AI Can Ruin Movies Now, Too - Aliens and True Lies on 4k

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This channel isn’t really known for movie  content… well, not content people like, anyway- but I wanted to talk about the use of  AI in film restorations, because we don’t get   much time to discuss these things in advance. AI has potential to do a lot of great things but   also a lot of harm, and it’s moving so fast that  we’ve been discovering who and what it’s going   to break in real time as it’s happening. James Cameron recently gave us a shot across the   bow for another application of AI- Hollywood film remasters. Cameron was already known for producing one  of the most disappointing 4ks in the history   of the format with Terminator 2, a hyper-processed mess with enough grain  reduction to turn characters into cartoons and so much teal that the original colors have  been terminated from this timeline. “You’re terminated, fucker!” His new 4ks have taken the revisionism to  a new level by incorporating Park Road’s   AI upscaling. Peter Jackson had these  tools developed to make low quality WW1   footage look like modern video for the sake  of better realism- it was used in the Beatles   documentary “Get Back” for the same reason. You could argue that it’s impressive that the AI cleans up such old footage this well. You could also argue that it looks like creepy, uncanny digital shit. Enhancing found archival footage is one thing, but some people would argue that  this process is antithetical to what 4k movie   restorations are about. My source on that is- me. Me people would argue that. The best 4k releases tend to follow a pretty  simple template: clean and scan the negative,   repair any obvious signs of damage, and restore  the colors to match the original grading, with   as little meddling beyond that as possible. The process should not be about modernizing to the   style or forcing film to look like digital  video. 35mm film was capable of incredible   picture quality, and 4k is the first  home format capable of delivering most   of that detail- that should be enough. A well done 4k is like having a pristine copy of   the original negative to watch in your own home,  with the full data from that celluloid- grain and   detail alike- digitally preserved forever. And that’s the problem with deep learning algorithms- they can’t preserve details. They make their best guess about what an object is supposed to be, then pull new details  out of their digital assholes and smear them across the screen. This is a bit technical, I know, but try to keep up. True Lies is the best demonstration of why this remastering approach was a horrendously bad idea. Faces regularly become host to a menagerie of parasites, burn scars and porcelain cracks.  Lines are oversharpened to the point of making Arnie look like crinkled leather, and Tom Arnold-  a spectacle to behold in his prime- looks to be in the early phases of Emperor Palpatine-ism. The AI inserts these details because it doesn’t have a great grasp on human skin yet….   Key word “YET.” Not only does this fake detail suck, it has  no temporal stability. Faces phase between   AI oversharpening and soft blurriness  from one second to the next.   Features like eyelids bizarrely cut through  out of focus shots with razor sharpness;   it seems the algorithm was able to recognize  that something was a face and drew googly eyes   onto it regardless of whether it made sense  relative to the rest of the frame. Hair always looks like a video game render-  some kind of digital wig applied to the actors’  heads- and these synthetic details also  remain uncannily sharp when the actor is  otherwise blurred by motion. The AI tries its best with distant   faces but always renders them as if in the  midst of possession by a squishy demon.   Any unusual lighting conditions or obstructions  confuse the results- an eyeball briefly melts   like a Salvador Dali clock, or warps  along with the edges of a smoke line,   and it’s hard to shake the feeling that pupils  are going wrong in several ways at once. And of course, you get a  few fucked up hands. AI was supposed to deliver  next generation grain removal,   able to reduce noise without removing detail,  but it seems to accomplish the reverse. Jamie Lee Curtis’s face is  hypersmoothed, but grain is still there,   as if the algorithm targeted her skin itself. The oversharpening makes lines appear too deep,   which is exaggerated even more by how smooth the  rest of the face is in comparison, giving the   actress a borderline ghoulish appearance. The small facial nuances of performances are   plastered over by the AI’s bullshit, turning  even the most basic emotions weird. What used to be human expressions of affection  have become cold mechanical simulations,   wrought from the jaws of rubber skinned  apparitions masquerading in the places of   ones once called “Curtis,” and “GOVERNATOR.” The oversharpening produces so many halos that  even the simplest shots look green screened,   undermining a lot of the very real, very  expensive stunts that were done in-camera. There are also odd color banding issues, and a  few shots are aliased to the point that they look   like they were pulled from a laserdisc. There’s not much information about the sources   used for this remaster so it’s hard to say what’s  going wrong here, and it’s hard to compare against   past releases because the film never came to  blu ray, adding insult to injury that this   is the only modern version fans will get. Now, I’m no expert. I haven’t seen “all” movies,   but I’d feel safe calling this one of the  worst film restorations ever done, because I’ve never laughed out loud at  a fucking restoration before. This is almost worthy of a bad movie night  with friends, where you drink every time the   AI fucks something up. It starts looking  like shit from literally the first moment   a human being is on screen. As reviled as Terminator 2’s 4k is,   it’s by far the better looking disc by virtue  of having some good looking shots. True Lies looks like the entirety of the film  was generated frame-by-frame in Dall-e. Aliens is the release I was really excited  for and it doesn’t fare much better- all   of the same issues are here, but with  even less stable image quality. Vasquez starts this shot as an  amorphous blob before the AI   starts to put a mouth on her cheek, then realizes “no, that’s not it,” and puts a cartoon butthole in- -which would be a perfect fit for a little corncob pipe, by the way- and then it gives her Pennywise makeup to cap things off. Nailed it. This is not cherrypicked- faces melt and  warp like this throughout the entire movie,   and even when the AI isn’t completely fucking  something up, it still looks weird. Pores get unsharp-masked  into mini bulletholes. Pixels that shouldn’t connect are joined  together to form waxy fractal-like patterns,   similar to what you get when using  smoothing filters on old games. It took years of advancement and superpowered  tensor cores for Park Road Post to achieve xBRZ TECHNOLOGY. It again results in extremely unflattering close-ups, making Sigourney Weaver look a decade older than before. Noise reduction occasionally goes haywire  and seems to mistake grain for clothing   or skin detail, resulting in pixels frozen in  place for the duration of a scene. Haloing is   a major issue in this release as well,  with even Ripley holding a cat looking   like some kind of composite effect, and the  overly fluid, dream-like renderings continue   to make practical scenes look like CGI. The blu ray release of Aliens was no prize itself,   having apparently undergone some process at  Lowry involving heavy grain removal, sharpening,   and fake grain reinsertion afterward, along  with colors getting a major teal push.   But despite that mangling, the image holds up and  is more enjoyable because you’re not constantly   tumbling down the uncanny valley, like fucking Homer Simpson in the Springfield gorge. Some might write this off as nit-picking but there’s no such thing when it comes to 4k, a format premised on the display of every last minute detail. I didn’t seek out faults frame by frame;  I paused the movies only when something was actively drawing my attention,   which was at least once every few minutes… Enough  that I ran out of paper watching these. Professional reviewers seem predisposed  to give releases like this good marks   simply because the level of detail has  increased, but it shouldn’t count when   that detail is nonsensical garbage. Some major outlets sidestepped talking about   the AI altogether. …Why? If you’re already deep diving into and offering  opinions on the tech behind movie releases,   why draw an arbitrary line at this tech  specifically? If AI is being considered for   future restorations, isn’t right now the most  important time to judge its performance?   I think the assessment of any reasonable  person would be that this upscaling was   simply not good enough for a major  commercial release yet- possibly the   final home format release, at that. So why use it? Why wasn’t a standard 4k   scan and cleanup good enough, given how well  that’s served other releases? Barring some   kind of late revelation proving otherwise,  it seems the answer is that they didn’t   bother to do a scan in the first place. Internet forums have melted down bickering over this, but there’s been some confirmation that  Aliens used the finished 2k master from 2010.   Just looking at the disc itself backs that  up- underneath the AI generated horror show,   the 4k is basically the old blu-ray again. I realize not everyone watching is fully nerded   up on the details of 4k, and few people  will probably end up viewing this in HDR,   so I’ll explain what these spyromagraphs mean. SDR content peaked at 100 nits of brightness,   which is basically nothing in terms of  the light you see on a daily basis. The high dynamic range of 4k enables films to  be mastered for 10,000 nits of peak brightness,   although most stop at just 1,000. When  tastefully handled, the wider range greatly   increases the contrast and realism of the  image, and often restores highlight details   that were clipped in SDR transfers. Aliens has a soft cap of 200 nits according to   Resolve’s scopes- in other words, SDR+. Which  means that a thermonuclear explosion… ends up being less bright than  the Ghostbusters lobby.   Not every film needs HDR cranked up to  max levels and some filmmakers choose   not to use it- revered cinematographer  Roger Deakins being among them. But after seeing HDR fully utilized in the  first Alien, as well as films that inspired   its visuals like 2001: A Space Odyssey, the  complete lack of it here feels less like an   artistic choice and more that they just dumped  the SDR transfer in and turned a knob. The higher white level still improves the image  but you could probably get better results boosting   the blu-ray yourself in a single afternoon. The fake-DR also creates blown out,   unnatural highlights on skin and other  surfaces. It’s nigh false advertising to   list HDR as a feature on the box. “Wide color spectrum” is another selling   point of 4k that doesn’t really apply here. Of the  colors that the human eye can see, blu-ray’s 709   standard covered roughly 35%. 4k uses  2020, which covers about 75%. This allows new film scans to deliver  color that could never be seen before,   and most negatives have plenty to offer. Vertigo,  a film from 1958, is absolutely loaded with   previously out of gamut color. Suspiria has  some shots where more color exists outside of   the old 709 space than within it. Aliens is mostily restrained to the 709   color space… Mostily. Color sometimes seeps outside of that standard-  mostly blues, and mostly on effects shots- but   not to the extent I’ve seen when scanning  through other 4ks. Ghostbusters, a fairly   undersaturated movie shot on the same stock, has  much more wide-gamut color than this. It all suggests they fed the blu-ray to the AI  and didn’t really check what it ended up shitting   out. The only legitimate upgrade here is that  the metallic teal grading has been reined in,   but the better color is more than  offset by everything else. It’s extremely disappointing  after the stunning 4k of Alien,   which got just the kind of straightforward  treatment I was glorifying earlier. The film was allowed to be film, and the grain  doesn’t hurt anything. Faces don’t mutate when   more than five feet from the camera. HDR is flashy but well judged, blasting out   1,000 nits when appropriate. It makes it hard  not to wonder what Aliens might have looked   like had they done a similar restoration. True Lies is mostly the same story- a 200 nit cap   for the entire duration. The snow scenes  in particular are badly blown out- again, I’m an ignorant YouTuber,  not a professional colorist- but I have to imagine a real HDR grade would have  recovered more highlight detail than this.   And like Aliens, there’s just a small amount of  wide gamut color in only a handful of shots.   Supposedly this one was scanned in 4k but was  the first remaster of the batch, which, if true,   makes the AI even more impressively terrible  that it did this to a native 4k image. According to the same source, The Abyss  and Titanic came last, also using 4k scans,   and they mostly look OK. Mostily. The Abyss even bucks the HDR trend and makes  frequent use of the headroom above 200 nits. The AI is still noticeable in these, and  you can see it fading in and out just like   the others, but it’s not offensive. The worst I can say about these discs is that   close ups have a hyper-real quality to them,  with so much sharpening that they don’t look   like normal faces anymore. Ed Harris looks like a pile of   sandpaper with eyes. It’s unnecessary and off-putting,   and even distracting in some of the most  pivotal scenes, but you can mostly ignore   those shots and still enjoy the movies. James Cameron hyped these releases up in   interviews, claiming that “every pixel of every  frame” had been scrutinized. He acknowledged the   importance of getting a 4k release right, as  this may be the last format we get- especially   in a streaming-only world, where services will  only host the new 4k transfers and discard older   ones. These could be the versions we end up  looking at for a very, very long time. Despite being fully aware of the stakes when  preparing his filmography for posterity, Cameron still pressed the “just  fuck my shit up” button,   binding this early beta technology to  his films for all time. It is at least   in the same ballpark as George Lucas  fusing 90’s CGI into Star Wars. If it sounds like I’m vilifying Cameron too  much, just bear in mind that I chose to do   this video because I love his work. He’s a genius  who has made some of the most successful movies   in history, which is why it matters when he  makes terrible decisions about them. At least in the case of Aliens, there’s  a problematic film stock to blame- “Kodak was in transition; they hadn’t figured  out their T-grain emulsion, so it turned out   to be grainier than I would have wanted.” Cameron would have gone to town with AI noise   reduction no matter what, and maybe they figured  a new scan would just add more grain to remove.   But working from an already heavily manipulated 2k  master clearly did the AI no favors. Some of the   weird anomalies in this version seem to be rooted  in damage or distortion from that master. Other films claimed to have used the same Eastman  stock have mostly turned out alright on 4k- Seeing the same actress on the same film in  Ghostbusters makes for a clear comparison-   it’s grainy as hell, but pleasant to watch and  takes full advantage of the 4k format. If this is what a straight Aliens  restoration would have looked like, I’d take it over the drippy  "Picasso" edition. Another possibility is that Cameron didn’t  really give a shit. He made it very clear that   these transfers were a burden he didn’t have time  for, and maybe AI was just the fastest and easiest   way to get from point A to point B. Whatever the reason was, there’s arguably   another set of films in the “Star  Wars” zone now, where the burden of   a high quality restoration falls to fans and  whatever surviving reels they can find.   If there’s a silver lining, it’s that the  original negatives are probably still available   for another studio to take a crack at them, if Cameron were darted and gagged first. The point of this video is not “AI BAD.” There have been machine learning upscales that   have turned out better than this. If AI  had been used in a more targeted way,   like fixing these horrendous stunt double  face swaps, that would have been fine.   It could even help with the most manual  of manual restorations... “The film prints- some have better color, some  have more detail- that piece of information   probably exists on another print. And when  you combine the data- from in this case   four other prints- that’s the new level of  detail that we’re talking about. In order for that to work, those pieces of  film have to be precisely aligned. At the   time that I was developing this, there was  no software tool that could do this.” If AI could automate these tasks, it could  empower fans to accomplish things never   before possible with degraded prints. The point is that it has to be used carefully,   and the problem with these remasters is that  it was not. And it’s up to you, the customer,   to decide whether or not that matters; if the disc  sells either way then the Park Road treatment gets   normalized, and maybe other studios will decide  to take this cheaper and faster route. There’s a debate to have here,  because obviously Terminator 2’s   4k sucking didn’t stop this from happening,  but buying these certainly won’t help. The Terminator especially is on a precarious  edge, being the last Cameron movie still on   blu ray. The only slim chance it doesn’t end  up as another AI shitshow is if people make   enough noise about these releases. So- if you’ve had your eye on one of   these 4ks- consider avoiding them  (because they’re trash).   I bought them for this video, sure, but  specifically so that I could tell you not to,   so you see, it makes perfect sense. Aliens in particular is a fraud-   it’s not real 4k, not real hdr,  and not really wide color. If you have the blu-ray, you can get better  results by dropping it into gigapixel. We have Aliens 4k at home. With businesses conspiring to force  physical media into an early grave, we’re on the  cusp of ADORABLY losing ownership and control of   our history. The decisions we make right now and  the practices we choose to accept could matter   a lot for the future of our culture, dictating  what we can watch and how we watch it.   I think it’s fair to say that AI is  now another factor in that mix. So look Vasquez right in the face butthole and   decide for yourself if this is  the future you want to support.
Channel: Nerrel
Views: 590,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hdr, wide color gamut, comparison, review, blu-ray, james cameron, park road, upscaling
Id: BxOqWYytypg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 34sec (1054 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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