I asked STRANGERS for help in Genshin co-op

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all right so we're gonna try joining someone and potentially having them help i don't know if it's guaranteed that they'll go to my world and help me from my perspective if someone were to ask me if they wanted help on their own account i would say yes oh they're completing the puzzle they're gonna say no and i don't this is a different name all right dude what is this guys dude what is this do they speak english did they even didn't respond sorry sorry sorry annabella or annabelle that actually some seems like some why is everyone russian wait oh i'm on eu oh i forgot this is my eu account it's going to be like so good when we find someone and they actually help me because it doesn't seem like anyone wants to accept me right now it makes sense too because if you're a lower level player you have a lot of things to do so i think most of these people are probably playing their own quest or doing their own things or probably exploring the world oh someone accepted me hi chummy i wanted to ask if you can help me with this one puzzle please tell me they speak english ah they have no signature please please please please please please please [Music] all right dude i don't think they speak english all right their name is water high water can i ask if you can help me with this puzzle i completely know this puzzle oh nice can you join my world and help me with mine now sorry to ask i gotta seem innocent i gotta seem as innocent as they can because i want them to help this is like the second or third person to speak english and i don't find many of these [Music] i added you request to join whenever please please please please please you're gonna help yes finally someone that helped me all right now we gotta find out if they can actually solve the puzzle that's the the hard one what it's the wrong water oh the other person actually requested to join wait i can't even tell if this is bob or not oh my god why do i have to oh my god i'm gonna accept both of them this is the right water the other one's the wrong water let me let me just kick them oh my god okay this is the puzzle opening up the domain all right let's see if that will actually help me it's not guaranteed that they know how to uh do this puzzle we'll try to see though so i don't want to i need them to like lead me to like do the puzzle do you know they might actually know no sorry all right what do i do now [Music] no figure it out together i mean i know how to complete it i just oh wait actually wait wait oh they led me to this oh wait we got one down oh oh wait they're actually helping me oh nice i'll pog it we're actually getting help from someone this is exactly what i wanted do you know what to do it [Music] oh my god we're actually going to solve it hog so they they they know how to solve it okay okay okay so let me just grab this one because i'm pretending oh wow i just found one let me grab it real quick what do i do with this one i wonder what i do hmm do i go to this statue oh whoa a cool thing in the middle let me go to it start we did it someone actually helped me someone actually helped me with the puzzle i they didn't know how to do the puzzle so we kind of figured out together if i actually was a lower level they actually helped me with the puzzle so that's actually kind of cool you guys got to think that um i had to join like 10 different people to actually have someone help me out nice i'm actually really happy that this person helped it's actually really nice of them to uh join my world and actually help me with the puzzle that i needed to do they took time at edit of the day they were probably doing their own stuff and yeah open the door made oh you're right oh wait let's actually do the domain together why am i asking for a boss now we're gonna do the boss together or this domain and then we'll uh i'll let them do their own thing all right at least they're gonna help me i'll let them go after this they have higher level characters than me too which is really nice because my characters are really bad at this account are on this account they have rosaria out wait actually i never see a low level user zarya that's actually kind of cool that they're using rosario wait i'm doing immune damage wait wait i'm doing a mute damage is that bad yeah they have a really nice name too their name is water it's like really simple i really like people that have simple names i think i mentioned this before but people that have simple names are really really nice especially if it's like something that goes off of you like it might be simple but if there's a meaning behind your name then it's always nice having a something like that thank god though we had someone from eu join our world dude that's all i really wanted we kept finding people that were rushing yes okay they actually helped me thank you water for helping me do this puzzle i thought it was gonna be longer actually i didn't think the puzzle was gonna be that easy but water helped me thank you for helping me water you were actually on the tv show mtv cribs there's a camera over there there and there thank you for helping me [Music] mtv cribs this is mtv cribs there's a camera over there over there over there i hope to talk soon bye okay they were actually nice like i said this type of person i really wanted to find out if there was people like this because i do it personally whenever someone that's a lower level that needs help i try to help them as much as i can off stream as well some people actually request to join and they ask me if they want resources or help so yeah we found someone after like 10 different tries thank the [ __ ] lord wait is this the underwater that's bob you think oh no you're gonna get bobbed i got bobbed already dude oh
Channel: itsDen
Views: 81,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin, genshin impact, adventure rank, den, den genshin, genshin coop, genshin impact co op, genshin impact coop, helping low ar players, genshin co op, helping low level players, helping low ranked players, genshin coop help, high level players help low level co-op
Id: a5HSda1cOO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 10 2021
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