Game Plus! Shift Up…   didn’t need to do this, but instead of just giving  us number increases on enemy health or whatever   they decided to go all out. Every costume?  Has a variant. Not just a different color too,   sometimes it’ll have differing textures  or a slight change to make it stand out!   You also gain access to a whole new set of  skills that make your previous Beta Energy   attacks not just stronger, but more flashy.  The armor destroyer goes from an upwards kick   into a full video game-a** shredding spin  and all the other abilities go that hard   too. You’re rewarded for continuously playing  the game with more content that WOULD TAKE   A LOT OF TIME TO DESIGN. According to the  trophies only 7.5 percent of players have   completed New Game Plus too so that’s a lot  of effort for such a small audience number. This is a very old school  PS2 era video game design   philosophy and I applaud Shift Up for doing it.  Ding, get the platinum trophy,  everything unlocked, GOOD GAME. You know typically I do these 100%  videos for games that have a negative   or weird reputation and rarely something  that’s GREAT but I decided to tackle Stellar   Blade because all of the discourse surrounding  it had barely anything to do with the actual   VIDEO GAME itself which to me, is absolutely  worth playing. WITH AN ASTERISK OF COURSE,   cause I’ve definitely got a few gripes.  Some final thoughts, if you would! Stellar Blade is kind of a reverse Saints  Row 2022. That game had decent gameplay   but an extremely negatively received story  that caused people to turn it away. Eve here   ALSO had a pretty lackluster story but in a  different sense. I wasn’t rolling my eyes,   I was mostly disengaged because it failed to  really bring me in. On my first completion   I was like “Uh, ok” and it wasn’t until I  consulted a ton of data logs, lore and random   reddit threads that I really understood  what was going on. The POTENTIAL of what   COULD have happened reeled me in more than the  cutscenes in front of me did and that’s a shame. Guns made combat a bit too easy at times  and there’s definitely an issue with some   platforming. Precision jumps don’t work  well early on, especially during little   bits of parkour involving air dashes.  You can also get stuck early on and have   to reset. Some of the NPC dialogue seems far  away and low quality in comparison to Eve’s. There’s also this one weird side quest where  my favorite character decided to be a freakin   weirdo. Clyde, the fishing NPC is this lovable  dude who WE GET REMINDED is a social outcast.   He’s just like yeah I got lots of respect for  anyone on the rod. I of course got addicted to   the fishing mini game as I’m a sucker for that and  once you get everything there’s a brief cutscene   where he’s like “you’re so good at this, I’m  gonna give you the ultimate tool for fisherman” Though his life was devastated  by the Colony Extinction,   he manages to find the laughter  in life. IT'S JUST A PRANK BRO!. Anyways, fishing. Yeah that rules. The  minigame itself is pretty decent too,   although I had to turn off the adaptive triggers  because I could barely hold that in place. While we’re at it I might as well praise  some of the little things. I love that you   can change Eve’s Ponytail from long to short  in the menu. Heck I love the sheer variety   of outfits you can unlock, ESPECIALLY with  the New Game Plus versions! The light blue   sweater is one of my faves. There’s two quests  you can accept from the board that are asking   Eve to do darker things like find drugs  and even if the player accepts the quest   Eve will turn it down. It’s one of the only  instances of her personality shining through. I think combat really excels in the boss fights  and it looks like Shift Up is going to be adding   a Boss Rush sometime real soon too so you’ll be  able to test your mettle there. Pulling off a   series of parries when an enemy is throwing the  kitchen sink your way is IMMENSELY satisfying. Whenever there ARE little bits of character  moments and dialogue they stand out a ton.   There’s just not enough of them to  really turn me around on the cast! The music as I’ve stated before is OUTSTANDING.  The composer team here really knocked it out of   the park and I can put on multiple of the  open world tracks on my car stereo and no   one will blink an eye. The Wasteland theme and  Raven’s boss fight are two big standouts for me. All in all, I think Stellar Blade is a next level  AAA debut from a newer studio and it’s told me one   thing. More Gacha game developers need to invest  in real a** video games. You saw it earlier this   year with Granblue Fantasy Re-Link being pretty  good and the jump from Nikke to Stellar Blade is   crazy. If they were to invest a bit more in  the moment to moment character interactions,   making Adam, Eve and Lily more interesting,  having more of Xion’s townsfolk be like Su   and Enya… I think Stellar Blade could have EASILY  been a 9/10. It’s interested in telling its main   story more than anything, and that main  story is ground that’s been tread before. Even IF Yoko Taro himself comes out  and says “Stellar Blade is a really   amazing game. I’d say that it’s  much better than NieR:Automata.” You heard the man. The original  gooner himself. Just instead of   2B covering her butt when you move  the camera, Eve will stare directly   at the player if you look at her for too  long. YEAH YEAH, SHE KNOWS WHAT YOU ARE. SO, there we have it! Stellar Blade 100% so  you don’t have to in the bag… but hey maybe   you should too? BASICALLY the whole TL;DR for  this whole video is… Despite the round figure,   Stellar Blades got a flat story. Out of  all the deep dives we’ve done in recent   memory this was definitely my favorite to play.  I mean it didn’t have a NOVEL for me to read or   anything but… wow Balan Wonderworld was really  3 years ago huh. We need more video game novels! If I had to give Stellar Blade an arbitrary score,  I think it’d be… an 8? 8.5 for sauce, why not! It   absolutely got better as I played through  a second time and did the research for   this video which might as well be a form of  indoctrination. The 8 that SHOULD have been   a 9 and if anything it just has me excited for  whatever Shift Up Makes next! Comedy gold btw that   they drop a brand new update on the day I release  this video. Meaning ASTERISK, No DLC. Sorry. If you liked the video, check out todays  sponsor, back the channel over at patreon,   pick up a t-shirt over at the pixel empire,  give me a subscription a like or just drop a   comment! Are there other deep dives you  wanna see me do? I wanna open this up to   good games as well because I can only dabble so  much in garbage before I start stinking myself. ANYWAYS, I’m gonna head out  for now! Thanks for watching,   I’ve been Austin and catch me  next time when we… do the thing!
Channel: Austin Eruption
Views: 67,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Austin Eruption, Boku No Eruption, actor, comedy, minecraft, funny, video games, ps4, ps2, playstation, xbox, nintendo, nintendo switch, worst, good, obscure, absurd, delisted, disappeared, disappear, compliation, retrospective, history, review, game, game review, video game, strange, odd, gaming, movie, america, mmorpg, avengers, stellar blade, project eve, shift up, nikke, 100 percent, 100%, platinum trophy, achievement, cleared, ps5, playstation 5, cute, girl, hot girl, costume, 10/10, best, so you don't have to
Id: opJbiz1aVBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 14sec (2954 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2024
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