I Beat EVERY BOSS In Hardcore Minecraft! (#9)

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my hardcore world is almost 500 days old and one of my biggest goals since day one has been to complete every single advancement so today we keep working towards this goal by getting the Monster Hunter advancement this requires you to kill every hostile mob in the game and even though it's not part of the advancement I'll also be fighting the warden one on one so with that being said let's get to work to keep track of all the mobs we have to kill this episode I made this book The Monster Hunter Quest it has all 34 mobs that we have to kill as well as the warden let's start with the easiest mob first and that's gonna be an endermite all I have to do is throw a bunch of turtles until one eventually spawns oh there it is and done that's monster number one of 34 done the next mod that we're gonna do is also super easy and it's a zombie villager all I have to do is grab one villager like this send him over to the doctor wait for him to convert and that's monster number 2 of 34 done we can cross him off the list now and to switch things up let's head to the nether to do a pretty dangerous mob next oh I wasn't planning on this but I have a gas shooting at me right now come on bow skills oh so close it keeps moving out of the way I did it okay I can cross gassed off the list now with that out of the way the mod that I originally came to the nether 4 was a pigland brute to kill this one we're gonna have to find a Bastion I've turned my shaders on so I can find one a little bit easier but I've been flying for thousands of blocks and I still haven't come across one oh my gosh finally it's a treasure Bastion the scariest type all right I'm gonna have to make my way in here safely let's grab some blocks so I can pillar up oh my gosh I didn't know they could jump like that all right piglet here we go and done okay we can cross that one off the list now and while I'm here I might as well also kill some piglets now we can cross pigment off the list and while I'm here I might as well loot this Bastion and where is this chest here it is okay one another right scrap and a sharpness five sword that's actually pretty good and since we're already in the nether I'm gonna work on the rest of the nether mobs starting with the zombified piglet okay I'm gonna regret this there we go we can cross zombified piglet off the list and the next mob is gonna be a Magma Cube gotta be careful this guy doesn't hit me into the lava there we go we can also cross this one off the list and the next couple of mobs I have to kill can be found in a fortress so let's find one oh here's a fortress first we're gonna do a blaze we can cross that off the list and the next one is a wither skeleton we have one right here we can also cross that off the list and with those two done the last mod that I have to do in the nether is a hoglin let's track down a Crimson Forest oh here's one and I already see some hoglands and there we go we can cross Hogan off the list and before we go back to the Overworld there's one more mod that I have to kill and that's the zoglin and to get this mob we have to bring a hoglin through a portal into the Overworld this might be a little difficult but I brought some obsidian and a flint and steel with me I'm gonna try to build a portal first wait a second that's definitely not big enough and now if I can get this hogland to come up here come on friend I wanted to walk through the portal and then I can light it you're so close oh he doesn't want to go through okay okay oh what it didn't work why did it not work I let the portal right as he was inside are hoglunds scared of obsidian or something look at that it's not working what oh I know why it's because the portals aren't linked I have to go through this portal first oh okay well I just got another advancement and then I can hop back through here and now if the Holland goes to the portal this time I think it should work I've broken it one more time and I'm gonna see if I can get our friend to come through come on there we go I did it okay let's see if he's through before we see if the hogwen made it through safely I want you to see if you're subscribed since I'm trying to reach 300 000 subscribers by the end of the year a pig on just came through I think no don't kill kill the hogland no no no okay you see how he's shaking there we go now he's a zoglin let's kill this guy now and now we can cross zoglin off the list we're all done with another mob so I'm gonna grab some wood real quick turn it into some sticks and then into some ladders and now I can fly up to the roof like this and using these ladders and an ender pearl I can get onto the roof and now to begin the long journey of flying home I'm over 4 000 blocks away and now that I'm back home and it's night time I can cross some really easy mobs off the list the first one's gonna be a zombie there we go the next one's gonna be a skeleton that one's also done and the last one's gonna be a creeper oh gosh okay well he exploded Crossing creeper off the list there's one more mod that spawns at night time and that's the spider there we go and I can cross spider off the list alright well it's becoming daytime so I'm gonna move on to some different mobs and those are gonna be all the mobs that spawn during a raid like the evoker Pillager ravager and Vex oh my gosh it's perfect wait what this was not planned guys this is perfect timing I got some pillagers right here and I also got bad Omen Let's cross Pillager off the list and now to get the rest of these mobs all I'll have to do is approach my trading Hall and a raid is starting that was so easy I'm so glad I didn't have to go find that Pillager Outpost because it was actually super far away alright the first wave is over here it looks like it's only pillagers and one Vindicator there we go we can cross Vindicator off the list here they are we have some ravagers oh my God look at him he's broken all right the ravager's almost dead there we go we can cross ravager off the list oh and there's a witch that's convenient we can cross a witch off the list there's two more mobs that we have to kill that spawn during raids and that's the evokers and vexes the last Raider is over here just fighting oh he's so nice look at him if I approach him will he hit me what's happening this guy's broken goodbye I see some evokers all right it's just me and the evoker left let's kill the Vex first there we go we can cross Vex off the list and the last mob we have to kill is the evoker there we go we killed him wait there's more waves why okay one more wave has spawned this was actually a lot more than I thought it would be oh gosh there's so many evokers and ravagers finally I beat the raid that was a little more intense than I was expecting especially for a level one raid but we were able to cross a ton of mobs off the list I don't want my hero of the village to go to waste so I'm gonna come down here to get some cheap trades real quick after exploiting all of my villagers for lots of emeralds and XP I noticed something these cartographers over here are selling Ocean Explorer Maps which is actually extremely useful because there's two mobs that I have to kill at an ocean Monument the guardian and the Elder Guardian so now that I have this map it can lead me to an ocean Monument okay the dot just got bigger that means I'm getting close hopefully it should be just beyond this jungle I'm getting close oh the map's filling in and there's the Ocean Monuments that was actually extremely far before we go there though I'm gonna grab my shulker box empty out my bucket of water and grab some milk this way I can counteract the mining fatigue from the Elder Guardian oh there it is all right chest plate time and the first mob we're gonna kill is the regular their Guardian there we go we can cross Guardian off the list and now I can drink my milk real quick and mine down here and here's the Elder Guardian oh my gosh oh we did it that took a lot of damage and I probably should have used my tridents but now we can cross Elder Guardian off the list that actually was not too difficult since we're already here I'm gonna see if this Monument has a sponge room because so far I haven't gotten any sponges in this world do you guys have any tips for looting Ocean Monuments because this did not go very well I couldn't find any sponges but I got what I came for and that's the guardian and Elder Guardian and you know what since we're by the ocean there's one more mob that I have to kill that can be found down here and that's a drowned oh here's one there we go we can cross drowned off the list as well as evoker I forgot to do that last time oh my gosh I placed down my shulker box for rockets and I forgot I have mining fatigue this is gonna take forever okay almost there there we go and now I have to break my ender chests okay there's no way I'll ever get to break this it's just one Ender Chest it's not that bad I'm just gonna leave it but now that I have those two mobs crossed off the list I can head back home oh you know what I just saw this big cave down here let's see if I can cross one more mob off the list and that's a cave spider I'll have to make my way down here and see if there's any mine shafts okay there isn't but for some reason there's an ancient city I'm not ready to fight the warden just yet so I'm Gonna Leave Here quickly wait a second this ancient city is almost exposed there's just a thin layer of deep slight covering it and then the sky is right here I could probably come back here in the future and do something cool with this but let's not get distracted I need to find a mine shaft I couldn't find one in that big cave so instead I'm gonna head to a badlands okay here we are now to just find a mine shaft oh and I already see one right here look at that we can kill a cave spider now there we go that was extremely easy and now we can cross cave spider off the list and since I'm already in a desert I'm gonna wait until night time so we can get one more mob and that's gonna be the husk after spending the day looting Villages and Gathering up things around the desert it was finally night time okay it's becoming night time let's see if any husks will spawn oh here's a husk and there we go I can now cross husk off the list and I'm gonna make sure not to sleep the next few nights because we also have to kill a phantom but now that I have Huss taken care of there's a few more mobs that I have to kill oh my gosh look at this giant Mangrove swamp this is so cool but I'm not after a mangrove swamp I'm after a normal swamp because the next mob that we're gonna kill is a slime wait a minute there's a snowy Plains over here and there is one mob I have to kill that can be found here and that's a stray and there we go that was not planned but it was pretty convenient we can now cross stray off the list wait a minute is that a swamp and I already see a slime let's kill a slime there we go I can now cross slime off the list and I only have a few more mobs to go most of which can be found in the end the Ender Dragon Enderman and shulker now that I'm back home must fly down here real quick grab some gas tears some ender pearls some blaze rods to make blaze powder and then blaze powder to make Eyes of Ender and the last ingredient is some glass now I can go like this to craft some end crystals we only need four of these and I'll also be needing These Eyes vendor because we have to find a new stronghold because with the stronghold next to my house I already destroyed the silverfish spawner and since we have to find some silverfish that means I'll have to find a new stronghold alright I've flown pretty far from the stronghold let's see if it points me to a different one okay it does it's in this direction wait a minute it's in one of these four chunks oh it's going straight down okay it's somewhere around here I'm gonna guess this chunk here we go let's see if I'm right okay I'm at Deep slate level and I haven't found anything yet oh here we are now to find the Portal room hopefully gets easier than my first stronghold oh here it is that was easy all right let's wait for a silverfish to spawn there we go I can cross silverfish off the list and now I can fill in this portal and head to the end before I respawn the dragon let's just kill an Enderman real quick now I can mark that off the list and now we can respawn the dragon oh gosh I'm scared here we go last Crystal and here it comes there's the dragon luckily I have my elytra this time so getting rid of all the crystals will be very easy and I guess I can try to chase it and hit it like this okay that does not work I'm not doing that again terrible idea okay Dragon Here We Go amazing with that done we can now cross Ender Dragon off the list and now I can fly to this new Gateway oh and there's an entity right here how convenient and now that I'm here I can kill a shulker and we can cross shulker off the list now the only two mobs that I have left to complete the advancement are the Phantom and the Wither and once that's done we're gonna fight the warden it looks like this is where the stuff comes out of the portal I'm gonna mark this this might be useful in the future but now I can fly back home real quick empty out my inventory wait a second it's thundering let's try to find a charge creeper and get some mob heads alright it's not part of the advancement but I might as well kill a charge creeper there we go now it can count for extra let's see if I can get a mob head explode oh my gosh that did so much damage I should have probably used my shield but look at that I got a zombie head that's crazy and oh my God this creeper hole is massive but now that I have my inventory taken care of let's head over to the Nether and get some Wither Skeleton skulls The Fortress next to my nether spawn is only partially in a soul sign Valley and if I want to get the best race for Wither Skeleton skulls I'm gonna have to find a fortress that's completely within a Soul Sand Valley that way wither skeletons have a much higher chance of spawning wait a second it's a bridge Bastion there's something here that I would like to grab and it can be found right here in this chest and it's a lodestone and that's great because instead of crafting it I can save one netherai Ingot but the hunt for a Soul Sand Valley Fortress continues oh here's one there's a ton of blazes oh my gosh wait a second I have my shulker box of fire resistance that will make this a lot less painful oh my luck may have just turned around there's a ton of skeletons over here come on one of you has to drop me a skull please okay last one oh I see a skull finally we're one third of the way there all right we have one more over here oh he dropped one I have two now well there's a lot of them I got three I got four what holy wait when did that happen you know what since we have four let's try to go for six that way I can fight two Withers okay they got some more friends over here and I'm up to five skeletons I got a skull I have six now I have no idea where I am right now so I'm gonna fly up to the roof find a good piece of Bedrock like this and grab some ladders and an ender pearl and now I can quickly fly home grab eight pieces of Soul Sand and I'm gonna head back to the Nether and go up onto the roof because I don't really feel like destroying my entire world with two Withers and I'll fly over in this direction away from my nether spawn let's spawn our first wither and three there we go withering Heights and then I can start fighting this bow makes things so easy and in less than a minute I already killed the Wither that was extremely easy I can now cross wither off the list oh and I got monsters hunted okay nice that's amazing I didn't even realize looks like we didn't have to kill a phantom after all kill one of every hostile monster it's amazing that was so much fun oh my God I'm gonna pop my totem okay I didn't even realize oh my gosh I wasn't even looking at my health but we're not done yet even though I got the advancement I'm still gonna kill one more wither so I can get two beacons and we can fight wither number two oh my gosh that did a lot of damage and there we go that's wither number two and I'm gonna put my elytra back on and fly back home that was successful now that I'm back here let's grab six pieces of obsidian ten pieces of glass and craft up two beacons now I can grab all of my blocks of iron and find a place to set up this double Beacon I think I'm gonna do it right here in the center of all these buildings but underground and I'm gonna place this Beacon all the way down there because beacons work most effectively when they're all the way at the bottom of the world that way you can use the beacon effects from World height all the way down to the Bedrock and there we are I made it to bedrock now I can start clearing out an area for this Beacon alright this should be all cleared out let's start placing down the iron alright and here's the last layer and we should have a Max powered double Beacon it's amazing let's grab some iron now and I'm gonna put resistance two on one of these and on the other one I'm gonna put strength too those are gonna be the two most useful effects to have when I'm fighting the warden oh and look at that there's Phantoms I didn't have to kill one for the Monster Hunter advancement but I still want to do it there we go now I can officially cross Phantom off the list we killed one of every single hostile mob today right now I only have one enchanted golden apple and to fight the warden I'm gonna need a lot more probably around five to ten oh my gosh look at that you already found one as I was saying probably around five to ten enchanted golden apples so I'm gonna go around this ancient city and see if I can find anything good I should have gotten rid of all the shriekers so there shouldn't be too dangerous that's all that I could find in this ancient city so let's go check the one right next door I know I haven't looted this one nearly as much so hopefully we can find some more enchanted golden apples okay we got another enchanted golden apple nice we're up to three now although this ancient city has more loots it also has more shriekers so I need to be careful and here comes the warden time to leave oh gosh I can't see anything I'm not ready to fight you just yet Warden I still have a bit more preparation there's a chest right up here oh my gosh look at that two golden apples we're up to five now another chest over here hey let's go two more golden apples we're making some pretty good progress I'm already up to seven and I think that was the last chest in this entire ancient city I'm gonna fly around real quick just to make picture and the app that actually was the last chest so I have to make my way back up to the surface now and if you remember that almost exposed ancient city that I found earlier I marked on the coordinates so I'm gonna fly over to it and see if I can find my last three enchanted golden apples okay here it is it's right down here nothing in the first chest or the second chest or the third chest but I did find one in the fourth chest and after looting the rest of that ancient city I managed to get eight enchanted golden apples in total and I also managed to find five copies of other side but there's only one thing left to do and that's to summon the warden and bring it to the surface in the ancient city right underneath my base there's no more skull triggers so I'm gonna have to find them in a different place oh there's a cave right here let's see where it takes me oh I see deep dark down here oh there's a Shrieker wait a minute this is perfect and I also have my beacon effects down here too I don't really feel like fighting the warden down here in the darkness so I'm gonna have to find a way to get it back up to the surface I think if I make my way out of the cave and back to my storage cave I can grab some kelp a bucket of water a couple pieces of sand as well as a few pieces of Soul Sand and some signs to make a bubble elevator let's fly all the way back down here now I gotta be careful not to pop my totem I might need this thing for the warden fight and it looks like right here would be a pretty good place to make an elevator I marked down the coordinates and I came back up here to the surface that way I can dig down because digging down is a lot easier than having to go up and now that I have this hole going all the way up to the surface I'm gonna add some signs on the side like this and on this side now if I put my water up here like this it should just stay like that and this little area right here is what I'm going to use to lure the water I now just need to enclose this entire shoot fly all the way back up here that way I can put my water to go all the way down and right here at the bottom I'm going to add two pieces of sand and then kelp going all the way up now that I have that done I can break this down here and add my two pieces of Soul Sand let's see if it works and we made it right next to my beacon actually but now I think I'm ready to go I'm kind of scared I hope eight enchanted golden apples is enough here we go the warden is spawning I'm gonna come back over here oh gosh I'm scared okay here it comes it's not wanting to come in here okay here it comes here it comes oh God okay okay um let's see okay he went up oh God all right I'm gonna chase him he's above me in the water stream right now let's eat my enchanted golden apple right now and here we go it's ward in time oh God it's so dark I'm scared ah where is he where is he where is he here he is oh God it's so dark I've already eaten two enchanted golden apples I can't see anything oh gosh this is not good oh okay come on Warden is a lot harder than during the 100 days deep dark okay I only have one Golden Apple left where is he where is he where is he oh my gosh oh that was so scary I thought I was gonna run out of enchanted golden apples oh wait I had two left wow my heart is actually pounding it became night time I didn't even realize so it was way darker than it should have been that was pretty scary but I officially killed every single hostile mob in Minecraft including the warden this was such a fun adventure but that's gonna be all for me today guys thanks for watching and I'll see you all in the next video oh my gosh there's a skeleton shooting me [Music]
Channel: Julien Azelart
Views: 4,704,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ben azelart, lets play, challenge, azelart, funny minecraft, minecraft moments, tommy innit, dream, georgenotfound, twitch funny moments, Survival Minecraft, 100 by 100 Minecraft, yeah jaron, manhunt, hardcore minecraft, streamer, wadzee, minecraft challenge, minecraft survival, mcyt, fwhip, dreamsmp, tutorial, minecraft build, mythical sausage, mojang, let's play, build tutorial, minecraft but, rekrap2, lifesteal, minecraft smp, 100 days, funny, sb737, aCookieGod, hermitcraft, julian azelart
Id: _WM8ymHMDD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 12 2022
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